MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 41 Horror variety (6)

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Faced with this hellish **** scene, the boy squatted in bed and shuddered, his body trembled fiercely, tears burst out, but he did not dare to cry, but silently shed tears.

Zhou Luochen picked up the small scissors, cut a blooming rose from the body of the rotten child, picked off the spikes and green leaves, gently placed it in the boy's hand, and said softly: "It is very commensurate with you."

This is the flower of death dyed with blood. How dare the boy pick it up? When he first touched it, he dropped the rose to the ground and curled up into a small group on the bed.

Zhou Luochen was not angry. He still smiled and held him up. He just let him sit on his lap and kiss his nose with his relatives.

"How, fear? You can rest assured that your uncle will not be so right to you. Uncle likes you so much, how can he be willing to turn you into a flower fertilizer?"

"Please, please, uncle Zhou, I don't want to die, I want to see my mom and dad, beg you to let me go..."

Being held in his arms by Zhou Luochen, the boy trembled like a sieve, his face was bloodless, and the tears kept pouring out of his eyes, but he did not dare to rebel against this man. He could only plead with it.

"This is not good, knowing the beginning."

Zhou Luochen patiently wiped his tears for him and wiped the blood off his body.

Gradually, his look became weird and full of creepy heat. As he wiped away the blood, he couldn’t control his strength and began to leave a bruise on the boy’s soft skin. Fingerprints.

The pain caused the boy to struggle again, but the man was unable to move in his arms, but at this moment, there was a sound of a doorbell suddenly upstairs.

Zhou Luochen looked up and went out, the ringing of the door was very short, and it sounded several times. It seems that there is something very important.

After a few seconds of indulging, he finally decided to go out and take a look, so he took out the carry-on injection and plunged it into the boy's arm, so that he quickly fell asleep, then got up and walked out of the room, and locked the door from the outside when he went out.

Being trapped in his own body, Cheng Zhichu looked at himself with an injection of anesthetic, but there was no way, and his eyes fell back into the darkness. He could only smell the rotten stench in the air.

Zhou Luochen’s heart-wrenching beast killed so many children and maliciously destroyed their bodies. He is still not a person! ?

Cheng Zhichu did not know that this was just a copy setting, or that Zhou Luochen actually killed so many children in reality. If it is true, then his bizarre suicide may be retribution, and it is so easy to die. It is simply cheap. .

At this time, he suddenly felt a sense of sinking, as if he had returned to his body and had a more authentic sense.

He realized that he had gained control of his body and tried to open his eyes. Although it was a little difficult because of the efficacy, he did succeed, so he sat up dizzy and saw a few lines on the floor. Blood word.

The game is about to begin. The "I" here is Zhou Luochen. It is also the object you need to hide. If you want to win the game, you should avoid me and can't be seen by me. As long as I see you, even if you lose the game.

Your hiding range is the entire villa.

No need to try to open the window, every window of the villa is specially reinforced, can not be opened from the inside, you can not escape here.

"Who is the ghost of you? Is it the dead Zhou Luochen?"

Cheng Zhichu’s voice contained anger, weak and weak, and went to the door, shook the door handle, but was locked very firmly, it seems that he could not escape from the main entrance.

After the blood word subsided, he was silent for a while and did not answer his question. He just wrote: The game started.

Damn, this ghost has eight. Nine is Zhou Luochen, saying that he is very happy to see him again, and he is playing such a perverted game with him, and only this animal is born!

Cheng Zhichu’s heart was dark and he couldn’t open the door. He looked around the house and hoped to find a exit.

There is no window here, and the doorbell is coming from above. He judged that it might be the basement.

Looked, Cheng Zhichu saw a ventilation duct above, just the size to accommodate a child to climb in.

But with his current body, he couldn’t touch the vents. He picked up the small scissors that Zhou Luochen had just used and put them in his pocket. Then he moved the chair and the iron bucket and dumped the water from the bucket. Buckle on the chair.

Then he moved all the books, squatted on the iron bucket, cautiously climbed up, stood on the book, picked up the toes, just to the edge of the vent.

The ventilator has a wire mesh cover, but it has already aged. Cheng Zhichu used a small pair of scissors to loosen the edge, unloaded the net cover, and threw it on the ground. It took a lot of effort to climb into the ventilation duct.

Because I don't know when Zhou Luochen will come back, when doing these things, Cheng Zhichu has been very nervous, and his movements are very fast. He will be tired and sweaty in a short while.

He climbed along the pipe for a while, confirming that the ventilation pipe Zhou Luochen could not get in. He should not be able to catch him, and then stopped to take a breather and began to confirm the environment in the ventilation duct.

The ventilation ducts were not very clean. After climbing for a while, he could feel the dust on his body, but overall he was much cleaner than he thought, and he was running away and could not attend to these problems.

The inside of the pipeline is wider than the exit, and there are different roads. Each road has a faint light. It seems that many rooms have vents, and the pipes are not very dark, and they can see something.

He did not know that the villa's ventilation ducts would be so designed. Isn't Zhou Luochen not worried about the smell of the body spreading into the villa, letting people discover the secret of his murder?

However, when passing through these mouthwashes, Cheng Zhichu always smells the aroma of flowers. Looking through the net cover, Zhou Luochen placed a lot of flowers in the room.

These aromas cover the odor of the body, and even merge into a strange taste, perhaps not aroma, but it is no longer a stink.

Coupled with the spread of the odor to the entire villa, it was very light, and the smell of the paint, no one can think of the basement here will hide a lot of children's decaying bodies.

Although Cheng Zhichu still has some doubts, because if it is him, he will definitely seal the vents of other rooms directly, so that the odor will not spread into the house. After all, the flowers should be replaced frequently, which is much more troublesome than sealing the vents. It's easy to be discovered, but the idea just flashed through his mind and didn't go deep into thinking.

He is in the pipeline, wondering if he is safe.

According to the rules of the ghost, he is now Zhou Luochen, he can only find him by means of "people". If so, Zhou Luochen can not enter the pipeline, that is, as long as he hides here for two hours, even if it is He won.

But is it so easy?

Cheng Zhichu didn't feel happy or even worried. He didn't think he could win so easily, but he couldn't think of how Zhou Luochen should look for him.

He rested for a while, no longer gasped, no longer crawling, and the silence in the ventilation ducts, and the faint voice was heard.

Is Zhou Luochen and the doorbell visitors? What are they talking about?

Cheng Zhichu was curious, and because Zhou Luochen was in his own sight, controlling his trajectory would make him feel safer, so he cautiously climbed toward the sound source and paid attention to not making any sound. .

He climbed to the place covered with the net cover, and the warm light of the chandelier came from outside, so that he could see that it was the living room at a glance. Zhou Luochen stood at the door and was talking to the two teenagers.

"Teacher, I heard that the child was lost and has not found it yet."

The person who spoke was a white-eyed person. He was frowning and his face was slightly anxious: "His parents suspected that he might have entered the residential area, but the security guard said that he had never seen the children, and it was impossible for them to put outsiders in."

"We met his parents outside the community and promised to help them come and look for it. I also think that the child is still likely to enter the residential area, who was brought in... Zhou teacher, do you know if you have any clues? ”

"I'm sorry, I don't have any clues. I have already heard about this and I have helped Mr. Cheng to find the beginning of the knowledge, but unfortunately, we have not been able to find him."

Zhou Luochen sighed, and the tone was full of worries: "I hope that I can be safe at first..."

Seeing his false expression, Cheng Zhichu spit out, no longer looking at him, but looking at another teenager, but was surprised to find that the teenager around Bai Xixing was Bai Yi.

At this time, Bai Yibi was a little younger when he saw him in the game. He was still a young and slender teenager, but his posture was still slender and slender, and his facial features were beautiful, and his tears made his dark enamel more flirtatious. For the mature man, the teenager's facial features are more refined and beautiful, and he is an impeccable young boy.

At this time, the young boy’s light was cold, his face was dark, his face was not smiling, and even it was a bit gloomy.

Even the teacher Zhou Luochen, he is also cold and faint, owe a slight owe, said: "Since the teacher has no clues, we will not bother you, and then go elsewhere to find him."

"Well, I hope you can find it, the teacher will not leave you."

Zhou Luochen shook his head and sighed: "I am sorry, maybe it was a little tired during the day, and now I am not feeling well, or I will go with you."

"It doesn't matter, teacher, you have a good rest, my cousin will go first."

Bai Xixing rushed Zhou Luochen to bow, and then turned and hurriedly caught up with Bai Yi who had left. Cheng Zhichu did not stop them, because Zhou Luochen was here, if he was seen, he would lose himself.

Of course, under normal circumstances, he must call for help.

Seeing that the two teenagers had gone, Zhou Luochen closed the door and shook his head and whispered, "You will never see him again. After that, he can only be me alone."

Rolling, he is the metamorphosis murderer who chooses Qin Ji's newbie, and it is impossible to choose the metamorphosis in your perversion! !

Cheng Zhichu’s heart trembled like a thunder, and he squatted in the pipeline against Zhou Luochen’s middle finger. At this time, he saw that Zhou Luochen suddenly went to the big aquarium inside, picked up the clip on the ground, and seemed to want to take something out of the aquarium.

That is……

After Cheng Zhichu saw the things kept in the aquarium, he immediately numb the scalp.

When I first entered the villa, I saw the empty aquarium. He thought it would be used to raise fish, but the water inside was drained. After Zhou Luochen’s death, he would not raise fish, but now through the light, He clearly saw that Zhou Luochen had taken out a few snakes from inside and put them into the glass box under his feet.

Is this metamorphosis intended to let the snake bite him? ?

Cheng Zhichu was chilly, and he couldn't help but escaped from the basement. Otherwise, he would be bitten by a snake for a while, but he heard Zhou Luochen muttering to himself.

"I have been away from the basement for a long time. The anesthetic is gradually dying. Maybe I have already woke up and got out of the ventilation duct?"

His words made Cheng Zhichu suddenly change color. He did not expect that Zhou Luochen would predict that he would run, or that he did not expect that it was the escape route that Zhou Luochen deliberately left. Was there any other children who had escaped from the ventilation duct before?

"If he is still in the pipeline..."

Zhou Luochen lifted a glass box with a snake, and a soft smile appeared on Jun’s face.

"Maybe he will like these little guys."

"They are very sensitive to the taste of blood and will find him and play with him."

"He won't be lonely."

The blood color on Cheng Zhichu's face suddenly faded.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 41

Made a nightmare.

I dreamed that I fell into the spring water of the goddess, and I knew that I would save me.

The goddess took out three me, one is myself, one is a teenager, and there is a girl with the same looks.

The goddess of spring water asks the beginning of the knowledge: Is it that I am falling, or is it a teenager, or is it that I am a girl?

When I first answered truthfully, he dropped me. The other two people didn't know him.

I am very happy to know that I chose me at first, but the goddess of spring water appreciates his honesty. In order to reward him, she gave me all three.

But I didn't look at me at first sight. I took the other two directly away. Before he left, he showed me a very angry expression because he had already seen the sketchbook I had hidden.


I am insomnia.

The author has something to say: Rest assured, Zhou Luochen this metamorphosis is not a slice of Bai Yi...!

I went out for a whole day today. After I got home, I rushed to update. But because the time is too tight, it is very short. I haven’t had time to reply to the message. I am sorry, the big **** don’t disappoint me, and will return to normal tomorrow! Qaq (and then because today is too tired, the message will have to reply to tut tomorrow)

Thanks to Shiro's mine x5, even not black and white and cool apricots 虞君's mines x2, and Ling Ling demon, 肆皓 Mu, rabbit, be.no1, star zero tears, vest only, 1279 has to be a waste Liao, Wangdu, Huha, Daydreaming, Lucy Hartfili, Li Han, Ling Ling Yao, kusoki and sick velvet mine! =3=2k novel reading network