MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 68 Devil's Bride (4)

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The hand was pinched by the groom's cold, pale hand, as if the next hand would move down and grab his neck. Cheng Zhichu's face suddenly became pale, reaching out and trying to take the phone back, but the groom had used him. The other hand lit the phone screen.

Who is the man around you?

You want to go with him?

what about me?

Why don't you look at me?

A lot of confusing symbols and garbled madly poured into the screen, with a statement filled with anger and questioning in the middle, flashing fast, but not falling, all reflected in the eyes of Cheng Zhichu.

In his panic, the groom can obviously see this information, his fingers suddenly tightened, the phone made a "squeaky" sound, the fuselage spread cracks, the screen suddenly blackened.

"Who is he, knowing the beginning?"

The groom is also gently asking the same question, the fingertips moving up in the upper eye of Cheng Zhichu's eyebrows, stroking his face: "What is your relationship with him?"

On the head of Cheng Zhichu, he burst out of cold sweat. He once again felt the dangerous smell of the groom, which made him feel chilling, and the blood of the whole body seemed to be frozen in an instant.


At this moment, there was a cold and biting wind that suddenly blew over, the leaves around it were rolled up by the wind, swaying, and the shadows on the ground followed by a slight sway, suddenly creeping like a worm, spreading out of nowhere. More black shadows.

The light around it suddenly dimmed, as if it was covered with a layer of dust, all the scenes became gloomy and gray, and the air was filled with cold blood.

Surrounded by a pair of eyes, the cold eyes were all concentrated on Cheng Zhichu's body, and there were countless voices whispering, chaotic and noisy.

The passing pedestrian suddenly stopped, turned his head and stared at him with a blank expression.

Cheng Zhichu breathed a stagnation, and he couldn’t help himself. He thought that this was the reaction caused by the groom’s anger, but the sarcasm, if the sound of the worm crawling became clearer and clearer, gathered together into the same words, passed from the throat of the pedestrian. Come out -

At the beginning, why do you want to go with him? Why don't you wait for me?

Obviously I have come to your side, but you still have no me in your eyes.

Is it only that I am integrated with you, you will not escape from me?

It is "cold branches and white."


Cheng Zhichu’s body swayed and sat down on the ground. The white skirt was spread out on the ground, like a blooming flower.

At the next moment, Cheng Zhichu’s hands gripped the skirt tightly. He was sweaty, his face was bloodless, and he opened his mouth and gasped.

It seems that something invisible has penetrated into his body, so that every cell of his body is squirming, and the whole body is painful and itchy, especially the throat is like a knife. He is sore and slams his chest and coughs. A burst of **** smell filled his mouth, and the blood of the spurt splashed into the white wedding dress.

"Cough, cough..."

He rubbed his throat hard, because of the pain, tears spilled out of his eyes, his lips were stained with blood, and he kept vomiting bleeding.

"Know the beginning!"

Cheng Zhichu couldn't support it and fell to the ground. The bridegroom's original anger disappeared instantly. The tone was flustered. He held him in his arms and stroked his cheek. He anxiously asked, "What happened to you?"


Cheng Zhichu’s body was very painful. He screamed and could not answer the groom’s words.

"There is something going into the mother's body, beg you, hurry to save him!"

The bear felt that Cheng Zhichu had a very horrified breath in his body. It was shaking all over the body. The tender voice was dyed on the crying chamber, and he tried to relieve his pain, but it was useless.


The groom seemed to be completely unaware of the existence of "cold branches and whites." He looked at the horror of Cheng Zhichu’s pain on the ground, and he was anxious to tremble at his fingertips.

"In the beginning, you hold on, I will cut your stomach and help you take out the things in the body, you will get better soon!"

No... no...

Consciousness was shrouded in pain, but at the beginning, I heard the words of the groom, and suddenly the pupils shrank and the body trembled fiercely.

He wanted to stop the groom, but he couldn't lift his hand and couldn't make any sound. Only the blood oozes from the corner of his mouth, watching the groom put his hands on his abdomen.

"No, so the mother will die, can't save him!"

The bear screamed and hugged the groom's wrist, but was immediately smashed and **** by the groom with a tie and placed aside.

"You are still too young, you don't understand, only in this way can save the beginning of knowledge."

As a devil, the groom's way of thinking is obviously very different from that of a living person. He does not know that Cheng Zhichu, who was cut open to the abdomen at this time, will die, and even think that this is the only way to save him.

"At the beginning of the knowledge, it may be a little painful. If you endure it, you will endure it."

The groom's hands gradually applied the force, the sharp nails had pierced Cheng Zhichu's wedding dress, it seems that the next second will tear his abdomen —— -

"Do not……"

One hand suddenly fell on the groom's wrist. Cheng Zhi was white as paper, his voice was very low, his face was cold and sweaty, and he opened weakly.

"No, I am fine..."


The groom groaned and pulled his hand down. He carefully hugged Cheng Zhichu, raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his head, and whispered, "Are you really okay?"

"never mind……"

Cheng Zhichu gasped and trembled, even though he wanted to break away from the groom's arms, but he had been tortured and had no strength. He could only lean on the groom's chest, and between the words, the blood in his mouth oozes out. Some.

Just as the bridegroom was about to tear his abdomen, the pain of Cheng Zhichu’s body suddenly disappeared, leaving only a little numb feeling, so that he could lift his hand to catch the groom’s wrist and save his life.

The strange and chilly scenes around the place have also returned to normal, with daylight and warmth, green shades, beautiful and quiet, passing pedestrians coming and going, no one noticed the headless man in the middle of the road and Cheng Zhichu, who is blood.

The broken mobile phone did not send any more information, and the "cold branches and whites" seemed to disappear from the air, and there was no trace.

However, this is what makes Cheng Zhichu feel the most terrifying. He does not know if this means that the "cold twigs" have successfully entered his body.


He touched his face palely, and there seemed to be no abnormality. His mind was very clear and he could control his body normally.

Is it that "cold branches have fallen" has left? is it possible……

Cheng Zhichu is really scared. "Hot twigs are absolutely white" is the most horrible existence he has ever encountered since he entered the game. It was just the moment he was closest to death. If he delays for a few more seconds, even if he is not " The cold branches are white, and they will surely die in the hands of the groom.

The groom gently hugged him for a long time, and by the way, he extended a hand and dragged the tied bear to untie the tie that tied it. The bear cried in the arms of the beginning of the process, and was scared. .

"You have a lot of sweat."

The headless man touched the sweaty cheek of Cheng Zhichu: "Do you want something to drink?" He said that his wrist suddenly broke open, spurting out blood, splashing Cheng Zhichu's face and licking his lips." Drink something?"

"..." Cheng Zhichu declined his kindness, pushed his wrist away and slowly sat up. "No."

He erased the blood on his face, took the therapeutic agent out of his backpack, and felt a lot better after pouring three bottles.

The groom picked up his cell phone that fell on the ground and handed it to Cheng Zhichu. Cheng Zhichu tried to press the power button, but the phone didn't move, and it was completely crushed by the groom.

"I am sorry……"

The man's tone apologized, his hands fell uncomfortably together, standing very disciplined, and sincerely recognized with Cheng Zhichu: "I broke your things."

"Because I saw the news just now, I was so angry. I thought you had someone else, but now I think, it should not be a living person to send you a message, but also a ghost like me, is he entangled you?"

Having said that, his voice was cold, with a hint of sternness, and asked: "You will be so painful just now, is it what he did to you?"

"I do not know either……"

Cheng Zhichu replied ambiguously, he did not dare to confide that "cold branches are white" want to be integrated with him, he is afraid that if he tells the truth, the groom will tear his body out of "care". Give him a check.

In the same way, he did not dare to say how terrible the "cold twigs are white" and asked the groom for help, because "cold twigs and whites" are now suddenly missing, perhaps at the moment they are crouching in his body, so he must not Saying what might irritate the words "cold branches".

Thinking of this, Cheng Zhichu couldn’t help but tremble, thinking very nervously. If “cold branches are really white”, what should he do? He can’t kiss himself...

"If anything is wrong, you must tell me."

The voice of the groom is low and dangerous: "I will not let go of those who are entangled with you." He paused and said again, "Your face is still very pale, do you want to go back to rest?"

"No, go find your head first."

Cheng Zhichu shook his head and replied in a low voice. He just wants to end this copy quickly, because the longer he drags the time, the more he feels fear. If the time is longer, he doesn't know if he really has an emotional breakdown.

"it is good."

The groom responded and bowed to the bear in the arms of Cheng Zhichu. "You come to lead us?"


The bear twitched his nose. After a while, it lowered his head and whispered, "I'm sorry, because the ghost was there too. It's all his breath here..." He hesitated. "Your breath is very similar. I can't recognize it."

And not only the two of them, the breath of Mr. Xie in the hospital, and the breath of Dad, are all very similar, and even make it produce the illusion that they are all the same person...

"It's ok."

Seeing that the bear looked embarrassed and uneasy, Cheng Zhichu touched its small head and eased the emotion for a while before finally regaining the courage to look at the groom. He said to him: "Do you still have any memories left? Some specific scenes, or who?"


The groom was silent for a moment and seemed to be thinking and replied.

"I don't know where this is. In my impression, there is a villa area, there is a lake around, there are many red roses, like the red sea, there is always a young man with his students. Go to the lake to paint and sketch..."

Cheng Zhichu suddenly opened his eyes wide.

He knows where this is. This is the "rose manor" he entered when he participated in the variety recording of Ji Yunxiao. The young man is probably the painter Zhou Luochen, and the group of students is the child of Bai family who studied painting with Zhou Luochen. We!

But why this copy will also have a relationship with Bai Jia and Zhou Luochen. Is this a coincidence, or is there any terrible thing that happened in the villa, will the two real copies be related to the villa?

He took out the old photo of Bai Yi from his backpack and handed it to the groom to see: "Do you have any impression of this person?"

"..." The groom did not move, it seemed to be staring at the photo, and then said, "There are no such people in the children, but I do have some familiarity. Why do you have photos of this person, what is his relationship with you?"

Hearing the groom's tone was not quite right, Cheng Zhichu took the photo and quickly explained: "He is my friend, you can rest assured, I... I have nothing special to do with him." At least now.

"Is he a ghost that attacks you?"

"No, he is still alive, somewhere else." Cheng Zhichu shook his head. "I know where this place is. Since you are most impressed here, let's go there and see if we can find something."

"it is good."

The headless man promised without hesitation, and did not seem to worry about delaying the start of the wedding. Even his voice revealed a faint joy. He took Cheng Zhichu’s hand and said, “Thank you for knowing me. ”


Cheng Zhichu smiled at him unnaturally. In fact, he only wanted to complete the copy. He was still afraid of the groom. If it was not for the completion of the copy, he certainly had to hide as far as possible.

Because I was going to the city of Rose Manor, Cheng Zhichu’s cell phone was broken and I couldn’t pay for the booking on my mobile phone. So he went back to the dormitory and threw the wallet into his system backpack, ready to pay in cash.

However, when he left the school, he only remembered that he could not see him now. Even if he wanted to buy a ticket, he would not see him, and he would not serve him.

For this reason, Cheng Zhichu had to be forced to board the subway and train tickets, and boarded the high-speed rail to the city of C. Today is the working day. There are not many high-speed rails and many vacancies. Therefore, Cheng Zhichu has a shameless account. Seat, the groom sat down in the empty seat next to him.

Back leaning against the back of the chair, Cheng Zhichu closed his eyes and felt exhausted. He only looked forward to the accident on the high-speed rail, so that he could rest for a while.

The groom seemed to know that he was very tired and didn't make a sound. He stayed quietly beside him and reached out and gently touched his hair.

There is no one on the high-speed rail, and the surrounding area is very quiet. Cheng Zhichu was a little sleepy after a long time, and his consciousness gradually became paralyzed. He was about to fall into a sleep, but suddenly felt something cold and soft on his forehead, with a little moist , gradually slide down.

It’s like someone is kissing his face.

Cheng Zhichu was shocked and immediately opened his eyes. He clearly felt that his face was being kissed, but there was no one in front of his eyes, and it was obvious that the groom did not do it.

What is it... Is it "cold"? Is he back again? !

[Ah, go away, walk away, don't come over! what--】

Suddenly, his system screamed in a panic, and then it suddenly disappeared. Cheng Zhichu’s heart jerked and called the system in his heart, but it never answered him again.

The cold lips slowly moved to Cheng Zhichu's ear, gently kissed, and it seemed as if a pair of arms surrounded him and held him in his arms.

The groom was still sitting beside him calmly, and seemed to be unaware of it, still caressing his hair.

[Sorry, I know... I am sorry. 】

In the consciousness of Cheng Zhichu, a certain voice was heard again, but it was no longer systematic. Instead, it was a young man.

[I am very sorry about what I just did, but I didn't want to hurt you, I hope you don't be afraid of me. 】

[Now, we are finally integrated, are you happy? 】

When Cheng Zhichu’s time was like falling into an ice cave, he couldn’t move in the seat.

It is "cold branches and white."

He is really in his body and invaded his consciousness.

It is not only these things that can be most shocked by Cheng Zhichu.

It is the sound of "cold branches and whites"... It is exactly the same as Bai Yi’s voice.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 68

Since I first entered this game, I have had some worries.

I have not seen all of my soul fragments, although as far as I know, most of them have changed their appearance and character, but it is not excluded that there are still some that still keep me.

If I met such a "I" one day, I knew what happened to me... I can't imagine how he would react.

I hope that this situation will never happen. 2k novel reading network

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