MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 93 Fan Wai·Blood Fairy Tales (3)

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In the case of the teenager and the two dark knights, Fang Zhichu suddenly climbed up from the ground and rushed to kiss the boy's lips.

Because of fear, his fingertips were trembling slightly, his expression was very nervous, and there was no sweet emotion in his heart.

The reason why he kissed the boy was entirely because he wanted to complete his task before being dumped, so that he would never get close to the boy after he was really smashed into pieces.

The boy didn't think that he would make such an amazing move. He stunned and didn't respond. Cheng Zhichu knew that he was successful. He relaxed and wanted to retire immediately, but suddenly he felt a thorn in his lips. The pain is that he just tried too hard and accidentally let his lips be pierced by the juvenile's fangs.

The mouth spreads a faint **** taste, and Cheng Zhichu still doesn't feel like it. The teenager who is a vampire is suddenly stimulated by the smell of blood. The dark red hazelnut is covered with a bright blood. Tightly hold down the waist of Cheng Zhichu, and kissed it down.

The taste of blood spread out between the two men's lips and teeth. The young boy kissed the wound on Cheng Zhichu's lips and took his blood. He quickly became unsatisfied and bit the leg of Cheng Zhichu. Slightly rolling, greedily swallowing his blood.


The feeling of blood loss makes the first dizziness dizzy, and the eyes are black. He pulled the clothes on the back of the boy, but the sharp fangs had already penetrated his neck deeply, and he was forced to hold his waist. He was like a weak prey, no matter how struggling, he could not break away from the teenager. Imprisonment for him.

The pain of being sucked up in the blood was mixed with a slight tingling sensation. This feeling was so weird that he couldn’t help but shed tears and whimpered.

It didn't take long for him to fall into the arms of the teenager because of a lot of blood loss. His eyes closed pale and he was in a coma.

"Your Mightiness……"

The knight who had just hugged Cheng Zhichu saw a sinking heart, and involuntarily called the boy.

Hearing the voice of the knight, the boy was awake from the state of indulging in the blood. He saw that Cheng Zhichu in his arms had fallen into a coma, slightly frowning, letting people go and let him fall to the ground.


The black-haired boy looked down at Cheng Zhichu, his fingers slowly licking his blood-stained lips, and his look was a bit cloudy.

He didn't expect this mirror to be so arrogant and dare to kiss him, and he was ridiculously addicted to the blood of the mirror, and even almost drunk him.

I don't know if the mirror is a magical creature. His blood has a deadly temptation, sweet and pure, rich in life, he has never tasted such a wonderful taste.

Even if he became a vampire, he once became a human being. He didn't like to indulge his desire for blood. But the blood of Jingling actually made him lose his calmness, just want to get more...

He should kill the mirror spirit immediately.

Juvenile eyes looked at Cheng Zhichu, who fell to the ground in a dark manner. After a long silence, he waved his hand to the two dark knights and said, "Take him to the magic dungeon, and be careful not to let him escape."

"Yes, sir."

The Gemini Knights answered with a voice, and one of them would hold up Cheng Cheng’s first time and bowed to the palace.

"and many more."

The teenager looked at their backs and licked the dark red cockroaches. Suddenly they changed their minds and motioned them to stop and go forward.

His slender finger licking process knew the tiny blood hole in the neck of the neck, and the red light under the fingertips formed a translucent red collar, which was placed on the neck of Cheng Zhichu.

This collar contains a magic contract, the wearer will become a slave to the operator, can not harm the owner, can not defy the master's orders, and can not even leave the owner's side, or will be cut off the head by the collar.

Looking at the collar that I wore on the neck of the mirror, the teenager hooked the corner of the lips, and the cold look showed a bit of pleasure, said.

"It seems a pity that killing him like this. I want him to serve me as his new owner."

"I obviously want to kill me, but now I can't violate my will. I really expect him to react after he wakes up."

"Bring him back to my palace."


Cheng Zhichu woke up fiercely, and some of them flustered and touched their bodies. They found that they had not been unloaded and did not enter the belly of a terrorist creature. This was relieved and began to observe the situation around them.

This is a luxurious and quiet palace. He is lying on a soft bed, but he doesn't know where it is. It is when he returns to the mermaid or is sent elsewhere - he doesn't think he will be in "white snow" There is such a good treatment there.

[You are still in "White Snow" here. 】 The system said, [This is his bedroom, you are lying on his bed. 】

Didn't he actually **** me up in adulthood?

Cheng Zhichu was surprised by the color of the accident, but he quickly understood why he was not killed. He saw a strange red collar on his neck through the mirror. .

He tried to pick up the collar, but the circle seemed to grow on his neck. It didn't move at all. Rao didn't know its role. Cheng Zhichu also knew that this was not a good thing. He immediately said to the system with cold sweat: Can you take this thing off for me?

[It can be, but you have to stay here, or don't take it off, lest you be suspected. 】

Why should I keep it? Cheng Zhichu was shocked and remembered what, here is Bai Yi’s soul projection? ... are the two knights?

[Yes, it’s them, you have to kiss them both. 】 The system said, [When you become smart, you can guess who you are. 】

Because they are very handsome, he is seen through, as long as the face is good, it must be the soul of Bai Yi's soul... But in his eyes, the most handsome is definitely Bai Yi.

Cheng Zhichu laughed and asked: You haven't told me before, how many projections does the world have?

[A total of six. 】System Road, [Mermaid Brothers, "White Snow" Prince and Gemini Knights, the last one is not a surprise, it is "sleeping beauty". 】

Fortunately, he is only left to sleep beauty has not yet met, there is only one sleeping beauty, it should be better than others...

Cheng Zhichu groaned in his heart, suddenly felt a dizzy, had to lie back to the bed weakly.

At this time, the door of the palace was pushed away from the outside. It was two dark knights. The beautiful black-haired boy came in and saw that Cheng Zhichu was already awake. He raised his lips and showed a cold smile. meaning.

"You should be glad that you are still alive."

Cheng Zhichu was hurt by bloodsucking, the body instinctively stiffened, and the bed was shrunk. The two knights stood outside the door and closed the door. Their looks were still cold and indifferent, but the knight who held the process knew the inside. I took a look at it and closed the door completely.

The teenager turned his back to Cheng Zhichu, calmly put his knight off, put on a black pajamas, and sat gracefully on the bed. He hooked his finger at Cheng Zhichu, who was constantly retreating, and said, "Come here."

When he spoke, he showed his white teeth on his lips. Cheng Zhichu didn't want to be sucked by him again. He wanted to get out of bed and flee, but he found that his body couldn't help but move, completely contrary to his thoughts. Shunly approached the boy and squatted in his arms.

It must be that this collar is playing tricks!

Cheng Zhichu looked confused and desperately wanted to escape. However, his body was unable to move, and he even consciously stretched his wrist out and handed it to the boy's lips.

The teenager grabbed his shoulder and put the lip on the wrist of Cheng Zhichu. The fangs pierced the thin skin and sucked the warm blood, but this time he quickly stopped and did not let Cheng Zhichu Feeling pain.

"Cashir, my name." The boy kissed Cheng Zhichu's wrist and let the broken wound heal quickly. He lifted Cheng Zhichu's lower jaw and said with a hook on his lips. "Remember this name, but you can only Call me 'master'."


Even though he was reluctant in his heart, Cheng Zhichu could not resist the power of the collar, and he was unwilling to call Cahill.

Seeing his expression, Cahill's face sank and said coldly: "You better lick a little, listen to me, otherwise I can kill you at any time, let you go to my mother to bury."

Cheng Zhichu's body was stiff, and although he felt shame, he still sighed his emotions and re-called "master".

No, this is not his jealousy, but he can kiss two knights in order to stay here... Just give him a chance, he will immediately rush to kiss them!

"You have the ability to predict, you should be able to see what I will end up with."

Cahill’s voice was cold, but when he saw that Cheng Zhichu was afraid of his appearance, he slowly slowed down his tone, stroking his cheek, approaching the past and whispering.

"Oh, I can consider letting you live."

Said, he held down Cheng Zhichu's shoulders and gently kissed his lips.


Cheng Zhichu lived so inexplicably in Cahill's palace.

He stayed with Cahill every day, almost inseparable, and he also did not find the opportunity to kiss the Gemini Knight. Occasionally, Cahill had something to do, and he would bring two knights. After all, there is a collar, Cheng Zhichu is fundamental. I can't go anywhere.

Although Cahill was imprisoned here, this time was the most comfortable day for Cheng Zhichu. Cahill invaded and took control of his original country and became the new monarch. He naturally enjoyed excellent treatment, and Cheng Zhichu’s The treatment is exactly the same as him. If he is not sucked up every day, he is more like a VIP.

I don't know if it is because of the total bloodsucking. Cheng Zhichu's mental state here is not very good. He always feels that he is very weak. It is only his consciousness that stays here. His body is still in the mermaid. He is worried that if he wants to If you don't go back, the body should rot.

[You can rest assured, I have seen you, the time flow on both sides is not the same, so many days have passed, you are just sleeping on the mermaid side. 】

The system said: [You quickly kiss the two projections, I can send you back directly. 】

I think, but you can see where I have a chance. Cheng Zhichu couldn’t help feeling a bit frustrated, and they were so loyal to Cahill that if I kissed them, they might be hacked directly by them...

[That is impossible, they are the soul projections of Bai Yi, they will all like you very much, and they can't refuse you, as long as you find the right time. 】

Hearing what it said, Cheng Zhichu just wanted to say something. The door to the palace was suddenly pushed open. Outside, he walked into the two vampire maids. He first rushed to him and then began to clean the palace.

The two maids come in and clean up every day. Cheng Zhichu has already been familiar with them. Although they are absolutely obeying Cahill’s orders, it is impossible to help him to do things, but they will often chat with Cheng Zhichu and let him know a lot of things. , including news about "sleeping beauty."

"Although this adult is called "sleeping beauty", it is just a story of human beings. He is actually the lord of the city of Everlasting. After the death of Cahill, he was resurrected by this adult."

After the maid finished cleaning, she did not leave immediately, but sat down and talked to Cheng Zhichu.

"This adult named Krissis is the only undead lich. It has existed for thousands of years. He built the city of Ever Sleep as a wall of iron. Although it is only a city, its power is not inferior to any country."

"But the legendary Krissis was originally the same as Cahill. He used to be a human being, not only him. The city of Everlasting was once a city of humanity. Until the millennium ago, our great God lowered the punishment and put this The city has become an undead city..."

"The residents of the city-state have all become undead, and they have immortal life, but at the cost of losing all their emotions and desires. They can't enjoy the joy of life, and they will not have any expectation for the future. It is a Walking dead."

"Although they are still alive, they have lost the meaning of being alive. So in the millennium, almost all the residents have chosen to sleep, and they are not willing to wake up. Only the adults of Krissis are still insisting on guarding this city of sleep. ”

"Crisis is almost omnipotent. As long as he can afford to impress him, he can satisfy all your requirements."

"But he has almost no desire. Hope, the requirements are often very strange, and he will do something incredible for no reason, for example, he spent a lot of money to turn the dead Cahill adults into vampires. But no one asked him to do this. After all, Cahill’s adult was helpless, and the power was controlled by the dead woman. He was just a poor and ordinary prince."

"We had the privilege of seeing Krissis. His appearance is very beautiful and beautiful than the most beautiful woman in the world. So after a long time, human beings have created fairy tales and described the adult as sleeping. The princess in the castle, waiting for the prince to wake up 'her'..."

Speaking of this, the two maids giggled: "But how can this adult want the prince's kiss? On the contrary, if he is obstructed by his eyes, he will be made into a sly." ”

Cheng Zhichu listened to this and knew that the last object he wanted to kiss was Krissis. He asked: "Where is the city of Yongmian?"

The maids did not know that Cheng Zhichu was supposed to be the mirror of the mirror, otherwise they would doubt his identity. After all, the mirror should be omniscient, but they only thought that Cheng Zhichu was a human being raised by Cahill. Suspicion, answering his questions briskly.

"It’s far from here, it’s almost half a continent, and it takes half a month to ride a magical car.”

"If Cahill is in a good mood, you can ask him to bring you next time you go to the city of Yongmian." The maid's tone is very embarrassing. "The adults are so petting you, they will definitely not reject your request."

Spoiling him? Cheng Zhichu’s mouth was pumping, and I didn’t know how they came to this conclusion. It ended up only because they didn’t see how ferocious Cahill was when he sucked his blood...

"Well, Cahill should be coming back soon, we will go first."

The maids smiled and blinked at him: "If you are in poor health, just rest, we will be tomorrow..."

When they said this, Cheng Zhichu suddenly felt a strong pain and dizziness, and his face became very pale, his eyes blackened, fell on the bed without warning, and fainted.

"What's wrong with you, wake up..."

The two maids were shocked and swayed the body of Cheng Zhichu, but found that he could not be awakened anyway.


"Sorry, Cahill, we, we..."

The maid trembled in front of the boy, crying and tears, the dark-haired boy's look was extremely dark, sitting on the bed and holding Cheng Zhichu's hand tightly, only to find that his fingertips showed a bit of transparency. The color seems to be that his body is gradually disintegrating.

He held Cheng Zhichu's hand and tightened it. He paused for a long time and finally said to the twin knights around him.

"An, Kai, now you will go to the city of Yongmian and invite Krisis."

"...Yes, sir."


"At the beginning, you finally woke up."

Cheng Zhichu opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed. The handsome blonde boy was lying on the edge of the bed and looking at him with a smile. The tentacles behind him stretched out and touched his forehead. The other tentacles were also intimately Give Cheng Zhichu a slap in the corner.

... Is he back to the mermaid?

Cheng Zhichu showed a somewhat confused look and looked at the surrounding environment. It was quite different from Cahill’s palace, but it was also very beautiful. It was dotted with marine treasures such as corals and pearls. It was a palace belonging to the ocean.

"My brother has something to deal with, and he is called away by the tribe, so only I am guarding you, don't be angry."

The teenager smiled and got up. The tentacle swung in the water and walked outside the palace: "I will call my brother back to see you."

"Wait, don't leave."

Cheng Zhichu couldn't care for his own dizziness. He quickly caught a tentacle of the boy and walked away. Now that the mermaid brother is right, he does not take this opportunity to hurry to kiss his brother, and wait until when...

"Well, what happened? Are you hungry?"

The young man blinked his eyes and turned back to Cheng Zhichu’s strength. He said with a smile: "Is it still scared to stay here? You can rest assured that my brother and I will come back to accompany you in a while."

"You come over again." Cheng Zhichu endured the shame of his heart and let the young man lean over himself.

The juvenile did not suspect him. He looked at Cheng Zhichu’s dawn and was very clear. He would not refuse his request at all. He cooperated with the past and was unprepared to be kissed by Cheng Zhichu.


He blinked his eyes in an instant, staring at Cheng Zhichu, his face suddenly red.


"He is the rumored Krissis adult? The lord of the city of Ever Sleep?"

Within the palace, several maids squatted on the ground, bowed their heads respectfully, waiting for Cahill and the people around him to pass by, followed by the Gemini Knights.

When they gradually walked away, several maids dared to look up. One of them curiously looked at the back of the person around Cahill. He could only see that the man was very tall and a long black hair was bundled in the brain. Afterwards, the body was covered with a black robes, and there were countless spots of light on it.

"His robes are so beautiful..." The maid couldn't see the face of Kriss and could only look at his dress curiously. "The light spots seem a bit strange, they seem to be able to form a pattern."

"The patterns embroidered on the magical robes of Krissis are called 'stars', which form the 'stars' and 'starlike magic arrays'."

Another maid said: "The legendary night sky is all stars, but I think only the great people of Krisis have seen such a night sky..."

“The sky is a star?”

The maid could not imagine such a scene, looking up from the window and looking at the sky, only the bright red blood and the dozen or so huge eyes in the sky.

The eyes of the eye swept over her. She hurriedly closed her eyes and prayed piously: "May you bless us, our greatest God..."

Kriss walked on Cahill's side and followed him into the palace.

He has lived for thousands of years, but he still maintains the appearance of a young man, his face is bloodless, and his black magical robes are more pale, the facial features are extremely beautiful, and even beautiful and somewhat feminine.

His expression was calm and did not change at all. It was like a glass doll, even if it was cold, but there was no emotion. It was completely blank.

"……it's him."

Cahill walked to the bed and looked at Cheng Zhichu, who was lying on the bed, and grabbed his more transparent hand. The dark red eyes showed a bit of mourning, and whispered.

"Crisis... Please save him, I am willing to pay whatever you want."

"He is the mirror of the mirror?"

Krissis also stepped forward and asked Cahill.


"You broke the mirror and destroyed his body. As a mirror, he will naturally disappear."

Krissi dropped his eyelashes and looked at Cheng Zhichu, who was lying in bed if he fell asleep. The cold fingers slid slowly across his eyebrows and whispered.

"But I can save him, as long as you are willing to pay the price."

"What do you want?" Cahill lit up and looked up at Krisis.

Kriss caressed Cheng Zhichu’s cheek and looked at him intently, and there was a hint of faintness in the indifferent shackles.

"I want him."

He said.

"I just want him."

The author has something to say: I wish you all the big darlings in advance! Happy Children's Day! =3=

Thanks to Lucy Hartfili and the shower of Li Xiaomi's grenades, boiled coffee mines x2, and 36,619,233, 肆皓 Mu, Star Zero tears, Ray Red, Hero and the mines! =3=2k novel reading network

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