MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 247 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 247

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The artificial water spray brought the forest fire under control, and there were green smoke curling up all around, as if the entire forest belt was shrouded in immortal energy.

Panoramic shots taken by drones—

If you can ignore the scorched, swaying, uprooted and broken trees, this place really looks like a place shrouded in fairy mist.

Lu Liran and Ke Ji rested on the spot for nearly an hour. If it weren't for the threat of wildfire recovery in this forest belt, it was really not suitable for overnight stay. Lu Liran even wanted to build a shelter here for the night.

After the previous round of intense physical exertion, the muscles all over his body began to clamor for soreness.

He touched the clothes that had been completely dried, and there was no reason to indulge himself and continue to rest, so he had to get up hard, put on the clothes, and tied the coat around his waist again.

"We are about to start again. The area of ​​the artificial forest belt is not large. According to the original estimated time, it will only take three to four hours to traverse." Lu Liran said while looking at the sky.

The sun had already come out from behind the clouds, and the figure formed an obvious angle with the ground. Lu Liran roughly estimated the time at this moment, and then said: "But because of the forest fire, we have to deviate from the original route, so now we Where it is and how far it is from the destination is an unknown.”

He raised his finger and pointed to a **** less than 50 meters away from them. The **** was slightly steep, covered with moss and trees growing obliquely on the hillside.

"Did you see the hillside at the other end? It's not far from us. I'll go up first to confirm our position and the direction to leave." Lu Liran said, carrying the bulging umbrella on his back, and walked forward quickly.

[I suddenly discovered that Brother Lu and the beauty were still carrying those volcanic crystals...I thought I had lost them? ! 】

[Not to mention I forgot, Brother Lu didn't take it off much, right?]

[Oh my god, such a heavy bag of stones must weigh at least thirty or forty catties? ! The two of them ran all the way with these stones on their backs just now? ! 】

[Gan, this is even more outrageous! ! 】

【If there are no these stones, maybe you can really run through the fire...】

[These volcanic crystals are enough to exchange for hundreds of exchange checks, not a small amount, who is willing to give up]

【This is true】

[At first, I thought that the host and the others had narrowly escaped death... Looking at it now, why does it seem that they have enough energy? ? Is it my illusion?]

【Shouldn't be...】

Lu Liran did not respond to the barrage in the live broadcast room. He and Ke Ji climbed up to the top of the **** and looked out from a distance, and found that they were in the center of the entire forest belt.

In other words, no front, rear, left, or right touches the ground.

"The southeast was blocked by the fire, and I couldn't go. The opposite direction is to retreat to the lava field, and there is no way out. The only way to go is the horizontal and horizontal sides, which should also be connected to the road, but the entire forest belt is distributed in belts. Choose to go Parallel direction means that we need to spend twice as much time as before." Lu Liran frowned.

"It seems that I can only choose one direction to try my luck..." He pursed his lips slightly, pondered for a second, and then made a decisive choice, "Then let's go this way."

【Hahaha so casual】

[Pfft, Brother Lu actually dared to say the words "trying luck"? Are you crazy?]

[Sincerely feel that Brother Lu's luck is really terrible, it's better not to try]

Lu Liran glanced at the barrage, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "When I say luck, I mean the luck of the forest ranger's hut."

"As for going this way, it is because this direction is the downstream of the small stream that passed by before. Generally speaking, the downstream is flat and more suitable for building wooden house settlements." Lu Liran strode forward with long legs and walked quickly, "So to If you walk in this direction, you have a higher chance of encountering the ranger's lodge."

Lu Liran raised his eyebrows, and looked up at the camera of the drone with a half-smile: "What are you thinking?"

[Hey, dbq Brother Lu! We want to go wrong! 】

[On Brother Lu's chance, and our chance (whisper)]

【Brother SOS Lu was a little spoiled by this look just now, I'm melted】

【Brother Lu, hehe, suck, hehe】

[Wake up girls, the anchor's look is clearly a mockery, ah mockery]

【Then I don't care】

People couldn't keep up with the sudden change of topic in the live broadcast room, and Lu Liran couldn't scan through the dense barrage at a glance, so he simply stopped paying attention.

They walked along the downstream direction of the stream, and as the terrain opened up, the difficulty of traveling was greatly reduced.

The distance between the vegetation in the artificial forest is almost exactly the same, but obviously something is different here.

Lu Liran picked up a broken branch on the ground as a walking stick, stepped on the fallen leaves and silt, walked forward, looked around, and said: "The forest belt here looks quite barbaric, which means that this forest belt It is more inclined to close mountains and cultivate forests in the wild."

They walked into a forest, and there were two obvious bifurcating paths in front of them, both of which seemed to be walked by.

The audience in front of the live broadcast room were wondering which path the host would choose.

"Although it is said that it is closing the mountain for forestation, it has already been intervened by humans. It is only a relatively complete artificial forestation. The natural scenery here is more inclined to the natural wilderness, so you can see such large beast footprints here." Lu Liran micro Squinting his eyes, he changed the topic, bent down, and found a series of large footprints on the rain-wetted land.

The footprints looked like lotus leaves, they were clearly visible, and there were quite a few of them, so they probably appeared in groups.

"It might be a herd of wild buffaloes." Ke Ji also saw it and said in a low voice.

Lu Liran nodded: "These huge buffalo herds are not even willing to disturb the beasts that dominate the jungle such as leopards and Roxanne black bears. We'd better avoid them."

"The forest ranger's hut will not be built on the route where buffaloes pass by. This discovery just ruled out a direction for us." Lu Liran turned around and walked to another fork in the forest without any hesitation.

【Ah, I suddenly realized that if Brother Lu successfully finds the forest ranger's hut, does that mean the live broadcast is over? 】

[Ah, no, it's so fast this time! It's only the fourth day! 】

[I was spoiled by Brother Lu's super long standby time, anyway, it is also a high-level planet, why is the difficulty so low! 】

[? ? ? Is the difficulty of our planet low? ? ? Do you understand the storm mortality rate of 33.3%? 】

[Anyway, when Brother Lu was doing live broadcasts on our planet, at least two weeks ago]

[Here, is your planet really suitable for human habitation?]


The audience in the live broadcast room fought for their home galaxy again.

After walking a certain distance, Lu Liran suddenly said, "I don't think it's too far from the Forester's Hut."

He pointed to the surroundings. This place is like a valley, surrounded by slightly high slopes and ridges. The stream flows here, forming a small three-meter-high waterfall like a cliff, and converging at the bottom. A small pool of living water.

"A place too close to the water source will have many mosquitoes. If I were me, I would not choose to build a house here, but it would not be too far away. After all, a fresh water source is very convenient for long-term living in all aspects. .” Lu Liran slightly curled the corners of his mouth.

No matter what kind of technological planet it is on, in such a vast area of ​​the wild, the scope of high-tech application is limited, and it ultimately falls on the four words of adapting measures to local conditions.

So Lu Liran was very sure that his judgment would not be wrong.

The two walked forward for less than ten minutes, and a sudden steel hut in the distance suddenly appeared in their vision.

Lu Liran paused slightly, and smiled: "I found it."

They approached the hut carefully and slowly. When they were about ten meters away, Lu Liran suddenly stopped. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and gently swept away the fallen leaves on the ground with his toes. He saw that there seemed to be something hidden under the fallen leaves. thing.

[Is this an alarm? 】

[No, it looks like a trigger]

【Why does it sound dangerous...】

Lu Liran said in a low voice: "It is indeed a trigger. It should be connected to some kind of anesthesia launcher placed on the tree. It is a basic self-defense trap for the forest ranger's hut. However, if ordinary people who are asking for help break in directly with excitement, I am afraid You need to be in a coma for a while."

Just as he was speaking, the door of the hut was pushed open, and a middle-aged man who seemed to be over fifty years old came out from inside, holding a particularly sophisticated spear-shaped weapon in his hand.

Although it looks like a cold weapon, Lu Liran has no doubts about the speed and destructive power of this weapon. After all, the dangers foresters have to face are usually wild animals or thieves.

Either way, it's very dangerous.

"We are stranded passengers who came down from Roxanne Volcano." Lu Liran raised his voice and slowly raised his hands to indicate that he was not aggressive.

The man who came out looked suspiciously at Lu Liran, and then at Ke Ji: "Did you come down from Roxanne? Then you didn't encounter that fire tornado?"

"Meet it." Lu Liran nodded and said, "I escaped by luck."

The forest ranger twitched his mouth and didn't put down his weapon. Obviously he didn't believe Lu Liran's words: "Escape? How dare you say that?"

His face darkened, and he scolded seriously: "Say! Are you poaching!"

Lu Liran: "...Really not."

He paused and said, "I'm the host, if you don't believe me, you can watch my live broadcast room."

He glanced at the ever-increasing number of online users in the upper right corner of the live broadcast room, and added: "There are 47 million viewers who can prove that I am not a poacher."

The forest breeder froze for a moment, and muttered, "Who would come to a place like this for a live broadcast..."

With a fierce expression on his face, he commanded: "Both of you put your heads in your hands and walk over slowly! You said you were live broadcasting? What live broadcast?"

"Survival in the wilderness live broadcast." Lu Liran said.

The forest ranger looked at him suspiciously: " well, and survive in the wilderness?"

Lu Liran: "..." How should I explain this? It's hard to explain.

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, Uncle Yulin spoke my mind】

[But it's true! Uncle believes him! 】

[Hahahaha was treated as a poacher again? The history is amazingly similar, hahahaha]

Lu Liran smirked: "It is the meaning of my live broadcast to increase the chances of survival for more people trapped in the wild."