MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 249 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 249

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Lu Liran's body was stiff, and cold sweat covered his back instantly.

The ball in front of him is not a high-tech offensive weapon at all—Lu Liran hopes it is, at least in this way, he still has a way to catch the weapon holder and eliminate the threat—but this thing in front of him is completely sourced. A product of mysterious nature.

Its birth is a mystery, its behavior is a mystery, and even its disappearance, no one can predict.

In other words, when encountering it, no one knows what will happen next.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also in an uproar, and a few people recognized the situation in front of them, all of them were mixed in the dense barrage—

[Ball Lightning! ? 】

[No way, no way, the anchor met it! ? This luck is too bad! 】

[This thing really depends on its mood. To be honest, 40% of the 33.3% storm fatality rate on our planet is caused by ball lightning...]

[Grassing your planet is too dangerous! 】

Lu Liran's face was slightly pale, but soon he calmed down, looked at Ke Ji who was only a few steps away from him, and looked around the room again, his heart slowly sank.

The technology and materials used in the construction of this hut are naturally at the cutting-edge level of this planet. After all, it is in a wilderness that has a wall with the civilized world, and the life safety of the foresters must be adequately guaranteed.

The hut made of special metal alloy as the main building material is unbreakable and can withstand the attack and raid of the herd, but the metal alloy is an excellent material for conducting electricity.

On the planet of storms, all houses are equipped with perfect lightning protection equipment, but what these equipment can prevent is regular linear lightning, like branches hanging in the sky, with traces and beads. The lightning, even though it is rare, can already be predicted by the current technology.

But for the ball lightning whose whereabouts are uncertain and which have not been researched and broken by scientists so far, lightning protection equipment has no way to start.

It can even pass through solids without causing damage to any combustibles. It directly breaks into the room, and lightning protection equipment is useless to it.

But on the other hand, strictly speaking, it is not lightning, it is not even the same as natural lightning, its structure is different, and its generation is also different.

It draws energy from all around it, so its formation and trajectory are not at all predictable.

In the forest ranger's closed hut, the surrounding area is almost covered with conductive special metal materials, and the lightning protection equipment that can prevent lightning does not work. For Lu Liran and Ke Ji, there is almost no way out.

But it is not absolute hopelessness.

Lu Liran's eyes fell on a certain place behind Ke Ji, which was a fireplace.

The material of the fireplace must be fire-resistant, so most of them are made of stone, tile or wood. The fireplace in the forester's hut is made of stone.

A straight chimney leads to the fireplace, and the chimney is also made of piled granite. It can be said that it is the only non-conductive safe place in this cabin.

Just one thing aside - ball lightning can penetrate solids and doesn't rely entirely on conductive material to travel through.

It can only be said that moving towards the fireplace is the best moving direction at the moment, but it is still not 100% safe.

Lu Liran had already made his choice, and said to Ke Ji in a low voice: "Did you see the fireplace behind you?"

Ke Ji and Lu Liran's plans coincided with each other, he responded, and said in a low voice: "Be careful, move slowly."


Lu Liran was farther away from the fireplace, the distance of nearly six meters was only a few steps in normal times, but at present, the distance seemed extremely far.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that Lu Liran was almost moving a little bit, and couldn't help becoming anxious——

[Shouldn't you run quickly at this time! If you want me to say don’t worry about the three seven twenty-one, just jump out of the window]

[Will the metal frame on the window conduct electricity? 】

[No wonder the anchor mentions the fireplace, the fireplace does not conduct electricity! 】

[Isn't it just a few steps, the anchor is like a turtle crawling, I'm so anxious]

[There must be a reason, Brother Lu will not joke about his own life]

[That’s right, if Brother Lu doesn’t make a big stride, then I advise you to take notes quickly, in case you encounter this situation in the future, remember to remember]

[Indeed, after all, I think your planet is really not peaceful, it should not be uncommon to encounter such a situation]


Compared with Lu Liran and Ke Ji's stalemate and tension, the electric ball in the room is still spinning slowly in the room, like an idle guy, it jumped onto the floor lamp on the ground, and only heard "crack" twice , the floor light flickered fiercely a few times and then short-circuited and went out.

Then there is the soft night light on the wall.

Within a few seconds, the entire room was completely submerged in darkness. In the small space, only the football-sized electric ball in the center of the room emitted dazzling light, reflecting Ke Ji and Lu Liran's ugly faces.

[Hiss, why does this thing feel like it came prepared, first blind all the lights, especially like the prelude to a horror movie, do something deliberately]

[Really, it’s too precise to generate electricity. The light bulb exploded without blowing up anything else nearby.]

[Scalp is numb, I dare not watch TAT]

The big ball sometimes jumped up and down, and sometimes stuck to the ground, very active.

Seeing this, Lu Liran moved more cautiously.

Careful viewers in the live broadcast room noticed that every time the ball lightning in the hut beats, it is almost closely connected with the movement of Lu Liran or Ke Ji, just like a naughty little tail. When it moves, it also moves in a similar manner.

The only difference is that it doesn't play cards according to the rules.

[Why is this! ! 】

【Grass is really fine】

[I'm so panicked, the more I look at it, the more I feel that this ball has its own ideas! 】

Lu Liran knew very well in his heart that this had nothing to do with becoming a spirit, nor was it any other mysterious reason, it was just because their movement caused the flow of air, which drove this ball lightning.

This is also the reason why Lu Liran and Ke Ji moved so slowly. They must not run away in a single pass. The most likely consequence would be to attract this ball of lightning directly to them like two magnets. Come on yourself.

Although there were only a few steps to go, Lu Liran was sweating all over, fine beads of sweat accumulated on the tip of his nose and chin, his nerves were tense, and he didn't even dare to breathe hard.

Ke Ji entered the fireplace area first, followed by Lu Liran.

Two adult men curled up in the small fireplace space, Ke Ji slightly raised his head to look at the straight chimney above, and exchanged a look with Lu Liran: "You think so too?"

Lu Liran pursed his lips and lowered his voice: "Climbing up the chimney can increase the probability of survival, but once you get in, there is no way out, and there is no place to hide. If it suddenly..."

He paused, and the audience in the live broadcast room also held their breath, knowing that the anchor didn't finish what he said.

Lu Liran continued: "If you hide here, this may be the safest place in the whole hut, but the biggest threat of ball lightning comes from its attack route is not only linear conduction, but jumping, we can only say that it can eliminate Part of the possibility of being attacked, rather than complete security."

"If you stop here, you can only pray that it will disappear automatically..." Lu Liran stared at the electric ball floating in the air.

"The duration of ball lightning is usually only a few seconds, but obviously the one in front of us is more durable." Lu Liran seemed to be joking, but his tone was tense, and he didn't feel relaxed at all, "It has lasted for three and a half minutes, maybe ... Maybe it will dissipate automatically in the next second."

[Ah what, is it only three and a half minutes? ? ? 】

[I feel like it's been almost an hour! 】

[Grass really only lasts for more than three minutes, it's so long]

【It's great, so it will disappear automatically】

"Or," Ke Ji said, looking at Lu Liran, "it ended in an explosion."

Lu Liran's face was stiff and ugly, and he nodded slightly: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

The power of ball lightning is much stronger than ordinary linear lightning, equivalent to the energy released by the explosion of ten kilograms of TNT explosives, enough to turn people into coke.


【It sounds so hopeless...Is there any other choice】

【If there were, the host wouldn't be crowded in the fireplace】

【Then whether to wait or climb the chimney... I think it's a false alarm if I don't wait.】

【Yes, I think so too】

Lu Liran looked at Ke Ji: "Do you think the same as I do?"

"En." Ke Ji glanced at Lu Liran, nodded slightly, "Let's go."

Clearly, none of them are the type to pin their survival hopes on remote luck.

Lu Liran took a deep breath, and he seemed to be instantly at ease when he heard the words.

He simply cut the canopy that Ke Ji evened out into strips, and quickly wrapped them around his hands, which not only increased friction, but also provided an extra layer of insulation protection.

He propped his hands on the inner wall of the narrow chimney, and with a sudden force on his waist and abdomen, he rolled up out of thin air, retracted and propped up, and rolled into the chimney extremely sensitively and lightly.

Lu Liran moved neatly, and after getting into it, Ke Ji followed immediately. Under the camera of the drone, within a few seconds, the figures of the two disappeared from the field of vision.

【what? ? ? Are chimneys so easy to climb? ? 】

[Probably the staff who installed the chimney left behind... dbq I can't make it up]

[It all depends on the strength of the waist and abdomen! ? What a strong waist! 】

【Oh my god, that ball is moving too! 】

[The anchor has no vision now, right? ? Blind climbing is also a test of mentality! 】

[Why is the chimney still not bottomed out! It's too long! 】

In fact, the height of the chimney is only a little more than two meters to less than three meters.

As soon as he got into the chimney, Lu Liran's upward speed was significantly accelerated. He couldn't see the ball lightning, so he could only glance at the live broadcast room, and saw that the power-generating ball was also jumping up and down in the house, with an obvious frequency. Much more frequently than before.

Even——Lu Liran's complexion was extremely grim, and he noticed that the diameter of the ball seemed to have grown a bit larger.

Noticing this, Lu Liran quickly reminded Ke Ji, Ke Ji's eyes changed when he heard the words, and he said immediately: "The fastest speed."

"Received." After receiving Ke Ji's order, Lu Liran immediately climbed out of the chimney without hesitation.

The second he climbed out, Ke Ji put his hands on the edge of the top of the chimney.

Lu Liran quickly leaned forward and grabbed Ke Ji's hands, and at the same time subconsciously glanced at the bottom of the chimney, and saw that extremely bright ball seemed to smell their position and charged straight towards them!

Ke Ji used his strength to turn over and climb out, and quickly jumped to the roof with Lu Liran.

Through the small transparent skylight on the roof, one can see the ball lightning in the house hovering in the fireplace, and the lightning around the body is getting brighter and brighter, as if unable to bear the limit, it crackles.

Even through a skylight, Lu Liran and Ke Ji could still hear such a creepy voice!

"It's not good, it's going to explode!" Lu Liran said immediately upon seeing this.

Ke Ji grabbed Lu Liran and jumped off the three-meter-high roof. When he landed, he hugged Lu Liran and rolled on the ground twice to reduce the impact.

The two got up in embarrassment, and ran out quickly without looking back. When they looked up, they saw the somewhat dumbfounded forest ranger and his big dog still in the front yard of the house.

Seeing this, Lu Liran yelled, "Run!"

The forest ranger didn't react, but the big dog seemed to sense the crisis, bit the forest ranger's trouser leg, and pulled it out forcefully.

The forest ranger took a staggered step, vaguely guessing the situation, his face turned pale in an instant, and he ran towards Lu Liran and Ke Ji quickly!

"Is it going to explode?!" The forest ranger asked loudly while running, "The **** stepped on a thunder?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud noise behind him, and in the next second, a huge momentum lifted him up out of thin air!

The forest ranger screamed and landed heavily, his arm slammed on a nearby tree trunk, and the sound of fracture caused him to scream in pain.

He turned his head and looked behind him in horror and despair, he must not be able to run away and explode!

However, what the foresters didn't expect at all was that the anchor and his companion in front of them knelt down on the ground, and a seemingly invisible transparent wall stubbornly blocked them, blocking the blast wave!

"This..." The forest ranger's eyes trembled. He couldn't believe his eyes, but also was surprised by the rest of his life after the catastrophe. He opened his mouth wide in a daze, unable to utter a word.

The audience in the live broadcast room also looked dumbfounded. How powerful is the explosive power of a ten kilogram bomb? Where is human power able to resist? !

Even an S-level psychic user might not necessarily have such an intensity of psychic energy!

[Fuck, fuck, the anchor is hiding something! 】


[I misread it, how can this be A-level mental power! S rank! 】

[I've never seen an S-level spiritual power user before! 】

[I rely on me to survive until now! I thought it was three seconds at most! 】

【It's so strong... Not only is the strength of the mental strength amazing... His spiritual power is like a vast ocean... it's inexhaustible! 】