MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 266 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 266

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Following Mo Sang's drone, the picture in front of him was clearly and synchronously transmitted to the live broadcast room, and the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly felt their scalps go numb—

[My god, there are so many ants! I heard that there are man-eating ants in the rainforest, so I won't encounter them! ? 】

[Man-eating ants are all black, with a pair of large pincers and serrated teeth. These ants don't look so ferocious... Probably not.]

[It also looks creepy, do you want to continue walking in? ? 】

【Hiss, I don't think our commander will go in when he sees it. Team Mo should turn around and meet someone else! 】

[makes sense]

"Captain..." The team members behind Mo Sang took a step forward and gasped when they saw the situation, "These are... ants?!"

Mo Sang replied with an ugly face.

"Then shall we go forward?" the team member asked again.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Mo Sang nodded heavily: "Let's go."

It is just a colony of leaf-laying ants, which can be seen everywhere and widely distributed. The foraging range of leaf-laying worker ants is usually insects, earthworms and other corpses, and they collect some flower dew and fruits, which do not pose much threat to humans.

The clusters of ant colonies distributed on the annual rings in front of them look weird and chilling.

But if it stopped because of this, it would be too insulting to the title of the DFA Golden Team.

Mo Sang's heart was pounding, even though he was muttering the reminder left by Ke Ji before parting, but combined with the current situation, it was not enough for him to go back home like this.

He took a deep breath, looked back at the players behind him, and said: "Everyone cheer up, pay attention to the surroundings, the triangle formation."


Mosang's team began to move deeper into the route.

After walking for nearly a hundred meters, the road under my feet was almost invisible.

There are horizontally long vines and long leaves with sharp teeth everywhere. Even if the equipment is fully armed, it cannot withstand the exposure of such a long rainforest hike, especially the equipment position of the elbow joints has been worn down to the point where only a few Layer the fabric lightly.

The rainforest was unbearably damp, and the heavily armed equipment seemed like a burden at this time, overwhelming one's breath. Every extra step was like trying to pull out an ankle from the mud, and sinking deeper into it with another step.

Mo Sang's team was extremely quiet, the audience in the live broadcast room could only hear heavy panting, and everyone hung up their colors more or less, looking a little embarrassed.

It stands to reason that, walking to this area, it can almost be concluded that the missing target cannot go in this direction.

However, just ten minutes ago, when Mo Sang was about to go back home, a faint cry for help came from the depths of the rainforest.

Everyone heard it, but they didn't seem to hear it. The voice seemed to be covered in a layer of rain and fog, and it was indescribably weak and hazy.

[It seems that someone is shouting? ? 】

[I heard it too! Is it the commander? ! 】

[Can't hear clearly, it feels a bit like some animal is calling? 】

【I also feel more like an animal...】

[But what if it's a human being! If he missed it, it would be impossible to survive until the next round of search and rescue in such a place! 】

[Regardless of whether it is a person or not, the search and rescue team has to go in and check, right? ? 】

When Mo Sang heard the sound, his spirit froze.

They search and rescue troops, but if there is a shred of hope, they will rush to this hope without hesitation.

"Captain!" Someone in the team softly called to stop Mo Sang who was walking in the front to clear the way.

"What's wrong?" Mosang asked.

"Those leaf-layer ants...seem to be following them," the man replied.

Hearing this, Mo Sang's pupils shrank sharply, and when he turned around suddenly, he saw the tree ring area they had walked through before. All the ant colonies on the tree ring had left at some point, and the huge leaf layer The group transformed into silent shadows, quietly following behind the team.

The rainforest with staggered roots is the best cover for the ant colony. They hide under the fallen leaves and among the vines, and they are so quiet that they can hardly hear any sounds.

If that person hadn't happened to lift a leaf and found that the underside of the leaf was covered with a colony of withered and yellow leaf-laying ants, probably no one would have found themselves being followed by a colony of ants.

The scalp exploded violently!

"Why are they following us?!" Someone in the team gasped and exclaimed in shock.

An absurd idea popped up in Mosang's mind—these ant colonies are monitoring their every word and deed, sending a certain message to an unknown place.

Is there such a possibility?

Mosang thought that a long time ago, the DFA Biological Research Department had done an experiment. The content of the experiment was to study the cross-species information transmission between organisms, with the purpose of realizing human beings to control intelligent organisms for micro-space exploration and information collection.

The experiment failed in the end, but it came to a conclusion that surprised everyone—cross-species information transmission is feasible. Although all information cannot be accurately transmitted, cross-species communication between intelligent creatures does exist.

Thinking of this, Mo Sang felt a chill down his spine.

He frowned, and said in a low voice: "Vivien, Fei Li, pay attention to the direction of the ant colony's movements. If there is anything unusual, report it immediately."

"Received!" The two people who were named responded in unison.

I don't know if it's the effect of psychological hints, but since I knew there was a group of ants behind me, there seemed to be subtle movements in all directions.

Vivien and Fei Li watched closely the movement of the ant colony, and followed the team slowly. Unexpectedly, they actually found some clues.

"Captain Mo, there is a situation." Vivien stepped forward quickly, and reported in a low voice, "There are two ant colonies that have separated from the main force and are at your six o'clock position."

Mo Sang heard the words and looked over, and under Vivien's reminder, he saw a small "special ant colony" moving slowly among the large army of ant colonies.

The ant colony seems to be circling in situ, sometimes transforming into a horizontal "8" shape, and sometimes transforming into an "S" circle, which is completely different from the ant colony that is marching with a large army next to it.

Mo Sang narrowed his eyes and looked up abruptly at the densely covered tree crown above his head.

Between the branches crossing the canopy, dense light spots poured down, as if there was something reflecting light in the gaps between the branches.

Mo Sang's eyes tightened, and he immediately grabbed the hanging vines, and quickly climbed up in one go.

The team members below were stunned when they saw this. They didn't expect Mosang to make such a sudden move. After being stunned for two seconds, they all grabbed the vines and used their strength to climb up to catch up with Mosang.

When Mosang climbed up to the previously reflective area, he found that the reflective area was actually a place that looked like an eagle's nest. A huge circular nest held by branches stood on the edge of the tree crown.

Mo Sang found a few pieces of glass in it, and the reflection was from these pieces of glass.

He picked it up and looked at it, and found that these pieces of glass were somewhat similar to the lenses of a telescope, and they were clear enough to see the details of the ground twenty or thirty meters down.

Mo Sang's eyelids twitched slightly, and then he looked into the tree nest again.

I saw that there were not only those pieces of glass in the nest, but also arrowheads and animal skins, which looked like a pile of garbage brought back by birds.

"Captain Mo, is this the bird's nest? It's really big, but it doesn't seem to be anything special..." Fei Li climbed up to the other side of the canopy and came closer to have a look.

The nest is really big enough to accommodate an adult.

Fei Li couldn't help muttering in his heart, how big a bird of prey must be to build such a huge nest?

Mo Sang looked stern, shook his head and said, "No, it's a tree house."

He dug out a shriveled animal skin jug from the inside. There was no water in it. The two layers of animal skins were pasted together and stuck to the bottom of the nest.

"Tree house?!" Fei Li was taken aback.

A nest is for birds, a treehouse is for people.

Fei Li took a deep breath and came to his senses: "Captain Mo, this means that someone is squatting here?"

Mo Sang nodded, feeling the remaining heat at the bottom of the nest.

Under the shade of the tree canopy, it can be regarded as a shade, so the residual heat is very different.

"There were people here just now." Mo Sang said in a low voice.

He looked around, and what he saw was a piece of quiet green, and there was no sign of trouble.

"But where are people going now? With such a high canopy, where else can they move?" Mosang looked around, muttering to himself.

Fei Li was stunned when he heard the words, if there is really a person squatting here, he can't just disappear out of thin air, right?

Mo Sang and Fei Li looked at each other, and moved slowly towards the back of the big tree below them at the same time.

The ten thousand banyan tree under them was as thick as seven or eight people hugging each other, and even at the height of the canopy, it was thick enough for three or four people to hold onto the trunk and hide on it.

Not to mention the overlapping branches of the canopy, densely shaded, like a natural shelter.

Mo Sang and Fei Li slowly walked around behind Wan Banyan Tree, and suddenly returned their carbine guns to attack the back of the big tree, only to find a trace that had been chiseled by a dagger.

Apparently there are indeed people here and there, and the chiseled dents are where the owner of the "Bird's Nest" used to grasp.

Fei Li murmured: "Who can carve something at such a high place... What are you trying to figure out?"

"Observe." Mo Sang's heart sank slowly, "Warning."

Fei Li didn't understand, but the audience in the live broadcast room all reacted—

Contacting the grotesque corpse that appeared in front of the Mosang tent before, it is obvious that the culprit is closely related to the person hiding in the canopy lair, and may even be the same person.

Mo Sang returned to the ground, nodded to the team members behind him and said, "We are getting close."

"But at the same time, the danger is also very close." He said slowly, "There is a hostile force in the jungle. We are in the open, and they are in the dark. At present, we don't know their purpose and plan of action, so we can only be more careful and fight against it." Get 120,000 points of spirit."

"Captain Mo, shall we continue in this direction?" Vivien asked.

Mo Sang looked into the depths of the route, pondered for two seconds and then said: "Continue until you find the source of that voice. It is better to go wrong than to misplace it."


"Team Mo, after receiving the weather information from the headquarters, there may be heavy precipitation in this area in three hours. The precipitation is between 500 millimeters and 1,000 millimeters." Another team member reported.

Mo Sang frowned upon hearing this: "Inform the other two teams of this news."

"Pay attention to the nearest rain shelter caves during the journey. The heavy precipitation will not last too long and can be effectively avoided."

"Received!" The team responded in unison.

Mosang didn't go straight along the tributary. The soil on both sides of the tributary was soft and fertile, and it was more prone to accidents of mud flow under heavy rainfall, which was very unfavorable for walking.

The team made a mark, deviated 15 degrees from the original track, and walked towards the forest road with denser vegetation.

On the one hand, heavy rainfall has a weaker impact on the terrain where the vegetation is dense. On the other hand, the sound they heard before came from that direction.

The topography of this rainforest is not obvious. The **** is hard to detect with the human eye. The cry for help in the forest from time to time led Mosang's team to walk towards the fragile ridge.

As for the other two teams, such a warning had already been raised long before the heavy precipitation warning from the Meteorological Bureau was issued.

Lu Liran led the team to withdraw from the depths of the waterfall valley.

Ruan Xiaotian and the others didn't understand why they did this. They had already found many traces of the missing target. It was almost certain that the other party had been to this area. Perhaps they could find more valuable clues if they went deeper. .

However, the person who found the trace was Lu Liran, and the person who suddenly ordered them to withdraw at this moment was also Lu Liran.

Despite the doubts in their hearts, Ruan Xiaotian and the others chose to shut up and follow after noticing the sudden change in Lu Liran's ugly face.

It wasn't until the Mozambique Corps sent a heavy rain warning from the Meteorological Bureau that Ruan Xiaocai realized that it was because of the heavy rain that might occur in the next few hours?

But it's just a sudden rain coming from a strong air current. Does it need to react so strongly? Ruan Xiaotian murmured in his heart.

Like Ruan Xiaotian, there are quite a few people who have murmured in their hearts, but at least no one refuted Lu Liran's decision. Things were less harmonious for the other team.

Yao Fei led the team deep into the rainforest along the lower tributary of the Sana River.

The terrain of the lower tributary is like a winding nine-curved bridge. The narrow part of the tributary can be crossed with a big step, and the wide part is only about two meters wide.

Ke Ji frowned slightly, didn't say anything, just walked all the way forward, when Yao Fei led the team to go around a high ground, Ke Ji just threw the grapple hook up, and walked along the steep high ground without saying a word. Climb up the cliff.

The cliff was at least 30 meters high. Someone in the team noticed Ke Ji's movements and quickly called Yao Fei: "Brother Fei, look at that man, why did he climb up the wall?"

Yao Fei turned his head and glanced at the words, frowning impatiently: "Leave him alone, he will follow by himself."


"Don't tell me, he crawls really fast, and he's not timid at all."

"Why is he climbing up there? Looking for a way?"

"Isn't the route all on the tablet? There is also a real scene simulation, what's so interesting..."

"I don't understand, I don't understand."

Listening to the scattered discussions in the team, Yao Fei paused his movements, followed Ke Ji with his eyes, thoughtful.

A road map is a road map, but terrain and terrain cannot be completely relied on the road map, and the terrain and terrain largely affect their travel efficiency.

Yao Fei didn't speak, but his walking pace slowed down a lot, as if he was waiting for Ke Ji to return to the team.

Most of the trees in the forest here are 20 to 30 meters high. Walking under the forest, all you can see when you look up are the crowns of trees with criss-cross branches, and you can't see a complete shape of the sky at all.

Ke Ji climbed up to the high ground, and looked farther and farther, he saw that their entire team was like earthworms that got into the thin stream of mud.

On the other side of the sky, the clear blue sky is covered with layers of clouds. The clouds are as thin as silk, overlapping layers in parallel. The back of silk drags a long tail, which is very beautiful, like a dragon's tail.

Ke Ji looked around, but saw that the other side of the sky was also slowly forming cirrus clouds with a dragon tail hook at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His complexion changed slightly, and he quickly looked at the sky behind him, and saw that such cirrus clouds gathered together in the sky above the rainforest, and slowly moved into the sky system, as if they were about to meet .

This kind of sky scene is not common in normal times, but if you walk under the forest, you can't see it at all.

The clouds in the sky are low, and the humidity of the mist in the air is high, as if it can be touched by tentacles.

The audience in the live broadcast room sighed ignorantly. They did not expect the camera to follow Ke Ji up the 30-meter-high cliff and see such a beautiful sky.

[If it wasn't for the live broadcast, I would have thought it was a photo from PS]

[This cloud, this day, no one would object to the great painter who said that nature is uncanny]

The live broadcast room was still buzzing with emotion, but Ke Ji's face changed completely.

Such cirrus cloud meteorological systems often appear scattered, and their appearance means cloudy rain with moderate to heavy rain. It is rare that so many cirrus cloud meteorological systems are concentrated in the same place.

In Ke Ji's memory, there was only one such weather anomaly.

And that time, the entire affected area was washed by torrential rain. Because of the lack of early warning and underestimation of the torrential rain, it was unimaginable that such a torrential rain would flood and impact the entire underground rail system in just five minutes. Residential areas were covered by floodwaters before they could even be evacuated.

Buildings weighing dozens of tons can be washed away by the bursting water. That time was the first time that the people of the entire disaster-stricken planet realized that the threat of heavy rain was so terrifying.

And now, similar meteorological systems are concentrated in this Aiken tropical rainforest.

Ke Ji's pupils narrowed slightly, if it was really like that time, then it must be a catastrophic disaster here.

This area is surrounded by slopes on all sides, which is similar to but not exactly the same as the valley area where Lu Liran is located.

Lu Liran's position is equivalent to a piece of land above their terrain, connecting the low terrain of the lower tributary.

But Yao Fei and Ke Ji didn't have any outlets to go down. The direction they came in was already the highest terrain in the whole area, and the lower they went, the lower they got. If there was water pouring in, they wouldn't be able to get out.

Ke Ji looked into the distance, the clearer he saw, the deeper his heart sank.

They seemed to have walked into a dead valley. If, as he had guessed, there would be a catastrophic catastrophe and torrential downpour in a few hours, then they would never be able to go any further.

Ke Ji withdrew his gaze, stood on the top of the cliff, looked at the small team below, and suddenly spoke in a cold and distant voice: "Everyone stop. Yao Fei, you shouldn't have brought them in here."

He was clearly standing on a cliff more than 30 meters high, but his voice was sent to everyone's ears as clearly and steadily as usual, as if he was face to face.

Yao Fei frowned when he heard Ke Ji's words.

He looked up at the top of the cliff, Ke Ji's figure was standing against the light, his figure was slender and straight, and he had an illusion of being far away in a trance.

He raised his hand to block the glare of the direct sunlight, the unsettling deep in his heart was indescribable, like the intuition of a beast, and now, it was suddenly magnified because of Ke Ji's words.

Yao Fei took a deep breath, glanced at the team around him out of the corner of his eye, and saw that other people were looking at each other and whispering something because of Ke Ji's words.

He suppressed his panic, and there was a challenged anger in his voice: "What are you doing?! What do you mean I shouldn't bring them here?!"

Ke Ji grabbed the cable of the grapple hook, and directly descended from the top of the 30-meter-high cliff to a height of only a few tens of centimeters above the ground. He stopped firmly, unlocked the lock, and landed on both feet.

He rolled up the grapple and the cable in twos and twos, and walked towards Yao Fei at the same time. He looked into Yao Fei's eyes and said in a deep voice: "There will be unprecedented heavy rainfall here soon, and this terrain is destined to be submerged. Go deep This jungle is the equivalent of suicide."

Yao Fei was stunned for a moment, but someone next to him interrupted: "What heavy precipitation? Since we entered the jungle, we have received the latest weather report from the meteorological authority every morning. If there is heavy precipitation, we would have known about it."

"That's right. Could it be that your news is faster than the weather bureau?"

"Even if there is precipitation, what kind of heavy precipitation can flood such a large and wide area like us? This is too bluffing, haha."

The team chattered.

And at this moment, the communicator at Yao Fei's waist made a movement—

"Brother Fei, Team Mo received a temporary warning from the Meteorological Bureau, saying that there is a temporary change in the weather system in our area. There will be heavy precipitation in the next two hours, and we need to be careful."

Yao Fei's pupils moved slightly, and everyone in the team fell silent instantly.

After a few seconds, he picked up the communicator, his voice a little rough: "...Okay, I see."

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