MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 7 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 7

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Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 7

Lu Liran ran to the leeward **** of the snow mountain in a blink of an eye, but he was not alone there.

Not far from the leeward slope, a figure wearing a bright yellow jacket stands out in the snow, and obviously, that figure also noticed Lu Liran, and quickly approached here.

"What a coincidence, we meet again." Ke Ji was a little surprised to see Lu Liran, but soon, he put on an innocent smile that was harmless to humans and animals.

Lu Liran frowned, glanced at the sky and hurriedly asked, "Why are you here?"

His footsteps are fast, and he has already penetrated a certain distance into the glacier group, so there is no reason for Ke Ji to appear here.

Ke Ji sighed, showing a troubled look, and wrinkled his face: "Those hunters cheated me of money, abducted me into the airship, and then threw me into the snow mountain."

His terminal vibrated twice at the same time, and the chief of staff sent a text message, informing him that due to climate and geographical reasons, there was no other way to pick him up from the snow-capped mountains for the time being, and suggested finding a local to take him along.

Lu Liran frowned unconsciously when he heard the words, throwing a lifeless Omega into the Arlok Glacier Group was tantamount to murder.

"...Okay, follow me and follow my orders." Lu Liran's expression was not very good.

The blizzard was coming soon, he couldn't let Ke Ji run around outside alone and finally freeze to death.

Ke Ji bent his eyes and nodded with a smile. He noticed the golden camera ball flying in mid-air and asked, "Are you shooting?"

"live streaming."

"Oh..." Ke Ji touched his face.

Only a few close friends know what he looks like, and he has always been a shocking image of mechs to the outside world.

Even if it is photographed, it is not a big problem.

Thinking about it this way, Ke Ji felt that his vest was very secure, even more sloppy.

He raised a smile: "By the way, what's your name? My name is Ke Ji, the thorn of thorns. I said it before, but you didn't answer me."

Although Lu Liran really didn't want to deal with the nonsense and noisy Omega in front of him, but thinking that his own cub would see it, he pursed his lips and replied patiently: "Lu Liran."

Ke Ji obviously paused, Lu Liran? It's a coincidence that the name is the same, but unfortunately the one in front of me is an Alpha that couldn't be more obvious, and the pheromones of the publicity want to let everyone know that this is a guy who is not easy to mess with.

He lowered his eyes, remembering that the first time he heard this name, Bronte exaggeratedly shouted: "The billionaire's favorite youngest son is actually your die-hard fan! I really don't know what he likes about you." gone?"

Later, he subconsciously paid attention to it a few times, and found that the opponent was very agile, even among a group of experienced veterans, he did not lose the slightest advantage. Not long after, he was promoted to the first mobile team directly under him.

"If you don't want to freeze to death, now, follow my example and empty out all the snow inside." Lu Liran noticed that Ke Ji was actually distracted, his face darkened, and he ordered unceremoniously.

[Pfft, I really feel sorry for Alpha, wouldn't you be gentle when facing such an Omega? You actually want someone to do it yourself]

[At this time, I still feel pity for Xiangxiyu, a ghost]

[Is it an accident? Who is this person? 】

[Surname Ke? This surname is rare, it has the same pronunciation and surname as Commander]

[I did a search, Ke Ji, he is truly a super rich second generation, the kind who is as rich as an enemy]

[Look at this picture, the waist is soft and the legs are long like a mermaid line, she looks really good-looking, and she is so rich! National Dream Love O! 】

[Ha, I saw from the introduction that ten servants took care of his family since he was a child, and even the clothes were helped by others, so what can he really do?]

[So good-looking and so rich, it doesn't matter what kind of skills you need for a salted fish all your life]

[If it wasn't for the pre-arranged plot and actors... then the anchor's live broadcast accident this time is a bit tragic hahahaha]

[...Come on, young master! 】

Ke Ji came back to his senses and found that Lu Liran was digging a snow pit, and the kettle was used as a tool for shoveling snow.

He almost immediately realized what Lu Liran was going to do: "You want to make an igloo?"

Lu Liran was a little surprised that Ke Ji would see his plan.

He made a nasal sound as a response, without stopping the movement of his hands at all, and without raising his head, he said: "You know more than you seem."

Ke Ji realized that this was set up by OOC's own brainless dude, he coughed lightly, and explained in a remedial way: "Oh, my servant used to..."

"As you can see, the **** is obviously more convenient to dig a hole than the flat ground, and the location of the leeward **** can prevent us from being buried alive when the snowstorm comes." Lu Liran didn't want to hear Ke Ji's "experience", he interrupted Ke Ji Ji's words, continue his live broadcast.

Seeing this, Ke Ji closed his mouth. Obviously, his partner is a person who doesn't like to break the casserole and ask the bottom line. It just so happens that he doesn't want to tell more lies to prevaricate. He knelt on the snow **** and quickly dug the hole with Lu Liran .

He knew very well that a blizzard was coming, and they had to dig out a snow cave at least three times their size.

Lu Liran used a water bottle as a snow shovel, and continued: "When surviving in the wild, you must make good use of whatever you have in your hands, and use them as tools as much as possible. Even if they are not so suitable, they can greatly save your time."

"And in the wild, timing is the chance to survive."

He didn't say anything more, the camera ball rose into the air, and took pictures of the blizzard clouds that were close at hand. The thick and gloomy dark clouds covered everything, as if hanging over their heads.

[Get in the mood! The clouds are about to press in front of us! 】

[The anchor, hurry up, hurry up! 】

[It's almost enough, it's enough to get in! 】

Lu Liran took the time to glance at the real-time temperature on the outdoor watch, continued digging hard, and hurriedly said: "The temperature outside is minus twelve degrees, and I still have time. The size of the shelter must be at least three times the size of the space, otherwise hiding in It's easy to suffocate and lack oxygen in there."

The size of his place is almost enough to hide him alone, but there is still a Keji, he doesn't expect that Omega to dig out any decent snow cave, so he has to estimate the time it will take to dig the other's cave.

As Lu Liran spoke, he looked towards Ke Ji, but he didn't expect that Ke Ji had dug out a very decent size, and it was right next to him.

"...much faster than I imagined." Lu Liran paused, looked up at Ke Ji, showing a little doubt and scrutiny. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Ke Ji had been digging a hole, but he never thought that the other party's progress could be as fast as possible. keep up with yourself.

Ke Ji smiled and said: "Didn't you say you want to use the tools in your hand? I just thought that the brim of the hat can be removed and used as a shovel, which is much faster. You are really amazing."

Lu Liran: "..." He was praised so strangely that he felt that it had nothing to do with him.

Ke Ji looked at his own snow cave, and then at the one dug out by the Alpha in front of him, it seemed that his performance was a bit too good.

So he was full of uneasiness, and his steel blue eyes, which were exactly the same as Lu Liran's, looked at Lu Liran with a hint of pleading: "Well, can I get through with you? I'm a little scared."

"...All right." Lu Liran pursed her lips, since they are all Omega anyway, there is no need to avoid suspicion if there is no intimacy.

Ke Ji: They are all Alpha anyway, please be generous.

Lu Liran dug through the barrier between the two snow pits, and dug down a few times in that place to form a horizontal groove, and explained to the live broadcast room: "The purpose of doing this is to let the cold air flow freely. A place to go."

"We all know that the cold air will sink. If you don't want it to stick around you at 360 degrees, you'd better learn from me and make something like this." Lu Liran said.

At the same time, he dug a deep space on the side of the snow cave, leaving a section with a length of about 1.67 meters, which looks like... a bed.

"Be careful to keep a distance from the snow layer above, lest the heat of breathing melt the snow above, and the feeling of icy water dripping into the neck is like a nightmare." Lu Liran guided Ke Ji, since Ke Ji showed He has good hands-on ability, so he is not interested in doing these tasks for the other party.

It took the two of them nearly half an hour to barely fix the bed for themselves.

"The blizzard has come, and the temperature outside is almost minus twenty-two degrees. Now we have one last project, which is to block the entrance of the cave."

"In the snow dug out before, there are clusters of very hard snow and ice. I put them aside, and now I can use them to build a temporary door."

Lu Liran took advantage of those snowballs that were as hard as rocks, and piled them up from the outside of the cave. The cave itself is not big, but the interior has been dug deeper and wider, so it is convenient to build a temporary door.

The camera ball also flew into the snow cave from the outside, circled around, and showed the final result of the shelter to the audience in the live broadcast room.

【Fuck, did you really create an igloo? ! 】

[There is a door and a bed! 】

[It's actually a standard room? ? 】

[It's luxurious! —Phoenix gave the host 200x rice grains]

"One more thing, remember to leave the size of a palm, and poke it out from time to time, so that you don't know how deep you are buried." Lu Liran wrapped his coat tightly, made a few gestures, and got into it. In the ice bed that was dug out earlier.

He looked at the temperature display on the watch, rubbed his hands and said, "Now it shows that the temperature inside is minus eighteen degrees, which is already very cold, but I guarantee that it is at least ten degrees Celsius warmer than outside."

[Holy shit, I went to check the real-time temperature in the anchor's area, the temperature is at least minus thirty-four degrees! Anyone who is outside will be frozen into an ice sculpture! 】

[The anchor is awesome! It's all about the details! — Don’t panic duck to give the anchor 1x Sukiyaki]

[Gan! What about the guy who said he was going to smash Buddha Jumping Wall for the anchor? ! Don't be cowardly! 】

[I am convinced! The anchor has something! Say it and send it! —Salted fish, fish and fish give the anchor 1x Buddha jumping over the wall]

The huge special effects of Buddha jumping over the wall covered the entire live broadcast room in an instant, and it rained red envelopes in the live broadcast room, and all viewers could grab the red envelopes to get rice grains.

At the same time, a prompt popped up on the homepage of the live broadcast platform—

[Audience Xianyu Yuyu gave the host 1x Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, everyone, hurry up and enter the host's live broadcast room to grab the rain of red envelopes! 】

This can be regarded as an incentive method for the live broadcast platform. After fans send Buddha Jump Wall to their favorite anchor, it is equivalent to giving the anchor a brief full-channel push small TV. All viewers who are online during this time period will receive such reminders. Limited, everyone will click in to try their luck.

In just one minute, Lu Liran's live broadcast room instantly added hundreds of viewers.

"Thank you for the phoenix's rice grains, the don't panic duck's sukiyaki pot, and the salted fish's Buddha jumping over the wall. It's a waste of money." Lu Liran raised his eyebrows slightly.

There were a bunch of new viewers in the barrage in the live broadcast room, wondering what this was about.

—The live broadcast interface has changed to a green night mode, and only half of Lu Liran's face can be seen, curled up in a small space.

"Hello new viewers, I am a wilderness survival expert and a bounty hunter. My goal is to find the missing travelers here and survive successfully."

Lu Liran's voice was low, but the tone was very clear and pleasant.

He briefly explained the current situation to the newcomers: "Right now I'm on the Arlok Glacier, sheltering from a sudden snowstorm. I dug a temporary shelter for this, and hiding in it should help me survive. through the night."

[? ? ? ? what's that? ? ? What is the anchor talking about? ? 】

[The cowhide is going to be blown to the sky! Huddled in a corner where I don't know where, dare to say that I am in Arlok? ? Return the shelter, the place in Arlok is nothing, where is the shelter! Liar! 】

[The newcomer should not be so hostile, please! The anchor is in Arlok, we all saw it with our own eyes! 】

[That is, we saw the igloo dug by the anchor with our own eyes, it is awesome, if you are not convinced, get out—koko will give the anchor 5x sushi]

[Everyone, please be kind, follow, and pay attention to Young Master's live broadcast room~ There will be a reminder as soon as the broadcast starts~ so that you won't miss the exciting scenes! 】

[Boss, don't be affected by the new barrage! —Rocky Sweetie gave the host 600x rice grains]

Lu Liran smiled, of course the noise in the barrage would not affect him.

Jin Fei's message reminded him. He took a look at the number of followers in his live broadcast room. There were already 206 followers. The number of viewers was 1888. The conversion rate of followers was not bad.

He said: "Thank you for the gifts. This is my first night at Arlok Glacier. Today's live broadcast is almost here. You can pay attention to the live broadcast room. The broadcast time may start in a few hours. I will try to rest as much as possible." For a while, hopefully the blizzard will be over by the time it airs."

After he finished speaking, the camera ball automatically closed and was put back into his pocket.

Although Lu Liran's live broadcast has ended, the live broadcast room is still open, and there are still many people staying inside.

【WTF is gone right after you came in? ? 】

[What did I miss... How did Buddha Jump Over the Wall come out? Because the anchor looks good? Young lady? little brother? 】

[The anchor dug an igloo shelter with bare hands in the blizzard of the Arlok Glacier]

【what? ghost letter! 】

[The anchor is awesome, I said I am tired]

[If you don't believe me, just wait! Anyway, the anchor will start broadcasting! It will come out of the igloo anyway, just look! 】

[Wait, wait, huh! 】

After Lu Liran turned off the live broadcast, he curled up into a ball and curled up on the simple ice bed.

Ke Ji was lying on the opposite side of him, and he could even clearly see the other side shivering slightly from the cold.

"Are you okay?" Ke Ji asked out loud.

Lu Liran raised his eyes and glanced at the other party: "Do you know what I'm thinking?"

Ke Ji: "?"

"I'm thinking about another unlucky rich Omega like you, whether he can survive this blizzard, and whether he will be buried under tens of meters of snow."

Ke Ji's eyes softened, he looked at Lu Liran and comforted him: "Even if you don't find him, it's not your fault..."

"Affects my 150,000 bounty." Lu Liran said coldly.

Ke Ji: "..."

That's right.


On the other end, in the warm and bright sky garden, several rich and rich second generations gathered together, watching the performance of the search team, and joked one after another: "Guess, can anyone find Rockefeller this time?"

"I think it's okay. I heard that the locator on Locke's body has finally been activated. The search team can always find it."

"Then guess who found it? I'll bet 10,000 star coins on the team of ex-special service soldiers, Anke."

"Then I'll bet on the other haha."

"Xian Yu, hello, how about you?"

A young man holding a screen and typing lazily said: "I bet the one who is alone, 50,000 star coins."

"Huh?? That guy didn't even leave him a drone to scout!"

Xianyu didn't speak, just nestled in the sofa chair, looking like he was going to fall asleep at any moment.

A person walked around behind him, only to find that he was actually posting barrage in a live broadcast room, angrily annoyed every comment that refuted him.

"Pfft, what are you doing, you are actually watching the live broadcast?! You are still scolding those trumpets? Hahahaha, the son of a rich man in the wild star actually did this, your father will be **** off by you."

"Not only that, he also smashed the Buddha Jumping Wall?"

"Well, this is the only thing that Xian Yu does that looks like a rich second generation."

"Which beautiful Omega did you drop it on?"

Xianyu raised his eyes lazily, glanced at the friends in front of him, and pouted at the big screen in the garden: "It's the bounty hunter who is alone and not followed by a drone."


The author has something to say:

Brother Lu in the society: Don’t be silly, bounty is the most important thing

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