MTL - I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool-Chapter 13 Benefit exchange reached cooperation!

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Remember in a second【】

What makes the adult cheetah even more puzzled is, is this really just a wild boa constrictor?

If it was a wild boa constrictor, why would the beast **** space warn him to leak the news?

Besides, Wang Teng knew it.

As long as he is not a creature with extremely high intelligence and leaks information from the Beast God Dimension, the Beast God Dimension will never warn him!

Could it be that... this wild python in front of him has extremely high intelligence?

It shouldn't be!

Could it be that this giant python is a legendary monster that has become a spirit?

The monster clan, Wang Teng knows that there are definitely in this world.

However, the number is very small.

According to the explanation of the beast **** space, the earth is now in a state of thin spiritual energy.

It is very difficult for most animals to cultivate into spirits, or they are animals that have lived for a long time and become demons after being psychic.

However, to be honest, Wang Teng had never seen a monster before.

Therefore, at this moment, Wang Teng looked at Wang Mang curiously, feeling a little confused.

At the same time, the little Teddy beside him was already trembling with fear.

Although she is a human being, she is only performing tasks in the beast **** space.

But after completing the task, she can still turn back into a human.

In other words, except under the task status.

The members of their beast **** space can switch between human identity and beast body when they are not in mission time.

Just when Wang Mang was wondering whether to speak, the adult cheetah Wang Teng spoke: "You can understand us, right?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang tapped the huge snake's head, and decided not to expose more for the time being, let's see the situation first.

Moreover, Wang Mang even had a strong premonition that his death should be related to this so-called beast **** space.

Seeing Wang Mangzhen nod his head, the adult cheetah Wang Teng's eyes widened even more, obviously he did not expect that Wang Mang could really understand him.

In this way, the warning from the Beast God Dimension can be explained clearly. The wild python in front of him is really extremely intelligent.

Even, it is very likely to be the legendary demon.

But how did Wang Teng know that Wang Mang just owned the system.

However, it is not an exaggeration to say that Wang Mang is a demon.

After all, Wang Mang's current state is indeed a bit like a demon.

At the same time, Wang Teng seemed to think of something.

Afterwards, Wang Teng couldn't help moving his mind.

Because, any task issued by Beast God Space will never be a dead task.

Even if it is a mission to die, there is still a chance of survival.

Could it be... this big man in front of him is the chance to survive?

Thinking of this, Wang Teng suddenly said, "Can you help us?"

Hearing this, although Wang Mang was curious why they asked him for help, he didn't rush to agree.

Therefore, Wang Mang nodded and shook the huge snake's head again.

Seeing this scene, Wang Teng knew there was something to be done, and said excitedly, "As long as you can help us, you can ask for any conditions."

Seeing this, the little Teddy Lu Xueyi on the side nodded quickly and said: "Yes, as long as you are willing to help us complete the task."

"My family is very rich, as long as you promise to help me, I will send you a lot of food in the future, is that okay?"

Seeing this, Wang Teng was a little speechless, and was about to tell his partner not to be so naive, but found that the giant python in front of him nodded.

Then, they saw an extremely strange scene.

I saw that the giant python in front of me actually wrote three characters on the ground with its tail.

One hundred million!


Wang Teng swears that he is absolutely right!

Moreover, Wang Mang's handwriting is very formal!

All of a sudden, the little Teddy and the adult cheetah were in a daze.

They really want to ask, you are a giant python, even if you become a spirit, you won't spend money, right?

What are you doing with so much money?

Moreover, Wang Mang is like a lion with a big mouth, 100 million!

Do you think everyone is the richest man?

One hundred million is just a small goal?

Even Lu Xueyi was shocked.

She quickly shook her little head and said helplessly:

"Too much, I don't even have that much pocket money."

"Big boa constrictor, can you have less!"

"It's really too much. My family won't give me so much money."

Although her family is also very rich, the problem is that she doesn't have so much money.

Moreover, she is only sixteen years old, how can she spend so much money!

Even if she asks her family to ask for it after the task is completed, it will not cost so much money.

Seeing this, Wang Mang was not surprised, he just opened his mouth on purpose before.

At the same time, he also intends to find out how much money this little Teddy has in his family, as well as the information he wants.

From here, Wang Mang can know that they, these people, may be able to change back to their human identities.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang swept his big tail on the ground and wrote again: "How much can you give?"

"May I give you all the pocket money? Boa constrictor, I have saved around 9 million pocket money."

Little Teddy looked up at Wang Mang, his voice was pitiful and pleading.

Seeing this, Wang Mang was a little surprised, it seems that this little Teddy's family is really rich

^0^Remember in one second【】


Her identity in real life is probably at least on the same level as Wang Mang's family background.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang said slowly, "15 million!"

Wang Mang's sudden opening scared the two of them again.

They didn't expect that UU reading www.uukanshu. The python in front of me can actually talk!

He just pretended not to speak before!

This is definitely a demon! It is also a very intelligent snake demon!

Little Teddy Lu Xueyi, and Cheetah Wang Teng, were very sure of it.

After all, it is not surprising that the snake demon can speak.

Among the older generation, there are a lot of folk rumors.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Little Teddy hesitated for a moment, and said firmly: "Okay, the boa constrictor, it's only 15 million. After I finish the task and go back, I should borrow some from my friends."

At the same time, Wang Mang secretly wrote down the word "mission".

In addition, Wang Mang, who wanted to know more information, pretended to be casual and asked: "Are you going to keep doing the task? What will happen if the task is completed or fails?"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^