MTL - I Transmigrated Into A Divorce And Remarried A Hunter Husband-Chapter 356 , a good reputation for donating

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  Chapter 356, donate a good reputation

  Zhao Huanniang walked at the end of these wives, and she was dressed in a rich and dignified way. Compared with Xiaojia Biyu in the early days, she now looks like a rich lady with her posture.

   It's just that the other wives of the Yun family are a little far away from her, and they don't talk to her at all.

   Naturally, she looked down on her small place, and remarried again.

  Master Yun can only be regarded as a side branch in the Yun clan, completely different from Master Yun of the direct branch, so he can only stand at the back at this moment.

  Follow to meet Heng Yi and Han Qiao.

  Heng Yi got out of the carriage first, and stretched out his hand to help Han Qiao down.

  Master Yun immediately stepped forward with a smile and saluted, "Caomin has seen Lord Hou and Madam Hou."

   "Master Yun doesn't need to be too polite."

  Han Qiao smiled, Mrs. Yun came forward immediately, and greeted Han Qiao, "I have seen Mrs. Hou."

   "Mrs. Yun doesn't need to be too polite."

  The way of the world is like this, with distinct levels, and the distinction between officials and businessmen is even more clear.

   Even in the earlier days, they were still businessmen, everyone met as equals, and they had to be polite when they met the Yun family.

  Now when the Yun family sees them, they have to bow their knees, be polite, and think twice before speaking.

   This is power.

   Fortunately, Heng Yi and Han Qiao are not the kind of people who bully others. In addition, they have Qiu Yun's family now, so this cooperation must be based on your love and my willingness.

   Everyone intends to befriend each other, and we have met several times. We have some face, and we get acquainted quickly.

  Han Qiao naturally also saw Zhao Huanniang standing behind the wives of the Yun family.

  She was surprised for a moment.

  But thinking of Zhao Huanniang's remarriage, it became clear.

  She never thought that she would be unhappy with Zhao Huanniang today, nor did she think about what she would do to Zhao Huanniang. They are people from two worlds.

  As long as Zhao Huanniang doesn't come to trouble her, she won't talk to Zhao Huaniang.

   After saying hello casually, Han Qiao was surrounded and walked towards the female relatives.

  Heng Yi and the others naturally went to the male guest.

  Ice cubes were placed in the corner of the small hall, and it was cool in the hall. Melon and fruit snacks and sweet soup were served in front of Han Qiao after she sat down.

   "It's all made by the cook in the house. Madam Hou, you can taste it if you like it."

"it is good."

  Han Qiao tasted them one by one, and gave a very positive answer, "The cook is very good at cooking, and the lotus seed soup is very delicious."

   Not bitter at all, and the stewed lotus seeds are soft and fragrant.

   Mrs. Yun said with a smile, "Madam, it's rare for you to come here, let some juniors from my family come in and give you a salute, and please take care of them in the future."

   There is some meaning in what he said.

  Han Qiao was also thoughtful, and instantly understood what Mrs. Yun meant.

  The oldest child in her family is married.

   But Sun Xiu and Sun Yi haven't engaged yet, right? Although they are still young, they can get engaged first.

   After all, it is better to strike first.


  The children of the Yun family, both boys and girls, are good-looking, well-educated and handsome.

  Young people, still lively and lovely.

   Saluted Han Qiao one by one.

  Han Qiao asked Duanyue to present the meeting gift, which was also prepared early.

   Just look at Duanyue's bulging sleeve pockets.

  Boys are Wenchang pens carved from white jade, and girls are Ruyi locks. They are not expensive, but not light, just right.

   "You don't have to thank Mrs. Hou quickly."

   "Thanks ma'am."

  Han Qiao smiled and said, "You don't need to be too polite, just be careful."

   Then he said to Mrs. Yun, "The children in your family are really beautiful."

   "Girls are like flowers, delicate and charming, gentle and elegant. Boys are green pines and green bamboos, gentle and gentle. You are very lucky."

   After being complimented, Mrs. Yun was very happy.

   Smiling, he changed the subject, "I heard that Lord Hou is going to recruit troops. Have you chosen the address of the barracks?"

   "Still in selection, it should be at the intersection of Fanzhou, Huizhou, and Chenzhou."

   "..." Mrs. Yun was silent for a moment, "There are many bandits in Fanzhou and Huizhou. Could it be that Lord Hou is going to suppress the bandits?"

   "Almost." Han Qiao said.

  As soon as the location of the military camp was determined, the bandits in Fanzhou and Huizhou would all tremble.

  With Heng Yi's methods and skills, there are no bandits in Chenzhou now.

  People in other states are naturally afraid.

   "That's a good thing. We women in the inner house don't know what to do, but my natal family makes cloth. If you don't mind my wife, we are willing to donate 5,000 bolts of coarse cloth to buy clothes for the soldiers in the military camp."

  Although coarse cloth is cheap, five thousand pieces is still a lot.

  If you want to buy it, you have to spend some thought and introduction.

   "The eldest lady is so generous, I thank the soldiers of the military camp in advance, and when the time comes, Lord Hou will write it in."

   "Do you write everything donated?" Mrs. Yun asked.

   "What was written, what was donated, and how much was donated. It is not only a verbal statement, but also in black and white. There must be several copies. All of them must be archived and engraved on a stele for future generations to admire."

  When Han Qiao said this, the wives of the Yun family became more active.

   This is a thing that will last forever.

   Moreover, it can leave an impression in front of the emperor, and it can give the family a good reputation.

   They have silver, but it still needs to be discussed.

   Someone asked Han Qiao again, "Can I donate anything?"

"In theory, yes, but you don't need things that are not used in the barracks, and these things, how much they donate, will be made into an account book, and there will be a detailed list of where they are used in the future. Donors can see them at any time, and the court can see them." , the common people can see it too.”

   is clear to transparent.

  (end of this chapter)

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