MTL - I Transmigrated Into A Divorce And Remarried A Hunter Husband-Chapter 390 , selfish (2 more)

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  Chapter 390, Are you selfish (2 more)

   It is false to see two children, but it is true to miss the daughter.


  Han Qiao took the list.

  These are self-owned and brought people to count them.

  She looked at He Hong, "Today is Cheng'er's birthday, you..."


   He Hong had a meal.

   I panicked for a moment.

  He has already forgotten when He Cheng was born.

   "Sister-in-law, I..."

  Han Qiao took a deep breath to suppress the displeasure in her heart.

  What kind of father is this?

"Whether you recognize him or not is up to you. He is in the Hou's Mansion, the second son of the Hou's Mansion, and he doesn't need anything from you. It's just that he's precocious and sensible. If you don't intend to recognize him, you will never know him." recognize."

   "He Hong, Heng Yi and I never stopped you from visiting and getting close to him. He is your own son. But I hope you, even if you don't love him, please don't hurt him."

   "The children you don't care about, but the ones we appreciate."

  She never ignored He Cheng just because she had A Yao.

  Heng Yi is partial to A Yao, she can see it.

   It can also be seen that he is trying his best to be nice to He Cheng.

  He Hong blushed at Han Qiao's words.

   "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I..."

   "Mother, mother." He Chengdeng ran over.

  There was sweat on his forehead, a smile on his white and tender face, and the big yellow dog followed him.

   Behind the big yellow dog, Ayao grabs the big yellow dog's tail. The big yellow dog has a very good temper, so he lets Ayao pull it.

   Behind is the white and fat Zeng Baoer.

   "Mother, did you ask Brother Baoer to give me rhubarb? Mother, you are so kind, thank you, I really like this birthday present."

  Han Qiao laughed, and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his face.

   "This is just one of the gifts, Mother has prepared other gifts for you."

   "Do you have longevity noodles?" He Cheng asked with bright eyes.


   "Same as my brother, is it also a stick? Did my mother make it herself?" He Chenglian asked a few questions.

  He remembered that on A Yao's birthday, Han Qiao cooked longevity noodles with his own hands, just a long stick.

  He also ate, but not one.

   "Yes, mother will cook for you later." Han Qiao rubbed his head.

   Pulling him in front of Hehong, "Call..."

   "I know, call uncle, uncle said earlier." He Cheng said immediately.

  He raised his head to look at Han Qiao, as if begging for a reward.


  Han Qiao felt a sudden breath in her heart, unable to go up or down.

  She didn't even know what to say to Hong Hong.

   "Let's go play with my younger brother and brother Bao'er, where is Wenxuan? You go to the dining room first, and your parents will come in a while."


how many kids.

  Zeng Baoer is old, but he doesn't seem to grow up, he just likes to tease He Cheng and A Yao who are younger than him.

  He Cheng would be fooled, but Ayao would always avoid the pits Zeng Baoer dug.

  Looking at the children going away, Han Qiao glanced at He Hong lightly.

   "I'll go to the kitchen and have a look, you guys talk."

  He Cheng is also unlucky.

  Mother hates poison, and father is cool.

  She didn't know whether Hehong was like this by nature, or the things he experienced later changed his temperament.

  But when they first met, she really felt that He Hong was a nice person.

  Heng Yi still stays with Hong for dinner.

  He Hong was a little lost.

  Until sitting on the table, He Cheng asked Han Qiao to feed him longevity noodles, with a satisfied look on his face.

  Only a loved child will make all kinds of demands.

   And he also discovered that only the noodles in He Cheng's bowl were one strand, and all the noodles in their bowls were cut off.

  Ayao sat on a small chair, ate the noodles with his hands, and didn't want anyone to feed him, the taste was extraordinarily delicious bite by bite.

  He Hong took the jade pendant from his waist, "Cheng'er."

   "Uncle?" He Cheng looked over.

  A pair of eyes are clean and pure, innocent in black and white.

   "Come on, this is your birthday present from uncle."

  He Chengxian looked at Han Qiao.

  Han Qiao patted his head, "Go, thank you, uncle."

  He Cheng took a few steps forward, saluted respectfully, and then stretched out his hands to hold it.

   Rules are really rules.

  Hehong asked himself, if this child was by his side, could he teach so well?

  He knew he couldn't.

  Not even with Zhao Huanniang.

   "Good boy." Put the jade pendant in He Cheng's heart.

  He Cheng hurriedly said, "Thank you uncle."

  Happily running back to Han Qiao.

  After seeing it, Ayao screamed and reached out to touch it.

   Only the noodles are still sticking to his fingers.

  Han Qiao asked the little maid to carry A Yao down to wash her hands.

  He Cheng followed A Yao, coaxing,

   "Put it on for you first, be careful not to damage it."

   "Mmmm." Ayao kept nodding.

  After tidying up, stand obediently, and wait to give him the jade pendant.

  A Yao ran over to show Han Qiao wearing it.

  Han Qiao boasted, "It's so beautiful."

  Ayao ran to He Cheng, "Brother Dai, brother Dai."

  Children's feelings are not understood by adults, and they can't intervene.

  As long as you don’t fight and get along in harmony, it’s fine for brothers and sisters to respect each other.

  He Cheng loves his younger brother, and Ayao respects his elder brother.

  Han Qiao never intervenes in how the children get along. If they make mistakes, they will be punished, and they will be reprimanded for disobedience.

  She ate the food slowly, and glanced at He Hong, whose eyes were a little red.

   Did not speak.

  Heng Yi poured He Hong a glass of wine.

  He Hong raised his wine glass and faced Heng Yi, "Brother Heng, I would like to toast you, thank you..."

   "Don't talk about that." Heng Yi said softly.

  They gave He Hong several chances, but He Hong never told He Cheng the truth.

  From now on, He Cheng is a child of the Heng family, and has nothing to do with him and Hong.

   As for how to choose He Cheng after being raised, it is He Cheng's own business.

   All these years in Heng's family, he just needs to have a clear conscience.

   After lunch, He Hong bid farewell.

  Heng Yi sent him to the gate.

  Before He Hong left, he bowed deeply to Heng Yi.

   "Brother Heng, Hong and I are not the same thing, please don't tell Cheng'er the truth, and let him live like this for the rest of his life."


  Heng Yi responded muffled.

  Let Baicha take He Hong to the barracks to find Zhu Cong.

  Turn around to find He Cheng, and take him to see the pony that just arrived.

  The three-month-old foal, it is said that the father is a **** horse on the grassland.

  Grows tall and big, and looks a little mighty.

   "Give it to me?" He Cheng asked cautiously.

  He knew that his eldest brother had a horse, and he only petted it on weekdays.

   "Yes, it's a birthday present for Cheng'er. Let's take care of it first, and then Cheng'er can ride when he grows up." Heng Yi patted his head.

  Hold him on horseback.

  A Yao screamed and wanted to go up.

  Heng Yi carried A Yao up and led the horse slowly.

   "Is it as good as Daddy?" He Cheng asked.

  Child Mu Qiang.

   Especially the father.

  He Cheng looked at Heng Yi with admiration in his eyes.

   "Well, after studying hard and practicing hard, you will be stronger than Dad."

  He Cheng giggled.

  Ayao also laughed.

  Heng Yi also laughed.

  Han Qiao watched from not far away, smiled lightly and turned to go about her own business.

  On the way to the barracks, Hehong and Baicha were silent.

  They used to be masters and servants, now...

  Although Hehong married a wife, he was no different from his son-in-law, and was restrained everywhere.

   There is no way to do whatever you want.

  Although Bai Cha is still a slave, he is the second master of the Hou family, with real power in his hands, and everyone respects and flatters him when he goes out.

  They are already worlds apart...

  (end of this chapter)

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