MTL - I Transmigrated Into A Divorce And Remarried A Hunter Husband-Chapter 4 , take care of yourself

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  Chapter 4, Taking Care of Yourself

  The three sisters got to work almost immediately.

  Move all the food to the kitchen for tidying up. Sun Yi and Sun Ke fetched water and lit the fire, while Sun Xiu went to dig the ground in the backyard.

  The small body is waving a hoe, sweating but full of smiles and enthusiasm.

  Han Qiao originally wanted to go to the hut in the backyard to relieve herself, but when she saw Sun Xiu digging the ground, she stood there and watched for a while.

   "Mother." Sun Xiu called out sweetly.

   "You did a good job." Han Qiao said softly.

   stepped forward and patted Sun Xiu's head, "I'm going to have to work hard for you these days."


   "This time your father was ruthless, and my mother was injured all over, so I can't do these heavy jobs for the time being." Han Qiao felt apologetic.

  She didn't think about having a child do these jobs.

   It's just that she doesn't have the energy to do it right now.

   "Mother, it doesn't matter, this job is nothing, Ayi and I can do it well, and Ake will also help with watering, mother just take a good rest and recuperate."

  The three children are really capable.

  Han Qiao didn't have to worry about plowing the land, tilling, and watering.

When taking a bath, Sun Xiu and Sun Yi carried the bath water to the bathroom next to the latrine in the backyard. When Han Qiao was taking a bath, Sun Xiu and Sun Yi came in to help wash her hair and wipe her back. , Old injuries intertwined, Sun Xiu burst into tears of distress.

  Sun Yi gritted his teeth fiercely.

  Han Qiao also intended for them to see.

   Sooner or later, she wanted Sun Yiming to look good, and she had to let the three children know what their mother had suffered, and she couldn't change her attitude just because of Sun Yiming's few words.

   "Axiu, Ayi, wash my hair for me."

   "Oh, good." Sun Xiu hurriedly responded.

  The two sisters scratched Han Qiao's head and flushed the other.

  This ancient shampoo and bath beans are easy to use. After washing your hair, it will be slippery, refreshing and refreshing, and you can wash your whole body clean.

  Niang it took a long time for the four of them to wash one by one and bask in the sun in the yard.

  The sun was so strong at noon that I was a little dizzy from the sun.

  After the hair was dry, Han Qiao combed the hair of the three daughters.

  The twist braid extending from the top of the head to the back of the head, leaving about ten centimeters at the end and tied with a red rope.

  Sun Xiu and Sun Yi didn't say anything, but the smiles on the corners of their eyes and brows still revealed their joy and happiness. Sun Ke expressed it very directly, hugging Han Qiaoniang and shouting non-stop.

  Sun Xiu and Sun Yi went to wash their clothes without Han Qiao asking.

  When the sunset is over the sky, it is also time to prepare dinner.

  Han Qiao endured the pain and cooked for herself.

  Wash the big bones and blanch the soup, wash the meat and put it in to cook. After a while, take it out and stir-fry the twice-cooked pork. Cut half a pumpkin, peel it, cut it into pieces, and wait for the bone broth to stew into a white and thick soup, then throw it in and cook.

  The Sun family has two iron pots, one for soup and the other for rice.

  Watching Han Qiao pour rice into the pot, the three sisters couldn't help shaking.

   "Mom, do you want to eat white rice tonight?" Sun Ke asked in a low voice.

   Eyes full of hope.

  She couldn't remember whether she had eaten white rice.

   I am looking forward to it.

   "Yes, white rice." Han Qiao pinched Sun Ke's white face.

  White rice, stewed pumpkin with bones, twice-cooked pork, fried Chinese vegetables.


  The three children swallowed.

  Looking at the dishes and rice on the table, he couldn't bear to blink his eyelids.

   "Let's serve dinner." Han Qiao said warmly.

  The three children pick up the meat first, and then put it in Han Qiao's bowl together.

   "Mother eats."

  Han Qiao has a heart.

   Really softened.

  She also gave meat to the three children, "you eat too."

  Seeing the three children looking at themselves with reddish eyes, "Eat."

  Han Qiao is not a good mother. She demands herself with three obediences and four virtues, and obeys her husband, but neglects her three children. She also needs a mother's care, both physically and mentally.

  Her bearing the burden of humiliation did not move anyone.

   From now on, this will be her Han Qiao's child, and she will never let them be wronged.

   There are people who want to say that it is not good.

  Heng Yi is not feeling well right now.

  He is good at martial arts, and has excellent hearing all year round. He can hear every movement next door clearly.

  The mothers and I get along warmly and happily, the food they cook is delicious and attractive, and there are laughter and laughter that have never been seen in the past few years.

  He remembered what Lin Yuanwai Jin'er had said to him. For the first time, he wanted to have a family, a person who knew what was cold and what was hot, and his wife and children were hot on the bed.

   "Uncle Wu, it's time to eat."


  Heng Yi responded.

   Turn over and go to the main room for dinner.

Heng's family has no family division. The whole family has more than 20 people. There is no room for two tables at one table. They are divided into three tables. Heng Yi sits at the main table with his four brothers and parents. sitting with their children.

  The food on the table is clear and watery, no meat, no eggs, no meat.

  Heng Yi didn't care at all, picked up his rice bowl and ate quickly.

  Others eat very slowly in tacit understanding.

   "Grandma, I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat."

   "Eat meat, what kind of meat do you eat? Where did you get the meat at home?" Grandma Heng shouted angrily.

  She became fierce, and her grandchildren were afraid.

  The little grandson burst into tears.

   His mother hurriedly hugged and coaxed her.

  The old man Heng said softly, "Eldest daughter-in-law, go and scramble two eggs for the children's dinner."

   "Yes, Dad."

  Heng Yi put down the bowl and chopsticks, "I'm done eating."

   Get up and leave the main room.

  After he left, eggs and meat were served soon.

  Old man Heng was silent.

  Grandma Heng warmly greeted her grandsons and granddaughters to eat quickly.

   No sound is allowed.

  The four Heng family brothers remained silent.

  The four sisters-in-law seem to have gotten used to it, so they didn't say anything.

  It’s just that no one expected that Heng Yi would stand at the door and ask like a mountain, “Is the meat delicious?”



   There was a dead silence in the main room for a while.

  The child was ignorant, so he immediately replied, "It's delicious, Grandma said, the meat is not for Uncle Wu."

   His mother hastened to cover the child's mouth before it was too late.

  Heng Dalang stood up, "Fifth Brother..."

  Heng Yi turned around and left quickly.

  He didn't care about the meat at all.

  He Hong is right, he wants to think for himself, this family has never treated him as a family member except for asking him for prey.

   He is not their family either.

  Perhaps Lin Yuanwai's proposal can be considered, anyway, it is about washing, cooking and having children, so it should be the same whoever you marry.

  With his own small family, he will never work hard for this family again, bear the burden of hard work, and eat two different meals.

  in the hall

  Old man Heng threw a bowl directly at Granny Heng's face.


  Grandma Heng screamed in pain.

   But he didn't dare to yell and refute at all.

  Sister-in-law Heng stood up, "It's all my fault, it's all because I cut up the meat on my own initiative, I'm going to explain it to my fifth brother."

  Sister-in-law Heng immediately went after Heng Yi.

  Arrived in front of Heng Yi's room, she tried to speak, "Fifth brother, sister-in-law did something wrong..."

   "Get out!" Heng Yi's cold and emotionless voice came from the room.

  Sister-in-law Heng was taken aback.

  Since she was married more than ten years ago, Heng Yi has never talked to her like this.

He said very little, almost seldom uttered a word, he only went hunting in the mountains, and talked about his marriage twice, but he didn't say anything after that, he still got up early and went hunting in the mountains before dawn, took a shower and went back to the house to rest, and had dinner continue to rest.

  Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, except for wind and snow, every day is like this.

   "Fifth Brother..." Sister Heng shouted again hastily.

  The door opened, and Heng Yi stood at the door, "Do you think I'm a fool? Do you really think I haven't found out after all these years?"

   "So far, you don't care about me, and I don't care about you, just take care of yourself."

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion