MTL - I Transmigrated Into A Divorce And Remarried A Hunter Husband-Chapter 7 ,A lot of money

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  Chapter 7, A lot of money

  The two sisters discussed what to eat for breakfast?

  Although there is rice grain at home, it is not much, and it will be gone after two days of eating and drinking. They don't dare to think about eating meat like yesterday.

   "Cook porridge and make some cakes." Sun Xiu said softly.

  Afraid of waking up Han Qiao and Sun Ke who were still sleeping.

  Sun Yi nodded, "I'll light the fire first, then fetch water to water the vegetables in the backyard."

  It was a hot day, the ground would dry up quickly without watering, and the seeds couldn't germinate and grow.

  The two sisters discussed it.

   One person lit the fire and the other washed the pot. Sun Yi said again, "After breakfast, let's go to the coffin shop first, and then go get some firewood and come back. Mother is covered with injuries. Let her rest for two days."

"it is good."

   In a few words, I finalized the things to do in the morning.

  Han Qiao was still a little dazed when she heard the movement and woke up. She quickly remembered her situation, exhaled and endured the pain and got up.

  Thinking about selling those books by Sun Yiming, I have to go to the medical clinic to buy some medicine for bruises, both for external use and internal use.

  When she arrived at the stove, the two sisters shouted in unison, "Mother, wake up."

  Sun Xiu was in a hurry to fetch water for Han Qiao to rinse his mouth and wash his face, like a hardworking bee who was never idle for a moment.

   He fetches water and sweeps the floor very neatly.

  Sun Yi carried water to the backyard to water the ground equally swiftly and swiftly, and the two sisters were used to doing these tasks after seeing the two sisters.

  Han Qiao has to admit that with these two sisters, no matter what she does in the future, it will be a great help.

When the two sisters were busy, she was not idle. She rinsed her mouth and face, went back to the house to comb her hair, simply tied a bun, fixed it with the only wooden hairpin, got up and went back to the stove to cut a piece of pumpkin, peeled it and put it in the pot Steaming in the oven, seeing the dough in the clay pot, I chopped up a little meat left over from yesterday, and made meatloaf later.

   "Mother, don't you want to keep this meat?" Sun Xiu asked in a low voice.

   "Don't keep it, I'll buy some later, let's have dumplings at noon."

  Han Qiao returned casually, but Sun Xiu was stunned.

  Even Sun Yi, who came to fetch water, was very surprised.

  The two sisters took a quick look at each other, with joy in their eyes, but also anxiety and apprehension.

  Who doesn’t want to have a full meal and eat well.

  No matter how sensible they are, they are still children.

  Han Qiao glanced at the two sisters, "I said that I will lead you to live a good life in the future, and I will never break my promise. So let's start by eating enough and eating well every day."

  As if seeing through the minds of the two sisters, he continued, "Don't worry about making money, I have my own way."

   "Well, I listen to mother." Sun Xiu and Sun Yi said together.

  Breakfast was cooked, and Sun Ke couldn't sleep anymore because of the smell of the meatloaf. He got up and rushed to hug Han Qiao's leg, raised his face and called happily, "Mom."

  Han Qiao pinched her white and tender face, "Go wash your face and rinse your mouth, let's have breakfast. I will let your eldest sister comb your hair soon."

   "Okay." Sun Ke obediently responded, and immediately went to wash his face and rinse his mouth.

  Shui Sunyi has prepared everything for her.

  There is no so-called toothpaste or toothbrush at home. To rinse your mouth is to chew a piece of willow branch in your mouth, then spit it out and rinse your mouth with water.

  The washcloths used by the three sisters are used together with Han Qiao. Han Qiao thinks that after selling books, she will go to the cloth shop to pull some cloth to make clothes for the three children, and the washcloths should be separated.

  She has been a food blogger for nearly 20 years and has traveled all over country H. She not only records the food from all over the world, but also cooks it herself. There are dangers everywhere when going out, and she also learned boxing to defend herself. She knows a lot of things, but apart from food and boxing, everything else is just getting started.

  Even making clothes, she can simply embroider a few flowers, and the stitches are fairly fine, but she doesn't know complicated stitches.

  But for her current status, this is very good, no matter how easy it is to attract suspicion from others,

  Han Qiao knows needlework, but only for making clothes, not embroidery. Sun Xiu and Sun Yi also learned a little bit, so it’s no problem to be a helper.

   While eating, Han Qiao was also thinking about her future livelihood.

  Going to sell vegetables is the worst policy.

   Unless there is no other way out, she will not take this step.

Go sell books first, and then clean up the house to see what you need to buy. Nowadays, there are a lot of things to eat in the mountains. Ninghe Town is a bit far from the road into the mountains. It takes an hour to walk, which is equivalent to two hours. Hour.

   It took two hours on the way back and forth, and my legs were about to break. The road to get rich in the mountains was basically unfeasible.

  Then make some low-cost pastries to sell.

  But you can’t start doing it all at once, you have to go around in a circle first, as if you were cornered and broke the boat.

  The three sisters saw Han Qiao's serious face, and they ate carefully, not daring to make a sound.

   After a good meal, Sun Xiu and Sun Yi quickly put away the dishes and went to wash them.

  Han Qiao got up and went to the study to get a book.

  When Sun Yiming saw Han Qiao enter the room, hatred and anger burst out of his eyes instantly.

  He woke up a long time ago. He was hungry, in pain and holding his urine, and he couldn't speak or move. It was really uncomfortable.

  Han Qiao ignored him at all and went to get the book on his own.

   "Hmmmm." Sun Yiming struggled to make a sound.

   Seeing Han Qiao wrapping all his books, he suddenly thought of something, his heart beat like a drum in panic, and he kept struggling.


  Han Qiao ignored him and went out with a book.

   He also closed the door smoothly, blocking Sun Yiming's struggle and pleading.

  Han Qiao called Sun Yi and Sun Ke, "Your eldest sister and I are going out, you take care of your home, don't let anyone in, and don't go to the study."

  Sun Yi and Sun Ke nodded again and again.

  Han Qiao originally wanted to tell Sun Yi not to untie the rope for Sun Yiming.

  Sun Yixian said, "Mother, don't worry, I know what to do."

  The seven-year-old girl has an immature face, but her eyes are extremely firm.

  Han Qiao instantly understood that Sun Yi understood everything.

  This child is more mature and sensible than she imagined.

  Han Qiao rubbed Sun Yi's head and took Sun Xiu out.

  She also locked the door just in case.

   I just didn't expect to run into Heng Yi next door.

  Han Qiao just glanced at Heng Yi lightly, turned around and left without saying hello.

  Sun Xiu obediently called out, "Uncle Heng Fifth." Then she quickly caught up with Han Qiao.

  Heng Yi looked at the backs of the mother and daughter in the distance, and pursed his lips.

   Slowly followed behind, watching the mother and daughter enter the bookstore, while he turned the corner and walked towards Lin Yuanwai's house.

  Han Qiao took Sun Xiu into the bookstore. The shopkeeper saw the bundle in her arms, and saw that the mother and daughter had cleaned up cleanly and refreshed today. He smiled and invited them into the small room behind the counter.

  General shopkeepers talk about things in this small room.

  Han Qiao sat down calmly, and Sun Xiu stood beside her, a little embarrassed.

  Han Qiao opened the bag and took out the books inside.

   "Treasurer, let's see what the prices of the books here are."

  The shopkeeper picked up a book and opened it, no matter it was paper, handwriting, or sorting. He read other books, each of which was like this, and these books were the books that children's students needed most in order to be a scholar.

   It is definitely not appropriate to count two hundred Wen per book, and the woman in front of her is not a person to be fooled.

  The shopkeeper thought about it and picked it out, "These three books are worth 300 texts each, the five books are each worth 450 texts, and the five books are each worth 600 texts. What do you think?"

  Han Qiao quickly calculated, "A total of 6215 Wen."

  The shopkeeper of the bookstore was stunned, but he didn't expect a woman to settle accounts so quickly.

   "It is indeed the number."

   "Wait a minute, I'll get you money."

  Six taels of silver is not a small amount, and no matter how many people save it for a lifetime, they will not be able to save it.

  If they were all silver dimes, it would not be much, but if they were exchanged for copper coins, there would be a lot.

  When Han Qiao got the money, she was still calm, while Sun Xiu's eyes were red with excitement.

  Han Qiao packed the silver, looked at the shopkeeper and said seriously, "Treasurer, can I talk to you about a deal?"

  (end of this chapter)

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