MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 128

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The blood soaked in the white snow, making the ground full of crimson blood.

Doflamingo walked leisurely on the red-stained snow, walked towards the base, and after entering the base, he saw Barreros who was wounded on the ground.

After Barreros saw Doflamingo, he thought it was Doflamingo who planned to eat black and eat their devil fruit.

"You guys did it, you stole my Devil Fruit, are you still here to kill me now?"

Doflamingo looked at Barreros coldly, "The fruit of the operation was taken away? What a useless alcoholic, such a precious devil fruit can be taken away.

If I wanted to kill you, it wouldn't take so much effort at all! "

After Doflamingo finished speaking, with a pistol in his hand, he raised his hand and shot Barreros in the head, killing him.

At the same time, at the foot of the mountain, there were two people hiding in the woods, watching everything that happened on the island.

"It's time for us to play!"

Chapter 254 Corazon Sacrifice?

After Corazon came to a place, he calmed down his breath as much as possible, and then walked into an abandoned house.

After Luo, who was suffering from a high fever, heard the sound, he weakly opened his eyes and only relaxed after seeing that it was Corazon.

After seeing Luo, Corazon said to Luo in the tone of giving his child a favorite gift: "Jianjiang, Luo, look, this is the fruit of the operation!"

He said to Corazon feebly: "Mr. Cora, it's great that you are safe and sound. I heard explosions and a lot of gunshots just now... Phew, I thought you had an accident!"

Corazon yelled at Luo: "Hey, stinky brat, get up, this is the fruit of surgery that can save your life!"

It's just that after Luo listened to Corazon's words, his eyes widened slightly, and he said with disbelief: "I came from a family of doctors, and my disease is a terminal illness. It's hard to believe that if I eat such a fruit, I can cure it. My disease..."

Before Luo finished speaking, Corazon grabbed Luo's collar and forcibly stuffed the fruit of the operation into Luo's mouth.

"What nonsense are you talking about, devil fruit is so amazing, as long as you eat it, it will definitely cure your disease!"

Luo began to struggle, because the whole Devil Fruit was stuffed into his mouth, making him feel suffocated.

"Ugh, what are you doing?"

"Evil, this smell is too disgusting!"

Corazon ignored Luo's struggles, grabbed Luo's chin and bit it up and down, letting Luo chew the fruit of the surgery to pieces, then stuffed it directly into Luo's throat.

Luo swallowed hard and finally ate the Devil Fruit.

"Ah, Tui~"

"This devil fruit is too disgusting!"

"And Mr. Cora, I'm not ready to be a fruit person yet..."

Luo Zheng complained, and saw Corazon fell straight in front of him.

"Mr. Cora, Mr. Cora, are you all right?"

I had been groggy before, I don't know if it was because of eating the fruit of the operation, but the whole person recovered.

It was not until this time that he discovered that Corazon's body had numerous wounds punctured by bomb fragments, and there were still many blood holes on his body. At first glance, he was hit by bullets.

Luo hurriedly took out the gauze and bandages in the backpack, and wanted to help Corazon bandage it. Although Corazon did not have any fatal injuries, after all, there were so many wounds on his body. Can come to Corazon's life.

Looking at Luo, who had tears in his eyes, but held on to not cry and helped him bandage, Corazon instead smiled and comforted Luo.

"Luo, don't worry, this little injury won't kill me, it's alright, now there is something more important to do..."

With a crying voice, Luo roared at Corazon with a vicious look: "Shut up, no matter what happens, wait for me to wrap it up first!"

After being attacked by Luo, Corazon laughed instead, nodded and agreed, obediently letting Luo bandage.

After the bandage was finished, Corazon said to Luo: "Luo, the situation is very dangerous now, this Devil Fruit was intended to be used by the former admiral named Barreus to trade with the World Government, and now we will use the Devil Fruit. Got it, gotta get out of here quickly.

Otherwise, we will be caught by the people of the world government, and we will all have to die! "

After hearing Corazon's serious words, Luo's expression became serious.

"The world government is a bunch of bastards. At first, my country died because of the world government. Now everyone in the world still thinks platinum-lead disease is an infectious disease, and also encourages neighboring countries to block and kill people in our country.

The **** from the world government clearly know that collecting platinum and lead is poisonous and will accumulate in the contacts for a long time, but they still let people in our country continue to mine.

When I get better, I must destroy the world government! "

Corazon struggled to get up from the ground, pressed it on Luo's head and rubbed it hard.

"Stinky brat, don't think so extreme, the world government can't be dealt with alone, don't think about it until you become a character like the Five Emperors.

If you really destroy the world government, then go to the Five Emperor Chenos. His ambition is very big, and his goal is to deal with the world government. Under his command, you can also grow very well. "

Luo nodded vigorously.

At the beginning, he was very impressed with Chenos. Although Chenos did not show how strong he was, he became cautious after seeing the powerful Doflamingo and seeing Chenos. There seems to be some fear of Chenos.

It can also be seen from here how terrifying the strength of Chenos is.

Such a character, with the same goal as him, is committed to destroying the world government, which is indeed a good object for him to take refuge in.

While chatting, the two walked towards the outside of the island.

But at this moment, Corazon suddenly stopped and said nervously to Luo: "Luo, something is wrong, I feel hidden."

After he finished speaking, Corazon ignored Luo's reaction. After finding a tree hole, he inserted Luo directly into it, and then pulled off a tree to cover the hole.

Corazon said to Luo through the book wood: "It seems to be a member of the World Government, no matter what happens next, you don't make a sound, let alone come out.

Even if... I'm dead, understand? "

Luo beat the trees desperately and shouted, "Mr. Cora, don't, die together..."

"Stinky brat, you're a fool, I'm seriously injured now, and I can't escape at all, you're still so weak, you're not an opponent of the World Government at all, you're going to die when you come out.


I mean, if, if I die, you must live well and become a strong person. I hope that you will avenge me after you grow up and become stronger!

So, please live your life well! "

At this time, Corazon's tone became hurried and very low.

"Someone is coming, from now on, don't say a word, don't make a sound, I'll attract people!"

After speaking, Luo heard a burst of gunfire, and even a bullet came into the tree hole where he was, and it was only a short while before it could hit him.

But it also allows him to see what's going on outside through that bullet's eye.

Corazon was fighting against a man in a black suit, but the man in the suit opposite was very strong and easily suppressed Corazon.

"Corazon of the Don Quixote family, hand over the fruit of the operation, or die!"

Corazon said disdainfully: "The fruit of the operation has long been taken by our people, and your world government will never get it!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of battle, but the seriously injured Corazon was no match for the man in the suit, and was quickly knocked to the ground.

The man in the suit sounded indifferently, "You are a devil fruit person. It seems that you can't eat the fruit of surgery. If that's the case, then die!"

After speaking, the man in the suit fired several shots at Corazon without hesitation!

After the shooting, the man in the suit left without looking back.

After Corazon fell in a pool of blood, he raised his eyes and looked at Luo's position. After seeing Luo Zheng looking at him through the bullet hole, Corazon said to Luo with a mouth shape, "I love you!"

Then, a big smile appeared on his face, but he put an index finger on the smile, making a gesture of not making a sound.

Luo covered his mouth tightly with his hands in the tree hole, looking at Corazon who died in front of him, his heart ached to the point of fainting.

At the same time, Doflamingo, who killed Barreros, also found Corazon, who was seriously injured and was resting on the snow.

"Furafufufufu, my lovely brother, where is the fruit of the operation?"

Chapter 255 I just don't want you to die, do you believe it?

Doflamingo looked up at Corazon, and said coldly to Corazon, "I haven't seen you for a few days, Corazon, I didn't expect to see you again when you are so embarrassed. circumstances."

Corazon grinned and said nothing.

It's just the appearance of Corazon that makes Doflamingo see blue veins.

"My dear brother, do you still want to pretend to be dumb in front of me? Or do you want to talk to me when I should call you Navy?"

Corazon opened his eyes wide and looked at Doflamingo in disbelief, but then his expression relaxed again.

"Oh, I didn't expect to be discovered by you, Navy number: MC01746, Lieutenant Colonel Rossandi of the Navy Headquarters, I am a sailor!

Doflamingo, the patriarch of the Don Quixote family, in order to prevent you from continuing to create tragedy, I sneaked into your family.

Oh, I wanted to bring you to justice, but I didn't expect things to come to light. "

After Doflamingo heard Corazon's own confession, the murderousness in his eyes increased a bit.

"Sure enough, you betrayed me as I expected, but these are not important, now you only need to answer my two questions.

First, where is the fruit of the operation?

Second, where is Luo? "

After Kelazon coughed up some blood, he said sadly: "You came a step late, I was just about to give Luo the fruit of the operation, but the people from the CP0 organization came. They were very strong and directly stole the operation. Fruit and Lo.

Doflamingo, for the sake of our relatives, can you grant my last request? "


CP0 is the highest level in the CP organization. Most people don't know CP0 at all. When they were still from Tianlong, he and Corazon were still young and didn't know CP0 until he wanted to go back to the Holy Land Mary Joa. Only then did I know about the organization CP0.

By then, Corazon had already separated from him.

Corazon can say CP0, it seems to be true.

It is estimated that the loyal dog of the group of Tianlong people in CP0 did not kill Corazon because of the identity of the Corazon Tianlong people. If it were anyone else, CP0 would definitely kill them.

But it was precisely because what Corazon said was the truth that Doflamingo was even more angry.

He said coldly: "Speak, say your last words!"

Corazon said weakly: "Luo was captured by CP0, can you help me save him? He is very similar to us, I don't want him to degenerate into you.

Brother, if you can, I hope you can surrender to the navy and not sink into a demon. "

Doflamingo slowly raised his gun at Corazon, "Surrender? Don't tell such silly jokes!

Originally, I wanted to let you eat the fruit of the operation and let you die for me. In this case, even if you are a navy, it doesn't matter.

However, my lovely younger brother, you are not only a navy, but also a devil fruit person. In the end, you lost such an important devil fruit, and I have no reason to save your life.

Why force me to kill my blood-connected family again? "

After speaking, Doflamingo fired several shots at Corazon mercilessly, then turned and left without looking back.

Brother Doflaming said to the family members: "This incident has also made me understand again that my family is only you!"

Corazon fell into a pool of blood, and the light in his eyes slowly dimmed.

After Doflamingo and the others left for a long time, several figures appeared in the forest, and one of them was Corazon lying on the ground.

Corazon looked at 'self' on the ground with a complicated expression, frowning tightly.

After obtaining the Devil Fruit, he was caught by several robots, and then locked him in a room.

After that, the robot gave him a choice.

With their words, they can give Luo the fruits of the operation to eat, so that Luo can live.

If he doesn't want to, not only him, but Luo also has to die together.

"I've done what you said, should I let Luo go?"

The first robot turned to look at Corazon, tilted his head and asked him in confusion: "Rosannadi, our deal is [you cooperate with us, we will give Luo the fruits of the operation and let Luo eat it. can survive], right?”

Corazon said anxiously: "But Luo is innocent, he is just a child with a tragic fate, please don't hurt him again!"

The robot nodded and said, "Don't worry, Luo is the person the master needs, and we will not hurt him. Our master wants to talk to you. If you have any other requests, you can discuss with the master."

Corazon's eyes narrowed, these robots are very powerful, just one robot can easily suppress him, not to mention that there are nearly ten robots here.

These robots already have such a powerful strength, so how powerful will the owners of these robots be?

Such a terrifying force, I have never heard of it before, we must find out more secrets, and then report it to the Warring States period.

Read The First Vampire