MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 163

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The terrifying shock wave formed on the fists of the two also spread out around.

The extremely sturdy banquet hall was not damaged under the attack of Sengoku and Big Mom; under the attack of Kaido, Sakaski and Magellan, there was not much damage; under Mihawk's sword aura, there was no damage. No matter how much damage, under Polsalino's laser attack, there was not much damage.

But under the shock wave of Chenos and Karp's fist fight, the entire banquet hall was blown into pieces!

It's just that everyone on the battlefield didn't care that the banquet hall was bombed, but concentrated on staring at the opponent in front of them. When facing an opponent of the same level as themselves, they did not dare to take it lightly, lest they be distracted. caught by the opponent.

It's just that their battle is destined to be affected by the battle between Chenos and Garp. The battle between Chenos and Garp spreads too far. Once they get closer, they are likely to be attacked by the two. the aftermath of damage.

So they were fighting, and everyone around them tacitly stayed away from the place where the two were fighting. Only Chenos and Karp were left to fight in the center of the naval headquarters.

At the beginning of the battle, Karp thought he could defeat Chenos quickly and then went to support others, but he was just fighting. He found that Chenos' strength improved faster than he imagined.

When he was in the Kingdom of Alabasta before, he was able to press Chenos down even when he released water, but now, he has used all his combat power, but he still failed to gain the upper hand.

Every time he attacked, every punch he made was blocked by Chenos with an air shock similar to Whitebeard. At first, Garp wanted to use his iron fist to break Chenos defense, but just hit However, he found that he not only failed to break Chenos' defense, but his attack power was absorbed by Chenos and turned into Chenos' attack to counter him.

Although the attack power that was absorbed in the past was not much, but accumulated little by little, he could also feel that the power of the fist that Chenos hit became stronger and stronger.

Chenos is getting stronger and stronger, but his strength remains the same. If it goes on like this, the longer time drags on, the stronger Chenos' attack power will become. s defeated.

As Garp attacked, he frowned and thought about how he could defeat Chenos.

And Chenos, who gave Karp a headache, was also very uncomfortable at this time.

Garp and the Whitebeard who fought before are completely different styles. In Whitebeard's attack, there will be a lot of invisible wave damage hidden, and these damages will continue to accumulate on Chenos' body. To a certain extent, these damages will It will explode, making Chenos' movements stiff.

Karp is completely different.

Garp doesn't have these twists and turns at all, all of them are punch-to-meat attacks, and the attack speed is extremely fast, and the power of the attack is extremely powerful, as if every punch is Garp's big move.

And such a big move, in just one minute, threw hundreds of thousands of punches, so strong that Chenos was almost unable to support it.

If Chenos hadn't killed Whitebeard, and hadn't learned the empty fist shock from Whitebeard's hands, maybe Chenos would have been defeated by Garp by now.

Now that he has learned [Air Shock·Shock Fist], Chenos can use the power of the air shock and the power of the shock fist when Garp is attacking, to shake out a part of Garp's domineering armament and let the North can absorb a part of Garp's attack power, which allows Chenos to support Garp's attack.

And as the battle continued, Chenos began to slowly ease, and it was no longer so difficult to support.

As long as the time is long enough, he will definitely be able to slowly expand his advantage and defeat Karp.

It's just that the only problem now is that he's worried that he won't have enough time!

Now Chenos is in a state of fruit awakening, but now Chenos has no way to be in a state of awakening all the time. He can only support three hours. Once more than three hours, he will fall into a weak state. There is no way. Continue to attack again.

The question now is, can he beat Karp in three hours?

Chapter 329 Garp's Choice

Incarnated into the Warring States period of the Great Buddha, he knocked the aunt to the ground with one palm, and quickly slammed the aunt who fell to the ground with both hands, completely suppressing the aunt.

After fighting for a while, Sengoku stretched out his palm and repulsed Big Mom.

Although when he was fighting with aunt, he could suppress aunt to fight, but he just wanted to defeat aunt, or even kill aunt, but it was not that easy.

The aunt put down the arms that she had just protected in front of her head. Under the attack of every palm of the Warring States with shock waves, her bones had been broken by the Warring States.

But the aunt didn't care, and released a white energy group on the palm of her hand, and these energy groups floated to the aunt's arm.

"Give you life, wake up!"

At this moment, the broken bones on the aunt's arm were instantly restored, and several voices of Homitz came from the aunt's arm, calling her mother constantly.

"Well, Warring States, we could have a win-win situation, why did you provoke us? Wait, wait for the generals of your naval headquarters to be defeated one by one, and wait for the people of your navy to be killed one by one!

Well, well, this is the price of betraying us! ! "

Sengoku's brows were furrowed. If it was just him and Auntie fighting, he could completely defeat Auntie, it just took time.

And what is lacking the most is time.

When he was spotted by Chenos before and turned the situation around, he didn't panic, because he knew that no matter how perfect the plan was, there would be loopholes.

At the beginning of the battle, he did not panic, because the seven generals on their side of the navy were fighting against the six men on the pirate side. Although they were still a little worse in combat power, they could last for a while.

It's just that now, he's starting to get a little flustered.

The reason he was flustered was not because their navy was at a disadvantage on the battlefield.

But because... the person he was waiting for has not arrived!

He secretly said in his heart: "Calculate the time, it should be right, why haven't you come yet? Don't have any accidents, otherwise, I will become a sinner of the Navy!"

Sengoku was fighting with his aunt, while waiting for the arrival of someone who had agreed with him.

At the same time, the center of the Naval Headquarters had turned into ruins, and the two figures were constantly flashing and fighting in the ruins.

None of the creatures around them dared to take a step. Once any creatures accidentally approached a little, they would be shaken into pieces by the aftermath of their fight.

And Garp, one of the protagonists of the fight, looked a little ugly.

He now finally knew why Whitebeard was defeated by Chenos.

Because Chenos' fruit ability is really too rogue, it can not only absorb his attacks to enhance Chenos' attack power, but also absorb his energy to enhance his defense ability.

Although the amount of absorption is not much, it is expanding the advantage of Chenos a little bit, and the Libra of victory shifts towards Chenos little by little.

If he continued to fight like this, he might really be defeated by Chenos.

Thinking of this, Garp suddenly changed his attacking method. He no longer used his fists to slam the punches as before, but suddenly stopped the attack in the interval between the attacks, and put on a posture of accumulating power. The fist was thrown at Chenos.

Chenos' eyes widened suddenly. In this battle, for the first time, he did not dare to meet Garp's fist head-on. Instead, he used his wings behind him and quickly ducked to the side.


With Garp's punch, the entire sky suddenly shattered into countless pieces like a piece of glass that had been hit by bullets, and the space cracks generated by the shattered space instantly cut towards Chenos. .

It's just that Chenos didn't even bother to pay attention to these space cracks, and he didn't even think about resisting them. Now he doesn't have the time to pay attention to these space cracks.

Because in front of him, a huge space black hole appeared. At the moment when the space black hole appeared, an extremely terrifying suction force was generated, and he wanted to drag Chenos into the space black hole.

Chenos instantly protected the front of his body with the wings behind his back. The absorbing power on the black wings absorbed the suction of the black hole in space, which allowed Chenos to stabilize his body.

It's just that he only had time to absorb the suction of the space black hole, but he couldn't absorb all the surrounding space cracks. The space cracks were like the sharpest knives, cutting towards Chenos.

blah blah blah…

Although the space crack was also partially absorbed by Chenos' fruit ability, a part of it was still cut into Chenos' body. For a time, dozens of holes appeared on Chenos' body, and blood arrows shot from Chenos. Spit sprayed from his wound.

But this is not the most dangerous.

Just now, in order to stop the suction of the black hole in space, Chenos used the fruit ability. Although he successfully resisted the suction of the black hole, it also made his figure stagnate in the air.

And he stopped, but Karp did not stop, but rushed towards Chenos at a high speed.

I saw Garp's figure appearing on top of Chenos' head, and a punch full of power slammed into Chenos, who was covered in wounds.

At this time, Chenos, who had just gotten rid of the space black hole crisis, had no time to avoid Garp's attack, and could only choose to resist.

Chenos threw an air-shock shock fist with one hand and smashed it towards Garp's fist, while the other hand patted his chest.

Chenos only had time to make these two moves, and Karp smashed his fist at Chenos.


The arm that confronted Garp broke off the moment it touched Garp's fist, and there was no way to resist Garp's attack.

However, Chenos didn't plan to resist. The time of Karp's attack was just right, and there was no time for him to resist.

He could only choose to use his fist to pick up Garp's fist, and then use the strength of Garp's fist to let himself be knocked away by Garp, opening the distance from Garp.

After Chenos' arm was broken, he also successfully used the strength of Karp's fist to fall towards the island at high speed.

After seeing Chenos distanced himself from him, Karp plunged his head toward the ground, intending to chase after Chenos.

But at this moment, several scarlet energy **** appeared in front of Garp, blocking Garp's way.

The power of these energy-absorbing orbs, Garp also learned from the admiral of the Navy that he knew that he could not touch it. If he touched it, he would be attacked by the damage on the energy-absorbing orbs. Such an attack was almost insoluble and directly affected people. on the body.

It's just that if he doesn't chase after Chenos, Chenos can use the time he takes to avoid the energy ball to avoid and recover from injuries.

For a fruit person like Chenos, once he is given time to recover, the damage Karp caused to Chenos just now will be in vain!

Garp also made a choice in an instant, resisting the damage of these energy-absorbing **** and chasing after Chenos!

Chapter 330 Am I... going to be defeated?

Garp slammed into the energy-absorbing **** head-on.

Countless wounds appeared on Garp's body, but Garp was already prepared, and wrapped his body with armament-colored domineering, protecting his body.

These armed arrogance played a certain protective role, but there was no way to resist all the damage.

Countless wounds appeared on Garp's body, turning Garp's entire body into a **** man.

Although it seems that Garp's injury is very scary, Garp has long used his armed color to protect his body, and at the moment when the body wound appeared, he also helped Garp stop the blood from continuing to flow out for the first time.

Karp didn't even look at the wounds, but continued to charge in the direction where Chenos fell.

Soon, Karp came to Chenos, and continued to punch Chenos.

Karp's decisiveness also won him the opportunity to continue to attack Chenos.

Before Chenos could break free from Garp's punch, he was smashed to the ground by Garp who appeared in front of him again.

But Chenos, whose head was covered in blood, not only did not panic, but smiled at Karp.

"You, you've hit the jackpot!"

Garp's eyes widened suddenly, watching Chenos control an energy-absorbing ball to hit his punching arm!

Chenos was smashed to the ground by Garp again.

boom! !

This time, Karp's terrifying punches exploded on Chenos' body. Chenos was like a cannonball, smashing towards the Navy Headquarters!

boom boom boom...

Chenos' body slammed onto the small island of the Admiralty Headquarters, directly smashing the entire Admiralty Headquarters island in half.

The entire small island of the Naval Headquarters is like a clam with its shell opened. The land on both sides of the island was smashed out of the sea, and in the middle of the island, a deep pit with a size of 100 meters appeared!

In the deep pit, the seriously injured Chenos was lying on the ground laughing, as if it was not him but Karp who was seriously injured.

Chenos struggled to get up from the deep pit, saw Garp who had just landed, and laughed again.

"Hahaha, Karp, you're in a hurry. If you weren't in a hurry, I wouldn't have the chance to seriously hurt you like this!"

The arm that Karp had just absorbed by the energy ball absorbed by Chenos turned into a broken shape. The middle of the arm was directly broken into two sections, and a bone stubble was exposed at the bend of the elbow.

Chenos pressed his hand on his chest, absorbing the remaining Karp's domineering arrogance. After absorbing the domineering arrogance, he patted his chest lightly with the palm of his hand, and the serious injury on his body disappeared immediately.

Then Chenos pulled the clothes that had turned into rags, revealing his intact body.

"Karp, the fruit power user has a fatal flaw, that is, he is afraid of water.

But sometimes the fruit powers really have a lot of advantages over your domineering powerhouses. For example, now, I can use my fruit power to heal the wounds, so that I can continue to fight at the peak state, and you ... no ! "

Garp's face also became very ugly, and he was really anxious about the blow just now.

Before the battle, the Warring States had told him that in this battle, he only needed to be able to hold Chenos back, and they had asked for help, maybe this time he could change the whole world in one fell swoop.

But what Garp didn't expect was that the appointed time had come, but the helper that Warring States had said still hadn't arrived, which made him a little anxious.

On the current battlefield, Kuzan has been beaten to death by Shanks, and it is estimated that he will be defeated soon.

The two generals, Sakaski and Magellan, fought against Kaido for so long, but they still failed to inflict fatal damage on Kaido, and even failed to make Kaido pass out briefly, giving them time Can support others.

Zefa is not Mihawk's opponent at all. If he hadn't just hit Chenos on the ground, the terrain of the entire island changed, allowing Zefa to avoid the fatal blow. It is estimated that Zefa is dead now. In Mihawk's hands.

It can be said that, except for Sengoku and Polsalino, the situation is better, the situation of others is very dangerous.

As for the Warring States period, facing the aunt who is known as the steel balloon, after playing for a long time, she still failed to defeat the aunt.

Now that the situation in the Navy is too dangerous, he will be a little anxious, and he will take out his trump card to deal with Chenos, but his anxiety makes him hit Chenos's strategy while pressing him. .

After breaking one arm, although he is still extremely powerful, for ordinary people, for a person like Chenos whose strength is almost the same as him, at this time, his combat power has dropped by at least 30%.

Not only did he fail to beat Chenos to help others, he might even need help from others.

Karp took a deep breath, pulled his arm hard, straightened the bones of his arm, returned to its original position, and then put his left hand on his chest in a defensive posture.

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