MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 165

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The reason why he lay still on the ground just now, and even looked confused and collapsed, was actually for the world government, the navy, and the other four emperors to see. He wanted these people to think that he was unable to accept the blow of being defeated by Im.

In fact, when Chenos played against Im, he didn't have the idea of ​​defeating Im, he just wanted to test Im's strength.

He had thought that Im's strength was very strong, but what he didn't expect was that Im's strength was so strong that it was a bit stronger than he imagined.

The person with the ability of natural water fruit fruit also possesses extremely terrifying domineering power. It is simply a combination of Garp and Whitebeard. No, it should be said that it is even more terrifying than the combination of the two.

The water fruit that restrains all fruit ability, is the most domineering in the world. How can such a guy be defeated?

After thinking about it for a while, Chenos felt a bit of a headache. Such a guy feels like he is invincible. He has no shortcomings. If he wants to defeat the opponent, he doesn't know where to start!

Afterwards, Chenos suddenly remembered what Kaido said just now, thought for a moment, and felt that Kaido would never just say this to him so easily.

Kaido means that Lox was defeated by Im?

At this moment, a flash of light flashed in Chenos' head.

Is there a possibility that Rox is Im? ? ?

Chapter 333 It seems that the next white beard appears

At this time, Chenos felt that a news bird appeared in the surrounding air, and immediately lay down, returning to his half-dead appearance, lying on the ground and continuing to think wildly.

What Im meant just now should be that Chenos is a fruit person. In front of Im who has the ability to restrain all fruits, no matter how he develops the devil fruit, there is no way to threaten Im.

But isn't the future Wang Lufei also a fruit person?

Could it be that Wang Luffi can do it, but I can't?

After Chenos saw Wang Luffy's fruit in his previous life, what kind of **** the fruit was, he wanted to give him some greetings from Oda's relatives.

Now that he has developed the fruit ability to the level of awakening, even if he now meets Wang Luffy who has awakened in the form of Nika in the future, he does not think that he will lose to Wang Lufei.

But why can Wang Luffi be the protagonist?

Apart from his identity as Garp's grandson and dragon's son, Chenos couldn't see anything special about him. The only special thing was the fruit of Wang Luffy.

At the beginning, because of the **** mood, I asked Chenos to learn about Wang Luffy's Devil Fruit ability in detail. Although it is very strong and interesting, it is also on the same level as Kaido.

And now, he can hang Kaido.

That **** Oda, how will Wang Luffi win such a perverted Im in the future?

Oh, I don't get it!

We can only take one step at a time. Anyway, let’s think of a way to improve our strength again.

Anyway, Im didn't kill him now. He should think that he, like Whitebeard, developed the fruit ability to be almost invincible, and could be regarded as the strongest person in the world on the bright side, helping him stop those ambitious pirates.

Once he has undeserved ambitions, Yim can easily clean him up, just like the former Rox...


From this point of view, Rox should not be Im, but the strongest person in the world chosen by Im to help him suppress those restless pirates, just like Whitebeard before, just like him now.

When Rocks had restless thoughts and wanted to challenge Im's status and become the king of the world, the Valley of the Gods War broke out and arranged for Garp and Roger to be the heroes who defeated Rocks. , while he continued to hide behind the scenes.

In this way, the existence that could threaten Im was eliminated by him.

As for Roger, who became One Piece, there is no threat to him, because Roger is a free person and has not established any power. Such people will not come to compete for his position.

Then, he can continue to rule the world and use this world as his amusement park!

Not long after, the Varese Pirates who finally arrived rushed to the naval headquarters, which had become a barren land, found Chenos, and carried Chenos back to the pirate ship.

"Chenos, are you alright?"

"Chenos, what happened?"

"Chenos, did Garp beat you? Or did the World Government come forward and send someone to deal with you?"

"No, if Chenos is defeated, he should be captured by the navy now, and it will become a proof of the navy's show of force, but Chenos is lying on the ground safe and sound, it should be Chenos who won. , I should be exhausted by now!"

The members frowned and discussed while carrying Chenos to the boat.

On the way to be carried on the boat by his companions, Chenos said nothing, still looking half-dead, and his appearance was also recorded by the news bird in the distance.

It was not until Chenos was carried into the cabin that the newsbird stopped to take pictures, flew into the distance, and sent the photos to the agency.

After waiting in the cabin, the members looked at Chenos very worriedly. They could all see that Chenos was in a bad mood and looked like he was about to die.

It even gave people a very sad feeling, which had never been encountered in Chenos.

In the past, Chenos felt to them like the sharpest sword. Usually hidden in the scabbard, it looked very gentle. At critical moments, it would reveal his sharpest side and pierce everything in front of him.

But now, the sharpest sword seems to have worn out and is no longer sharp.

Hancock said to Chenos with some concern: "Chenos, in the end..."

Before Hancock's words were finished, Chenos got up from the ground, closed his eyes and sensed everything around him. After finding that there was no surveillance, he opened his eyes and said to his friends around him.

"I defeated Garp, but... I was defeated by one person, and that person defeated me easily!"

The members looked at Chenos in shock, "What? You were beaten 'easy' by someone?"

Everyone on the boat knows how strong Chenos is. Chenos is so strong that they are almost desperate. Even if the people on their boats unite now, they will not be Chenos' opponents.

But Chenos, who was almost invincible, was actually defeated, and was defeated 'very easy'?

how can that be?

Everyone suddenly couldn't accept it, even Chenos couldn't accept it.

Seeing the shocked expressions of his friends, Chenos couldn't help but smile and said, "Is it normal for me to be defeated? I'm not yet invincible.

But there is no harm in being defeated, at least knowing how strong the enemy is.

After returning this time, we will become the second Whitebeard Pirates, cultivating deeply in the new world and developing our power, but there is no ambition.

Everything, wait until my strength becomes stronger! "

Although everyone didn't know what Chenos had experienced, after hearing that Chenos planned to do this, they did not refute, but nodded in agreement.


Meanwhile, Morgans, who was at the newspaper, was watching the newsbird pass back photos and news.

Seeing Chenos' confused look in the photo, Morgans couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that the next white beard has appeared!"

Afterwards, Morgans gritted his teeth, took out a box of matches, and prepared to destroy all the photos and intelligence materials he had taken.

But he still couldn't bear to burn the information until he burned the match in his hand to his feathers.

After hesitating for a long time, Morgans chose to put all the intelligence information of the war into a file bag, took it back to his room, and sealed the information in his top-secret safe.

And there are two other pieces of intelligence data lying in his top-secret safe. These are the intelligence data that he is reluctant to destroy and cannot see the light. He hid them in the top-secret safe as a collection.

Looking at the three documents that had just been put in, Morgans couldn't help showing a fascinated smile. If the world sees these documents in the future, I believe their understanding of the world will definitely be subverted, right?

Chapter 334 The filial Yamato

A few months later, Chenos became the head of the four emperors who replaced Whitebeard, and became the strongest force in the new world, and his record was also very sturdy. It can be said that the current four emperors are all his defeats.

It stands to reason that with the strength of Chenos and the strength of the Varys Pirates, he can undoubtedly become the next Rox, but after Chenos became the fourth emperor, he began to stop thinking about progress.

Not only did he not capture the territory of the other four emperors, nor did he fight with the other four emperors, but instead guarded the territory he grabbed from Whitebeard and began to build the world's first amusement city.

Not only that, but Chenos also turned away many of the pirates who came to join him, claiming that his pirate group was already enough and would not accept anyone for the time being.

This also disappointed many pirates who were planning to become Chenos' servant dragon, and also caused Chenos' reputation to plummet among many pirates.

However, Chenos didn't care about his reputation among the pirates at all. For him, those pirates were just some useless cannon fodder. People with ordinary backgrounds were not worthy of his attention at all.

At this time, Chenos didn't have the heart to pay attention to them. He was sitting on a boat and was going to Wano to visit Kaido.

This time Chenos came to visit Kaido very formally. He sent a message to Kaido in advance, and also sent a ton of gold as a gift.

However, this abnormal behavior also made Kaido feel a little flustered.

Chenos had never been so polite to him before, and now he was so polite to him, he must have something else up his sleeve.

And there is nothing in Wano that can make Chenos plot, only Hailoushi!

This also made Kaido prepare for it, and summoned the three kanbans of the Beast Pirates and his daughter Yamato to greet Chenos at the port.

As the general of the Wano country, the black charcoal serpent also came out with Kaido to meet Chenos, he said to Kaido a little nervously: "Kaido, Chenos comes to our Wano country, the situation is not good, if He wants to attack our Wano country, so what should we do?"

Black Charcoal Orochi climbed all the way from the servant of Kozuki Oden to the position of the general of Wano country. He has only been the general of Wano country for a few years, and he has not enjoyed it enough. stole it.

And his biggest backer Kaido in the past was not the opponent of Chenos, which made him not know who to rely on for a while.

Kaido glared at the black charcoal snake, "Be at ease as your Wano country general, I won't let Chenos steal Wano country!"

Wano Country is not only the Wano country of the black charcoal serpent, but also the Wano country of his Kaido.

Only by possessing Wano can he realize his plan of the Zodiac Devil Fruit Abilities Corps, and use quantity to deal with the quality of Im. No matter how powerful Im is, he is still a person.

At that time, he will use hundreds of thousands of animal-type devil fruit powers to deal with Im, even if he is tired, he will exhaust the opponent to death.

And if he wants to realize his plan of the animal fruit capable legion, he must have the country of Wano, because there are almost all sea floor stones in the world, and there are also craftsmen who can carve and process sea floor stones, who can provide him with a steady stream of gain benefits.

Therefore, Wano country will not let Chenos go even if he dies.

Yamato, who was only thirteen or fourteen years old at this time, suddenly lit up after hearing the conversation between Kaido and Black Charcoal Orochi.

That guy named Chenos seems to be more powerful than his own **** father. At that time, I don't know if I can let this Chenos beat the **** father and take me out of Wano country, like Kozuki Oden. Travel around the world.

Yamato's eyes were not only not afraid of Chenos, who might steal Wano's country, but full of expectations.

Kaido glanced at Yamato, and after seeing Yamato's appearance, he instantly understood Yamato's thoughts.

"Yawa, Chenos is a very dangerous person, don't mess around for a while, or I'll put you on the island of ghosts and put you in confinement for a month!"

When Yamato heard this, he scolded Kaido directly: "Damn, I want to follow Guangyue Yutian, Guangyue Yutian is a free person, an unfettered person, and I want to become that kind of person.

If you don't promise to let me go, I'll fight you! "

Kaido was upset now, and after seeing Yamato who was still making trouble with him, his headache became even more severe.

"Don't worship your own father, but worship the enemy defeated by your father, you are really my good son!"

Saying that, Kaido directly waved the Eight Fasts in his hand and swiped towards Yamato unceremoniously.

Yamato also held a mace and swung it towards Kaido.

It's just that Yamato, who is only in his teens now, is not Kaido's opponent at all. In addition, because Kaido is annoying, he has no intention of keeping his hand at all, and directly smashes Yamato out.

Such a picture of a father's kindness and filial piety, the people around him are not surprised, Yamato will go to Kaido to challenge him every three days, and Kaido also ate the phantom beast fruit for Yamato, and everyone is not worried about Kaido. Will kill Yamato.

At this time, Jhin looked at the direction Yamato flew out, and the secret passage was not good. He quickly turned into a winged bird and rushed towards Yamato.

Although Jin's speed was already very fast, he was still a step behind, and he could only watch Yamato fly towards a pirate ship.

And a man standing on the bow caught Yamato.

When the man saw Yamato, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Kaido, what I gave you was a gift for a visit, not a dowry gift. I just stuffed your daughter over there because I was afraid that your daughter wouldn't get married?"

The person who came was Chenos who was visiting Kaido in Wano. After seeing Yamato being caught by Chenos, Jhin couldn't help but get nervous, and quickly transformed into a human form and landed on Chenos' ship.

"Lord Chenos, just now, Lord Kaido was playing with Lord Royal Palace. Lord Royal Palace is young and ignorant. I wonder if you can release a large number of adults and let Lord Palace go?"

Chenos looked at Yamato who looked very cute with two small horns on his head, and smiled playfully when he looked at Kaido, whose face was livid.

He said to Yamato, "Is your name Yamato? I wonder if you are interested in going out to sea with me. I am building a world-leading entertainment city with a lot of things to play!"

Yamato's eyes lit up instantly, "Hey, okay, take me out to play, I want to go on an adventure in the sea like Kozuki Mita, you said the world's No. 1 entertainment city, of course I'm going!"

Although Kaido beat up his teeth and grinned, Yamato didn't care about the injury on his body and said excitedly to Chenos.

Kaido roared at Chenos: "Chenos, if you dare to abduct my daughter, I will fight with you!!"

Chenos turned his head to look at Kaido with disdain, "What are you fighting against me? Will you take your life?"

Chapter 335 Your Hailou stone is the most profitable, isn't it reasonable for me to grab it?

If other people dare to say this in front of Kaido, Kaido will definitely tear them apart.

But now it is Chenos who is saying this.

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