MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 176

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Tom said to Jingdao dissatisfiedly: "You people in the world government are really troublesome, if you are looking for something, I can take you to my house, you can find whatever you want.

Don't delay my research and development of sea trains, okay? I'm getting old now and don't have that much time for tossing around! "

Jingdao has also dealt with many researchers, and Tom's reaction is exactly the same as those of those researchers, and it seems that there is no sign of falsification at all.

However, Jingdao didn't intend to let Tom go, and instead stared at Tom's eyes.

"Where are your two disciples?"

Chapter 358 Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills

On the way here, Jingdao prepared all the information about Tom, and knew that Tom valued his two disciples the most.

Tom said without changing his face: "They have checked the train track for me. Now the train track has been laid from the Spring Queen City to the Food City. If there is no knowledgeable person to check it, there will be problems."

"Oh, is it such a coincidence? I came here and they just weren't there?"

Tom said impatiently: "What does this have to do with whether you come or not? They go there once a month for routine inspections. Orbital money has been embezzled, or do you think I want my beloved disciple to go?"

Tom seemed to be venting, the more he talked, the more angry he began to yell at Jingdao angrily: "And you are also true, last time the revolutionary came to me and asked for the blueprint of the ancient weapon Pluto, you also come, really not I know where you go to get news that I don't even know.

If you have this spare time, think about how to feed those hungry people, let those unemployed craftsmen work, and let those garbage companies not have to break their heads for a little business!

Now this island is dying, you know? I'm dying, if I don't quickly build the sea train and let the people from the surrounding islands come to us, then the island will die, you know?

I don't have time to play with you, and I don't have any drawings of Hades that you want. Don't waste my time, okay? "

Since Tom started talking, Jingdao has been staring at Tom, but Tom is indeed an old guy who has lived for decades. From Tom's performance, he has no way to find anything wrong. It can be said that Tom's performance Impeccably perfect.

If it were anything else, he might have spared Tom the valuable boatman.

It's just that the matter this time is too involved, it is related to his fate, and it is also related to the fate of most people in the world, he has to be careful.

He took out the phone bug from his pocket and directly dialed the CP organization in Queen City of Spring.

"I'm CP0 Jingdao, and now I'm going to the sea to see if there are two disciples of the world's No. 1 shipmaker who are laying the rails of the sea train. In addition, I will ask the department that builds the sea train if they have gone.

Do it now, don't hang up the phone bug, I'm waiting for your reply! "

Tom's pupils shrank sharply with his back to the crystal knife. He didn't expect that the people in the world government on the other side would achieve this level. You must know that people are extremely annoying creatures. Once a thing is too complicated and cumbersome , and if this matter is still doable or not, most of them will choose not to do it.

He originally thought that he could use this trick to delay the time, so that he could have time to experiment with the Tom Smoker that he had just developed.

Tom Smoke is a new product he has just developed. It is a slow train. The speed is nearly ten times slower than the previous experiment, the Sea Train Rocketman, but it is better than stability.

It's just that what he has been developing before is the Sea Train Rocketman. This Tom Smoke was transformed by a Sea Train Rocketman in just one day. It is very simple.

Originally, he planned to transform it in a week, but what he did not expect was that the people from the World Government came so quickly.

Not only that, but this man is such a trouble-free person that it is only a matter of time before his lies are exposed.

Thinking of this, Tom said to Jingdao: "It will take time for you and others to reply to the message, otherwise, I will continue my research and development during this time, and after you confirm the news, you will want to It's okay to take me away, whatever you want, I will cooperate with you, as long as you are faster, you can see it this way?"

Jingdao nodded and said: "Yes, but I must follow you!"

After seeing Tom nodding and agreeing, Jingdao said to the members of the CP organization under him: "You go to the Seven Waters first, and do as I told you before!"

After explaining his subordinates, he followed Tom closely.

Tom didn't shy away from the crystal knife at all, because what he was going to do was very common, it was really just research and development, and his goal was actually to develop a sea train for the Seven Waters.

Tom quickly came to the rear of the Rocketman, turned the rear of the car into the front, and quickly drove towards the Seven Waters.

Since the place where his experiment was not far away, coupled with the extremely fast speed of the Rocketman, made Tom rush back to the laboratory in less than three minutes.

Quickly jump up and start the operation of the smoke number, and plan to drive the smoke number that has not yet been perfected to test it.

Jingdao looked at Tom in such a hurry, thinking that Tom wanted to take the opportunity to hide the drawings, so he quietly followed behind Tom and watched what Tom did together.

It's just that what Tom does is really normal, he just controls the sea train, he just debugs the machine. Could it be that... Tom really doesn't have a blueprint for Hades?

Otherwise, how could Tom be so calm?

After ten minutes of debugging, Tom finally started the Smoker and slowly drove out towards the sea.

At this moment, Lu Qi rushed towards the Smoking No., walking on the moon, came to Jingdao's side, and shook his head at Jingdao.

Lu Qi whispered in Jingdao's ear: "We searched all over the place, even some friends who have a good relationship with Tom, and the places Tom often goes to check, but we have not found any.

Now the rest of the people are still looking for traces of the dragon on the island, but they have not found anything yet! "

Jingdao nodded and continued to stare at Tom.

After Tom, who was debugging the machine, heard Lu Qi's words, the movements in his hands became faster and faster, and he knew that there was really not much time left for him.

"At present, the train feels a little floating, but it is not a big problem. As long as the weight of the train is known, this problem should be solved."

"The powertrain works great!"

"The position of the front of the car is a little unstable... It turns out that the connected bearings are not fastened tightly, they are fixed!"

Tom navigates the Sea Train while solving various problems with the Smoker.

But at this moment, there was a sound from the phone bug in Jingdao's hand.

"Lord Jingdao, after verification, Tom's disciples Bingshan and Fram did not reach the Queen City of Spring, nor were they at the sea train. The news was confirmed to be forged."

Chapter 359 City of Seven Waters, Live

"Tom, let me ask you again, where did your disciple go?" Jingdao asked Tom sharply.

But Tom still ignored him and continued to debug the machine.

Under Tom's debugging, Tom's Smoke, which had various problems, has begun to sail smoothly at sea.

Seeing that Tom completely ignored the meaning of Jingdao, a trace of anger flashed in Jingdao's eyes. Now Tom's two disciples are not there, which means that Tom has handed the blueprint to Long along with his two disciples.

"Don't delay any longer. If you delay any longer, not only the Seven Waters you want to protect will die, but most of the countries in the world will die!"

Tom also noticed Jingdao's impatience, and quickly said to Jingdao: "Just give me two more minutes, just two minutes!"

I saw Tom's fat fingers fluttering on various machines, adjusting the machine quickly, as if his fingers were dancing on the machine, full of a different kind of beauty.

It's just that the crystal knife's patience has reached its limit. Crystals emerge from his palm. These crystals continue to spread downward, and soon form the appearance of a crystal knife. When the crystal knife was formed, he also walked in front of Tom. , without hesitation, slashed at the console.

Looking at the crystal knife coming over, Tom stood up directly and blocked the crystal knife with his generous back.

After being attacked, Tom not only did not look in pain, but smiled.

Ignoring the pain of the crystal knife still slicing in his flesh, he turned his head to the crystal knife and pleaded: "This Tom's Smoke has been debugged and can be used directly, although the speed is a little slower, but there will be no problem. .

Whatever you want, I'll cooperate with you, but please don't spoil it, okay? This is the hope that the Seven Waters will survive! "

Both Jingdao and Lu Qi were shocked by Tom's behavior. The two looked at Tom in disbelief. They didn't expect that Tom would be willing to do this for this train, for this city of seven waters that didn't want to see him. .

The crystal knife released the crystal knife in his hand, and the crystal knife suddenly turned into crystal chips and fell to the ground. He turned around and walked out of the train.

"Lucci, after he drives the train back, take him to the boat!"

A smile appeared on Lu Qi's unchanging face, "Yes, my lord!"

He also sincerely admires this person who has vowed to build a boat and desperately wants to save this island. If possible, he does not want to attack such a person, let alone destroy this person and this person. Island of Hope.

After Jingdao left, Lu Qi said to Tom: "You are lucky, you met Lord Jingdao, if you meet other people who like to destroy other people's hopes, it is estimated that your performance just now will only make them more interested. Desire to destroy."

Tom nodded in agreement. After living for so many years, he has encountered too much debris. There are very few people in the world government who are willing to help him like Jingdao.

On the contrary, there are more good people in the navy fighting against pirates on the front line.


Jingdao was willing to keep this sea train, and Tom also cooperated very well to drive the train back. As a murloc, he didn't even think of jumping into the sea to escape.

Even if he knew that if he followed Lu Qi back, he would most likely die at the hands of the World Government, but he still went back very cooperatively.

A few days later, Tom, who was tortured by the world government but did not speak a word, was also convicted by the government and executed on the Judiciary Island.

On the same day, Tom's Smoke was officially launched by the Capital of Seven Waters and began to travel between the Capital of Seven Waters and the Queen City of Spring. The shipbuilding company also ended the tragic price war because of enough orders. The residents of the island also because of the arrival of tourists, so that the residents who live in the city on the water and cannot rely on planting to survive can also rely on Service tourists survived.

City of Seven Waters, live!

At the same time, three people came to warm Alabasta by boat.

Because there is no Crocodile to make troubles in this kingdom, King Cobra is a great monarch who loves his people like a son and is dedicated to his people. This also makes the economy of the Kingdom of Alabasta prosper, the national strength is more powerful, and the people's lives are also lived. Getting better and better.

In the New World, it is a problem for the residents of many islands to eat and drink, but the people on this island have nothing to worry about. As long as they are willing to work and work hard, everything will gradually become better. Compared with life, the two are simply One in heaven and one in hell.

"Guhahahaha, this is really my favorite country. The warm desert style always makes me so obsessed!"

At this time, Anilu on the side was digging out his ears and mocking Crocodile: "Playing with sand, you like this place because your power can exert more powerful power here, which is half the same as this country. A dime relationship!"

Crocodile glared at Anilu unhappily, "You're a bum, you don't need to come here at all for this operation. If you talk more, I'll ask Chenos to call you back!"

Anilu said with a smile: "Recently, I learned a good word from Chenos, and I will make you feel uncomfortable. It means that when we are outside, we can ignore Chenos's words and follow our own words. Will to act."

Although Crocodile felt unhappy, he had nothing to do with Enel.

"Shaq, you talk about this guy too, so he won't be fussing all the time!"

Shaq glanced at the two of them, "You two friends are arguing, don't take me with you, you can do whatever you want!"

These two are naturally related to the Varys Pirates, and they are notoriously good friends. If he said one of them, he might end up being caught by two people.

It's like a couple quarreling. If someone else goes to help, no matter who it is, it's very likely that they will end up not being human inside or out.

Seeing that Shaq was unwilling to help him, Crocodile could only helplessly say to Anilu: "Our mission this time is very difficult for a guy like you, what we want is to use all our strength to fight for history. In the case of the text, let the task fail.

You better not mess around, if you cause our plan to fail, then you go back and wait to be trained by Cheno! "

Anilu opened his arms smugly, raised his head and said, "Failure is indeed a simple and easy thing for you mortals, but for a **** like me, it is indeed an extremely difficult thing, but it is also the right thing to do. That's why I'm coming because it's challenging for me!"

"Chenos didn't even claim to be a god, you really think of yourself as a god, and I don't know where you got your confidence. Forget it, I don't care about you, anyway, I also reminded you, if Because you let the plan fail, you **** is waiting to meet the wrath of Chenos, but I don't know if you will dare to call yourself a **** in front of Chenos!"

Chapter 360 Gathering in the Palace of Alabasta

In the Albana Royal Palace, the capital of Alabasta, a little girl of two or three years old was running around on the palace corridor, and behind her was a man with big curly hair.

"Princess Weiwei, be careful, don't fall!"

He looked at Wei Wei with all his attention, not looking at his feet at all, but knocked himself down instead.

After watching the big curly hair fall down, Vivi burst into laughter.

"Ikalem is a big idiot, he can't even walk, just a little bit!"

Vivi stuck her tongue out at Ikalem and continued to run around mischievously, towards Cobra's palace.

"Father, Wei Wei is here to see you!"

Cobra, who was working, looked at Wei Wei with doting eyes.

"Weiwei, you're running around disobediently again, have you all studied for today's lessons?"

Vivi raised her face and said proudly, "Those courses are a piece of cake for Vivi, and Vivi has learned it!"

Cobra was about to compliment his daughter when Bell, the adjutant of the escort, came in from outside the palace.

"Lord King, Admirals Akainu and Kizaru came to visit and said that they have important matters to discuss with you. At this time, people are already waiting for you in the side hall!"

Hearing the two admirals coming together, Cobra frowned suddenly.

He first said to Weiwei: "Weiwei is very good, originally Dad wanted to reward you and play with you, but now there is no way, there are guests coming, I can only play with you after Dad greets the guests. It's gone!"

Although Weiwei was a little disappointed, she still said to Kobra sensible: "Father, please go to work first, I can play by myself, but you have to promise me that after you receive the guests, you have to come to accompany you. I!"

Cobra smiled and said, "No problem!"

Just after leaving the palace where Vivi was located, Cobra's expression became serious, and he asked Bell: "The two admirals are visiting together, something must have happened, Bell, have you heard any news? ?"

Bell shook his head slowly, "Nothing, the two suddenly came over, and we don't know what happened, we can only know after seeing them."

Failing to obtain any information, the two could only respond passively, and now they can only hope that the navy will bring good news, not bad news.

Soon the two came to the side hall. Kobra didn't see him, so he heard his voice first. He laughed and walked towards the two admirals and said to them, "What a rare visitor. , and I don't know what wind brought the two admirals to me.

Since the two distinguished guests are here, I must do my best as a landlord and invite you two to have a drink! "

When Sakaski and Polsalino saw Cobra coming, they also got up and greeted Cobra.

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