MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 6

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The next day, Chenos was once again taken to the open space to practice with the knife CP0, but this time, the knife CP0 also carried a wooden knife.

"Learn to be arrogant today!"

After speaking, he threw a piece of cloth to Chenos with the knife CP0.

"Cover your eyes so you can't see anything!"

Chenos also knew that seeing, hearing, and color was actually exercising his sensing ability, so he didn't ask any more questions, just picked up the cloth and folded it, and then blindfolded his eyes.

"I will attack you next. You can dodge according to your feelings, but you can't dodge randomly, and you can't use your fruit ability to resist the attack, understand?"

Chenos nodded in understanding.

But just after he nodded, the wooden knife had already landed on his head, knocking a big bag on his head.


Although he gasped in pain, Chenos didn't say anything, but carefully felt everything around him.

"Knowledge-colored domineering and armed-color domineering are different, although both originate from the body, they represent different energies.

If it is said that the domineering of armed **** is physical energy, then the domineering **** of seeing and hearing is the energy of the spirit.

Open your mind, feel the energy that is lurking in your brain, and let it unleash. "

Spiritual energy?

After Chenos heard the words of the knife-wielding CP0, not only did he not tense up, but he relaxed his body.

And Chenos' state made CP0's eyes slightly open again.

It is different from the domineering of the armed color. The domineering of the armed color requires a high degree of concentration. When the body is tensed, the easier it is to feel the domineering of the armed color. yourself, distract your attention.

The more empty people are, the easier it is to feel everything around them.

I have to say that Chenos is a genius, and is naturally suitable for cultivating domineering genius.

After hearing his words, he will make the most correct response according to his words. In this way, Chenos' domineering cultivation speed will be far faster than others.

When he understood this truth at the beginning, it took a full month. That's it, he was praised by the teachers of the organization for getting started very quickly.

At this time, the knife-wielding CP0 wanted to know, if the teacher who taught him knew that Chenos had understood the introductory method of seeing, hearing and domineering in just a moment, I wonder if the teacher would be crazy with excitement for Chenos.

Although the knife-wielding CP0 kept thinking about other things, the wooden knife in his hand never stopped, attacking Chenos from different angles.

At first, Chenos didn't move, he just stood there in a daze, letting the knife CP0 attack.

But after sensing for a while, Chenos began to feel an extremely slight fluctuation in the darkness, waving towards him.

At this moment, Chenos moved, and suddenly turned his body sideways, dodging the attack of the wooden knife.

The knife-wielding CP0's eyes were full of shock, and some looked at Chenos in disbelief, so much so that he forgot to attack.

so fast?


I thought that Chenos' training talent for armed **** was already abnormal enough, but he did not expect that Chenos' talent for seeing and hearing was even more abnormal. In less than half an hour, Chenos had already initially mastered the domineering aura of seeing and hearing.

To know the difficulty of the cultivation of the domineering color, it is far above the armed color!

Almost everyone in the new world will be armed with domineering, but there are not many people who have seen domineering. From this, we can see the difficulty of seeing domineering.

It's just that the better Chenos performed, the more pity he felt with the knife CP0.

How could such a good seedling be spoiled by the Tianlong people?


If he encounters such a good seedling outside, he is absolutely sure to cultivate him into a general, or even a hero like Karp, which is really a pity.

The attack that stopped with the knife CP0 was launched again. This time, the speed of the attack on Chenos was faster than before, and the angle was also more tricky.

Chenos, who had initially mastered the sight, tried his best to avoid the attack of the wooden knife, but most of the attacks would still fall on him.

It was not until Chenos was breathless and bruised all over his body that he stopped attacking with the knife CP0.

"Take a ten-minute break, look for the shortcomings just now, and ask me if you have any questions during the break!"

After Chenos breathed a sigh of relief, he asked the knife-wielding CP0: "Master, I clearly sensed the wooden knife's trick just now, why can't I escape?"

"The arrogance of seeing and hearing can also be deceived, so don't believe it 100%, just like when we see fake actions when attacking, they are all deceptive. At this time, you need to judge for yourself. Fakes, those are real movements that you actually sense."

Chenos: "Huh???"

At this time, Chenos felt a little strange. Now he has just learned the knowledge and color. Why did he skip the teaching process of the knowledge and color and directly teach the advanced course of the knowledge and color?

Although this is also useful to him, it still feels a little helpless.

It's just that Chenos didn't say anything. Now CP0 with Knife was ordered to teach him. How to teach it is someone else's business. He has no way to ask others for more. The other party has no way.

Therefore, he could only silently accept the teaching of the knife-wielding CP0, and constantly study hard, like a sponge, madly absorbing everything taught by the knife-wielding CP0.

In other words, Chenos was also a little emotional. If he had been so serious when he was studying in his previous life, Qing Bei would have been admitted in minutes.

"Time is up, let's start practical teaching!"

Chapter 12 Practical Teaching

Chenos was shocked, and his expression became serious.

He knew that CP0's strength was very strong, and the pressure on him alone made him unbearable, so he could imagine how strong the opponent's strength was!

But strong is right!

Only by fighting against the strong can you make rapid progress and become stronger quickly.

And now, he, who may be pulled into a life-and-death battle at any time, urgently needs to become stronger.

"I will attack you next. You are going to use the armed colors and knowledge colors you have learned during this period to defend and even counterattack. Are you ready?"


At this time, Chenos' eyes were still covered with cloth, and he carefully felt all the breaths around him, not letting go of any trouble.

Although Chenos was blindfolded, everything around him seemed to become clearer.

All the feelings seem to be magnified.

The breath of the wind, the flow of air around, and the subtle sounds that could not be captured before, Chenos can clearly feel them all at this time.

At this time, Chenos felt that an air current seemed to be disturbed, and there were irregular fluctuations.


On the left hand side, the wooden knife slashed towards the head from the upper right.

Chenos quickly gathered a domineering look of armament on his arm, and slashed towards the wooden knife with one palm.


Although the wooden knife and the palm collided with each other, there was the sound of gold and stone colliding.

"Fuck, is this going to kill me?"

Chenos waved his palms quickly, constantly resisting the attack of the knife CP0, but the attack speed of the knife CP0 was getting faster and stronger.

In the end, even if Chenos tried his best to resist, he gradually began to fail to keep up with the attack speed of the sword CP0, and was constantly slashed by the wooden sword.

"As I said, you can fight back!"

After hearing the words of the sword-wielding CP0, Chenos cursed inwardly.

"Damn, I'm blindfolded now, I can't even see it, I can only feel a little bit of the attack trajectory, how to fight back..."

Chenos was stunned for a moment, and somewhat understood the meaning of holding the knife CP0.

If you want to counterattack, you must sense a longer distance, you must sense everything around you, and see everything around you with the sight and sound. Only in this way can you counterattack.

Just now with the knife CP0 said, the arrogance of seeing and hearing is spiritual power. If you want to cultivate the arrogance of seeing and hearing, you must stimulate more powerful spiritual power. Only in this way can you sense everything around you.

At this time, Chenos stopped and used the fruit ability to absorb the attack, and the whole person fell into contemplation.

If you want to stimulate the power of the spirit, you must encounter strong mental stimulation, and what is the most powerful mental stimulation?

The answer is... death!

"Didn't I say, don't use your fruit ability!"

If Chenos takes off the cloth covering his eyes, he will be able to see the wooden knife in the hands of CP0, which is already surrounded by a strong domineering aura, giving the wooden knife the sharpness of a real knife. with a metallic feel.

It makes people feel that as long as this knife falls on the body, it will definitely cut the person in half.

It's just that Chenos can't see all of this, but even if Chenos can't see it, he can still feel the murderous aura of the knife-wielding CP0.

This also made Chenos feel for the first time that death was so close to him.

dong dong~

dong dong~

The strong murderous aura also made Chenos' heart start to beat violently, and his heart kept shouting to him.


must dodge,


Absolutely die!

dong dong! !

When faced with a life-and-death crisis, Chenos seemed to have entered an extremely strange state. Originally, he was blindfolded by a cloth, and the surroundings were pitch black, but now, various black and white scenes began to appear around him, as if I'm watching a black and white TV.

Although it was only a vague world composed of black and white lines, although the distance he could see was not far, it allowed Chenos to see the surrounding scene.

Among the scenes he could see, the most clear one was the knife-wielding CP0. At this time, in Chenos' eyes, the knife-wielding CP0 was like a **** of killing, with a flame-like breath emerging from his body, surrounded by a wooden knife in his hand. A black air current was walking towards him step by step.

At this time, he clearly saw the wooden knife in his hand raised towards him with the knife CP0, ready to chop down.

It just makes Chenos feel very strange that he can see the movement of the knife CP0, but he can't feel his breath. If you only feel the knife CP0 from the breath, you can't feel the knife CP0. is attacking him.

Just as the knife-wielding CP0 was about to slash towards Chenos, Chenos rolled in the opposite direction of the knife's slash, and then quickly approached the knife-wielding CP0. The flank swings forcefully.

Holding the knife CP0 instantly changed the direction of his swing, knocked the hilt towards Chenos' fist, easily defusing Chenos' attack, and then slashed towards Chenos with the knife again.

Seeing that the attack didn't work, Chenos turned his fist into a palm, and with the force of being knocked out by the hilt of the knife, he pushed the ground, put his feet together, and stabbed toward the knife-wielding CP0.

Seeing this, the knife-wielding CP0 didn't panic, and still waved the wooden knife in his hand, and then used the force of the swing to drive himself to rotate in a circle, and hit Chenos's feet with his elbows, making Chenos' attack again. Failed, and knocked Chenos into the air.

Chenos used the elbow with the knife CP0 to do a few somersaults with his hands on the ground, and then kept himself away from the knife-wielding CP0 and continued to look for opportunities to attack.

At this moment, Chenos suddenly withdrew from the strange state, and seemed to be drunk, feeling that his whole body was spinning, and he was too dizzy to move.

"Yes, it is the first time that I entered a state of domineering and domineering. It is really beyond my expectations that I can persist for so long. I will be here today. You lie on the ground and rest for a while, don't move, this dizziness It will be over soon!"

After the knife-wielding CP0 finished speaking, he ignored Chenos who had collapsed on the ground and went to rest under the tree.

Although the knife-wielding CP0 was extremely calm, there was an uproar in his heart.

Chenos' talent has repeatedly broken his cognition of genius. Just now, he kept forcing Chenos, and even released his murderous aura, just to make Chenos realize the arrogance of seeing and hearing more quickly.

It's just that the knife-wielding CP0 has long been prepared for failure. He didn't really want to hack Chenos just now, but just wanted to make Chenos enter the state of seeing and domineering faster.

Even he has already done it. After Chenos fails, he will teach Chenos to remember the feelings just now, so as to lay a solid foundation for entering the domineering in the future.

But who could have imagined that Chenos would directly understand the spectacle, and for the first time, he would turn on the arrogance of the spectacle, and only after he could fight a few tricks with him, would he quit the arrogant state of the specter.

You must know that the first time you enter the domineering, because it is to open the mental state, most people will not be able to adapt to such a state, which will lead to dizziness or even a coma. .

He had run out of adjectives to describe Chenos' talent.

Domineering such a highly talented person really wants him to be destroyed by the Tianlong people?

At this time, the heart of the knife-wielding CP0 was also caught in a contradiction.

Chapter 13 I Want to Help You Get Out of Here

After the rest, Chenos returned to the place where the slaves ate.

When I was training with Knife CP0 before, Knife CP0 let him eat with him, and Knife CP0 specially ordered people from government departments to bring more nutritious meals over.

This also makes Chenos eat well these days.

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