MTL - I Will Be The Crowned King-v5 Chapter 102 you know……

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Osteria Palace, Inner Court.

An Sen with a stern face suddenly appeared outside the gate of the palace. He was dressed in brigadier general attire and the saber in his hand made the guards on guard feel nervous, subconsciously wanting to step forward to stop him.

Just when his right hand was about to touch Anson's shoulder, Fabian quickly approached from the side, raised his hand and "snapped!" and pressed the guard's face door, and pressed it heavily against the door.

"You, what are you doing?!"

"Who are they?!"

"Be alert, be alert, someone is trespassing on the palace!"

The royal guards with frightened faces gathered quickly, stepped forward to surround Fabian, and at the same time pulled out the line, blocking Ansen in front of him.

Twenty or so guards lined up, holding brand-new Borni rifles tightly, and the gleaming bayonets fell like dominoes, stabbing forward.

However, Anson still acted as if he hadn't seen it, and continued to walk forward with a sullen face, as if he didn't notice that dozens of guns were already aimed at him.

The expressions of the guards were also very unnatural. Of course they knew the guy opposite, or at least knew that he was wearing the uniform of a general; Stress is purely lying.

But they couldn't retreat because of their responsibilities, so they could only watch helplessly as the other side continued to move forward at a fast pace, constantly approaching the final bottom line.

Right now...

"Everyone—put the guns down!"

An icy angry shout sounded, and the gloomy-faced Colonel Roman suddenly appeared behind the royal guards: "This is Brigadier General Ansen Bach, who entered the palace with His Majesty's personal order, the commander-in-chief of the legion who was ordered to guard the palace!"

"For the last time, all lay down their arms and salute Brigadier General Ansen Bach!"

While the words echoed under the gate of the palace, Ansen finally walked up to the bayonets of the guards.

In the next second, the bewildered, shocked, and aggrieved guards of the royal family subconsciously or reluctantly moved out of the way, holding guns in their left hands and beating their chests with their right hands in salute.

The expressionless An Sen was still walking forward step by step, passing through the phalanx of the royal guards, never looking back.

"Are you really angry?" Roman looked at him with a frosty face, and followed him in surprise: "It's really rare for a person like you to lose control of his emotions."

"Of course... considering the suddenness and all possible subsequent unexpected effects, it's not completely incomprehensible..."

"I just have one question."

Anson said unceremoniously, "Is the Truth Society involved in this matter, or do you know about it?"

"You're welcome, it seems that you are completely different from before you went to the new world." Colonel Roman still did not forget to taunt:

"Would you believe me if I told you that I didn't know anything and didn't know?"

"Then do I have a choice?"

Anson also said unceremoniously: "If you don't know, I can only say that things are more terrifying than I imagined... Without any external force to interfere, the other party was able to go smoothly under the noses of you and Archbishop Luther." It's a success!"

"It means that you have forgotten one thing subconsciously. Compared with the enemy, the power we have is not worth mentioning." Roman reminded coldly:

"You are now a member of the Truth Society. The part of the Truth Society that can't do anything also has your responsibility in it, Brigadier General Ansen Bach."

"I don't deny this. I just hope that every time Truth Club has a plan, please don't just let me know after the fact or when there is no other way, so that new members like me can get different surprises every time."

"Then I can only ask you to be more tolerant. The characteristic of this organization is that it never informs in advance. The members will not remember that they don't have to suffer alone until the catastrophe is imminent—not to mention you, I often don't know when , and got involved in weird incidents.”

While talking, the two have passed through the outer courtyard and corridors, heading towards the inner court of the destination; the closer they get, the

The number of heavily armed soldiers around is also increasing.

Not only that, Anson noticed that most of the soldiers guarding around were no longer the Royal Guards, but the policemen on Whitehall Street, and most of them were former guards.

As the most prominent legion in Clovis, the status of the "former guard" has fallen to the bottom of the army sequence, almost to the status of a prisoner; the officer who escaped the purge is okay , The soldiers at the bottom have reached the point where they don't want to mention their resumes.

As the Frantz family's influence in the police system is increasing day by day, many grassroots policemen also tend to move closer to the Frantz family in order to obtain a certain degree of asylum.

However, Anson vaguely felt that Ludwig probably did not do this just because of the reason of "trustworthiness".

When they came to the garden outside the inner court, the two happened to meet a team of policemen who were escorting a dozen servants and maids. They bound their hands and feet and gagged their mouths with linen cloth. They walked to a wall Ahead, forced to kneel facing a brick wall.

The slender Ludwig stood on the steps in front of the palace. He noticed the two people who walked in at first glance, but he didn't say hello. He calmly and calmly patted the shoulder of the policeman beside him.

The latter comprehended silently raised a red and black banner in his hand: "Firing squad—raise the gun—ready!"



The gunfire echoed, and all the noises disappeared; the servants and maids who were struggling desperately just a second ago froze, and then fell powerlessly in a pool of their own blood.

"Yo, here we come."

It wasn't until this moment that Ludwig finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Ansen lightly, "The incident happened suddenly, and you still need to come here specially to discuss how to deal with some things."

"Yeah." Anson nodded, glanced at the corpse under the corner next to him: "This is..."

"They saw it."

Ludwig's expression suddenly became gloomy: "They happened to be there when the incident happened. Some of them were just voices, and some of them even entered the inner court and witnessed it with their own eyes... There is no way, I can only choose to keep my mouth shut under the current situation."

"Based on the current situation, if the news spreads, the consequences will be unimaginable... I don't know if I can hide it, and how long I can hide it, but there is really no better choice."

Anson nodded slightly, raised his finger and pointed to the closed gate of the inner court:

"Inside...what's the situation now?"

"I can only say that it's not very good." Ludwig sighed, walked closer to Ansen's side and lowered his voice desperately: "When you came, Your Majesty was already... As for Queen Anne, she was quite emotional, but she didn't seem to have completely lost it. reason."

"I didn't dare to provoke her too much, so I could only pretend that nothing happened. In the name of the Privy Council and His Majesty, I lied that I blocked off the surroundings to prevent the palace from approaching at this moment. The police only thought that there were rebels mixed into the royal servants. The royal family The guards are all concentrated on the parapet of the palace, they... don't know what happened inside."

"Of course, being able to do this depends on the cooperation of Her Majesty the queen... Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to enter the inner court so smoothly and appoint the royal guards; I'm afraid she is also aware of the seriousness of the matter, so it's a bit of a surprise."

The slightly trembling words fell in his ears, allowing Anson to think of how nervous Ludwig had been from just now without looking up.

But he is more aware of how much ambitious excitement is buried under this tension.

That's right, Carlos II died, but he and himself temporarily gained control of the palace because of a small accident, and they knew this important news earlier than everyone in Clovis City; To some extent, the two even temporarily possessed the ability to interpret His Majesty's orders, theoretically gaining the supreme authority of Clovis.

If this kind of opportunity can be used properly, the effect may even be better than the Ministry of War that is thinking day and night to overthrow the Privy Council and establish a military government!

And if you miss... the two of you, along with all your close relatives, friends, family, and subordinates... will become soldiers.

The target of the rebels; whoever can destroy them is the true loyalist of Clovis.

Ansen, who was slightly sideways, looked at Ludwig's eyes full of deep meaning. He knew very well the reason why this "old boss" was willing to share this precious information.

In addition to the alliance between the two, the most important thing is the Storm Legion in Anson's hands. It is the only armed force that can immediately suppress the royal guards of the Osteria Palace, kidnap the Privy Council, and negotiate with the mutiny rebels.

The legion under Ludwig's command is still stationed in the southern fortress and cannot leave; as for the Whitehall Street police... Several battles have proved that there is a little gap between them and the standing legion outside that cannot be ignored.

"So... what are your plans?"

Although trying to be understated, Ludwig's eyes still betrayed him.

Taking a deep breath, Anson, who didn't answer immediately, glanced at Roman behind him—to be honest, he still doesn't believe that the Truth Society and Archbishop Luther knew nothing about this matter.

Otherwise, there would be no such coincidence. Ludwig appeared near the scene of the accident on the front foot of the Osteria Palace, and he was "lucky" to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

It's just that he still can't figure out what benefits the death of Carlos II will have on Luther Franz. How can the archbishop bear to abandon a king who obeys his own words?

"Come here, of course I still have to see you first." An Sen whispered: "After all, I came here for this reason, and it is somewhat unreasonable not to meet."

"you sure?"

Ludwig couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Although she is still reasonable now, but... I can't guarantee that nothing will happen."

"I understand." Anson nodded, "Don't worry, I will try my best to keep restraint, not to provoke, or force her to do anything—just to make a show, and by the way, decide the next step according to her situation, and by the way, determine some guess."


"What do you think... the reason why the mutiny generals suddenly attacked the inner city and rushed towards the Osteria Palace?"

With a little rhetorical question, Anson's expression became meaningful: "Is there a possibility that the Osteria Palace and the rebels... two things happened at the same time, it is not a coincidence."

Before the words fell, Ludwig's pupils shrank suddenly.

"I see." He didn't ask any more questions: "Go and come back quickly, if something happens outside..."

"Just shout 'Long Live Clovis' right away, just make sure I can hear it. "

After finishing speaking, Anson passed by Ludwig and walked straight towards the gate of the inner court; with a slightly uneasy mood, he pushed open the half-closed door.

As soon as he entered the door, the first thing he saw was a corpse.

In the empty palace, Carlos II sat crookedly on the gorgeous sofa in front of the fireplace; his clothes were messy, his hat fell on the ground, and his loose hair covered a face full of confusion and incomprehension; his eyes He opened his eyes wide, as if he didn't understand what happened until the end.

Of course, he doesn't need to understand anymore... A large piece of glass shards were stuck across his **** chest; the torn shirt exposed his fleshy chest; the large bloodstains and hideous wounds It is enough to prove that this majesty was not pierced by a sharp knife, but bled to death alive.

Calculating the time, Anson even suspected that when Ludwig encountered this "accident", Carlos II was probably still alive...but most of them were already powerless.

Following the blood that had begun to dry on the ground, he saw Queen Anne curled up in a corner, trembling.

Anson only saw Her Majesty the Queen once during the court trial, and his impression fully fits the evaluation of "Carlos II's trophy" by some people; it is not so much a human being, but more like a living idol that can be shown off, Toy.

She stared at Carlos II's body so tightly that she didn't notice Anson who walked into the palace at all; it was as if the body was some kind of indescribable monster that might die


Taking light Anson approached the distraught queen step by step; the moment he walked to the palace, some original guesses became stronger and stronger, leaving only the final confirmation.

Queen Anne, who didn't blink her eyes, was obviously panting rapidly, but her face was pale, and she didn't even feel much vitality; even if she died suddenly in the next second, it would never be suspicious.

Anson squatted in front of her, took a deep breath, and said in a voice as calm as possible: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty Anne?"


The pale queen suddenly raised her head, as if she had just woken up: "You are..."

"I am Ansen Bach, and I am ordered to come here to protect His Majesty from anyone; but before that, I have a small problem and I want to consult His Majesty."

"W-What's the problem?"

"Do you know... the name Maurice Perigord?"

Staring into the scarlet eyes of the queen, Anson said calmly.

Read The Duke's Passion