MTL - If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?-Chapter 13 challenge

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I told me about the labor relations between me and Zhong Yuan and the girl in the dormitory. After listening to them, they sent a small two to make a concluding remark: "That is, you are covered?"


I have no choice but to catch my head. "Where can you see that I am being taken care of? This is basically the creditor and the good people, the boss and the staff, oppressed and oppressed... the history of blood and tears..."

I haven't finished yet, and the four girls nodded and said, "Isn't it just forcing, but is it a hidden rule?"


This group of people who fear the world is not chaotic! I look at the boss for help, my beautiful and kind boss, help me to say something...

The boss touched my head that had just grown a layer of hair, and said with a smile: "Wood, let's go back and give us a special lecture: How can we get a good quality man?"

I want to cry without tears, and take her hand off. "When I get into the land button, I will open it!"

When I mentioned Lu Zijian, Xiao Er was not calm. She knocked on the table and said with a crying cry: "My family's road is small attack, why are you so hard?"

The four girls frowned. "Cry and cry, the boy is not dead."

Xiao 2: "If he is dead, should you change your cry?"

The four girls lifted their feet and went to the chair of Xiao Er.

I looked at this chaotic scene and climbed to the bed calmly. Forget it, anyway, rumors stop at the wise, they love how to think about it, wait for me to pass these fifteen months, eh!

Or, when did I accidentally hand over a boyfriend like Lu Zijian, and then... Hehe, hehehehe...

I thought so, lying in bed, smirking involuntarily.


The employment relationship between me and Zhong Yuan was fully reflected in the beginning of school. Silent, this is the face of the oppressor.

Because I want to accompany Zhongyuan morning exercise, I have to get up half an hour earlier than usual. I am very resentful about this. Of course, I only dare to resent in my heart. There is really no other way.

This is a metamorphosis of Zhong Yuan, pulling me to run early in the morning, my eyes are not fully open. Not only that, but he also wears a very windy white sportswear, which is whiter than Snow White. Coupled with his sloppy, it is also a beautiful type. I can imagine how we were surrounded. Of course, the main thing for everyone to watch is him. I am at best a foil, or a shabby foil.

Moreover, how much I hate running...

So I appealed: "Can I apply for not writing in Zhongyuan?"

Zhong Yuan jogged while he was not mad at the face, and asked me: "Reason."

I thought a very high-sounding one, and most people would not refuse it. "The calf will become thicker."

Zhong Yuan dismissed my appeal indiscriminately: "Nothing, I don't want to give up."

I think his words are very strange. After thinking for a long time, I suddenly realized, "Do you have any right to dislike or not to abandon!" I don't believe that there are bosses who are too skeptical about the employees' legs, and such bosses are too tortoise ==

Zhong Yuan stopped to look at me and was not happy. "I still want to wait for you to perform well and give you a raise. I didn't expect you to sing against me on the first day." He said, ignore me, and then turn around. run.

I am very eager to catch up. "I am running, I am not afraid of thick legs..."

Zhong Yuan did not speak.

I gasped and said, "You, can you run slower..." This is the advantage of the leg length, 嫉妒>_<

Zhong Yuan still didn't speak, but the speed dropped a lot.

I moved to look at him sideways and found that his eyes were half squatting at this time, his mouth slightly rising, like laughing. That kind of laugh is not as evil as usual, but it is a bit fresh, just like the morning air, fresh.

So, when any bad guy has a conscience, Zhong Yuan is a living example.

Of course, even if the conscience is discovered, the bad guys are still bad guys.


I gradually found out that in the matter of my employment relationship with Zhongyuan, the performance of our unscrupulous guys in the bedroom is already calm, at least in their words, more or less with a joke, and these Some people I met in the day, I have completely regarded me and Zhongyuan as lovers, and killed myself.

I asked Zhongyuan what to do. Zhong Yuan calmly replied: "We use time to prove it to them."

I think he makes a lot of sense. Well, for a long time, the rumors naturally broke.

However, we have not had time to prove that someone has come to the pavilion.

It is said that this evening, the community will hold a camping exhibition. The original incident did not come. I was honored to be a photojournalist of the three teams.

After the exhibition, Lingling’s sister stopped me. I asked her if she had nothing. She said to me righteously: "Mul, I want to challenge you."

I scratched my head and didn't understand. "What?"

At this time, some people who did not leave were also stunned, and they did not leave.

Lingling’s sister looked at me proudly and replied: “I want to challenge you. If I win, Zhong Yuan is mine, let go.”

I have been tortured by those rumors in the past few days, so I didn’t respect it at this time: "Zhong Yuan is not mine, I love who, my sister is free."

Lingling’s sister licked her fist and saw the fierce light. “What do you mean? Are you looking down on me?”

I was so scared to take a step back. "Don't be excited, sister and me, and Zhongyuan really didn't..."

Lingling’s sister waved her hand and said impatiently: “You should have done what you should not do. You are too embarrassed to say no? Muer, I didn’t think you were such a person.”

I feel that I am wronged. What have we done? We didn't do anything... and, where did I feel?>_<

Lingling’s sister continued to ask me condescendingly: “In short, can you accept my challenge?”

I think the logic of Lingling's sister is very confusing. Let me not say that I and Zhongyuan have nothing. Even if we really have something, she likes Zhongyuan and she will chase it. Even if I have been dug up the corner, I can only swear. The charm is not as good as the problem. Is she asking me to challenge me for Mao?

Lingling’s sister continued to stare at me with a gaze, as if she had to make a hole in my **** before she would give up. I had a chill, and said with a smile, "Sister and goodbye," and then ran out of the lecture hall.

I went back to the dormitory and said this with the 1141. Everyone said that they understand, sweat, I can't understand Mao.

But this is not over yet. The next day, I received a call from a friend Xiaojie in the club. She asked me mysteriously, what to compare with Lingling’s sister.

I feel inexplicable: "I don't have it."

Xiaojie has completely immersed herself in her own world. She doesn't care what I say, she said from herself: "Everyone is betting you and Lingling's sister who wins, I want to suppress, but I don't know who to press, I said, What are you compared to Lingling’s sister?”

Sudden death, how do I feel that people in the community are not normal right now...

Xiaojie saw that I didn't speak. He said, "Well, Xiaojie, they all pressed 20 pieces, or do I also press 20? But the president has pressed a hundred pieces..."

I swallowed it: "Come on... money?"

Xiaojie: "Yeah, you won't know?"

I wiped the sweat. Isn't this the thing of yesterday? I didn't expect the news sensitivity of the people in the environmental protection community to be higher than the guys in the news agency. If the gossip people were to rule the news agency, it would be bad. The news agency’s weak community building has since been renewed...

It’s not right, I’m pulling away. I calculated it in my heart and asked, "What is inside, what is Lingling’s best at?"

Xiaojie thought for a while and replied: "Should it be Taekwondo? I heard that she is a black belt and has to win a prize."

Taekwondo... seems to be a bit scary?

No matter, the man-made dead bird is a food and death, so I bite my teeth and say, "Well, I will compare it with her."

Xiaojie marveled: "Are you crazy?"

"Listen to me, I am not crazy," I smiled calmly. "Xiaojie, you can also help me with two hundred dollars, in your name. Well, who should win, you know?"

Xiaojie was silent for a long time, and finally sighed: "You are too shameless."

I am smirking, I can win some money when I fight, this kind of good thing is not every day!

So I took the initiative and confidently told Lingling, I accepted her challenge and appointed, except for Taekwondo, I am no more than anything else. And we both signed the life and death, no matter what injury, all the consequences.

I have never dared to tell Zhong Yuan about this matter. After all, I took him to make a bet, although the gambling was somewhat inexplicable. Fortunately, the scale of the environmental protection agency is not very large, so not many people know about it, and will not pass it to Zhong Yuan’s ear.

In fact, I am mainly afraid that he will know and deduct my salary.

The game is scheduled for Saturday afternoon, just the day Zhongyuan went to H, because he has an intercollegiate football game to kick. Originally, he also asked me to give him amateur cheerleaders. Later I said that I had a headache and he didn't force me.

So at three in the afternoon, I arrived at the practice room on time, and there are already some people waiting.

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