MTL - If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?-Chapter 25 Our love story

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In fact, my brother and Zhang Xu are indeed a childhood friend. It is good to have a relationship with them from school to school. Even if there is no deep love, there will always be revolutionary feelings. When I was in high school, I was catching up with puberty. The secretion of hormones was strong, so I saw how my brother Zhang Xu looked pleasing to the eye. Then I thought about it. At that time, what I really wanted was not a person, but a relationship.

Later, the development of things was more than a cup. Originally, I and Zhang Xu brothers and two people have no suspicion of arrogance, and it is a bit unreasonable not to get together. However, Zhang Xu’s brother has a weakness, that is, his mother. His mother’s words were much more than the teacher’s words. When the two of us had a little bit of fire in the school, the teacher also persuaded us to say a bunch of messy things. He didn’t go to the heart at all. Unfortunately, after he got home and was taught by his mother, this kid was completely shrunk. I was the little girl who would open the unopened sin. I can still do it.

So I will endure it. If you endure the college entrance examination, everyone will be freed... This is the original words of Zhang Xu’s brother. I heard him say this, and my heart will have a bottom, thinking that he will come to me with a confession after the college entrance examination, how romantic and romantic. Unfortunately, on the evening of the college entrance examination, I was waiting for a sentence.

"My mom won't let me be with you. She said that the places we went to are different."

This is a rejection. After a few days, my father heard the gossip from Zhang Sanye’s gossip group. The faint meaning seems to be that Zhang Xu’s mother suspected that my grades were not good, and that his son was not a grade, she hoped her daughter-in-law It is a high school student who can be the same university as Zhang Xu, what is it.

To sum up, I said that I was dismissed.

I was so angry that I found Zhang Xu’s brother to ask him if he was doing this. He swallowed for a long time and finally said three words to me: Sorry.

Not long after, the headmaster and the village head came to my house with a bunch of people to bring me a big red flower.

Without me, Zhang Xu’s brother should be able to be a local champion in the county. His university is also in the B city, but it is not as big as our school.

Later, in the B city, Zhang Xu brother also contacted me to go out to play together, but I was thinking about Lu Zijian at the time, and I did not care about it.

I simply finished these things with Zhong Yuan and finally said, "I didn't expect you to be so gossip."

Zhong Yuan said with a frown: "There is nothing to say about the ‘Zhang Xu brother’ before the ‘Zhang Xu’s brother’, and why don’t you call me ‘Zhong Yuan’s brother’.”

I replied: "I haven't called it for more than ten years. I can't change my mouth for a while."

Zhong Yuan: "You better change it. I have a toothache."

I groaned and said: "Zhong Yuan, look, I took me and Zhang Xuge... Hey, everything between me and Zhang Xu has been told to you, do you tell me about your love story? I know Your love story must be rich, so you can choose the important ones that you can remember the name." I think that Zhong Yuan's love history is definitely worth more than my love history, and maybe the key moments can really sell money.

Zhongyuan pondered for a while and replied: "I used to like one of my sisters. His father and my father are good friends. We are also a childhood friend."

I nodded. "What later?"

Zhong Yuan sighed long. "Since she broke my fracture, I never thought about her again."


I wiped my sweat and patted him on the shoulder with sympathy, but my heart was so dark, and when you were abused by Zhong Yuan? God really didn't blink.

Zhong Yuan suddenly looked up and smiled at me. "You are actually very happy, right?"

I hurriedly waved my hand. "How is it possible, I am like a person who is not guilty? I don't mention such unpleasant memories. Say something happy, such as when is your first love? The second spring? The third and fourth What about six or seven?"

Zhong Yuan smiled helplessly. "Is it so fancy?"

"Of course there is... ah no, I mean, you... you are more attractive, hehehe..."

"Yes," Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows and smiled even more. "But I don't seem to have a first love."

I swallowed and said incredulously: "No, no?"

Zhong Yuan: "Is not, just like you."

Such a human scour has not even talked about love? The world is illusory...


Zhong Yuan lived in my house for a few days, and did not see any movements he had for sightseeing. I felt strange and asked him. As a result, he replied: "A few days before the break. Just right, tomorrow, accompany me to see the sunrise."

I am really idle and have nothing to look for.

The next morning, Zhong Yuan knocked on my door, and I looked at the watch with a blink of an eye. It was only four o'clock, so I ignored him and went to sleep.

Who knows this kid shouted at the door: "If you can't get out of bed, I will come in. I will get you up."

I grabbed my inch of hair and replied, "Don't come in, I didn't wear clothes."

These days are hot. I just took off when I was sleeping at night, and I was more comfortable. At this time, I was wearing a stunned head, grabbed my clothes and dressed them indiscriminately, and opened the door with sorrow.

Zhong Yuan stood at the door, his eyes floating, thoughtful.

I reached out and shook in front of him. "What do you think?"

Zhong Yuan’s face climbed a little pale pink, and he took his eyes and looked at me. “Nothing, just... your clothes seem to be worn.”

I closed the door very calmly and changed my clothes. It is not this two pieces of things that I have done in front of Zhong Yuan. It is no longer a shameful incident like this.

After washing, I complained to Zhong Yuan that I hadn't eaten yet. As a result, I peeled a huge lollipop into my mouth. I was also amazed, how is this guy's suitcase, and more sci-fi than the pocket of Doraemon.

But don't say that, the taste of this sugar is really good.

I walked down the field with Zhongyuan and Dada. The air in the morning was very fresh, and all kinds of birds also got out of bed and screamed. The leaves of the plants are covered with crystal dewdrops, and when they touch, they fall down. The narrow grass on the side of the road is dotted with small wildflowers of various colors, elegant and wild.

Zhong Yuan breathed deeply and said with satisfaction: "Sure enough."

"Of course." I looked up proudly and it was not that easy to praise by Zhong Yuan.

At this time, the village flower Xiaoman of our village was riding a bicycle. She held the armrest of the bicycle with one hand and rubbed her head with one hand, apparently going to scribble. Xiaoman has always been a hardworking person. My dad often praises her and said that she does not know which boy is blessed to marry her.

I looked at Xiaoman’s back and said to Zhong Yuan: "That is the village flower in our village. How about?"

Zhong Yuan looked at her from afar and nodded. "Yes, handsome than me."

I wiped the sweat and said, "You don't understand the health of the original ecology? You are all poisoned by the morbid aesthetics." Xiao Man is really tall and tall, our village. People like the kind of healthy and full of beauty. For example, I was once nominated for the list of candidates for the village flower, but later she was eliminated because she was too thin.

At this time, Zhong Yuan listened to my sarcasm, miraculously did not refute, but said: "My aesthetic is really metamorphosis, or else it will not..."


"Nothing," Zhong Yuan suddenly raised his mouth and smiled. "I suddenly remembered that you like Lu Zijian. Is it because he is healthy and original?"

I hesitated and nodded. Although I am not used to discussing emotional issues with others, it does not matter if I discuss it with Zhong Yuan. Anyway, we both exchanged love history.

Zhong Yuan said again: "Now, Luzi is a member of others, are you sad?"

I nodded and shook my head. Finally, I said, "I’m sad at first, but I’m too sad to say. I’ve thought about it these days. I think my feelings for Lu Zijian are not really love. At most, it is a yearning, hey, that is, he is my idol. Normal people want to be intimately in contact with idols, and if they can't, it doesn't matter. I haven't heard of anyone who can't think because they have nothing to do with their idols. In short, this is the case, anyway, Luzijian is now my girl's four girls, and the fertilizer does not flow outside the field."

Zhong Yuan took a long breath and said, "This way, my fear is superfluous."

I looked at him sideways and smiled. "What are you worried about?"

Zhong Yuan smiled faintly. "I am worried that you can't think of it and do stupid things."

I shook my head and said, "I am like a stupid person?"

Zhong Yuan: "You are doing stupid things every day."


At this time, the two of us were sitting on a high mound, behind which was a sweet potato, and the flourishing sweet potato spread over the entire land. In front of it is an innocent field where a variety of crops are planted. At the end of the field, a red sun rose.

I remember when I was young, Chinese teachers often asked us to describe the scenery of the sunrise. Every time I write, the sun is like the yolk of a red heart salted duck egg, and it rises again...

The clouds around the sun were painted with a layer of gold, and with its own strange shape, it was very crowded. I looked at the sunrise in front of me, my heart was so dark, I couldn’t help but urge, and asked Zhongyuan: "You have been to my house for so many days, why don't you ask me why there is no mother?"

Zhong Yuan looked at me quietly for a while, bowed and said: "The uncle told me."

I sighed and said helplessly: "My dad really doesn't treat you as an outsider."

Zhong Yuan slowly raised his mouth. "Yes."

So continue to watch the sunrise. Zhong Yuan gently patted my shoulder and said nothing. I licked my mouth and didn't speak.

In fact, there is nothing important about my mother. I have such a good father.


Today, our high school classmates are gathering. I slammed Zhong Yuan and stayed at home, and I went out alone. At the station, I met Zhang Xuge unfortunately... Hey, Zhang Xu. It is said that the bus from our village to the county is only used every hour, so it is normal for everyone to accidentally sit in the same car. So I and Zhang Xu were very happy together, and the two men screamed some unhealthy gossip.

It is said that Zhang Xu and I should be regarded as a smile and enmity. I am not feeling uncomfortable with him. It is him, who has been in Ai Ai, like a miserable wife. I am really surprised. What oil I used to be blinded, how can I just look at him? Now I have a big eye to take a good look. In fact, he is not as good as Zhong Yuan, although Zhong Yuan’s kid is Bad, but what to say and do is a refreshing and simple.

Sure enough, people are better than you. You can look at Zhongyuan. In the shortcomings of your ignorance, there are also the advantages of one or two points that can be flashed...

Strange, for me to think of Zhong Yuan, I suddenly had some unpredictable feelings in my mind. Have I been abused by him for the paranoia?

The class reunion is nothing more than eating and drinking in the days of the wine. I was sick during the winter holiday party. I didn’t come. It was the first time I met a high school classmate after I entered university. Some of our high school teachers were also invited. Zhang Xu and Zhang Xu, as teachers, were arranged to sit at the table with the teachers. Of course, I was suddenly among the "successful students" after the college entrance examination.

The place where we gathered for dinner was in a large hall with no private rooms. When I was biting my chicken wings in my mouth, I looked up and saw a familiar figure not far away, and suddenly I was shocked by a cold sweat.

That unsatisfactory smile, that cool look...

I sighed with the chicken wings and sighed in the sky, and Zhong Yuan was still stunned.

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