MTL - If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?-Chapter 33 The protagonist of the movie

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"Hey, Xiaojie? Well, yeah, didn't you tell me, reverse string... you must know, three woods, it's Muer, your environmental protection company's Muer... Don't worry, she looks so good. ...... Right, I think she is a good fit... Yeah, the hair style is also very suitable, just right... What? Wrap the chest? You can't afford her too much..."

I sat on the sidelines with black lines, and resisted the urge to swear, listening to Xiao Er to call Xiaojie.

The two men lingered for a long time, and the second child finally hung up. After hanging up the phone, she looked at me with a glare and said excitedly: "Hey, I heard Xiaojie said that she recently met a philosophy department, and she is very handsome and has promised to play this drama. Another male is the first."

I did not excite the news at all, and replied lazily: "Is it." I don't know how Xiaojie tricked the younger brothers.

Xiao Er grabbed me and continued to be excited. "But originally I was going to let Zhong Yuan play, although his temperament is more in front of Lu Zijian, but it is still more than enough to attack you. How to do this, both small attacks are The protagonist?"

I shook my head in a black line. "Do not worry, Zhong Yuan will not play such a metamorphosis."

Xiao Er glared at my collar with pain. "Three woods, who are you who are perverted, who are perverted! This is art, you can't understand!"

I opened her finger and said calmly: "Well, in the end, Zhong Yuan is the most hated of others who rot him. If you have the guts, you will go to him."

So Xiao Er silently.

I found that Zhong Yuan had such a strange ability. His temper is good, he barely gets angry, and he is also cheerful when he gets along with others. But I really want to talk about the things that touch his bottom line, but few people dare to do it. For example, Xiao Er was arrogant to me all day, but when I heard that Zhong Yuan hated others and rotted him, she would never dare to mention this in front of Zhong Yuan. This is not the case with Lu Zijian. He also belongs to the kind of temper, but he is always bullied. At the beginning, Xiaoji often called the land attack and attacked the small attack. Later, Lu Zijian understood what "Liao Xiao attack" meant. He asked him twice more than once. Please don't call him a small attack. The result will not help until the end. Later, Xiao Er was picked up by the four girls, only a little convergence. (I despise the little guy who is bullying and hard.)

I have been thinking, one person, how insidious, in order to achieve this level of Zhongyuan.


In the evening, Xiaojie was the director. The two male protagonists of this unhealthy movie (actually, I was the heroine TAT) went to the coffee shop for a while. Once we got to know each other, we discussed the specifics of the film. . By the way, we called the producer and screenwriter of this film, which is the second.

Then when I saw the legendary philosophical handsome brother, I was gorgeous on the spot.

I still don't understand, there are a lot of handsome guys in B Dali, how can you let the words of Xiaojie come out?

Su Yan saw us and ran to me in surprise. He said with a smile: "Mul, the man who dressed up as a man is you?"

I caught Xiao Er in front of me. "You have misunderstood classmates. I am just a screenwriter. This is your partner."

However, Xiao Er spared no effort to betray me.

Su Yan put an arm on my shoulder, and the mood looks pretty good. "Mul, you don't have to be embarrassed."

I was angry, opened his arm and pointed at Su Yan and said to Xiaojie: "Director, can I apply to change me or replace him?"

In a word, Xiaojie’s glare was revealed. “No!”

Due to the extreme cooperation between Su Yan and my extreme dissatisfaction, the discussion this evening was not a failure, but it was not successful. In fact, I did not deliberately make troubles, but I couldn’t be awkward about cooperating with Su Yan to play a couple. Regardless of whether his feelings for me are true or false, how can he say that he has also chased me? At present, it seems to be still chasing. With the relationship between us and the present, it is inevitable that it will be played. I am a person who treats feelings more absolutely, likes it is like, if I don't like it, I don't want to have anything to do with you. You better stay away from me as much as possible.

When I came back from the coffee shop, Xiaojie and Xiaoer both sneaked back first, leaving me and Su Yan to communicate with each other.

Su Yan and I walked side by side, slowly walking under the orange streetlights.

"Mul, do you hate me?" He suddenly stood up and looked straight at me, asking faintly.

I shook my head. "No."

"Then why don't you accept me?"

I grabbed my hair. "Hey, I have a boyfriend. You are a third party. It’s very bad." Sorry, Zhong Yuan, you are better at the crucial moment.

Su Yan laughs incomprehensibly. It is not like a teenager under the age of 18. "You don't have to lie to me. I can see it. Zhong Yuan performed very well, but you are too bad."

I bowed my head in guilt, not knowing if his words were true or false.

Su Yan said: "So I am now in a fair position with Zhong Yuan or anyone else. I hope that you will not discriminate against me."

I shook my head. "I didn't discriminate against you. I just don't like you. Of course I can't accept you. It's as simple as that. I don't hate you, but don't hate it, it doesn't mean you like it. You understand."

Su Yan said with a smile: "You haven't tried to like me yet. How do you know that you don't like me?"

Hey... Hey? What is the logic? ? ?

Su Yan: "It's like a snack. You haven't eaten yet. How do you know that it's delicious and not good? Does it suit your taste? At least you have to take a bite to decide whether you want to continue eating it? This is Give the snack a chance and give yourself a chance."

"You are really eloquent."

Su Yanxiao, "I won't win the prize. I just hope that you can give me a chance. Why don't you try to accept it? Let's refuse."

I scratched my head and thought that he was right and it seemed to be wrong. "But..."

"No," Su said, suddenly holding his hands on my shoulders and looking at me seriously. "I hope that you will try to accept me first. When you are sure that you really can't accept it, push me away. ?"

"Oh," I want to say no, but I saw Su Yan so eagerly looking at me and thought he was right, so I had to nod. "Okay."

Su Yan’s face suddenly opened with a warm smile. "You promised me to chase you?"

I looked at him stupidly. "It seems... yes."

Su Yan: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Me: "Nothing, just think that you suddenly become normal, so you don't get used to it."

Su Yan: "..."


The next day, Xiao Er still told her about the movie with Zhong Yuan, and it was the attitude of the informant. The reason was that Zhong Zhong was jealous. However, to my surprise, the second is just a casual question. Zhong Yuan was very happy to promise to star in the film, but only if he can only play the leading role.

So there was a small difference within our crew.

There are two protagonists in this movie, one with a supporting role, and the rest are relatively minor characters. Originally, the characters outside the protagonist were divided among the actors in the film club's own production. Although they were not willing to participate in a movie with a less sexual orientation, they were under the pressure of the vice president. Also not good to refuse.

Considering that the film follows the principle that there is no acting, but the appearance must be there, so the protagonist is set to me and Su Yan. Now Zhongyuan has appeared. With such awkward hardware conditions, it is certainly no problem to play a role above the supporting role. The problem is that this guy plays big cards and the non-leaders don't play.

Therefore, the current situation is that the actors of other characters are already in place, and only three of us have uneven distribution of protagonists.

Zhongyuan sat in the conference room of the film club. She listened with a smile and patiently listened to Xiaojie’s difficulty in assigning characters. The central idea she wants to express is that the protagonists have already settled, and Zhong Yuan will be in trouble. The supporting role, the supporting role is also a very important role, big deal for you to add drama...

When Zhong Yuan listened to Xiaojie’s words, he calmly said, “Well, you did as planned, and I have never been there.”

When Zhong Yuan’s words were finished, Xiao Er couldn’t sit still. He took Xiaojie’s private consultation for a long time, and did not discuss the results. Xiao Er hopes that Zhong Yuan can replace the Su Yan, while Xiao Jie insists on defending the status of Su Yan. The two analyzed from N aspects, and finally they were still deadlocked.

At this time, Su Yan, who had been silent for a long time, spoke. "I can provide title sponsorship for this movie. Should your equipment be improved?"

Xiaojie heard this and his eyes released light instantly. This temptation is undoubtedly huge.

However, Zhong Yuan said without hesitation: "How much is his sponsorship, how much can I sponsor, or more."

The negotiations then entered a deadlock.

Xiao Er and Xiao Jie finally negotiated with a dry mouth and finally reached a consensus: this question is answered by Muer!

For a moment, all four eyes looked at me, and all eyes were so hot that I could cook me.

I coughed and said weakly: "I have a perfect suggestion."


I look at Zhong Yuan and look at Su Yan. "What, why don't you let me play a supporting role?"


"I object."

"I agree."

"This is a good idea."

The four voices sounded at the same time. The boys were very violent after listening to my words, and the two wretched guys, Xiao Er Xiaojie, were surprised by the surprise of Xiao Guan. The second child was even excited to take my hairstyle. It’s messy.

What Zhongyuan and Su Yan still want to say, Xiaojie has a very angry venue and knocked on the table with a pen. He said, "Don’t make a noise, just follow the instructions of Muer. I am the director and I have the final say!"

Zhong Yuan looked at me and suddenly smiled in amazement. Then he turned to look at Su Yan and said, "Well, I decided to follow the director's arrangement."

Su Yan's eyes wide open and he looked at Zhong Yuan incredulously.

Zhong Yuan turned over the script in his hand and said to Su Yan in a serious way: "Well, there is a princess in this scene. Are you holding me or I am holding you?"

Su Yan looked at Zhong Yuan with a face like a fly. "You don't really want to play?"

Zhong Yuan nodded. "Otherwise, I still don't want to play a supporting role... Saying, are you holding me or I am holding you? I personally like to hold others, of course I will respect your choice."

Su Yanfu, "I will not hold a man and will not be held by a man!"

Zhong Yuan shook his head calmly. "This can't be you, we have to listen to the director. Well, director, I think this script is too pure, not enough. I suggest adding a kiss, oh, it's better to be French." kiss……"

Xiaojie held the pen and smiled. "Good, this idea is good, screenwriter, plus drama!"

The second wolf seems to have been blowing nosebleed directly.

Su Yan looked at Zhong Yuan in horror and couldn't speak.

Zhong Yuan closed the script and looked at Su Yan meaningfully. "Well, the director wants to kiss the show, we... do you have to practice first? French deep kiss..." He said, lifting the chin of Suyan The face slowly approaches...

The nosebleeds of Xiao Er finally came out successfully...

"Perverted!" Su Yan brushed open the clock, and stood up from the chair. "Director, I don't want to play with him!"

Zhong Yuan smiled calmly. "What a joke, the trick is the protagonist."

Su Yan: "I want to play a supporting role!"

Zhong Yuan leaned back on the chair and smiled at me.

I quietly erected the **** to him in my heart>__<