MTL - If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?-Chapter 36 I really like it.

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Zhong Yuan asked me: "Wood, do you like me?"

I didn't even think about it and retorted: "Nonsense, I will like you if I abuse myself."

At this time, the teacher on the podium suddenly said: "The two students in the back, please pay attention to the occasion."

I am more self-sufficient.


When I went back in the evening, all the words in my mind were the words of Zhong Yuan. "Wood, do you like me?"

No, won't I really like him? This is terrible...

Originally, I was already oppressed when he was a sparring partner. If I like him again, then I will never turn over the day... Besides if I like him and he doesn’t like me, then I have no face >__<

Zhong Yuan was in such a lot of wolf-like eyes, and did not feel pressure at all. He calmly held a racket and slowly demonstrated it. He explained to me: "The body is about forty-five degrees to the back. Pay attention to balance. The arm stretches in the direction of the body. The racket and the body are in the same angle. Then swing, pay attention to the mesh surface to keep moving forward, pay attention to the arm force instead of the wrist force when swinging, otherwise it is easy to be injured, you can not brake after the swing, you must master the inertia of the racket... Don’t be stupid, you try ."

Zhong Yuan and the physical education teacher talked about the same, I can understand, but always do not do well. At this point, I was inexplicably nervous. I grabbed a racket and found that I couldn’t even get it.

Zhong Yuan hated the iron and shook his head. "I really admire you. After taking such a long class, how can I even hold the shot?"

I am stunned, I changed my posture and caught the racket, but how to grasp how to be awkward.

Zhong Yuan sighed sighingly, dropped the racket, came forward and licked my fingers to help me correct the grip. He said as he whispered, "How is your hand so small?"

I looked at his slender fingers and rounded nails.

I feel that my heart is inexplicably beginning to feel restless and breathing has some difficulties. Zhong Yuan didn't seem to feel my strangeness. He helped me pose, lifted my hand and knocked on my head. He smiled and said, "What are you thinking?"

"No, no." I shook my head slyly, stepping back a few steps, holding the racket and waving it.

Zhong Yuan stood in the same position and looked at me. When I couldn’t move because of my hand, he said, "How?"

I pulled my head and panted, "tired."

Zhong Yuan was gloating, "Whoever told you not to follow me."

I cried and replied, "I can't learn, it always sounds the same thing. When I do it, it's another matter."

Zhong Yuan came over. He grabbed the hand that I held the racket and suddenly pulled me into my arms!

I am stupid, is this a horse situation? !

There was a burst of screams from the girls around me. I looked up at Zhongyuan in panic, but at this time he didn't bow, I could only see his chin. I was so nervous that my legs were soft and swallowed and said, "You..."

The voice of Zhong Yuan is not cold and not faint. "I am helping you correct the movement, have opinions?"

At this moment, my mind was blank and mechanically replied: "No, no opinion."

Zhong Yuan then grabbed my hand holding the racket and held my hand on my shoulder. He took my hand and made one side of my body rotate backwards. I couldn't help but take a step back and got his compliment. "Yes, that's it."

Then he pulled my arm open. "The arm doesn't have to be straight, keep it at a certain angle, so that it will be elastic... Yes, that's it, you made the wood well."

I can't do it. Where I did it well, obviously you are doing it from start to finish.

Zhong Yuan grabbed my hand and slowly swung forward, and the movement was smooth. After doing this, he looked down and asked me, "Have you learned?"


Zhong Yuan’s breath sprayed on my neck. I suddenly felt my neck twitching a bit hot and uncomfortably shrinking.

However, Zhong Yuan kept the posture of this swing and did not move. I am a bit strange, look up at him. His eyes are terrible, with a keenness to penetrate everything and the heat of melting everything. I didn't dare to look directly at him, so I lowered my eyes and didn't look at him.

"Wood," Zhong Yuan whispered to me. "You are not attentive."

I hang my head low and I don't know how to answer it.

"You don't really like me?"


Zhong Yuan whispered softly. "If it is true, I won't mind."

There is a strange irritability in my heart. "Please, you have a limit to your narcissism." As I said, I struggled to escape and slammed the racket and turned away.

Zhong Yuan blocked me from the front, and I almost hit his chest. He looked down at me, "Is it angry?"

I lowered my eyes. "I dare you."

Zhong Yuanxiao, "It’s as if I have oppressed you."

I am dissatisfied. "You have oppressed me."

Zhong Yuan patted me on the shoulder. "Okay, I am joking."

I bowed my head and said with a sullen, "Nothing."

I don't know why I suddenly get angry, but I don't understand why there is a sense of loss in my heart after Zhong Yuan explained.


In the evening, I chatted in the dormitory in one, two, three, and I asked them, "Two people talked well, and one suddenly became violent. What is it?"

The four girls replied: "I was poked at the pain."

Xiao Er is attached. "My family is really on the head."

I am a little awkward, painful, sore?

At this time, the boss and my head touched my head and asked: "Three woods, what emotional problems have you encountered, say everyone to analyze?"

I pretended to shake my head calmly. "No."

However, my heart is not very calm. If - I mean if - if I am angry with Zhong Yuan today because he poked me, hey, sore, then that is, I am really happy... Happy?

This is a creepy proposition...

If this is the case, then this can explain why I heard that Zhong Yuan said that he was joking, and felt lost... Hey, I don’t really like him?

I remembered the recent days, when Zhong Yuanyi was close to me, I was slowing my heart to speed up my brain. I touched him like it was burned by him... and I seem to always think of him, in various Time... I have never felt this way. I always feel that my life is full of a person’s existence. If he is not around, he will think of him inexplicably, think about what he is doing, think about his various deeds, think about it. Time is gone. I thought this was because I was always oppressed by Zhong Yuan and formed the conditioned reflex. Now it seems that I will not be thinking about it.>_<

There are indications that I, Muer, seems to really like Zhongyuan.

This conclusion made me feel helpless. Heaven, isn’t my name, Mull’s name, really lost in the hands of Zhong Yuan?

I thought about it again. The clock didn't possibly like me. The answer is: NO.

Zhong Yuan’s eyes are so high-end, and there are countless beautiful women chasing him. I am just a small grass in the flowers. Besides being trampled, I seem to have no other scenes. Moreover, the position of the two of us at the beginning is not equal. I will always be the one who is oppressed. The contradiction between us is the concentrated class contradiction. If we both have feelings, that is, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat have Feelings... this, yes, no, can, can,!

But the problem now is that the proletariat likes the bourgeoisie...

I am going to gnash my teeth, I really hate myself. If you like who is not good, why do you like Zhongyuan, a guy who exploits others as his own responsibility?

I did a deep self-reflection and self-criticism, trying to figure out which point I really liked. But in the end, I still didn't want to understand how I liked him. Why do I like him? There isn't a feature that I like in Zhongyuan's body, except that it looks more handsome. However, he is handsome and can't eat, and as everyone knows, Xiaobai is the most insecure creature in the world>_<

I had no choice but to ask one or two, why do they like a person.

The boss replied, "Because he is good to me."

Xiao Er replied, "Don't ask me, I like only one computer."

The four girls replied, "Because I am unlucky."

I want to come and think, I found that the four girls said the most appropriate. Why do I like you? Because I am unlucky, I am still entangled with you!

However, after I figured out this problem, I was even more depressed. Because the problem of "unlucky" is not something I can control. In other words, I don't like the question of Zhongyuan, nor can I control it... This is a sad conclusion.

I have also made a struggle in my heart. The core question of the struggle is whether or not to let Zhongyuan know that I like him. I think that after he knows this, it is estimated that it will be swaying, and if he is not good, he will laugh at me; or because it is awkward, the distance between the two people will be farther and farther away, I can only stand silently. Look at his back in the distance... These two situations are not what I want to see, forget it, or let him know first, I will pretend that nothing happens.

In short, I think if he knows that I like him, I will be under pressure...

Summary: I really like Zhongyuan, and I like it inexplicably. Although I don't know how to save it now, I will stick to my secret and will not let him know.

After thinking about this, I hurriedly went to sleep.


In this season, all the picking gardens are estimated to have only apples to pick. I and I had a taxi for more than an hour in the morning before I arrived at the destination, Green Garden Picking Garden.

The Green Garden Picking Garden is a picking garden for sightseeing and holiday picking. It is said that there is a test garden here, which is planted by Red Fuji. It is imported from Japan and is organically grown. There is no fertilizer and no pesticide. Of course, the price is also expensive and scary, but there are always some big heads who are willing to be fooled, like Zhong Yuan.

When we came to this experimental park, I was shocked by the sight. A tree-tree flame is generally red apples crowded in the branches, as if a small red lantern. Because the fruit is too much, the fruit trees are overwhelmed and have to rely on artificial support.

Standing in the high place, looking into the eye, all the eyes are red, so that people are like a sea of ​​fire, so magnificent.

I screamed screaming and ran into the apple orchard. Touch this one, pat the one, and then circle around a tree, so unfortunate.

Zhong Yuan is not as crazy as I am. He just stands not far from me and takes pictures with his mobile phone.

After venting for a while, I took a basket on my arm and picked the apples. Fresh apples are different, each one contains a full of vitality, and people feel that their moods are getting better. I picked a basket and later I couldn't move it. I just sat under the apple tree and started eating. Fortunately, Zhong Yuan thought thoughtfully, even the fruit knife was brought.

The first apple was robbed by Zhong Yuan before it was cut. Considering that he was the funder of the picking tour, I was too embarrassed to say anything.

Zhongyuan ate half an apple slowly and threw it away, then lay his eyes on the grass under the tree to close his eyes.

So I squatted on the apple while admiring the beautiful autumn autumn figure.

The grass under Zhong Yuan is very dense, and some of them are already yellow. The uneven grass leaves cover a part of his face. From my point of view, I can only see his forehead and the pretty nose. Well, how do you say that, there is a kind of beauty.

The autumn sun sprinkled on his body through the apple trees, streaking, as if he was covered with a thin layer of broken gold, gorgeous but not vulgar, such a high-end aesthetic.

The ups and downs of Zhong Yuan’s chest gradually became slower and evener. This is the performance of falling asleep.

So I swallowed a slobber and sneaked on him...

I have never understood why Zhongyuan is getting more and more handsome in my eyes. Now I know, because I like this kid, and what is in the eyes of a lover is estimated to mean this. I tried to compare Lu Zijian and Zhong Yuan a few days ago, and wanted to save my sad soul. However, I found it tragically that I thought that Zhong Yuan was handsomer than Lu Zijian... Not only oppressed my body, he also distorted my aesthetic>_<

So at this time, facing a beautiful man who I coveted for a long time, I can no longer control myself, and I will give him a little bit.

Zhong Yuan's face is serene, breathing evenly, and it is suspected that he has entered a state of deep sleep. I kneeled beside him, gently dialing his long eyelashes with his index finger, and said to himself, "It’s longer than mine."

I pointed his eyebrows again and said, "In fact, if the eyebrows are not wrinkled, they are still pretty."

Then I commented on his five senses for a while and saw his lips... An evil thought suddenly rose in my heart.

It is said that when a person is asleep, he can secretly kiss...

I was shocked by the idea that suddenly came out of my heart, as if... not too good?

But people really like this scum...

But this is always a little sneaky feeling...

It doesn't matter, it’s all played on TV...

This is not enough to be open and honest...

I don’t dare to be bright and upright...

It seems to make sense...

And my first kiss was destroyed by this beast, now it’s time for me to avenge...


I pushed the clock and shouted to him, "Zhong Yuan? Zhong Yuan?"

Zhong Yuan moved impatiently and did not wake up.

So I held my breath and gently put my face together and made a thief. At this point my heart beat like a drum, as if I could collapse at any time.

I put my lips closer, and then I will get closer, and I will see the lips of Zhongyuan.

However, at this time, the accident happened.

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