MTL - If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?-Chapter 8 My dream lover

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X Mountain is on the outskirts of B City, with an altitude of over 1,000 meters. This kind of mountain seems to be not a dish in the professional mountaineering team, but for those of us students, it is quite grand and magnificent!

I got up from the bed early in the morning because I was going to gather at six o'clock in the morning. I washed my grass and grass, carrying the mountaineering bag that was sorted out last night. This mountaineering bag still asks the four girls to borrow. The space inside is very large, put a lot of water, and some clothes to change, because it is said that the night in the mountain is still very cold. In addition to this, there are small things necessary for the wild, such as knives and whistle. As for food and equipment, they are all distributed by the organization. There are special boys responsible for the back. Girls only need to take their own things.

Because the road is relatively far away, if the bus is too tortuous and time consuming, the community rented the bus. It was still early when I arrived, and there were not many people in the car. I found a position by the window and took out a piece of bread. So early, the cafeteria hasn't opened yet, so everyone prepared breakfast from last night.

By 6 o'clock, Zhongyuan had several boys carrying the equipment and food of the whole team. The bag on their back is called a huge one, and it is amazing to see people.

The boys put things in the trunk of the car and got on the bus. Zhong Yuan held a plastic bag in his hand and sat in the seat next to me with nothing to do with the attention of several girls. I moved to the side and continued to lick my own bread. Although I think Zhongyuan is not pleasing to the eye, and Zhongyuan is not likely to be interested in me, but looking at the eyes of those girls, I still feel a lot of pressure>_<

The plastic bag in the handle of Zhong Yuan opened, inside is his breakfast, there are bread, milk, eggs, sausage, beef jerky...

I stared at his various breakfasts while staring at my dry bread and sighing with anger. What is the world? Ah, ah...

Zhong Yuan took out a box of milk and handed it to me and said, "Let's eat together?"

I hesitated and shook my head. There won't be a pie in the sky, and this guy is not sure.

Zhong Yuan suddenly took the bread in my hand, stuffed it back into the bag and threw it aside, then put his pile of breakfast on my lap and smiled, "Just you," he said. No longer take care of me, pick up a halogen egg and open the package.

I looked down at the pile of tempting breakfast on my leg, and then I was amazed to find that the bread, milk, egg, sausage and beef jerky were all double...

So I was no longer polite, picked up a sausage and ripped the package and picked it up. As I ate, I moved to Zhong Yuan and said, "Zhong Yuan, in fact, you are not so bad."

Zhong Yuan picked up his eyebrows and looked at me with a smile. He asked, "I am very bad?" Although he was laughing, I was inexplicably feeling a cold chill on the back.

So I smirked in guilty conscience.

Zhong Yuan smiled slyly. "It’s boring to sell you a little bit."

I licked the sausage, and I couldn’t speak for a moment.

When I finished breakfast, the bus was already driving. Our journey took about three or four hours. At the beginning, I was able to cheer up and listen to jokes, but later, my eyelids were getting more and more heavy. I don't want to sleep because I don't feel well. The seat of the car is very straight and taller than my head. When I sleep, the head will swing from side to side. If you want to not fall, you must stay awake. At the beginning, I almost fell asleep because of a sudden brake from the driver. My head hit the glass of the car and I woke up.

When I was awakened, Zhong Yuan also laughed at me. At this time, he was leaning on his seat to listen to music. The white ordinary earphone cord was placed on his chest, which was in sharp contrast with his black T-shirt, but it was not at all conflict. The morning sun shone through his window and faintly on him. I squinted at his faint eyes and his lips in the sun, and there was an illusion in his heart: actually, Zhong Yuan was pretty good...

I think I was really stupid by the car window, very serious.

I relied on my seat to keep my eyes closed, and the pain that I wanted to sleep while I couldn't sleep was finally conquered by my long-lost sleep. I was so sleepy that I almost lost my mind and slammed to one side. The last trace of reason remaining in my mind tells me what I am doing, but I can’t control it. Zhou Gong’s old man’s lethality is too strong.

My head touched an object, it was a bit hard, but it didn't hurt me, and the object looked very solid. I subconsciously adjusted my body and changed to a more comfortable posture against it.

One of the cockroaches was stuffed into one of my ears, and then a strange but soothing music floated into my ear. I feel as if I am in a white feather, soft and comfortable.

Then I completely lost consciousness and fell asleep deeply.


The bus stopped at the foot of Mount X. After we got off the bus, we reorganized and then we were ready to go. Before I left, I was sent two cameras to take pictures of everyone.

I am crazy about photography like Chen photographer, but because of the economic backwardness, there is no camera of my own, and even the mobile phone does not support the camera function. At this event, I applied for a three-team photography committee, and several other people pk for a long time, and finally used the technology to conquer the players, became one of the two teams of two photography committees (you will have to sing it ==).

The discipline of this event is very strict and it is not allowed to take photos privately. As a photojournalist with the right to take pictures, I feel that my duties are glorious and sacred (and then sir ==).

Because we can't charge, we have prepared a few more cameras, and each photography committee has distributed two. I got a Sony Fire Red ordinary camera, and the other one is a Canon EOS5DMarkII...

When I saw the Canon, my eyes were straight, and I suddenly looked at it for a long time. After excluding the possibility that "this camera is a cottage," I couldn’t help but sigh. Heaven, I always thought that I can only touch this camera when I was dreaming. I didn’t expect it now... Happiness came too suddenly, I was so happy that I cried...

I don't know which camera is borrowed from which wealthy society. I suddenly want to know which club has such love.

I held this light pixel with more than 20 million SLR cameras, and excitedly asked Lingling's sister: "Ling Ling, sister, where did this Canon borrow?"

Lingling’s sister gave me a very hateful look and said with a sigh of relief: “This is not Zhongyuan’s. You really don’t know or pretend?”

Bell... Zhongyuan's?

I stumbled, and then I ran to Zhongyuan in the eyes of Lingling’s sister, and asked the camera: "This... yours?"

Zhong Yuan nodded and asked: "Is there a problem?"

I smiled charmingly and didn't speak. Although I despise Zhongyuan, I have to admit that he is quite eye-catching at certain times. Of course, if you want to buy a Canon EOS5DMarkII, you can't have the vision. The most important thing is to have economic strength. I remember once I went to the digital mall with the four girls. At that time, I stared at the various parameters and product descriptions of this camera. I stared straight at the stars, but when I saw the price of it, I burst into tears.

The camera was priced at RMB 19,900 at the time. Yes, you didn't make a mistake, and I didn't make a mistake. The price of this camera is a five-figure number, nearly 20,000 yuan. The awful thing is that the gang also claimed that it was a special price!

So you can imagine that when I took this baby really in my arms, what kind of satisfaction is it!

At this time, Zhong Yuan looked at me close to the expression of dementia, smiled faintly: "Wood, if you perform well, the camera can borrow you later."

I nodded my eyes and I was puzzled: "How can I behave well?"

Zhong Yuanzhen thought for a while, and said in a serious way: "This question requires you to think for yourself. I am only responsible for evaluation."

Rely on, this does not mean nothing! I was so angry with his words, but very helpless. At this time, Zhong Yuan added with a smile: "In any case, I want to find a way to make me feel better, at least not to mad at me."

Ok, I seem to understand a little bit... I can't please him, let me be good for my Canon baby!


X Mountain is a national forest park that has been developed. If you climb a mountain here, there are repaired steps under the normal route. However, considering the difficulty of the mountain road, the steps in some places are really different.

The elevation of the main peak of X Mountain is more than 1,500 meters. Our plan for marching is to turn a few hills today, reach the halfway of the main peak, continue to climb the next day, continue to the main peak, and then return to the foot of the mountain along another road.

When we first started climbing, our spirit was very full, and we didn't feel tired. We turned over a small bag and then had lunch at a resting place. Lunch is very simple, only the taro pickles, each person sends a small sausage. I remembered my Canon baby, so I took my heart and gave my sausage to Zhongyuan. This guy was not at all polite, and I ate my sausages with a smile.

After lunch, I went on march. The next thing is a bit boring, nothing more than a mountain level at the first level. There is a cluster of purple flowers on the hillside that cannot be named, which is very prosperous. It is particularly warm and detached in the green of the mountains. There are all kinds of bird calls in the mountains, some very fine and very pleasant, just like the cheerful girl waiting for the girl, some are very deep, like the old monk who lives and died. From time to time, there will be one or two small streams with very fine water flowing under the mountain road. Some of them have even dried up, because the rainy season has not yet arrived.

Mountain climbing is an individual effort. Although the scenery here is very beautiful, but when we are tired and sweaty and evenly breathing, then where to come and enjoy the beauty of the place.

The awful thing is that I am still a photography committee member. I have to take pictures of everyone before running.

What’s even worse is that when I panted and stopped to exhale, my frustration was always captured by Zhong Yuan. He also said to me with a mobile phone: "Wood, you look like a small one." Dog." I was so angry that I really wanted to take his cell phone and throw it on the ground and step on it... Of course, just think about it.

The most hateful thing is that for such a wicked person, I have to work hard to please. When he sweats too much, I have to sneer at the paper towel. When he is thirsty, I have to give the water to the dog. When he said, "When you walk too slowly," I have to hurry up and keep up...

My TM is a human tragedy.