MTL - Illusion-Chapter 1662 Artifact Power

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After being knocked into the body by the opponent's law, Jian Feng was obviously impressed and became dull.

The poison Saint sees Feng Feng doing this, and his attack is more severe. Although he does not know why Feng Feng let the law of poison enter his body, he will not miss the opportunity to defeat Feng Feng.

Under the fierce attack of Du Sheng, Xun Feng was shot into the body by a law of poison. It's just that the amount entered is very small.

The two are in full swing in the sky, and it seems that Feng Feng is already in an absolute disadvantage. One by one, the poisonous law of poison Saint entered the body of Jian Feng, but the poison master could not defeat Feng Feng in one fell swoop.

Everyone looked at the dark mist-wrapped Feng Feng, frowning one by one, thinking that this kid was really weird, and was hit into the body by the power of so many rules. Although the supreme level will not be poisoned, it is not difficult to weaken the power of three points. Strength has weakened by three points. Where can I stop the poison Saint for so long? However, although this boy's strength has weakened, it has not weakened as they imagined.


When Feng Feng broke down, the poison surrounding him was cut by Jian Feng again. At the same time, countless small poisons rushed towards him. In this case, there were many poisonous poisons. The law breaks into the body of Xun Feng.

After this wave of poisoning rules broke into Feng Feng's body, Feng Feng finally could not bear it, and a spit of blood spewed out.

When Qin Yi and Yao Yu saw this scene, they were anxious: "Xun Feng (brother)!"

Seeing the two in anxiety, the demon Saint appeased: "Don't worry, look again. With his strength, it doesn't make sense to get so many laws into the body."

Qin Yi and others heard the words of the demon saint, although they felt the same way, but the black blood spit out by Jian Feng and the black gas flowing inside him made him worry. Because under these black air currents, Feng Feng's body was undulating like waves.

The spit front that spewed a spit of blood was also shaken out by the earthquake.

Seeing this scene, the poison Saint laughed and laughed: "Devil, for whatever reason, then you are defeated."

"Really? Ben Sheng doesn't think so." With a smile on the corner of Xun Feng's mouth, the fighting spirit in Xun Feng's body rushed frantically into Xun Xianjian.

Seeing Feng Feng doing this, Du Sheng shook his frown slightly, and watched Feng Feng full of vigilance. After a careful investigation of the law of poison circulating on Jian Feng, this really did cause a lot of harm to Feng Feng, and then he hummed, "Who are you scaring? Today, this saint defeats you."

Having said that, the poisonous law of the poisonous sage has no reservations, and it bursts out completely. In the void, a thousands of pythons appear, and at the same time a long hook weapon appears in his hand. This nine-star The magical tool he threw into the python's mouth if he didn't want it. After he dropped it, the long hooked magical tool originally contained in the python was like its snake letter, exuding heart-warming colors.

"Devil, I see what else you can do to break me." Du Sheng looked at Xun Feng and laughed, and the law of poison was still instilled in the python.

"The holy book will be broken for you. Let you see what it means to be a real sword." Feng Feng sneered.

Having said that, the power of the five elements in Xun Feng's body has converged into the strongest teenage post in the history of Xun Xianjian. The five elements have been infused from five directions to the positions of the five spirit beads before Xian Xianjian.

Under the indoctrination of Xun Feng, Xun Xianjian was divided into two and two divided into four, so that it continued to spread infinitely. Under such a derivative, the void turned into 10,000 Xian Xianjian again.

And this transfigured sword of the immortal is far stronger than the transfigured sword that just fought with Jin Sheng. Jin Sheng looked at the exhilarating Jianxian sword, and his heart was horrified. If Xie Feng used this trick when he dealt with him, I was afraid he would have lost.

"Ben Sheng will let you see, what is an artifact. Xi Xianjian, Wan Jian return!"

Under the drunk of Feng Feng, the 10,000 Xianxian swords that had been transformed into originals instantly converged on the Yinxian swords. Under such a gathering, everyone looked at the void in shock, even the three demon monsters. , Complexion is also a little dignified.

I saw a gigantic gigantic sword fairy awn appearing above the void. Under this sword awn, everything seemed so inconspicuous. Xun Feng's strength was promoted by more than three points at this time.

"Is this the power of the artifact?" Xian Sheng murmured to himself, and he had to admit that the outbreak of the power of Xi Xianxian made him jealous.

"To Ben Shengming!" With the applause of Xun Feng, Xun Xianjian chopped towards the python.


In the sound of a weapon collision, the python's long hook turned into a snake-like down space, and the long hook hit a mountain range in the distance. The mountain range was instantly shattered by the power carried by the long hook. For flat ground.

Obviously, the python can't stop the power of Wuxian Sword. Under this sword, there are no chances of being chopped and broken, and even turning into a small poisonous snake.

Du Sheng looked at the Wuxian sword sweeping towards him with his energy, and his complexion suddenly disappeared. The fighting spirit in his body burst out, firmly guarding himself, and then transported his whole body to resist.


In a confrontation, the poisonous Saint was blown out by the spitting blood of Jian Mang, and the blood scattered in the sky. After slamming it in one place fiercely, he spit two blood again, and then knelt down on the ground to stabilize his figure. But there was a deep blood mark on his arm.

Poison Saint stared in horror at the front of the sword holding the 诛仙 剑, and Poison Heart was terrified. The first time he tried the power of the artifact, such a terrifying power was definitely not something he could resist.

Du Sheng took a deep breath, although he was a little unwilling. However, some things are jealous. Although Xie Feng uses the power of artifacts, sometimes people's artifacts are also their ability.

"Ben Sheng was defeated, not to you, but to the artifact in your hand." Du Sheng suppressed the chest and rolled his blood, and at the same time, he wrapped up the bloodstains and grunted at Feng Feng.

Xi Feng smiled, and it didn't matter what he said. Gaze looked at everyone below: "Next."

Hearing this sentence, the following was uproarous, at this moment Xun Feng was poisoned by gas and using such a horrible tactic to break out of Xianxian Sword. How horrible was his demand for fighting spirit?

At this time, the weak and venomous Feng Feng actually challenged these Supremes at this time. How could he be invincible?

Looking at Feng Feng one by one, the emotions in his heart couldn't be calm, and they were silent. !! ~!

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