MTL - Illusion-Chapter 1678 Shengxian Sheng

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Entangled by a multi-colored ribbon, a huge Wulingxing Jianmang shot out from it, and rushed towards Xiansheng fiercely.

Xian Sheng looked at this sword, his face changed dramatically, his spirits burst out, and he covered it with a giant axe. An inhuman strength was instilled, and the force of the surrounding space also poured into the giant axe. , The giant axe broke out the horrible power, and galloped towards the five ridge line sword awns differentiated by Jian Feng.


With a collision, the entire space was distorted and collapsed, and the peaks below them were cut flat. The energy swept across the space, and the raging force was terrifying.

In this confrontation, Xie Feng and Xian Sheng flew out simultaneously. A long distance glides through the void.

However, Xian Sheng was not pleased by the seemingly unmatched fight, but even more frightened and shocked. Because, under the circumstance that he used a magic weapon, Xun Feng actually tied him with his bare hands and empty hands. What does that mean? That means that if Feng Feng used the Xian Xianjian, he could not lose this move.

Although Xian Sheng had long guessed that Qiang Feng was strong, he did not expect to be so strong. This strength is definitely not something he can compete with.

"Xian Sheng, use your hole cards. You should understand that without using your hole cards, you have only one way to go." Wu Feng said lightly.

After hearing this sentence, Xian Sheng took a deep breath, and said to Feng Feng a long time later, "Well. I never used this trick, but I didn't expect to use it today."

After speaking, Xian Sheng took a deep breath, and his fingers were volatile: "In the name of the Holy Saint, the consumption of sperm is used as the base, and the space of heaven and earth is for my use.

With the imitation of Xian Sheng, Feng Feng could feel that the power of the surrounding space was like half of the sea water converging towards Xian Sheng. Under this convergence, the breath of Xian Sheng continued to rise.

The speed of this horrible ascension made Jian Feng secretly startled. In a short period of time, the force of space in the tens of miles was completely swallowed up by Xian Sheng. And this engulfing did not disappear because of this, but spread more quickly around.

The power of horrible space was transformed into half of the actual seawater and entered into the Immortal Body, and then converged on his giant axe. Under this convergence, there is no space around, and the only space is left. Xian Sheng and his giant axe.

Jian Feng looked at this scene with prudence in his eyes, looking at the immortal Sheng Sheng who climbed to a non-savage level. Xi Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and the Xian Xian sword appeared on his arm. Feeling a great threat.

Under the engulfment of Xiansheng, the power of space within a few hundred miles was completely swallowed by him. After he swallowed, hundreds of miles were darkened, as if there was no space.

"Ben Sheng consumes twenty to ten years of fine yuan, minus twenty to ten years of life to control the space of heaven and earth. I would like to see if you can stop me." Xian Sheng looked at Jian Feng, eyes full It is the color of condensation.

"Immortal demon!"

Xiansheng roared, and the power of space that had originally gathered in his body began to explode onto the giant axe, and the force of space exploded onto the giant axe. The dragon galloped out of the giant axe.

As the dragon galloped out, the power of space on the giant axe was infused into the dragon. Under the instillation of this power, the thousands of dragons of the same size as the "Uncle Chang" are superimposed, giving people a sense of continuous space.

Xie Feng looked at the dragon who accepted the infinite space, and his heart was equally shocked. This dragon really has the power of heaven and earth. Under this might, Jian Feng felt great pressure.

"Devil, you can take the trick of this saint, you are worthy of the first person that day. But, are you taking it? The space of hundreds of miles is included in this dragon, and you want to fight with it. , It is equal to fighting with hundreds of miles of space. "Xian Sheng looked at Feng Feng snorted.

Hearing this sentence, Qian Feng took a deep breath, and the strength of the five ridges above Wu Xianjian continued to gather.

"With the power of five strokes, condensing tai chi yin and yang. Change everything in the world."

With Feng Feng's applause, in front of Feng Feng, a huge Tai Chi circle condensed again. At the moment when the Taiji Circle was formed, one point of Fengfeng's hands split the Taiji Circle into several Taiji Yinyang Circles, enclosing it in layers.

Surrounded by the Taiji yin and yang circle, Feng Feng, a force into the Xian sword. Wu Xianjian transformed into a light, galloping above the two points of yin and yang in the Taiji circle. But the Xianxian sword, which fell at two points, conveyed every strength.

Under the conveyance of Xianxian Sword, the powers of the Five Sects came together from all directions, and the speed of this convergence was no less than the force of Xiansheng's space.

Xian Sheng looked at the scene and snorted: "I don't believe it. Your broken circle can block this trick."

"Go! Demon!"

Under the imitation of Xian Sheng, the dragons who gathered hundreds of miles of space rushed toward the front of Tai Chi circle.

Xie Feng looked at the impacting dragon. He pointed his fingers at the yin and yang eyes of Xuan Xianjian, and yelled: "Xian Xianwan sword, broken space."

With Feng Feng's applause, ten thousand Xianxian swords galloped out of Taiji Yin and Yang, while the power of the five strokes absorbed in Taiji Yinyang was also engulfed by Yinxian sword.

Wandao Jianmang and the dragon confronted together, making people dazzled. In the void, you can only see the power of space divided by the sword shadow and the sky.

As the protagonists, at this moment, they are controlling the attack in their hands, and countless forces are swallowed into each other.

Xian Sheng swallows the power of endless space, while Feng Feng swallows the endless force of five strokes.

The speed of their engulfment was not weak, and in the void, Xianjianmang and the dragon could fight.

"Ben Sheng will have to see how much Jingyuan you can consume." Wu Feng looked at Xian Sheng and snorted, eyes full of disdain. What he consumed was only the power of the Five Elements, but Xiansheng consumed Jingyuan.

Xian Sheng looked at Feng Feng and devoured the endless force of the five prostrations, and his heart was equally terrified. He can only do this with the help of Jingyuan, but Jian Feng does not use it at all, relying solely on his own strength. Not to mention that, even if he is a fine speller, he is far from being able to compare with Feng Feng. After all, Xie Feng lived for more than thirty years.

Xian Sheng looked at the huge Tai Chi above the void, and looked at the million Taoxian Swords that had differentiated in it. The complexion is extremely ugly. With a hard heart, he pointed at the dragon and said, "Break me."

Under his drink, the dragon hit into the yin and yang tai chi. A huge explosion sounded, and the fear forest was razed to the ground. !! ~!

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