MTL - Illusion-Chapter 170 Fanwai 18

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Chapter 1700 Chapter Fanwai 18 (This chapter is free)

Obviously, compared with Gao Linlin's ancient elegance, Han Fei has a strong modern charm. The two beauties followed one behind the other, and they were extremely eye-catching.

Han Fei is obviously very interested in Jian Feng, constantly digging into various deeds done by Feng Feng. After a chat, Xi Feng was vigilant to this woman. The woman's tongue was too powerful. She accidentally dug her into middle school. She had no doubt that if this woman kept talking to him, It is possible to dig into various things he did in elementary school.

He Feng, who was vigilant against Han Fei, began to talk nonsense when Han Fei was digging his deeds again and again. After Han Fei babbled from Xin Feng's mouth, he couldn't help but slap his lips and no longer dig into various deeds of Yan Feng.

Instead, he handed the fair palms to Jian Feng, and said to Feng Feng, "Bring them?"

"Huh? What?" Wu Feng looked at Han Fei in doubt.

"Mobile phone!" Wu Feng watched this woman alertly.

"I'll ask you to bring it here, and know what so much to do." Han Fei said aggressively.

This sentence made Feng Feng hold his phone even more. After Han Fei saw it, he giggled and snatched it directly from Feng Feng.

Gao Feng, who was taken away by the phone, was startled and thought about it. After being convinced that there were no indecent photos in the phone, he was relieved.

Han Fei, who had taken the Feng Feng phone, pressed a series of numbers on the Feng Feng phone, and then dialed up.

However, it rings twice after dialing. Han Fei hung up and handed the phone to Yun Feng.

"This is my number. If you don't hook up Lin Lin in the future, you can come and hook me up." Han Fei squinted and looked at Feng Feng.

Gao Linlin looked at Han Fei on one side and was surprised at the bottom of her heart. I have never seen Han Fei take the initiative to give numbers to others. Obviously, Han Fei is really different from Xun Feng. I wonder if Han Fei is really interesting to Xun Feng?

Xi Feng heard Han Fei's words, she squeaked her lips and ignored Han Fei's words, this woman was too fierce. I just pressed the number and did not hear her cell phone ring. The ghost knows if this number is hers? Maybe she gave him a phone call from a male glass. Maybe Feng Feng wouldn't take the risk, otherwise she would be ruined by her fame.

Of course, Xun Feng would never say so in his mouth. He nodded earnestly: "OK. I will definitely call you."

Han Fei smiled with satisfaction and walked hand in hand with Gao Linlin towards the location of the ball.

No doubt, wearing slippers and shorts is compared with the two women's attire. Those passing by couldn't help but despise some Feng Feng. Even the taxi driver said to Han Fei when he got out of the car: "Two ladies, the porter you are looking for is too unprofessional. If you want, I can give you a business card."

This sentence made Han Fei and Gao Linlin smile forward and backward, pointing at Feng Feng and laughing: "Feng Feng, do you understand what your image is now?"

Xie Feng looked forward and back with a smile, even the two women who leaked some spring light. Looking at the two women in disdain, they said, "Such misunderstandings are all fuss. What is it to be misunderstood as a porter? I have also been misunderstood as a repairman, a merchandiser."

Han Fei and Gao Linlin stared at each other and said, "Selling a job?"

Xi Feng smiled aloud: "Commonly known as duck!"


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