MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 470 467. Directing a Movie as a Dog

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  Chapter 470 467. Directing a movie as a dog

  May 8th, the 17th Yenching College Student Film Festival.

  College student film festivals are actually purer than some commercial film festivals in terms of academics.

  Its hosting philosophy is "Students Watch, College Students Criticize, and College Students Run". From the aspects of the film festival to the control of the review, most of them are controlled by people from the Yanjing City University Student Union.

  As for the history, I won’t talk about it, it’s all on Wikipedia.

   And in terms of status...actually quite famous.

  Although the college student film festival that invited Xu Xin was one word different from it, when it comes to status, there is still a big gap between them.

   But it cannot be said to be a complete palace of art.

  Because as far as the main review team of the film is concerned, they are still a little weaker.

  Whether it contains cannot be recognized by the mainstream.

   And "The Wind" has quite a lot of nominations at the film festival.

  It is divided into two units, one is TV movies, that is, digital movies, which are not shown in domestic theaters, but only broadcast on TV.

One is the main competition unit, and "The Wind" won "Best Director", "Best Film", "Best Actress", "Jury Award", "Most Popular Actor" in this unit Five nominations.

  However, what is a little strange is that Yang Mi was replaced by Liang Bingning in the "Best Actress" nomination this time.

  They don't have the habit of giving eggs with double yolks.

  But Yang Mi had to come today because she was attending instead of her husband.

  Her man is performing for the opening ceremony of the World Expo in Shanghai.


   "Sister, how is the box office of "Eastern Wind and Rain"?"

  Yang Mi in a black dress saw Liang Bingning and hurriedly asked.

  Liang Bingning shrugged, her tone erratic:

   "It's not very good, but the problem is not with me, but with the rhythm of the whole director. So... the box office and word of mouth are average."

  Hearing this, Yang Mi nodded to express her understanding.

   Liang Bingning looked around and asked:

   "Where is Sister Hua?"

   "It is said that I went to catch up with some old friends."

  Yang Mi also looked around, but she didn't see where Wang Jinghua was.

  At this moment, she heard Liang Bingning ask:

   "Did anyone from the Beijing area look for you?"


  Yang Mi shook her head, her tone frivolous:

   "Don't talk about the Beijing area, even my own people have never been here."

  What do people in the Beijing circle want her for?

Enough support?

  Do you want her to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, or do you want her to throw a half-step punch?


  She glanced at the Wang family brothers who were chatting and laughing with Huang Bo, Chen Kun and others, as well as Guan Hu and others, and she didn't mean to be left out in the cold.

   On the contrary, there are quite a few people looking for her.

  Without her husband to help her spread the fire this time, she has to manage this social network by herself.

   But the problem is that she is an actor, not a director.

   Even if others ask her to greet her, she can't show her anything. At most, it's just to get acquainted, and it's over with a few polite words from Hara.

  Also, don't talk about people in Beijing.

  Wang Quan'an, who didn't see through a suit, was chatting happily with Zhang Yuqi, who was standing next to him in high heels, and didn't even have the intention of approaching her.

   What she said meant to remind Liang Bingning to look over there.

   Sure enough, Liang Bingning followed the direction of her eyes for a day, and when she saw Wang Quan'an, she was stunned and said:

   "That woman's name...what's her name?"

   "Zhang Yuqi."

   "Oh yes, I remember...she was Stargirl?"

   "...Does it count? It is true that she was in the Hong Kong circle for the first two years, but "Star Girl" doesn't count?"

  Hearing this, Liang Bingning shook her head slightly:

   "It doesn't matter if it counts or not. She can't compare with you, can she?"

   "It's us."

   Corrected her address and covered her mouth with her mobile phone before she continued:

"The current dominance in the factory is with us, and they are being marginalized a little bit. This kind of person... According to Xu Xin, they are worthless abandoned children. So sister, you don't have to be too enthusiastic. Just count."


  Liang Bingning glanced over there again, and responded:

   "Well, I see... By the way, why hasn't there been any action in the factory this year?"

"Don't worry, wait until the exchange of resources with Yindu is completed. Didn't you see that the "Talent Exchange Center" planned at the beginning of the year has been postponed? Just talk to Yindu about the next move. Besides, "The Voice" is coming soon. The recording has started, and if I want to build momentum, it will basically be in the second half of the year, just wait.”


  Liang Bingning expressed emotion:

   "I found that I am really lacking in this aspect... Who did you learn from?"

   "I don't understand this either, it was Xu Xin who told me."

   "Tsk tsk..."

  The two of them chatted as if no one was there.

   Until the start of the red carpet.

  Many people came to Xiying Studio today.

  Guo Zhengyi, Ji Jianmin, and Cao Jiuping all came.

   Not only because of "The Wind", but also because of Wang Quan'an's "Reunion".

   The film "Reunion" is still following the path of the traditional West Film Studio. Although Yang Mi has never watched the original film, she heard that she has been shortlisted for the Silver Bear Award.

   At first glance it's pretty awesome...but it's actually nominated for Best Screenplay, so it doesn't really have anything to do with the director.

  These old stubborn people want to fight for the right to speak with a movie, they are delusional.

  But I closed my family’s affairs and said to myself, in front of outsiders, Xiying Studio is still a whole.

  So those who are related to the two movies in the factory, all the famous and famous people came.

  Including Qi Lei.

  However, before the red carpet begins, Qi Lei and the others also have their own circles, and they are all going to socialize and manage.

  The cast of "The Wind" has three people, she, Liang Bingning and Huang Xiaoming.

  But on this occasion, Huang Xiaoming couldn't keep a very close distance with Yang Mi in front of his boss, the second king.

  After all, at least at this juncture, everyone is clearly divided, and the well water does not violate the river water.

  So he just **** and escaped, and he didn't know where the cat went.


   "Mimi, Bingbing."

   "Hey, Brother Qi."

   "President Qi."

  Qi Lei walked over with a smile on his face, and after standing beside the two of them, he suddenly said to Yang Mi:

   "Has Wang Quan'an come to say hello?"


  Yang Miyu smiled sweetly:

   "If you want to say hello, you have to call me, a junior. There is no reason for him to come and call me."

"Ha ha."

  Qi Lei smiled and didn't say much.

   He stayed by Yang Mi and Liang Bingning's side, and did not leave.

   And he went to this stop, not long after, people like Guo Zhengyi and Cao Jiuping also came over.

   Then, Zhang Junying, Ma Rui, and Yang Lin, the producers of "Reunion", also came over.

   Then, Sun Yian, the producer and a national first-level screenwriter of Xiying Film Studio, equal to Qi Lei, and also the deputy general manager of Xiying Film Studio, also came over.

   Some people, Yang Mi knows.

   Some people, Yang Mi doesn't know.

   But it doesn't matter if she doesn't know her, because standing here today represents Xu Xin.

   Qi Lei standing here represents Tian Shuanghe.


  When Yang Mi saw Wang Quan'an walking over, she took a step back.

  Give up Liang Bingning's position.

  So, as a matter of course, Mr. Wang Quan'an, the director of Xiying Film Studio, first extended his hand to his colleague, Ms. Liang Bingning, the deputy head of the actor troupe:

   "Bingbing, hello."

  Liang Bingning smiled and shook it:

   "Director Wang, hello."

  As for Zhang Yuqi who was laughing next to her...

Feel sorry.

   Perhaps on the side of Qi Lei and others, she is the deputy head of the troupe.

   But on the outside, she is the superstar Liang Bingning who is firmly established in the first-line cafe.

   There are really not many people who asked her to say hello.

  After shaking hands with Wang Quan'an, she turned away politely.

  Yang Mi, who cooperated with her tacitly, stretched out her hand:

   "Director Wang, hello."

   "Haha, honey, hello, hello."

  Wang Quan'an said very politely.

   Then the two sides have little communication.

   No communication required either.

   To put it bluntly, don't care what wind blows in the court, but the actual situation is that whoever gains power, who has a strong waist.

  Even Jiang Wenli knows to bow to Tian Shuanghe, who else dares to stab him?

  Even though everyone has different positions, at this moment, Wang Quan'an still took the initiative to join the team.

   As for Zhang Yuqi next to her...

   For a person whose qualifications are not valued by others, who cares if she has 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi in her heart?

  Thus, those who have been paying attention to the movement here are looking at Qi Lei, who has been proud of the spring breeze in the past two years, and the backbone of Xiying Studio behind him.

   Then look at the "Mixue Ice City" which is much better than Huayi's "Double Ice Contest".

  At the same time, I had to add Xu Xin, who didn't know that although he didn't show up at the scene today, he was the shadow of a famous tree, and no one in the circle dared to underestimate him.

   Although compared with other companies, Xiying Studio still appears to be "alone".

  But... the scene in front of them has reminded many people who have been in this circle for a long time, the memory of the state-owned film studio that was so powerful back then.

   It really is endless wildfire, spring breeze blows and regenerates... this group of people.


  Before the red carpet started, Huang Xiaoming ran out of nowhere.

  Brother Xiao Ming is all red today, and he looks like a brat.

  But who can make people angry?

  Look, as soon as he came out, the fans started screaming, holding up his poster and cheering.

  But he doesn't have the blessing of Xu Xin, who always looks like a suspect with his wife on the left and aunt on the right.

  Everyone lined up, he was on the far left, Liang Bingning walked in the middle... This position was given up by Yang Mi.

   Let her go no matter what...

  Looks extremely humble.

   But the actual situation is only clear to her.

  The last one is Yang Mi on the right.

  The screams and cheers of the fans also have their fans.

   While signing, Yang Mi suddenly heard someone ask her:

   "Mimi Mimi, Xu Dog!"



   Under Liang Bingning's speechless gaze holding up the signature plate, the young woman's teeth almost fell out of her smile.

   Covering his mouth and pointing at the laughing one... probably also a fan of college students, with eyes full of approval.

   "He has something to do, so he can't come... But I will pass on your greetings to him."

   "Haha, thank you, thank you, I wish you and Xu Gou a happy marriage for a hundred years!"


  Under the footage captured by the camera, Yang Mi covered her mouth with a broken smile while waving goodbye to the male fan.

  Beside her, Liang Bingning had a weird face...

   After walking away, Liang Bingning said:

   "If I were you, I wouldn't be happy. How can anyone say that about her husband?"

   "Hahahaha... It's okay, it's okay, Xu Xin and them are in love and kill each other. My fans are my own pets, so if you want a dog, you can do it, hahahaha..."

  Her relaxed look was so eye-catching that when they came to the red carpet, the two college student hosts had the same questions:

   "Sister Mi, you laughed very happily just now, what happened?"

   "Well, it's okay, I can gain the love of fans, I am surprised and happy."

   In front of the camera, she must not betray her husband.

   Otherwise, it would be a joke.

   A little more reserved.

   "So that's how it is... Then what kind of expectations do you or Director Xu have for the awards nominated for "The Wind" this time?"

   "Well, I had a special chat with him about this before. The answer he gave me was: as long as everyone likes it. Compared with winning awards, he values ​​everyone's evaluation more."

   After hosting, and after taking a group photo in front of the signature board, Liang Bingning couldn't help asking:

   "Xu Xin really said that?"

   "How is it possible. He didn't care at all..."

  Yang Mi shook her head slightly:

"However, we called yesterday, and he did ask about the nomination. The main question was about the best actress. After I told her about the nomination, he said that he had read the novel Married to Death, but he didn't say If you can restore 50% to 60% of the spirit of the character "Mi Xiang", then you won't be wronged if you lose."


  Hearing this, Liang Bingning smiled and shrugged:

   "It doesn't matter. Isn't "Reunion" nominated for Best Actress? I think I have already won."


   "Can you two stop talking behind my back?"

   Huang Xiaoming, who was walking in front, turned his head helplessly.

  The two of them were laughing and laughing all the way, making him seem to be isolated.

   "Don't guess what girls whisper."

  Yang Mi waved her hand indifferently.

   "What does a big man gossip about?"


   "The 17th, Yenching College Student Film Festival, the work that won the "Best Director" award is..."

  The whole audience was silent, and everyone was waiting for Lin Changzhong from CCTV6 Movie Channel, the host's award presenter, to announce the results.

   Not long ago, one of the nominations for "The Wind" was awarded by Tao Hong.

  The "Judging Committee" awards were given to "October Siege" and "The Lost City".

   Apart from the "Most Popular Actor" award won by Huang Xiaoming, which has no gold content, "The Wind" has two remaining awards for Best Director and Best Picture that have not yet been announced.

  Good news, there is still a chance.

  Bad news...Of course, the relatively bad news is that Wang Quan'an's "Reunion" is also in the competition list.

  The film festival has come to an end, leaving only these two most important awards.

  Among the several split screens given at the scene, in one of the split screens of "The Sound of the Wind", Yang Mi's expression was calm.

   It's not that she doesn't want to win awards, after all, my brother has never had the Best Director Award and Best Picture Award since his debut.

   Unfortunately, he won Cannes, and he also won two actresses.

  So she really hopes to win the prize.

  Even if it's not the "Three Gold" series of awards, at least get a cushion first, right?

   Unfortunately, Xu Xin didn't care at all.

  If other people know this attitude, they may think... Hey, Director Xu is a high-spirited person who treats fame and wealth like dung.

  But in fact, she knows...the reason why she doesn't care is because she understands that "The Wind" is not enough to support his ambition.

  And his ambition has never been to dominate the country.

  With a national teacher in front of him, how could my brother be satisfied with raising Gu in the country, instead of going abroad like those fifth generations and proclaiming the excellence of Chinese movies to the world.


  Even though she wanted to take it, she was still unexpectedly calm.

   I don't even care about the outcome of "Reunion".

   Just be patient and wait for the result over there.


   ""The Wind", Xu Xin. Congratulations!"

   "Wow la la la la la la..."

  When the applause sounded, Yang Mi's reaction was half a beat slow.

   Liang Bingning, who was the first to react, had already stood up with other colleagues from Xiying Studio, and gave Yang Mi applause.

   "Mimi, congratulations!"

  Hearing Liang Bingning's words, Yang Mi finally reacted with a smile on her face.

   grabbed her hand and stood up.

  Then, she turned around and clutched her chest, bowed slightly in other directions, and walked onto the stage with decent steps step by step.

   Unfamiliar spotlight.

   Unfamiliar trophy.

  But the moment she received it, she suddenly realized something.

   That's the trophy... heavy.


   Feels unusually good.

   Is that... Best Director weight?

   She thought belatedly.

   Then he took the bouquet and came to the microphone.

  She saw many people.

  Celebrities, celebrities, directors, actors...

  These people's eyes are focused on themselves.

   Then she opened her mouth and said:

   "First of all, I would like to apologize to the judges of the Eye College Student Film Festival, the teachers at the scene, and the fans and friends in front of the TV. I am not Xu Xin."

   An almost "old" joke that still made some people close to Xu Xin smile.

   Then Yang Mi continued:

   "Xu Xin is busy with the World Expo, and he really can't get away. Please understand. He also asked me to express his most sincere apology to everyone."




   After saying a few words, everyone present couldn't help showing expressions of astonishment.

  Xu Xin...what are you doing?

World Expo?

  ? ? ?

  The World Expo is not the Olympics. With him... Oh yes, the World Expo seems to have an opening performance.

   seems to realize something...


   I don't know how many people gasped.

  One Olympic Games is not enough, how about another World Expo?

  This person...what is he going to do?

   So what's next? Could it be the Winter Olympics?

   Can't it?

  It's not like you to play with qualifications, right?

  Why didn’t you hear any wind before?

   But in fact, Yang Mi's decision was not a sudden thought or a slip of the tongue, but the two of them researched it and decided to say it.

  As for can only be said that the benefits are higher than the risks.

   What's more, this is not a show off that I personally said, but a "sincere apology" expressed at an appropriate opportunity.

   It’s even a bit exaggerated. After a wave of swipes and a stable position, if she misses any award ceremony in the future, even if she doesn’t explain it, she can create an impression of “what is he doing again” in others’ minds.

   Coinciding with such an opportunity, it can be regarded as a blessing from God.

  Yang Mi ignored what these people were thinking, and continued:

   "To win this award, I believe it means a lot to my husband, especially this time, as a substitute, I also attended the college student film festival for the first time and felt the pure artistic atmosphere here."

   Speaking of this, she glanced at the trophy in her hand:

"I hope that more outstanding filmmakers will emerge in our country in the future and bring more excellent works. I also thank the crew of "The Wind", the director team, West Film Studio, and all the people in front of and behind the stage for their efforts. Xu Xin thank you all. Thank you."

   After speaking, bow.

   Realizing she had finished her speech, there was applause.

  Amid the applause of "crack la la la la", she held the trophy and returned to her seat step by step.


   "Next, we will announce the award-winning film "Best Film" at this year's Yanjing College Student Film Festival...the winner is..."The Wind", congratulations!"

   "Wow la la la la la..."

  Just stepped off the stage, Yang Mi, whose buttocks were still warm, stood up again.

   But this time, her mentality seemed to be calmer than last time.

   "Thank you, thank you judges again... and apologize again..."

   After finishing his acceptance speech, he stepped down amidst applause.

  Yang Mi, who has won two important awards in a row, watched the closing performance on the stage, and suddenly Liang Bingning's words sounded in her ears:

   "Do you think Xu Xin is excited right now?"

  Yang Mi shook her head slightly.

  Heart said how do I know...


   "Hahahaha, Director Xu, congratulations!"

  In the box of the Roosevelt Wine Cellar restaurant, Xu Xin received congratulations.

   "Thank you...this glass of wine is toast to everyone."

   "Come on, come on, cheers!"

  Xue Haifeng took the lead and raised the red wine glass high:

   "Congratulations to Director Xu for becoming the biggest winner of this year's College Student Film Festival! Cheers!"


  Xu Xin raised his head and drank the wine in one gulp.

  After putting the cup on the coffee table, he checked the time on his watch.


  So, he smiled and said to Xue Haifeng:

   "Boss Xue, it's almost time, let him come in? It's not appropriate to keep people waiting outside."

  Hearing this, Xue Haifeng smiled and nodded:

   "Okay... what does Mr. Qian mean?"

  Qian Pengcheng also glanced at his watch, and replied:

   "Okay, since Director Xu has spoken, let someone come in."

   As he spoke, he said to Wu Qiang, the driver next to him:

   "Old Wu, call someone in."

   "Okay, Mr. Qian."

  Wu Qiang responded and walked out quickly.

   opened the door of the driver's waiting room next to him.

  I have been exhausted waiting inside...or in other words, I have been facing all kinds of troubles and pressures recently, and Yu Zheng, who looked a lot haggard, hurriedly stood up.


   "...Well, Director Xu let you in."

  Wu Qiang responded without raising his eyelids, and did not enter the door. After standing at the door and saying, he disappeared at the door.

   And Yu Zheng walked out quickly.

  After more than half a month, he finally understood what power is. After walking into the double solid wooden doors, he saw those people staring at him on the sofa around the TV...

  At this moment, there are no other thoughts in my mind.

   Yes, there is only one thought.

  Be obedient.

   Be a dog.

  Just ask them to... let themselves go.

   Don't worry about Nazha's role. I will not spend such a large space to describe an insignificant person.

   She is useful, very useful.

   The first is not a harem, and the second is not an affair.

   Her plot ultimately has only one purpose, and then it will be shown in this year's plot. She is an important supporting role in the span of "2010".

   It's not how much I like or obsess her. Rather, it is useful, and a reasonable application.

   Just like Yang Mi in this book, I hope that all you bring in is your face, bring in their faces, and treat it as a brand new character. After all, there is no director named Xu Xin in the real world, right?

   As for the rhythm of filming... This is a point of controversy from the beginning of the book to the present. This book of mine is not the kind of short, flat, and quick entertainment article that conquers the country in two years, becomes famous internationally in three years, wins Oscars in five years, and makes a few movies every year.

   So, we can make two movies without complaining about millions of words, right... Qiuqiu~



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion