MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 482 480 You Are Not Even Worthy To Carry Our Dad's Shoes

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  Chapter 482 480. You are not even worthy of carrying shoes for our dad

  Actually, Zhang Jiao would not have said this sentence if it was someone else.

   Let's take her as an example.

   If one day she met Wu Qiqi and Lin Xunxin got off in the same car, or came by Lin Xunxin's car, she would definitely not be surprised...or would not think too much.

   It's normal.

  We all belong to the same company, maybe something brought them together.

   If you really think too much, it can only prove that your heart is relatively dirty.

  Too low.

   But this is for other people.

  And the person who is actually happening that Uncle Xu...

  That Uncle Xu...

   What do you say?


At once…


  Normally speaking, a single billionaire must not be able to imagine the happiness of others.

  She is not qualified to comment either.

   Even people know who you are?

  You just give pointers to other people's lives.

  But it was precisely because of Brother Xu and Sister Mi that she had the opportunity to get in touch with Uncle Xu. After getting in touch, frankly speaking, she really felt that Uncle Xu was very charming.

  He had...everything an average person would expect to see in a successful person.

  He spends money like water, he is bold and generous.

  I will talk to you a lot... It is the kind of wisdom that can make you feel "Huh? Is it okay?"

   And this wisdom doesn't even require you to think about which book you read it from.

   Because he will always tell you "I have a friend" or "I went through this when I was young" words to support the truth of what he said.

  Even, the gift he gave you is a kind of gift that you are terrified when you take it, but after you are sure to become your own, as long as you think about it, you will not consciously feel happy and joyful.

   Moreover, in Uncle Xu, you can't feel any so-called "class" distinction.

   Poor people? rich?

  Everyone is human.

   Regardless of whether he has money or not, he will never show that look of contempt.


  He is good at chatting.

  Always make myself laugh out loud.

   From this kind of happiness, we will get closer to each other a little bit.


  Comparing it in Zhang Jiao's own heart, this Uncle Xu's personality charm really makes people flock to it.

  Unconsciously, I want to chase and pursue.

  Like a fire in the dark.

   Attracted one after another moths to follow his footsteps.

  So, unconsciously, I will be brought into an emotion.

   "When I succeed, I will also be this kind of person."

or it could be:

   "Compared with other people, I prefer to be with someone like Uncle Xu."

   Actually, this feeling is quite scary.

  It makes people very blind.

   But it's hard to hate.

  Because... this person...

   No, this man really has a strong attraction to women.

   Ming Ming is not handsome, Ming Ming is also very old.

  But it’s just such a person... To use the more popular saying now, it is that "this uncle" can really turn some girl fans to death.

   And this also leads to the main reason why Zhang Jiao keeps him at a respectful distance.

  This Uncle Xu's too scary.

  Zhang Jiao couldn't even remember clearly, she overheard Uncle Xu calling the names of several girls.

   I won’t talk about Xiaodong, Xiaoxi, Xiaonan, Xiaobei and so on.

  Even in the daily chat between Brother Xu and Sister Mi, one can hear how colorful this Uncle Xu’s private life is.

  Frankly speaking, Zhang Jiao was quite surprised.

   is downright horribly energetic.

  In the past, she only listened to it as gossip.

  But after seeing Sister Bingbing get off the business car today, she found that she couldn't look directly.

  Actually, she doesn't have to tell Sister Mi about this matter.

  After all, even if the two of them really have something to do...that is their freedom.

   What can this lonely man and widow do?

   It doesn't break the law.

  Who is Miss Kemi?

  What are the responsibilities of being an assistant?

   Isn’t an assistant a profession that should collect all the troubles around the artist, report them to the artist, and be fully prepared for everything!

  All the skills she and Qiqi have as assistants are taught by Sister Tingting.

  And why did Sister Tingting teach them?

  It's very simple.

  Because Miss Mi needs to know.

   She needs to know everything around her.

  Even if you can’t figure out how useful this information is, Sister Tingting really said it herself:

   "For Sister Mi, the only bottom line that must never be touched is deception. No matter what the situation is. What you see and hear... Even if it is speculation, you must tell her. This is the iron rule."

  Why did Kiki agree so quickly?

   That's it.

   Even say something exaggerated.

  If I was alone, I could pretend not to know about this matter.

   But now both of them have met.

  If you don't say...

  Although I don’t want to make people think so darkly, but people’s hearts are far away, so why take such a risk?

  In case "self" or "the other party" goes to inform.

  Let Miss Mi change her impression of "self" or "the other party"...

  The future is gone?

   What's more, Brother Xu and Sister Mi treat themselves well.

  Getting along with each other on weekdays, Zhang Jiao couldn't see anything strange about Liang Bingning at all.

  But now he is in one-line contact with Mr. Xu.

   This woman is not a simple character.

   Have to guard against.

  Based on these thoughts, she directly called Yang Mi.

   "Duddu... Hey, Jiaojiao, what's the matter?"

  Sun Ting answered the phone.

   "Sister Tingting, I'm with Qiqi."

  This is Zhang Jiao's first sentence.

   "...Well, what's the matter? My sister is filming, you just say it, and I will tell you later."

   In fact, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better.

  Zhang Jiao understood this truth.

  But since sister Tingting can't avoid it, it doesn't matter.

  So, she said directly:

   "Sister, Qiqi and I are downstairs in the company right now, and we are about to go upstairs for an audition. We met Sister Bingbing, who has just arrived."

   "Well, then?"

   "Sister Bingbing is nothing...just the car that brought her here, Uncle Xu's car."


  Sun Ting suddenly lost her voice.

   Then, Zhang Jiao continued:

"I'm sure it's Uncle Xu's car. Sister Bing Bing got off Uncle Xu's car and went directly to the company. The two of us saw it, and there was no one else around. I saw it about a minute ago, and I wanted to tell you about it." Say it, sister."

   "Uh... good."

  On the phone, Sun Ting's voice obviously showed a hint of hesitation.

   Or abnormal.

  But she didn't say anything else, just said:

   "Got it, is there anything else?"


   "Okay, hang up."



  The phone hangs up.

  Zhang Jiao didn't say anything else, she just took a bite of Qiao Lezi and said to Wu Qiqi:

   "Shall we go up?"

  Wu Qiqi didn't say much, and nodded:

"Mmm Good."



  Yang Mi was struck by lightning.

  Can't help but ask Sun Ting:

   "Are you sure...they read it right? Are you sure it's 9 and not 6?...Or 69 is also fine. 996 is also fine...these two numbers are so similar, they should be dazzled, right?"

   Regarding Yang Mi's question, Sun Ting just asked a rhetorical question:

   "Sister, the unit organized a physical examination at the end of last year, didn't you even boast that Jiaojiao's eyes are 1.5?"


   Now, Yang Mi was speechless.

  Even the state is a bit down, sitting on the chair in a daze, dazed.

At once…

At once…

At once…

  Uh, forget it, it's okay, mine.

   For a moment, she didn't know what to say, and her mind was already in a mess.

  Luckily, she just finished shooting a scene.

   After being tortured for three days, a scene that finally ended.

  The next shot is not hers.

   Otherwise, depending on her current state...she can't play Gong Er.

   Playing Fan Er is almost the same.

  Fan Er is not right either... Isn't he a junior?

  How can you not respect your elders?

   That's my aunt!

  Although she has called different people "aunt" since she followed her brother.

   Don't get me wrong, I definitely haven't met.

  But when chatting from my husband, it is this aunt and that aunt, so I always have to bring a title.

   Otherwise, it will appear that I don't have much respect for my father-in-law.


  That's Aunt Liang!


  While she was pondering, a burst of phone vibration came into her ears.

   As soon as she turned her head, Sun Ting handed over the phone:

   "It's Brother Xu."

   "...Did you ask Jiaojiao to call him?"


  Sun Ting hurriedly made the pan non-stick.

   She never said anything about it.

  Do not bring wronged good people.

   But the question is... What is Brother Xu doing calling now?

   Isn’t that too coincidental?

   Just thinking about it, Yang Mi, who managed to sort out her mood, connected the phone:

   "Hey, what are you doing?"


  In the car, Xu Xin with red cheeks was a little surprised:

   "Are you done?"


  Yang Mi seemed quite normal listening to her brother's movements.

  After thinking for a while, she responded:

   "Yeah, just finished filming, where are you?"

   "I'm done too. Hey, let me give you good news? Guess how much we sold for advertising fees..."

   "1.147 billion. Brother, when you went to have a celebration banquet with others at noon, I have already received a message from someone in the company. When you think about it, tell me that the day lily is cold."


  Xu Xin was embarrassed for a while, and turned to Wang Sicong, who was sitting next to him and pretending to be asleep:

"you said?"


  Wang Sicong, who had no idea what the two were talking about, barely opened his eyes. After glancing at Xu Xin, he waved his hands impatiently:

   "Xiu En'ai, get out of here, I'm sick from drinking too much."

  He didn't eat in the morning.

   After drinking at noon, I suddenly became more energetic.

   Right now, everything is turning upside down.

   Seeing this, Xu Xin stopped talking to him.

   At the same time, I was a little speechless:

   "Aren't I afraid of delaying your state? I wanted to give you a surprise. Hey, which grandson talks so fast, go back and sew it up!"

   "Come on, you, what are you pretending to be from Yanjing! You're still ah, ah."

  Yang Mi's mouth was full of jokes, but there was some doubt in her eyes.

  So... Jiaojiao didn't call him?

   If she beat her back to this state, she would have to admit it.

  Brother, you have such a big heart.

  So, she felt that she still had to try it out:

   "Tell me, what else can you do with me? What happened again?"

   "...Why did I call you because something happened?"

  Xu Xin was speechless.

  Perhaps because of drinking too much, his mouth is a little broken:

"When I called you back then, it took at least two hours. One day you lied to me, saying that you were afraid of the dark, and I called you all night. When I got up in the morning, I owed you more than two hundred... I found out later that your computer has more horror movies than I have on my computer..."



  Su Meng, who was driving, and Wang Sicong, who was spinning around, were speechless.

  Looking at Xu Xin, whose cheeks were flushed, with a naive look brought on by drunkenness, Xu Xin was holding up the phone and chatting as if no one was there...

  A question mark appeared in Su Meng's mind:

   "I know so much, will I be silenced!"

  Wang Sicong:

   "You have **** on your computer? ...Which folder is it in? Show me."

  The brains of the two began to follow the rhythm of Xu Xin's conversation.

  But Yang Mi is frying the pan:

   "Doo!! What nonsense!...Brother, is there anyone next to you?"

   "Uh... Pharaoh and Mengmeng are here."

   "Apple no more?"

"Not here. The old man of Apple's family has left. He went back to attend the funeral and asked for leave for 10 days... I only found out about this today. I talked to Mengmeng. I will contact Apple in a while and transfer 900 yuan to let her mourn. This It’s not good to give more, you have to give an odd number, you understand? After all, we don’t know if the old man over there is like this... It’s not easy to give too much, and it’s not a festive day, so give such a big red envelope, hey you Say my nine hundred yuan..."


  Yang Mi is going crazy.

   No, what kind of wine did you drink at noon?

   Are you bored?

  Why is his mouth broken like a donkey.

   Right now, I am annoyed by the fact that Sister Bingbing is very likely to become Aunt Liang.

  She said a little irritably:

   "What's the matter with you? Tell me quickly."

   "Uh...why are you so impatient?"

   "Don't talk nonsense, talk about things if you have something to say, believe it or not if you say something nonsense and I'll blow you away?"


  Xu Xin's movements were full of a "guess I believe it or not" emotion.

   But let’s get down to business:

   "Shaantai wants to deepen cooperation with us, and invite you to be the beauty of the Tang Palace in the city that never sleeps in the Tang Dynasty. Are you interested?"

   "...What the hell? Tang Palace Beauty?"

   "Yes. It's like a tourism ambassador."

   "...Brother, I am your Shaanxi daughter-in-law, but it is not suitable for me to find a Yanjing girl for this kind of thing? Aren't they all from Shaanxi? Isn't Yanni more suitable than me?"

"That's not it. You're talking about tourism image ambassadors. That's at the provincial level...well, speaking of your importance, you're actually about the same as them. Your priority is even higher than theirs. Because everyone comes to Xi'an to play, except for the rotten The city that never sleeps is the same as the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and other historic sites. So you come to be the spokesperson..."

   "Oops! You got the point!!"

  Yang Mi couldn't take it anymore.

  Those who didn’t know thought she was married to Hou Zhen.

  Is it like a word? Is it like a word!

"Uh...the point is, this doesn't require any household registration, it just depends on who is pleasing to the's not right. Anyway, you can understand it this way, it doesn't matter whether the person who can sit in this position is an actor from Shaanxi, what matters is that she wants Charismatic.

  At present, there are not many female artists from Shaanxi who can take the lead. Jiang Wenli is too old, Yan Ni is not as beautiful as you... Anyway, that's what it means. You are a Shaanxi daughter-in-law, and everyone still recognizes it.

  So, I heard what Ma Tao said, it should be that we want to cooperate more in the future. After all, in the area of ​​cultural tourism, TV stations are the top priority. Their voices carry a lot of weight. "


  Yang Mi frowned.

   It's not that I don't want to, but that I feel a little headache from my husband's nagging.

   "Then what does this Tang Palace beauty want to do?"

"A show. Let you play Wu Zetian! At that time, there will be an actor to play with you. The actor will play Li Shimin, what is it that all nations come to court? The actress is you, you play Wu Zetian, what is it called? Wu... Wu... Empress Wu... Anyway, that's what it means. I want to make you a facade of the city that never sleeps in the Tang Dynasty... Hehe, am I amazing?"


   Now, Yang Mi's frowning is no longer a headache.

  I play Wu Zetian?

  How can I play Wu Zetian?

  My hair is not fully grown yet.

  Empress Wu doesn’t mention anything else, let’s not say that she has officially ascended the throne.

   is the "two saints" period, which is also the 50-year-old period.

  Even if you can change it magically, you can get a 50-year-old graceful and luxurious Wu Zetian on yourself...

  Can Empress Wu's coffin be covered?

   Maybe the tablet without words will crack.

  So, after considering various situations, she immediately became less interested in this proposal.

  So, she said what she thought:

"If you are just a Tang Palace beauty, then I can act. But if you want me to act in this kind of show... I am afraid that everyone will be upset. Wu Zetian is so young? She was still a talent when I was my age. I'm talking... I feel that I may not be able to perform the kind of graceful and luxurious mother at this stage. You will have another ten years, and I think I am similar. But at this stage, I am not suitable. This Tang Palace Did the beauty help me a lot?"


  It would be fine if she didn't say this.

  Xu Xin's state is "whoever is drunk is right".

  But as soon as she mentioned this, the director's gene began to move around.

  He followed his wife's words and said:

"I'm actually afraid that you won't be able to act. If you can't act, others will scold us for disrespecting history. At that time, good things may turn into bad things... And you are right, every actor has his own temperament focus, yours Temperament really can't show a kind of domineering as an emperor. So when Ma Tao suggested this, I also felt that it was inappropriate."

  Is Yang Mi angry?

   Not really.

   Because these are the truth.

   What's more, she proposed it herself.

  No way, if it is not suitable, it is not suitable.

   First of all, she is not fat.

   In other words, a woman with a small frame like her can't support the plump beauty of Tang Fenghua... huh?

  Yang Mi blinked suddenly.

   Somewhat stunned.

   And Xu Xin continued to babble:

"As for whether it's important to you or's actually okay. It's not as important as you are in the entertainment circle, understand? In the circle you want to get promoted and gain popularity. To you, these may not be as important as a movie important.

   Its important place is a kind of recognition. A kind of... akin to endemic protection. It is a resource when you are ready to change careers, or in other fields.

   Honor, you know what I mean?

  ...or endorsement is also fine. It doesn't matter how you understand really can't bring you a lot of improvement in entertainment resources.

  However, it can increase your discourse power in the entire Shaanxi region, or in the northwest circle... Think about it, you, a person from other provinces, can be the image spokesperson of a province's key tourism resources. This energy..."

   "But I have you."

   Before Xu Xin finished speaking, she said directly:

   "We don't live apart, this job... should be given by Shantai to make friends with us, right?"

   "Well, it is."

   "So, this is actually a bit repetitive, right? Because Shaanxi and Taiwan can't come up with other things that can make our hearts move and deepen cooperation. Isn't it?"

   "Well. Indeed, if it weren't for the cultural and tourism industry, other things...they are much weaker than the factory."

   "Then give it to Sister Bingbing."

  After Xu Xin finished speaking, Yang Mi directly followed the flash of light in her heart and said.


  Xu Xin was stunned:

"give her?"

   "Yes, for her."

  After the words came out, her thoughts became brighter:

   "First of all, her big-boned "fat" is quite suitable for a woman in the heyday of Tang Dynasty, right?"


   Following his wife's description, the image of Liang Bingning slowly appeared in Xu Xin's mind.

   Subconsciously nodded slightly:

   "Well, what then?"

   "Then, her age is also appropriate. I know my flaws... Don't mention anything else, it's the same as if I don't play Zhen Huan. I'm not suitable for a role like a queen.

  The first is that age is not enough, and there is no beauty that has accumulated over the years.

  Second, if my face is painted with that kind of very thick and calm makeup, it will easily look very mean.

  So, in case the show I acted in comes out and other people see it... Good guy, this one has breasts... Wu Zetian is the Chai Heniu with **** and no buttocks? Don't forget us people from Shaanxi, you people from other provinces.

  Then I lose more than I gain.

  Shaantai can only guarantee to give us this position, but it can't guarantee everyone's satisfaction, right? I don't need to take that risk. But Sister Bingbing is very suitable, whether it is temperament or the plump beauty. I think it's okay, what do you think? "


   Let alone.

  Xu Xin didn't think about Liang before... Sister Bingbing is because in his concept, fat water will definitely not leave the fields for outsiders.

   But now what my wife said is actually correct.

   For some people, if they are not suitable, they are not suitable.

  It has nothing to do with temperament or acting skills.

  Yang Mi was born, so she couldn't play a role like a queen.

  She is so beautiful and enchanting.

   It's like many women's facial features are not outstanding, but they have a dignified and virtuous sense of sight when they are matched together.

  Her beauty is too demonic.

  Like a leprechaun.

   Not like a beautiful woman.

  Maybe ten years later, with age and temperament, this feeling will change.

   But it is really not suitable now.

   But Sister Bingbing is just right.

   And with everyone's relationship...

   Seems to have thought of something, he suddenly said:

   "But she is an outsider after all. I want to digest this kind of thing internally."

  Yang Mi almost cried.

  Brother, how about an outsider?

   Do you know that Ah just got off our dad's car this afternoon! ?

  If you were someone else, it might be a chance encounter, or a friend who got together, had a meal, and sent someone to work by the way, it’s as simple as that.


that person…

  But our dad!

  I don’t want to brag with you, you are also a girl. In my heart, if you compete with our dad, the winner must be our dad.

  Your methods of teasing girls are not even worthy of carrying shoes for our dad!

dont you agree?

   Kiss and try to turn off the light, but I can't find the switch player.

  But these are all in her mind.

  Words, definitely can't say that.

  So, she comforted:

   "What's inside and outside, that's Sister Bingbing. I'm kissing her from the bottom of my heart!"


  Xu Xin scratched his chin.

  Also... okay.

  If you can’t digest it internally, then give it to your allies.

   Let everyone cooperate more closely and firmly.

   As for the rest...

  Don’t say he’s drunk, he doesn’t dare to think about it without drinking.

   I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

   That’s all.


   "Okay, then I'll call Sister Bingbing?"

   "Go back to play at night, she should be auditioning now."

   "...Alright, then I hang up?"

   "Well, go back and let Mengmeng take good care of you. I'll die too~MUA~"

  Yang Mi also hung up the phone.


  She scratched her goosebump-covered arm.


  (end of this chapter)