MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 490 488. That's it?

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  Chapter 490 488. That's it?

   Seeing Xu Xin who had already stood on the stage with the microphone in his hands, their eyes were strange.

  At this time, Li Ziwei took the microphone and said to Xu Xin with a smile in the light of the auditorium:

   "Thanks to Director Xu and Ms. Liu Yifei for bringing us the short video of the opening ceremony."

  The two nodded politely in return.

   Then, Li Ziwei asked:

   "You two, listening to such enthusiastic applause, do you have anything to say to everyone?"

  Xu Xin looked at the fairy sister next to her, nodded slightly at the other party's gesture, and raised the microphone.

  Looking at the faces in the front row that were there this morning, he thought for a while and asked with a smile:

   "Guys, is it easy?"




  Everyone was a little stunned.

   So you also know how easy it is to take pictures?

   Then Xu Xin said with a smile:

"In fact, the idea of ​​this film is like this. Because most of our film exhibitions are still young directors, I chose to use the simplest and most simple method in shooting. Except for the needle-drawing part, it is the execution of this film. Director Lu Yang strongly requested to add it. My core idea for other shooting clips is to use the most basic shooting techniques to present such a work to everyone. And my purpose is also very simple..."

   Speaking of this, he seemed to find something funny, and said with an expression of shaking his head and laughing:

   "Once upon a time, I actually liked to study the techniques of directors such as Hitchcock, Nolan, and Spielberg. As a newcomer, I watched these big guys operate in that show...

  However, later I thought about it, this is the same as when we play games, you, a person who has not yet come out of Novice Village, have already studied how those full-level bosses in the video beat the world boss.

  Although their shooting ideas are worthy of reference, they are of little help to you at this stage. And this story called "Special Deal" is a beginner's strategy for everyone in a... let's say a player who has just left the novice village. "

   Speaking of this, he raised a finger:

   "The most important one, basic skills, is very important. With the most basic shooting techniques, you can also make a qualified film. This is what I want to express in this film, for your reference, thank you."

   After finishing speaking, he bowed and looked at the speechless Liu Yifei.

  Brother, you have finished talking.

   What else can I say?

  She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she still raised the microphone.

  But as soon as the microphone was raised, the filmmakers in the front rows who had already reacted began to applaud.


   At first it was just them.

  But with the passage of time, one after another understood what Director Xu wanted to express.

  The thunderous applause from the entire Zhongchuan Auditorium hit again.

   Converged into the ocean.

   "Wow la la la la la la..."


  After the opening film was played, Xu Xin’s college student film exhibition schedule came to an end.

   But before leaving, he still repeated his previous promise.

   If you need any help, you can contact yourself.

   I dare not say how much I can help you, but at least I will do my best.

  When many people say this, they may have the idea of ​​"it's better not to pay, or to pay less if you want to pay".

  But Xu Xin is not.

  When he said this, his purpose was "it's best to only pay money."

   After all, this session has already started, and it is useless to give some input.

   And he was busy with the film exhibition. That night, he rejected Liu Yifei's invitation to eat hot pot with him, and got on the plane directly.

   Hot pot can be eaten at any time, but since he is already busy, it is not easy for his wife to take care of the children and work there.

  Carrying a bag of materials on "A Bite of Tongue", he returned to Chikan in Cheng Hu's car at almost 1 o'clock in the morning.

  When she came back, Yang Mi had already fallen asleep.

  He didn't bother her either, and went to the guest room to spend the night.

  In fact, strictly speaking, he had a very tossing day, from going to participate in the film exhibition, to returning home after crossing the north and south of the motherland...

   It may not be appropriate to say home, but for him, isn’t a place with a wife and children a home?

  However, perhaps due to over-tiredness, after taking a bath and lying down, he didn't feel sleepy anymore.

  He simply pulled out his notebook and "notebook" again, looked at these materials, and just leaned against the head of the bed to continue his research.

  Unknowingly, the battery of the laptop ran out, and his head had been tilted for a long time.

   just fell asleep.

  Time passed slowly.

   It was around three o'clock in the morning, and the door of the master bedroom was pushed open.

  Because of sleepiness, Yang Mi walked out with one big eye and one small eye.

   After turning on the corridor light in a daze, he saw at a glance that the door of the guest room next door had been closed.

  Yang Mi arranged Cheng Hu and Sun Ting in a residential house not far from here, so she definitely wouldn't sleep at home.

  Even if they sleep at home, they must be in a small guest room on the first floor.

  So, the door of this guest room is closed, so it should be that my brother came back and lived in it.

  She barely recovered a little.

   walked over and quietly opened the door.

  The light in the guest room was not turned off, and Yang Mi saw her sleeping lover half lying on the head of the bed at a glance.

   My heart is at ease.

   It's not that she is worried, but a natural reaction.

   Seeing her brother come back and sleep there, even if she didn't share a room with her, she felt at ease.

  But immediately noticed a small and inconspicuous detail.

   This room was used by my father-in-law.

  The pillows haven't been changed yet.

  My father-in-law likes to sleep on that kind of hard buckwheat pillow, but my brother has been sleeping on latex pillows for many years.

  Sleep on other pillows, if the bed is uncomfortable, he will be particularly prone to stiff neck.

  So for so many years, no matter Zhang Jiao, Sun Ting, or her brother went on a business trip by himself, she would always bring him a latex pillow.

  So, after seeing him like that, Yang Mi knew that if she didn't care, he would have a stiff neck tomorrow.

   Hurriedly walked back to the house, and took out the pillow that he likes to pinch his legs when his brother is not around on weekdays.

  I have been sleeping for most of the night, and my fragrance is all on you, so you can sleep soundly.

  With a hint of playfulness, after entering the room, she first put the laptop on the table, then picked up the scattered materials on the ground, and put them aside.

   Patted Xu Xin on the shoulder:

   "Here, pillow. Lie down and sleep, don't have a stiff neck."

  Xu Xin opened his eyes in a daze, his brain didn't even realize what happened, his instinct had already made him not rely on the head of the bed.

   After the whole person lay down in bed, with a comfortable latex pillow on his head, he turned around and there was no movement.

   At the moment, Yang Mi, who has become more sober, skillfully found the computer charger from his briefcase, and charged the laptop without leaving the phone behind.

  Then unlocked the phone lock.

   Ignoring the 100-day art photo of the two little guys as the screen saver, she directly opened the call log.

  The most recent call was to Cheng Hu at 10:52.

   That's her purpose.

   Check your phone?

   Not necessary.

   She just wanted to see what time he came back.

  Contact Cheng Hu at 10:52...the distance from Guangzhou to here...

   Around 1 o'clock.

   After finding out what time Xu Xin came back, she glanced at the laptop with an empty battery.

   I figured it would be 2 o'clock for my brother to go to bed.


   After deliberating all the details, she silently turned off the lights and returned to the master bedroom from the guest room.

  After returning to the master bedroom, she took out her mobile phone and sent her dad a message:

   "Dad, Xu Xin doesn't go to bed until 2 o'clock, and he will definitely wake up late tomorrow. Don't cook his meal tomorrow morning, let's cook something delicious together at noon."

   After sending, lock the screen.

  After leaving all her love in the details that Xu Xin may not be aware of, in the dark, she touched the small towels on the two children and closed her eyes.

   Ha~ Uh.

  I have to work tomorrow, so I have to go to bed quickly.


  Xu Xin didn't know what happened on the first night when he came back, or if he knew, he would selectively ignore it.

   It's not that they don't care, but that for so many years, the two have embraced each other in their hearts, and it has become a habit and instinct to support each other and move forward.

  Wake up in the morning, looking at his mobile phone and computer being charged, he already understood everything.

   Wash your face, brush your teeth, and go downstairs to see the father-in-law and mother-in-law who are playing with toys on the climbing mat.

   "Big baby, look who's coming!"

  Xu Xin smiled and opened his hands, and rushed towards the two babies like an eagle catching a chicken.

  The two children were both happy and "shocked" and let out a burst of laughter.


  Holding Nuannuan and Yangyang in his arms and kissing each other, he looked at the smiling Yang Dalin and asked:

   "Uncle, what's for lunch?"

"I made a beef stew. In the past two days, I learned a dish from Lao He, Angelica Beef Soup. You made it once before you came back, and Mimi also said it was delicious. She said it strengthens the spleen, nourishes the stomach and nourishes Qi. You are on a business trip again. For a few days, drink more in a while."

   "Eh, good."

  Xu Xin responded with a smile.

  It's already early ten o'clock, it's really not suitable for breakfast.

   Then wait until noon to eat together.

  Holding his son and daughter, he is enjoying the family happiness.

  But at this moment, Yang Dalin suddenly said:

   "Xiao Xu, do you have to hurry up on your wedding with Mimi?"


  Xu Xin froze for a moment, then looked up at his father-in-law.

  I only heard Yang Dalin say:

"It's been a year. If I hadn't been pregnant, I might have gotten married this year. But it's a happy event, so I won't talk about it. But Mimi's movie progress is so slow at the moment, I think you are also a movie. It's for the event... You two children don't worry about the wedding at all. We're a little anxious~ If you don't want to be extravagant, you can get a smaller one, don't you think?"

"I see."

  Xu Xin nodded quickly:

"Then we'll discuss it when she comes back. But indeed, our plan is to hold the wedding next year. But the details of the wedding are really not prepared yet... I've been hurrying to put it on the schedule recently. What do you think?"

   "Hey~ That's right."

  Yang Dalin showed a much more comfortable look:

   "It's not that I'm afraid that you two will have problems with your relationship, it's just... After all, you have children now, and you are always hanging like this, and the relatives don't look good. Then I can't mention it to her, and she will be annoyed when I mention it..."

   "Yes, yes, I understand what you mean, then when she comes back, we will start making preparations."

   "Okay, let's do it as soon as possible. Anyway, it's a matter of a few days, so your dad and I can feel at ease."

"no problem."

  Xu Xin readily agreed.

  He said in his heart that the old father-in-law was making an opinion.

  Keeping this matter to heart, they played with the children until noon. Yang Chunling and Su Meng also came back from shopping, and the family began to eat.

   After eating, he became the big shopkeeper.

  The child didn't coax, and continued to tinker with the materials of "A Bite of the Tongue" in the tea room.

   Waited until Yang Mi came back.

  No need to mention dinner.

  Yang Mi was tortured by Wang Jiawei on the set for a day, but she was actually a little exhausted.

  Yuan Heping has already figured out her and Liang Chaowei's moves, but because of Liang Chaowei's bone fracture, he couldn't shoot.

  But after seeing Wang Jiawei's gritty shooting of the sparring scenes, Yang Mi really didn't dare to gamble her career as an actor on whether she could finish the set of shots in this life.

  Although it is a bit exaggerated...but the stupid bird flies first.

  She asked Yuan Heping to arrange a martial artist, to practice first, and then she was familiar with all the moves.

  Being a dozen in the practice room is a day, and I am very tired now.

   But after dinner, Xu Xin still pulled her:

   "Go, go for a walk."

   "Huh? I just came back from the set... I don't want to move anymore."

   "Go for a stroll, just finished eating, how can I not move?"

   ", I really don't want to move today..."

  She still wanted to roll, but unfortunately, the two ignorant hostages had already been put in the stroller by her husband.

   "Hurry up, if you don't obey, you will tear up the ticket!"

   After speaking, he made a look.

  Yang Mi was taken aback.


   But looking at his appearance, in desperation, she had no choice but to step on a pair of slippers, put on a baseball cap, and walked out with him reluctantly.

  Out the door, the two walked along the road to a small square not far away.

  It's very lively at night, which is quite interesting.

  Chikan is not comparable to a big city, it is full of people.

  At night, people who come out for a walk basically gather in the small square.

  There are snacks, there is a fountain, children are playing there in groups, and there is also a big screen, which often broadcasts some TV series, full of life.

   After she went out, she asked:

   "What's the matter? You have something to do with me? Can't you just say it at home? Why can't we say it in the bedroom after closing the door?"

   "I really can't say it at home."

  Pushing the stroller, Xu Xin talked about the situation during the day.


  Yang Mi was stunned for a while, and suddenly showed a look of dumbfounding:

   "Is this being urged to marry?"

   "It's probably because the two of us are acting like nothing has happened every day, so I'm anxious. After all, there is no wedding, even if we have a certificate, it still feels a bit unfair."

   As he spoke, he lowered the mosquito net from the stroller.

  The mosquitoes in the south are almost biological weapons.

   I can't bear to bite my child.

   "But I'm not in a hurry, I've got my certificate...what's the rush?"

  Yang Mi shook her head helplessly, with a remorseful look on her face:

"Besides, I made a mistake, buddy! You said we didn't know that Wang Jiawei was slow in filming, so he had to sharpen his head and squeeze his fart here! How long has it been since the filming started? Two months? It's just that few Camera, ya hold on to it every day!

  Let me tell you, this drama will never be finished in a year. The scenes in the Northeast are even more difficult to shoot, so for his hypocrisy, if you want to shoot snow scenes, let alone make eyelashes like snowflakes, at least you will never use artificial snow. It's winter... I really have to freeze my farts! "

  Maybe it was really worn down.

  She actually started cursing.

  But Xu Xin didn't pay attention to how difficult things are on her side. A generation of grandmasters is not a one-man show for her alone, and there is always a time to rest.

  He just asked:

   "Then what are you going to do?"

   "I... next year. Didn't we all agree, starting next year..."

"I feel like our dad can't wait any longer. Besides, I counted the days... You see, my sister-in-law is just pregnant, she is pregnant in October, and she is due in January. This year's Spring Festival is on February 3rd. Maybe the full moon will be too late." Come together with the Chinese New Year. If there is another wedding, the time is too tight."

   "So you mean..."

"I'm thinking, let's start preparing now. Isn't that the only thing that needs to be done? After the wedding photos are taken, the selection of the wedding dress, Shenmu and Yanjing, that's all. The banquet doesn't even need to be done. What are the preparations? There are rules in our family, so it must be done in the village. The ceremony in Yanjing is relatively simple, so just invite some friends to dinner, it’s not too complicated, how about it?"


  Hearing this, Yang Mi pondered for a while, then frowned and asked:

   "It's quite simple to say, but it's impossible to do what you said when I'm really busy. It still takes time and energy. I'm not afraid of the others, but the progress of this movie..."

   "Sister, have you forgotten that you still have the identity of an investor?"


  Yang Mi didn't reply, but walked a distance in silence, then nodded:

"Okay, then follow what you said. It just so happens that on Saturday, I'm going back to Yanjing to attend the dinner party of the crew of "The Legend of Zhen Huan". I'll take two more days off and find some better wedding companies. How about all this stuff?"

"Saturday... okay. Then I'll go back with you. I planned to go to Xi'an on Saturday. The talent alliance established by the factory and Yindu has almost been implemented, and a meeting may be held in early July. I originally planned to leave here on Sunday afternoon...then we will go back to Yanjing together, after finishing these things, I will go to Xi'an on Sunday, okay?"


  Although the topic came and went, it still deviated from the direction of career, but at least the couple reached an agreement on the direction of marriage.

   Seeing that he had already seen the light of the big screen on the high side of the small square at the end of the road, Xu Xin was a little puzzled:

   "The casting of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has been completed?"


   "Which of our people went up?"

"Baozi and Jiaojiao. Yang Ying lost the election, and Jiaojiao played Huanbi, the maid who accompanied Zhen Huan. Baozi chose the role of Chungui because of the baby fat. It's okay... Both roles are pretty good. .”


  Because I haven't read the book and script of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Xu Xin doesn't know what the characters his wife said are for.

  But since Baozi and Jiaojiao are both selected, it means that it is quite satisfactory.

   Just like that, the two of them walked towards the small square, and inevitably, their attention came to the big screen.

  A costume drama is playing on the big screen.

  Because of the distance, I can't see clearly.

   But when he walked in and came to the green brick road in the small square, Xu Xin was stunned when he saw the words in the lower right corner of the big screen:

   "Huh? "A Dream of Red Mansions"?"

  Yang Mi, who was pushing the car heart and said to buy some small toys for the child, suddenly raised her head after hearing this.

  On the big screen, several actors who looked somewhat... more or less nondescript compared to the girls in normal costume dramas were making fun of a girl in a light yellow dress.

  Because the sound of the big screen was poor, and the small square was very noisy, so Xu Xin couldn't really hear the voices in the TV series.

   Fortunately, the film has subtitles.

  Following his gaze, a subtitle flashed across:

   "Although Daiyu didn't know her, she also heard her mother say that Jia Lian, the son of uncle Jia She, married the niece of aunt Wang's. She pretended to be a man and brought her up since she was a child. Her scientific name is Wang Xifeng..."

  When this subtitle appeared, the screen switched back and forth between the gorgeous actress and the girl in light yellow clothes.

  Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

  That girl... is Lin Daiyu?

  Unconsciously, he turned his head and glanced at his wife who was also looking at the big screen...

  Looked at her delicate face.

  Looked at Lin Daiyu on the big screen again...


  Let’s say they are actors with two flavors and different styles.


  With this kind of appearance, can she really play the role of Daiyu who buried flowers?

  He was thinking about it, when suddenly he heard Yang Mi chuckle:


  The voice is playful and the tone is relaxed.

   It's just that there is something strange in the eyes.

   seems to say:

"That's it?"

   Sorry for being late. As for the reason, the main reason is that there was a short film that was originally going to be linked with the film festival. After repeated consideration, I deleted this plot.

   The name of the short film is "Veteran". When I was working on this plot, I thought it was very suitable, as long as it is properly modified, it can be taken.

   But after writing this tonight, I have been struggling because the film is a bit sensitive. Originally, I had written all the background stories, but the more I wrote, the more I felt empty. I forcibly deleted 2,000 words and discarded that part of the plot, so I posted it a little later.



  (end of this chapter)

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