MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 499 497. Still a Teenager Until Death

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  Chapter 499 497. Still young until death

  Yang Mi didn't play with Liu Zhishi for long.

   That’s two or three songs.

   After dancing, she typed and said:

   "I'm downloading, you should take a good look at this script."

   Come and go like the wind, less than ten minutes.

   Only the "." typed out of "Haggard for Yiren" was left, full of helplessness.

  It feels like two classmates meeting to play games during the summer vacation.

  Obviously everyone is fishing happily, but after ten minutes of touching, another classmate of yours suddenly said, "I'm going to preview the next semester's courses".

  How much admiration and embarrassment are mixed in that speechless taste, only you know.

   No, why are you working so hard to speak your teeth!

   We agreed to earn 1,500 yuan a month together, and SEI allows you to earn so much money! !

  You are so nice, what should I do! !


   Just after Yang Mi went offline, a stage space was vacated in the room. In less than 2 minutes, Liu Zhishi looked at her game friend who suddenly appeared in the room...

   Resignedly chose to exit the room.

   When a friend sent the question "? Did you quarrel? Why did he leave suddenly?", she muttered "You have no chance if we quarrel again" and silently quit the game.

Download attachments.

  WORD opens.

  Maertai Ruoxi.

  Sister is here!


  Yang Mi didn't know that Liu Zhishi, who she made, was starting to work hard.

  She just came to check on Shishi's status.

  In the plan, poetry is indeed a very important part.

   But her part is also the most passive.

  Before she starred in "Scary Step by Step", Yang Mi would not say anything to her.

  Everything is fueled by my own side.

  Called Li Minnian, played a game with Shishi and sent the script.

   This is just the first step.

   As for the second step...

  She directly dialed Yu Zheng's phone number.

  But she didn't know that Yu Zheng had been waiting for this call until he was desperate.

   Now, there is no need to say more.

  After experiencing the energy of a real superior, Yu Jin realized that he had to keep a low profile for at least the past two years.

  Facing Tianyu who was stuck on his neck...or Qian Pengcheng, he also behaved quite docilely.

   Moreover, he actually felt a little strange.

  Because after that day, Yu Zheng discovered that Qian Pengcheng didn't let himself have any special contacts with other people in Tianyu.

  It's like..."hiding" myself.

  This allowed him to find a whole new possibility.

   Or speculation.

   Or to put it a little bit more closely.

  He felt he had found an opportunity.

  Why did Mr. Qian isolate himself from other people in Tianyu, no matter what happened, he would personally send a message to himself... He didn't know the real reason.

   But one thing is certain.

  Since he is not "monolithic", as long as he behaves like a horse, then the future may be a blessing in disguise.

   Isn't it just a grandson?


   good at.

   And just this afternoon, he received a call from Mr. Qian;

   "Director Xu's lover, Yang Mi, just asked me for your phone number. She may want to contact you. Don't miss this call."

  One sentence made Yu Zheng fidgety from early 4 pm to now.

  For two or three hours, he looked at the phone in front of him, waiting for it to ring and connect immediately.

   During this period of time, he actually thought a lot.

  First of all, I feel that Yang Mi's life is really good.

   It is said that one person can ascend to heaven, but this time she married Xu Xin...

  The status immediately changed.

  In her success, Xu Xin's halo is too dazzling.

   This is something that people in the circle basically know.

  No way, she just found a good husband.


   It is no longer appropriate to say Huadan.

  She is not young at all.

   If you don't believe me, look at Yuan Shanshan, who is under her command.

  The two were at the same time, classmates, in the same dormitory, and even shared the same bed.

  What about status?

  One is in the sky and the other is underground.

   It is true that the same person does not have the same fate.

  If it wasn't for Xu Xin, judging by the performance of her classmates in that year, maybe she would be popular too, but definitely not to the level she is now.

  In this circle... the little actor is playing the game of giving and receiving.

  The big actors are playing with their wealth and background.

  Don't believe that you can achieve success through your own efforts.

  There are so many actors in the world, why are you the only one?

Do not believe? If you don't believe me, just look at Liang Bingning.

  She is the real debut and the pinnacle. The ratings of "Returning the Pearl" is more than 60%. If she hadn't met a few noble people, she would have been smashed.

  So, whoever believes that other people's success is accidental is called a fool.

   You can't see or touch what's behind it.

   Only those who can bend and stretch can be called a real man.

   Like myself.

  The moment the phone rang, he saw a call from Yanjing, who was unfamiliar, and instantly pressed the connect button.

   "Hello, how are you?"

   "Hello, screenwriter Yu."

  Yang Mi's voice sounded.

  The tone is quite polite.

   But Yu Zheng didn't dare to take it too seriously, so he quickly responded:

   "Hey, Mr. Yang, hello."

   "Don't, don't call me like that, just call me Mimi."

  Across the phone, Yang Mi's tone and conversation made everyone feel more at ease.

  Unconsciously, Yu Zheng felt relieved.

   "Hello, Mimi. Is there anything you can do for me?"

  Hearing that although he called "Mimi", but still called "Hello", Yang Mi said directly:

   "I want to know where you and Tang Ren are now."

  Yu Zheng naturally didn't dare to hide it, and said directly:

"There is no progress at the moment. Just... the last time I met Director Xu, I didn't take the initiative to chat with Tang Ren. They have sent me a lot of messages and contacted me several times in the past few days, wanting to sign a contract with me." The contract...but I've been baffled by it."

   "What excuse?"


  Yu Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then said:

   "Just say that the script has some small plot loopholes, and it is being improved."

   After finishing speaking, he seemed to feel that he was a bit suspicious of both sides. In order to dispel Yang Mi's doubts, he quickly added:

   "Actually, I can refuse them directly, but... President Qian told me not to move for the time being. That's why I kept procrastinating..."

"Ok, I know."

  Yang Mi responded and said:

   "Director Yu, I have a request."

"You say."

  Yu Zheng knows that the real drama is coming.

   "I hope you will reply to Tang Ren tomorrow, you want Liu Zhishi to play the heroine. Apart from her, don't think about anything else."


  Yu Zheng was immediately dumbfounded.


  He couldn't help but let out a question:

   "Let Liu Zhishi?"



  After receiving Yang Mi's affirmation, Yu Zheng couldn't help being stunned.

   After thinking for a while, he tentatively reminded:

"That... Mimi, don't you know? When Cai Yinong sent the script, she had already decided to let Liu Zhishi play it. But Liu Zhishi refused. It is said that Cai Yinong will keep her in the snow for a while... Although in the end she didn't know why. Going to act in "Strange Hero Yizhimei" again, but she has clearly rejected the script..."

   When it came to the second half, his tone didn't change much.

   But his eyes were full of disdain.

  Obviously, he didn't know that Liu Zhishi was the one who had attended the full moon banquet between Miss Xu's family and the second son.

   Didn't know that she was the witness of the couple's love.

   You see, sometimes information gaps are so important.

he does not know.

   Immediately afterwards, after thinking he understood what Yang Mi meant, he continued:

   "Mimi, in fact, you don't have to worry about me. It's not that complicated to reject the Tang people. Just tell them that they can't cooperate..."


  Yang Mi's eyes became weird.

  Brother, what are you talking about with me?

  Aren't you usually very clever?

  Why do you look like a mentally retarded person at this time?

   But she didn't say anything, just continued:

   "I know, but I hope you leave with the excuse that if Liu Zhishi doesn't play the role, you won't be able to cooperate with Tang Ren. Can you? Yu the screenwriter."


   Now, Yu Zheng frowned.

   Isn’t this taking off your pants and farting?

  Just thinking about it, Yang Mi continued:

"Tomorrow, you tell Tang Ren that you only accept Liu Zhishi as the actress, because she fits your image of Luo Qingchuan. No matter how Tang Ren explains to you that Liu Zhishi can't act for various reasons, you just don't accept it. Then ...Give them some time, and then wait for my call. For this drama, money will always give the screenwriter a satisfactory price."


   Yu Zheng became more and more confused.

   But does he dare to refuse?

   dare not.

  So, although he couldn't figure it out, he still agreed:

   "Okay, I see. Then I will contact them tomorrow..."

   "Well, thank you for your hard work, screenwriter Yu."

  Yang Mi's voice was full of smiles:

   "When will we come to Yanjing later, let's have a meal together. It's getting late, so I won't disturb the screenwriter."

   Finish talking and leave.

   After a few more pleasantries, she hung up the phone.

  Sitting at the tea table, she fell into deep thought again.

   His eyes wandered in front of Liu Zhishi's QQ avatar on the computer screen, a little hesitant.

  But soon, the cry of the child brought her back from her thoughts.

  She quickly got up and left the tea room.

  Looking at Yang Yang who was crying loudly, he looked puzzled:

"what happened?"

   "He snatched Nuan Nuan's keychain, and Nuan Nuan... gave him a punch."


  Hearing what her mother said, and looking at her son who was crying even more fiercely, Yang Mi quickly hugged him up.

Silly boy…

   Don't you know what blood suppression is?

   Looking at Nuan Nuan playing with the keychain, Yang Mi thought helplessly.


Since the   man came out, Yang Mi never went back.

  After my mother finished washing the dishes, the family of five went out for a walk.

  Walking around in the small square, watching my dad play chess with others, and watching my mother dance square dance until she was sweating profusely.

  When I got home, it was already 9 o'clock.

  Yang Chunling and Yang Mi took the child to take a bath together. Yang Mi went back to the bedroom and took advantage of the juncture of coaxing him to sleep. On the QQ APP of the mobile phone, there was a bright red "3".

  Someone sent her a message.

  Turned on the phone and saw that it was Liu Zhishi:

   "Are you there?"

   "This script is not complete? Isn't there a complete set?"

   "Looks good! When are you going to shoot?"

  Seeing these three pieces of news that Shishi is very interested in this script, Yang Mi unconsciously smiled.

   "That's all, the rest are still being worked on."

   "As for when to shoot... Sister, you should think about it first."

   "Read the original work, read the plot, and build characters in your heart."

   "More polishing, slow work and meticulous work. Don't worry. The more fully you prepare, the better this drama will be."

   After sending four messages, Liu Zhishi did not reply.

   I don’t know what to do anymore.

  She doesn't mind either.

  Turned off the screen of the mobile phone, and continued to coax the two children to sleep in a quiet bedroom.

After coaxing for half an hour, after confirming that the two children did not wake up after not holding the rice bowl, she familiarly placed the two pillows beside the siblings to prevent them from rolling around and falling off the bed. .

   After turning on the baby pager and placing it on the bedside, he tiptoed out of the room with another walkie-talkie.

   Turn on the phone.

"okay, I get it."

  After about ten minutes:

   "Are you coaxing the child to sleep? Then I won't talk to you."

   "I'm going to read the novel again."


   Seeing this, Yang Mi stopped replying.

  Walking downstairs, I saw my parents watching "A Dream of Red Mansions".

   "How is it, does it look good?"

   She asked casually.

  As a result, Yang Dalin simply shook his head:

   "It's not good-looking, it's far worse than the old version. It doesn't feel right~ They talk in a twisted and artificial way, and then the teacher shows a clip of a group of women laughing there. It sounds like a ghost..."

  He stood up while speaking:

   "I went to bed."

  Yang Mi sat beside her mother.

  But after sitting for less than 30 seconds, she felt dizzy when she looked at the… don't know if it should be called a wig or something circle on the hairline of the group of people.

   What's more, since she hadn't seen A Dream of Red Mansions, she didn't even know where the show was going.

   "No, I can't stand it anymore. Who is Lin Daiyu? Why does she look so strange..."

   While complaining, she stood up and planned to go upstairs.

  Unexpectedly, Yang Chunling also turned off the TV directly.

   "Go to sleep, I can't stand it anymore. It's hard to listen to them..."

  The family of three collectively complained about this new version of "Dream of Red Mansions".

  At the end, Yang Chunling also said:

   "It's a good thing you didn't act. If you acted, you don't know how to be scolded!"

  Yang Mi simply thought it was her mother's complaint.

  But I didn’t know that my mother also learned to surf the Internet. This sentence is nothing to read the news on a smart phone. After noticing the cracked word-of-mouth of "Dream of Red Mansions", I reached a consensus with netizens.

   "The Ugliest Lin Daiyu in History"

   "The ugliest "Dream of Red Mansions" in history."

   It wasn't just Yang Mi who was complaining.

  Many people are complaining.

  This drama...

   It's really hard to watch.

   Seeing that her mother stopped watching, Yang Mi didn't leave, and turned on the TV with the remote control again, intending to skip the channel.

   Seeing this, Yang Chunling didn't care.

   Just went upstairs and went to the master bedroom.

  With the help of the corner of the corridor, I saw that my daughter had arranged the grandson and granddaughter properly, and retreated with confidence.

   Then about ten minutes later, Xu Xin called on time:

   "Is the child asleep?"

  The first sentence made the little young woman roll her eyes:

   "Why don't you ask me if I'm asleep?"

   "Nonsense, you have already answered the phone, and I asked what did you do when you were asleep?"

   "Well... that's right, ah ha ha..."

  Obviously, just now, he still behaved like Yang Zhuge, who was relentless in planning.

  But now in front of his lover, he is as stupid as a piggy.

  Perhaps, this is the origin of the saying that women have many faces.

"What are you doing?"

   "I'm reading the script. Xu Zhi sent over the script of "Thirty-Three Days of Broken Relationship". I'm watching it."

  In the study room, just as Xu Xin finished speaking, the door suddenly opened.

   Before he understood what was going on, Wang Sicong ran in and was about to close the door with his backhand.

   But Jay Chou chased after him, put his shoulder against the door panel, and shouted:

   "Shoot him! Shoot him!"

  ? ? ?

  Before he figured out what was going on, he saw the old wolf standing at the door with two colorful toy guns in his hands, like the second generation of the Terminator, smiling evilly at him, and raised the muzzle of the gun.


  The yellow stick-shaped object flew towards him.


  When he was hit by that thing, he looked at the one that fell on the script...about one finger long, and felt a small cylinder made of sponge, with a dazed expression on his face.

   What the **** is this?

  Wang Sicong was still shouting:

"No **** like that! It was agreed to be a **** gunfight, you two **** are fighting with your bare hands, right? You give me back the gun! It's fun to play real-life CS! And whoever brings the disarm with you You play!"

   "Hahahaha, you iron trash! Even a gun can be taken away, so what's the use of you!"

   "Excuse me, huh? Wait, I'll place an order right now, I'll get a **** Gatling! Kill you both!"


  The bullets began to fly randomly.

  Boom boom boom.

   Several more hit Xu Xin on the head.

   It wasn't until the two gun drums of unknown shape in Lang Lang's hands were emptied, and the whole study was in a mess... Xu Xin came back to his senses.

first reaction…

   "I am stupid! What is this thing? It looks so exciting!"

  Yang Mi, who had been paying attention to her husband's movements, simply rolled her eyes.


  You are so handsome.

   Then I heard another sentence:

"I'm reading the script now.... I read the Hammer script. There are two brand new ones downstairs! But Laolang didn't buy enough batteries, so go out and buy two Nanfu. Let me tell you, this soft bullet gun is extremely fun. !...Ah? I...I'm calling Yang Mi...Hello? Da Mi? The first gun king battle has begun. Men go to the battlefield and women hurry up to sleep. Old Xu, hurry up. It's so interesting....This... What's about I hang up first?"

   "Hang up, don't make the house too messy, and don't break things... By the way, whose house are you in?"


   "...Brother, be careful! Those two big bottles in the hall are Feng Shui bottles, antiques! Don't make trouble!"

   "What? Is that thing an antique?"

"you do not know?"


  Xu Xin looked at the people picking up the bullets, and said quickly:

   "Hey, did you hear that, Yang Mi said that the two vases next to the TV are antiques, let's pay attention for a while!...Okay, I hung up... what, I'm going to read the script."

  Yang Mi rolled her eyes directly:

   "Look at a baba's script! Hurry up and buy batteries!"


  Xu Xin smiled a little embarrassedly, and hung up the phone.

   Helped pick up a bunch of bullets and held them in his hand, he was full of curiosity:

   "Where is it? Where is the gun?"

   "Downstairs, let's go, let's go buy batteries first..."

   "Okay, okay... Hey, give me a look."

   Snatched a gun from the old wolf, he pressed the trigger, and looked at the idling drum with a look of excitement:

   "Fuck! Electric!"

   "It's so exciting! Fill it with 50 rounds, and it's fun to fight!"

   Lang Lang's eyes are shining, not to mention Jay Chou.

  He couldn't wait to disassemble the drum and fill it with bullets.

   "Who bought this thing?"


  Wang Sicong said:

   "I saw this video on Youtube a few days ago, so I made a few."

   While talking, the four of them went downstairs.

   Then Xu Xin was happy.

  Wang Sicong's assistants Guo Ping, Dani, Su Meng, and MIUMIU, the four of them are like a logistics force, loading bullets into several drums.

one two three…

  Counting the drums in the four guns, there are 16 drums in total.

  Beside the drum, there is a transparent plastic bag like a 50-jin rice bag, full of bullets.

   "Why did you buy so many drums?"

  Hearing Xu Xin's words, the eldest young master's answer showed his true nature:

"It's too troublesome to change bullets! Buy more, and the logistics team will be in charge of RELORD! We'll be in charge of fighting! Let's go... Let's go buy batteries first, and you two will arrange the layout. I announce that the first live-action CS competition in Qujiang Garden, we will end here Opening!"

  The three of them nodded like pounding garlic:


   No matter how tiring it is to clean up tomorrow.

   Have fun tonight!

  And what about Yang Mi who hung up the phone...

  But he just shook his head with emotion.


  It really is...

   Still young until death.

  (end of this chapter)