MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 503 501. You are as strong as you are

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  Chapter 503 501. You are as strong as you are

  To be honest, Liu Zhishi's tutor is really good in Li Minnian's opinion.

  Three Views aside, her personal cultivation and temperament, no matter how you look at it, looks like that kind...a lady from a famous family, which makes people feel refreshed.

   Li Minnian asked himself that if this had happened to him, he would have scolded him long ago.

  However, Liu Zhishi just said nothing, pursed her mouth, and clenched her fists. Except for a little shortness of breath, there was basically no anger or anger in other places.

   And he didn't continue to say more.

   just sat quietly on the side.

   This is Yang Mi's meaning.

  Originally, he meant that when encountering such a thing, he had to imply something, not to add fuel to the flames, but it is still right to add fuel to the flames.

  But yesterday I called Yang Mi, and after telling him what he wanted, I got Yang Mi's request of "don't do anything".

  He didn't understand at first.

   Seeing Liu Zhishi's "Buddhist" state at this moment, he understood.

   To speak and understand poetry...

   It has to be honey.

  Shishi, a person with strong self-perseverance and self-assertion, really doesn’t need to say too much at this time.

  Talking too much can be counterproductive.

   After all, although this girl is Buddhist, she is not stupid.

  From the beginning of the ballet resolutely changed careers, to agreeing to the company's hype as "Liu Yifei's cousin", and now to not acting plagiarized scripts and keeping clean...

  She is a person who understands her own situation very well.

  Self-knowledge made her understand.

  In what position, what kind of words to say, what kind of things to do.

   Which ones are allowed, which ones can be allowed temporarily, and which ones must be stopped after continuing to a certain stage.

  She has a very clear understanding of herself.

   There is nothing "confused" about it.

   There may even be some things that she is just rejecting instinctively, but from the perspective of others, what she does does not have the slightest trace of her "pure" nature.

  Thinking of this, Li Minnian couldn't help sighing with emotion.

   "No wonder I can play with Mimi..."

   These two people, in some essence, are actually people with similar interests.

  After thinking about this point, he closed his mouth even tighter.

   Can't say much.

  Easy to see.

  So, the conversation ended without a problem.

   "Shishi, let's go eat?"

   "Let the hotel send it over, Brother Li, I won't go out. I'm a little tired~"

  Hearing this, Li Minnian nodded, took a look at the hotel menu, and put it down again:

   "I'll go buy it, you can't eat many of these dishes."


   After watching Li Minnian leave, Liu Zhishi leaned on the sofa and let out a long sigh.


   His eyes once again turned into that almost empty state of mindlessness.

   After an unknown amount of time, her eyes revealed a hint of determination again.

   I just don't know where this trace of determination is facing.


   "Okay, Brother Li, I know about this. At this stage, you don't need to do anything, just let nature take its course."

   "Well, that's what I mean too. In fact, Shishi understands better than anything else in her heart."

   "It's right to understand. She is not stupid... Well, you have worked hard too. When they meet tomorrow morning, we will talk."

   "Mmmm, ok ok..."

   Taking the time to call Yang Mi, Li Minnian quickly came back with a bag of halal takeaway.

  After the two of them finished their meal carelessly, he took the initiative to leave.

  It's getting late, so what's the deal with staying in the little girl's room?

   Nothing to say all night.

  The next morning at less than 9:00, Liu Zhishi received a text message from Zhou Yu:

   "Sister Shishi, I'm Zhou Yu. I'm downstairs in the hotel, and I'm here to give you a copy of the qualification certificate for the Modu car license. When it's convenient for you, just come down and get it."

  When Liu Zhishi and Li Minnian, who were having breakfast together, saw this message together, Li Minnian asked subconsciously:

   "Is this... Director Xu's meaning?"


  Liu Zhishi shook her head slightly.

   "It's not like. If Xu Xin did such a thing, he would definitely tell me."


  Hearing this, Li Minnian didn't know what to say for a while.

   Soon, the two saw Zhou Yu on the first floor.

   Only this time the Rolls Royce behind him was replaced by an Alfa.

  After seeing Liu Zhishi, he greeted him politely:

   "Sister Shishi."

   "Hi Brother Yu."

   Zhou Yu is obviously older than her.

  But she yelled at each other, although she understood who the other party was targeting. But he also gave back.

   This is something that was agreed yesterday.

  Zhou Yu said with a smile:

"Didn't you want to buy an Alpha yesterday? Tell our Brother Long about the situation, and he specially found one. You can try it. If you can, he has a relationship with him and can help you as soon as possible. If you don't like it, You'll see when the time comes."

"…Thank you."

  Liu Zhishi nodded:

   "But I have to go to the company in the morning..."

   "I'll just send you off."

   "No, no, it's on the opposite side."

   "That's okay, the main thing is to see if you like this car... What time is your appointment?"

  Holding the certificate of qualification for the personally transferred license plate in her hand, Liu Zhishi looked at the time and asked Li Minnian:

   "10 o'clock, Brother Li, shall we go there?"


  Hearing her words, Zhou Yu opened the car door with a smile:

   "Then I'll take the two of you around, is that okay?"


  Liu Zhishi responded and got into the car directly.

  Alpha doesn’t care what it looks like on the Internet, at least the middle row seats of this car are really comfortable.

  After Liu Zhishi sat on it, he fell in love with it.

   Li Minnian and Zhou Yu were chatting there.

   In the beginning, I was talking about this car.

  From the engine to the interior, to the style and characteristics of the small days and so on.

   Zhou Yu also took the opportunity to say:

"Sister Shishi, don't look at the online price increase for this car, you have to is indeed necessary. But we, Brother Long, know the dealer here. If you want it, just tell me, and you can get it within a week at most car."

   "Well, okay, let's talk about it when I finish dealing with things in the morning."

  This is Liu Zhishi's reply.

   Then continue to chat, such as whether the license plate qualification of this car is now easy to get in Shanghai.

   Zhou Yu must have said it was easy to do, and even chose to avoid some topics that might touch the "price" aspect.

   Li Minnian mainly wanted to ask whose idea it was.

  Seeing how the other party avoids the topic, he stopped talking. Then continue sitting in the car chatting all over the world.

   But while chatting, he heard a sentence:

   "We are all in the engineering team under Mr. Xu, so we know more people in various aspects."

  Mr. Xu?

  Li Minnian subconsciously asked:

   "Is he Director Xu's father?"

   "Eh~ no no no no."

  Zhou Yu quickly shook his head:

   "That's the chairman, Director Xu's elder brother, Xu Miao. Uncle Xu is the chairman of Qiangqiang Real Estate. Brother Sanshui is the general manager of Mr. Xu. We all follow Brother Sanshui."


  Li Minnian was taken aback for a moment, and asked subconsciously:

   "What real estate?... Isn't Director Xu's family in the coal mining business?"

   "Strong Real Estate. Don't you know Broker Li?"

   As soon as Zhou Yu finished speaking, Liu Zhishi, who had been staring out the window in a daze, said:

   "Xu Xin's family is also in the real estate business. Brother Li, the Hanlin Yuefu two streets away from your house was developed by his family."


  Li Minnian was dumbfounded:

   "Just next to the big area near the subway entrance of the South Third Ring Road?"

  Does Li Minnian know? How could you not know.

  That community was the largest in his family's generation.

  The feature is big.

   It is said that it will be built in four phases, and there are close to 45 buildings in the first district alone.

   And the opening price is not expensive.

  The area that belongs to my home is the slowest growing neighborhood in this era of skyrocketing housing prices.

   And the supporting facilities also make many old residents like them jealous.

  Because they merged Xuanwu District into XC District, Yumin Primary School, one of the best elementary schools, did not know how to negotiate it.

   A branch school was built on the address of Hanlin Yuefu.

   And the almighty masses also dug out the foundation.

  It is different from other developers looking for school cooperation and listing XX Primary School, which is actually privately run. Yumin Primary School in Hanlin Yuefu is a branch school run by Yumin Primary School.

  In the first six years, only the children of the owners in Hanlin Yuefu were recruited.

  After the first batch of students enter junior high school, they will slowly open the openings for expanding enrollment around them, but the priority is still given to the students in the community.

   Just because of this name, and the extremely reasonable price in the whole area of ​​Li Minnian's house, not to mention attracting the residents in that area, even people from many other areas of Yanjing came here.

   Known as the "King of Cost-effectiveness" in Southwest Yanjing.

   It was sold out immediately after the market opened.

   It even drove up the housing price market in the entire area of ​​his house.

  Many long-sighted people have keenly noticed the critical moment of the "first six years".

   After seeing the planning of the entire Hanlin Yuefu, and finding that the total number of buildings in all its districts is 230, I feel that the potential of this project is really great.

   It almost drove the entire area, and one after another began to invest here.

  Li Minnian even tried to sell the house himself to buy it.

  However, the community has only been built for less than a year, and it may take 12 years for the primary school to start enrolling students.

  It was too late for his daughter.

   But no matter what, Hanlin Yuefu is well-known in his family and even in the entire just-needed real estate industry.

  From the day when the pre-sale of the project started, every time Li Minnian passed by the sales department over there, he never saw a time when he didn't line up.

   Make an appointment to watch the market, and line up to explain.

Reasonable price.

   This is simply the real estate dreamed by all those who struggle in Yanjing.

  So in its four districts, more than 200 buildings have long been targeted. There are even scalpers who speculate on their house purchase qualification reservation vouchers.

   It can be said that it is a real estate that cannot be more popular.

   It was actually developed by Daojia Xu! ?

  ? ? ? ?

  Li Minnian was stunned.

   And Liu Zhishi, who knew the situation of Yang Mi's family, nodded:



   Once again confirmed, Li Minnian was speechless.

   Just thinking about it in my head...

  Real estate.

  In the past two years, a company that can afford real estate...or a real estate company that can build such a good community, what kind of energy does that have?

   It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "unfathomable", right?

  Compared with the background of Tang Ren and Director Xu...


  The human mind is amazing.

  Before, he just felt that Yang Mi was not simple, and Director Xu was very powerful.

  But now that he knows that Director Xu still has such strong energy, when he thinks that he can directly communicate with Yang Mi in person...

  I feel a little proud and flattered.

   Even unconsciously thinking about it...

  I... also count as Datian, right?

   And when he thought that he could develop such a relationship with Shishi, in an instant... the anxiety in his heart, that he was afraid that he had made a wrong bet, was gone.

  Follow this kind of boss in the future...

  How could it be bad?


  His future is... bright!

  The premise is that Shishi must be well maintained...that will work!


   "Sister Shishi, please do your work first, and I'll just wait for you here."

   "Don't, don't, I don't know how long it will take..."

   "It's okay, you can go and do your work first. Brother Long also knows that you have a serious business here, and told me to receive you well, so don't be polite to me, or I won't be able to explain it when I go back..."

   "Then... trouble brother Yu."

   "No trouble, no trouble, you two are busy first, just call me anytime if you need anything."

  In the underground garage of the office building, in front of Tang Ren's reception parking space, Zhou Yu bid farewell to Liu Zhishi and Li Minnian, and turned back to sit in the car.

  As for the drivers in the underground garage, when they were walking to or leaving the company, their eyes fell on the Alfa for passenger use.

  Since it entered the mainland of China in 2008, the cheap business that Mingming sells on Little Days has become the new favorite in the mainland.

  The shape of this car is really good-looking.

  It's quite eye-catching.

   As a brokerage company, Tang Ren usually has a lot of visitors.

  Seeing this Alfa, some people can't help but speculate.

  Which big star is here today?

  As for why it is a big you have to ask?

  Ordinary artist running announcements are usually provided by the company. The company is equipped with cars, and GL8 is standard. No one would choose an Alfa that sells itself as the most expensive car in the world, but in the end, the price is increased so much that a car worth 700,000 to 800,000 yuan can cost over one million yuan to be picked up as a company car.

   And someone who can afford this kind of commercial vehicle worth over one million yuan must be an entertainer who is not short of money.

  If an artist wants to spend money...

   What is that if it’s not a star?


  Liu Zhishi and Li Minnian went upstairs together.

  After reaching the floor of Cai Yinong's office, Liu Zhishi suddenly stopped.

   "What's wrong, Shishi."

   Li Minnian, who had been keeping an eye on her, hurriedly asked.

  Liu Zhishi shook her head slightly:

   "Brother Li, why don't you...don't follow me in?"

  After a lot of thinking, she said this sentence.

  But Li Minnian firmly shook his head:

"What are you talking about, I'm your manager, how could I leave you alone?...It's okay, don't put so much pressure on you, just let Mr. Cai take the fire on me, you ...I understand what you mean, just don't say anything. If you are scolded, I will take it."


  Liu Zhishi’s eyes were full of emotion and guilt:

   "I'm sorry, Brother Li."

  Hearing this, Li Minnian had a firm smile on his face:

   "Don't say that, Shishi. I'm your manager~ If I don't protect you, who will protect you?"


  In addition to this sentence, Liu Zhishi couldn't find any other suitable words to describe his mood.

  Li Minnian shook his head:

   "It's all right! ...Let's go."


  After the communication was completed, Li Minnian took the lead and walked to Cai Yinong's office.

   "Boom boom boom."

  He knocked on the door.


  Cai Yinong's voice came from inside.

  Li Minnian glanced at Liu Zhishi, turned the doorknob, and walked in.

  The two came in one after the other, and he signaled Liu Zhishi to close the door.

  Because in this way, the girl can be behind him as it should be.

   After hearing the "click" of the door closing, he greeted respectfully:

   "Mr. Cai."

   "Hi Mr. Cai."

  Standing behind Li Minnian, Liu Zhishi also politely greeted Cai Yinong who was sitting behind the desk.


   Cai Yinong had no special expression on his face, and pointed to the sofa:


   Then seeing the two of them seated, she picked up the phone and dialed the secretary's number.

   Soon, Secretary Lin in business attire walked in.

  After seeing Liu Zhishi and Li Minnian, there was no sign of nodding:

   "Mr. Cai, you are looking for me."

   "Well, you should send this specific request for scouting to Lao Zhao. Especially for actresses, you must strictly check."


   After Secretary Lin took it respectfully, she heard Cai Yinong ask again:

   "By the way, make an appointment with Ji Rujing for me these two days."


   Secretary Lin responded and waited for a few more seconds to make sure that Cai Yinong had no other orders before turning around and leaving.

   It takes only a minute to come and go.

  But Cai Yinong's goal has been achieved.

  In fact, each leader has the means and style of each leader.

  Some people are like a spring breeze, while others are both kind and powerful.

  Cai Yinong’s royal style is somewhat…

how to say.

   Don't you mean that you didn't predict what you said?

   It should be able to sum it up like this.

  She likes to make her subordinates feel a sense of crisis, so the idea of ​​finding an actress to focus on in her hand was not handed over to the secretary until Liu Zhishi came.

  She wanted Liu Zhishi to develop a sense of competition.

   Let her understand that the company is not her word.

  She is definitely not irreplaceable.

  Whether it's the cultivation of newcomers, or reminding her that she will soon have a direct competitor Tang Yan joining, she puts it all on the bright side.

   Cai Yinong thinks that he is very clear about the thoughts of these artists.

  She was born in Xiangjiang Yuji, and she has seen too many intrigues by female artists in Xiangjiang in her early years in order to gain a position.

   She has seen more than anyone else how brutal a woman's war can be.

  Everyone is trying to gain popularity.

   Don't say anything like Shimizu Hibiscus...that's bullshit.

   If you don’t believe me, look at the status of those so-called “do not fight or grab” actresses, or study their history of fame in the early years, and you will find...

  Nine of the ten jade girls have been swept into the dustbin of history.



  No scrambling?

   Peerless and isolated?

  Then what showbiz are you here for?

  So, what she said today until the two of them arrived today is to tell Liu Zhishi:

   "If you're disobedient, I'll just give up on you."

   "Your future is ruined."


  Thinking of this, after the secretary closed the door, she immediately looked at Liu Zhishi.

   Trying to see the expression on her face.

   Then I saw Li Minnian's face...

  Liu Zhishi's body was perfectly hidden in the "angle" that she couldn't see.


   Cai Yinong was speechless.

  But she couldn't get Li Minnian to step aside, that would be too obvious and lack a tacit understanding.

  Especially under her gaze, Li Minnian was sitting on the sofa with half of his buttocks. Although he was sitting on the sofa, he was facing her.

   It belongs to the very respectful one in the sitting posture.

  But in this way, Liu Zhishi was blocked even more.

  She became more and more speechless.

  Because she really wanted to see the expression on Liu Zhishi's face after she suddenly learned the news.




  You don't want to block it, can it be done?

  So, she thought about it, and pointed to the tea table at her hand:

   "Old Li, pour two glasses of water."

   "Uh... No need, Mr. Cai, we are not thirsty."


   Cai Yinong thought to himself why are you being polite to me at this time!

   Then he stared:

   "If you let you fall down, you are not thirsty, Shishi is not thirsty?"

  After saying a word, she still felt in her heart that her easy-going kindness combined with grace and power was excellent.

  The meaning of caring in this sentence is obvious, right?

   While thinking about it, Li Minnian finally got up and walked towards this side.

   And Cai Yinong's eyes finally fell on Liu Zhishi's face.


  When she saw the other person's expression, she was stunned.

   There is no such worry as she imagined, "Mr. Cai will find someone to replace me?" or "If someone else comes in, won't I have no resources?"

   There is no regret such as "I really shouldn't talk back to President Cai at the beginning", "How should I apologize to President Cai".


  Liu Zhishi, who doesn't wear glasses, perfectly fits the nickname "Blind Sister".

  The eyes are calm, indifferent, and the temperament is indifferent.

   It's like a flower that doesn't compete with the world, just blooming in her office full of intrigue.

  Slight floral fragrance.

   Indifferent and distant.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion