MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 514 512. Untitled Part II

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  Chapter 514 Chapter 512. Untitled Part II

"Jingle Bell."

   Seeing Liang Bingning call back, Xu Xin connected immediately.

   But he didn't ask "who did you call just now" nonsense.

   After connecting, he just smiled and said:

   "Sister Bingbing, haven't you rested yet?"

   "No, you called me?... Just send a message directly. I was chatting with someone from the company just now. I saw your message and I must have replied to you."

   Find a tentatively qualified excuse.

   After finishing speaking, she also chose to reveal the past:

   "What do you want me to do?... Are you in a hurry?"

   "Well, I'm not in a hurry, but I just encountered a situation and I can't figure it out. Sister Bingbing is well-informed, why don't I hurry up and ask for advice."

   "Look at you~"

  Liang Bingning seemed a little unhappy:

   "Are you going to put me on the back of your words? You are still so polite... Tell me, what is it, I will definitely answer you if I know it. I don't know, I will ask someone to ask you clearly, and I will answer you, okay?"

   "Haha, thank you so much."

  Xu Xin chose the most relaxed tone to express his doubts.

"For example, Sister Bingbing, I mean for example. For example, I am filming a movie now, and then my investor asked me to add some placement advertisements in the movie. The advertising contract is five million for me, but It's actually talking about seven million... I don't understand why it happened like this."

  As soon as he finished saying "for example", Liang Bingning frowned.


   "Your investor? The contract I got you, told you it was five million?"


   "Then how are you and his remuneration settled? Share? Fixed? Fixed plus share?"


  Xu Xin recalled Zhang Mo's words.

  The old man has no stake in the new picture.

  Movies are paid to the old man according to the box office share...

   "Divided into."


  After receiving Xu Xin's answer, Liang Bingning immediately understood what Xu Xin was talking about.


   Crimson retreated, replaced by a thoughtful look.

   After about two or three seconds, she said directly:

   "Do you know what it means to change the nature of personal income?"

   "Tell me in detail."

"Well, let me tell you this, some things are actually manageable, for example, the same is 1 million, 900,000 calls to foreign companies, and then the contract is signed with 100,000, which should be discussed in advance... Do you understand what I mean? ?”


"Actually, this is a kind of false declaration. Just set up a small company with yourself. You don't need to hire an accountant. You just need to find an accounting company that will give you a handling fee of one or two hundred a month. They will help you declare it every month. One reason. There are some things... I can’t say clearly, but this kind of situation is common. And I can’t say too much in detail, because I don’t know these processes very well, but I know how some things are operated.”


  Xu Xin actually wants to ask "how do you know so clearly" right now.

   But if he really asked, he would be hypocritical.

   It belongs to picking up the bowl to eat, putting down the chopsticks and cursing.

   Very unnatural.

  But...although he got an explanation, his doubts about Liang Bingning started to increase instead.


  You old man, please don’t…

   And Liang Bingning seemed to guess what was going on in his heart. After explaining to Xu Xin, she added another sentence:

"Early can't talk about the early years, you know, I debuted relatively early, so I experienced a lot of things. The situation you mentioned belongs to the time when... when we first entered the era of the global village, cross-border trade It's just a way derived when a few people can play well.

  It has existed for a long time, cross-border trade, international tax havens... just those offshore companies we saw in movies.

  Some people eat this way specially.

  You mainly don’t have much contact with people in your circle. If you have more contact, you will find that…this kind of situation can be described as “common occurrence”, which is not an exaggeration at all. after all…"

  She heard the sound of Xu Xin's cigarette being lit.

  The voice paused logically.

   "Why do so many people want to be a star? Want to be famous? It's because as long as people in our circle are popular, it's so easy to get money. If you dare to reach out, you can make money in many ways.

  Think about it, before you became a star, how many people had the same family background as you? How many people are just ordinary people.

  When I had dinner with the bosses of several companies, one of them described this mentality very correctly.

  He said: When we were ordinary people, we suddenly made our first million in life. The feeling of getting rich overnight made me love the whole world. But when I earn a lot of one million, I will cherish every penny I earn more and more. That's how the so-called richer people get stingier.

   Do you know what I mean? "


  Xu Xin responded.

   With a cigarette in his mouth, his eyes are also thinking.

   "Then what Sister Bingbing means is that the two million yuan has actually been concealed from... by my investors in some way?"


   "That's weird. If you want to hide it, why don't you hide it more? There is not much difference between five million and seven million taxes, right?"

   "Xu Xin."

  Hearing this, Liang Bingning suddenly said:

   "Now look straight ahead with both eyes, don't blink."


"What do you see?"

   "TV, recording and broadcasting of Premier League games."

   "It turned out to be a recording???"

   Liang Bingning was taken aback.

  Xu Xin was also confused:


"…it's okay no problem."

  Liang Bingning was a little speechless, and said quickly:

   "Then you close your left eye first."

  Thus, Xu Xin became a one-eyed pirate.

   "Now what do you see?"

   "It's still a football game... oh~~~~~"

  In an instant, a sense of enlightenment came to my mind.


  He couldn't laugh or cry.

   Xin said that this example is vivid enough.

   Look with two eyes, it's a football game. But with one eye, it's also a football game...on the surface it's all a football game...

  Is it really the same?

no the same.

  Liang Bingning responded:

   "That's right, this ad placement is not the only one looking for you, right? You can divide it according to brand awareness. You will find that the more famous the company, the more money it has.

   Know why?

  Because this is a two-way accountability system.

   It's just that the responsibility of the advertiser is very small. They pay the money according to the payment method issued by the other party.

  The two million yuan can be broken down into many small pieces, such as certain equipment and equipment used in movies. By doing it this way, they are also turning a blind eye.

   But if the amount is particularly large, outrageously large, their closed eyes must be opened, and the nature has changed from this to helping the evildoers. Therefore, large companies generally do not open their mouths particularly large. "

  After she explained, Xu Xin immediately drew inferences:

   "So according to this meaning, the profits are all on the small advertisements?"

  "Not all of them... It's actually a matter of trade-offs. There are some, such as... Do you also have to consider where the money in your investors' hands comes from?

  If someone else gave it to him, is there a situation where he buys low and returns high when he invests in your movie?

   And what is his purpose for doing this?

  Why do so many large-scale funds flow into our circle every year? What is the purpose of investing in those films that are produced but cannot be released? "

   After asking a series of questions, her tone paused.

   becomes soothing:

   "Xu Xin, there are some things you can't think about carefully. You are a director, and you made your debut in China. But I have been in the Hong Kong circle, and I have seen many things. Think about it, how has the Hong Kong film market shrunk?

  Last year they produced a total of 49 films locally.

   This is the first time that the production of Xiangjiang films has fallen below the figure of 50, and the total box office is only a pitiful less than 240 million. But their output value is close to 4.5 billion Hong Kong dollars. On average, every movie is a big production... So many investors who have lost their money can't even see a splash? Do you think this is normal? Note 1)


   With the support of Liang Bingning's own experience and data, Xu Xin knew that what the other party said was true.

   Under the premise of this truth, he thought for a while and said:

   "Okay, then I probably understand this matter... There is nothing else, please trouble Sister Bingbing."

  Suddenly, Liang Bingning asked:

   "...can you tell me, what are you going to do?"

  Suddenly there was no sound from Xu Xin.

   After about five or six seconds, his voice full of laughter sounded:

   "Would you believe me if I said that I suddenly wanted to end an era with my own hands?"

  This laughter is full of jokes.

   It's like joking with a friend and saying "Hey, you know, I'm actually the richest man in the world".

  Playful, nonsense.

   It's too much nonsense.

  But Liang Bingning didn't mean to be joking at all.

   Just unconsciously clenched the phone tightly.

   His expression was full of tension.

   It's not fear, it's not fear, it's real, instinctive nervousness.

  She opened her mouth, as if to say something.

   But vaguely feel a little ridiculous.

   It should be... not unexpected, right?

   It should be... a joke, right?

should be!

   Definitely yes.

  He's... smart.

  How could they not know that no matter who does this kind of thing, they will end up in such a difficult situation?

  Thinking of this, her expression became more and more nervous, but the moment she was about to this paused silence, it turned into a joking after a gasp:

   "Don't make trouble, how old are you?"

  Her tone was almost pampering.

  It seems that he really wants to coax Xu Xin to be happy and make him forget these things:

   "You're drunk, what nonsense are you talking about. There's no end to it, so let's live in a down-to-earth way. Let's abide by the laws and regulations. Although we don't say it's high-minded, at least we live in peace."

  She didn't dare to speak too seriously.

  I'm afraid that the person on the other side of the phone has a body of more than 100 pounds with a rebellious bone of 200 pounds.

  But I was afraid that he was ignorant and fearless, and felt that I could become that hero.


Give me a break.

   Only those who are dead are called heroes!

  A living person, apart from being abandoned, has no other end.

Do not believe?

   If you don’t believe me, pull it down.

   If it was someone else, she would be happy to see this happen.

  Because she is no longer the lost lamb who is obsessed with money.

   The world needs more heroes.

   This hero can be anyone.

  But it can't be Xu Xin!

   She thought firmly!

  But facing her "reminder", what about Xu Xin's response?

  He just chuckled:

   "Haha... Well, it's getting late, Sister Bingbing, I'm drunk today and I'm very dizzy, so I won't talk to you for now. Good night~"


  I was in a state of fear, but I got such a "perfunctory" answer from the other party.

   For a moment, Liang Bingning suddenly felt a kind of anger.



  The phone was hung up in a rude way of "very uncomfortable".


  She subconsciously wants to dial back.

  But the moment the finger hit the dial button, it stopped again.


  What am I?

  I...why should I persuade others?

  There is no reason.


  She was flustered.

just in case…

  He will really do it.

  Then... am I not also one of the "triggers"?

  Thinking of this, her panic turned into a real panic.

   No way... No, no, no, you... Xu Xin... Don't make trouble!

  She hurriedly called Xu Daqiang.

  The call was connected quickly, and the other party's smiling voice came from the Bluetooth headset:

   "Hey, are you done?"

   "President Xu...I...not...I...I'm sorry...Oh! Listen to me!"

   "Hmm, why are you panicking? Don't panic, just say it."

  Xu Daqiang's voice was unusually calm.

   Then Liang Bingning hurriedly recounted the content of the conversation between the two of them in a way that could almost be said to be out of words, and asked in a panic:

   "San Jin was joking, right? I really didn't ask him to be the first bird. This thing...whoever touches it will be finished. He...was talking drunk when he was drunk? What ended an era or something...I..."


  The other end of the phone was also silent.

   "President Xu...what should I do?"

   "...Mr. Xu?"

   "Hello? No signal? Can't you hear me?"


  She fed several times in a row, and then there was a voice:

   "Oh, I can hear it, I can hear it, wow."

   "Then you don't answer... what should I do now? I'm so afraid that he will be impulsive!"

   "...what's the matter."

   On the other side of the phone, at some point, he walked from the sofa watching TV to Tang Chenyipin's balcony with a river view.

  The middle-aged man looked at the prosperity of the ten-mile foreign market under his feet. Although his eyes were dignified, it was more of a kind of... inexplicable relief and determination:

   "Bing Bing."

  He said:

   "Hey baby, if you really do it, what can you do?"


   Liang Bingning was taken aback.

   What else?

  Death has no place to die.

  My good brother!

   And Xu Daqiang didn't intend to ask her to answer, but his eyes became more determined:

   "Even if Sanjin is really going to do it, it's the right thing to do, right! What can they do?"


  In Liang Bingning's silence, Xu Daqiang suddenly laughed.

   That resolute divine light turned into unparalleled relief.

   "Hey baby, do the right thing. Then do it. What do you say about being a hero? Don't think about it. If he wants to do these things, let him do it. What can you do?"

  He seemed to be asking Liang Bingning.

   can be more like talking to yourself:

   "He didn't break the law, he walked upright, and sat upright. It's time to see, who dares to move, Diwa! Let him try to move! What? Let's see, what can they do!"




  When Liang Bingning heard this, she felt extremely absurd.

   It can be said that there are two points.

  After feeling the resolute taste in this sentence, she suddenly shivered again.

  Goosebumps all came out.

  Because she felt an unparalleled sense of security.

  The sense of security derived from the identity of the father.

(Note 1: In 2009, the annual output of Xiangjiang films was 49, and the total output value was 4.5 billion. The former is true, and the latter is fabricated by me to strengthen conflicts. In reality, it should not be so exaggerated. Probably... But the data cited It is "Document House Essay - Xiangjiang Film Market", a total of 8 pages, download fee.)

   This chapter has been revised, and the previous remarks have also been deleted. Sorry to readers who just saw this.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion