MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 530 528. I like you

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   Chapter 530 528. I like you

  Leave as soon as you say, and do as you say.

   "Mengmeng, book a ticket to Yiwu, let's go to Hengdian."


  When Su Meng heard Brother Xu's words, she was stunned.

   subconsciously asked:


   "Well, now, your sister misses me."

   One sentence named the reason, Su Meng's first reaction after thinking about it:

   "Oh my god, it's so romantic!"

  The second reaction is to nod quickly:


   Then, after she dialed the reservation line, she subconsciously asked:

   "Then...Brother Xu, what will happen here tomorrow?"

   "Put it to the day after tomorrow, let's stay in Hengdian for one night today, and go to Shanghai tomorrow."

   "Uh, okay."

  She watched Brother Xu put a thick stack of documents into the briefcase, knowing that Brother Xu was "in a hurry" now, so she went directly to prepare the car without delay.

  So, less than 7 o'clock, the commercial vehicle left the Xiying Studio and went straight to Xi'an Airport.

   Arrived at the airport at less than 8 o'clock in the evening rush hour, hurriedly passed the security check, and at 9:10, they got on the plane to Yiwu.

   Then, at 11:40, without Yang Mi's knowledge, the two arrived in Yiwu.

  After getting off the plane, I got into the Daben photographed by the car rental company and went straight to Hengdian.

  Yiwu is not far from Hengdian.

   Less than 50 kilometers.

   Along the way, Xu Xin was chatting with Yang Mi.

   This sister just arrived today. After getting settled, she went to meet Shang Jing and chatted about the character.

  It was past 10:30 after I finished my work.

Although I wondered why my brother would chat with me one by one when it was almost 12 o'clock, but Yang Mi just changed the environment tonight. After coaxing the child to sleep, she also needs to adapt, so the two of them just continued chatting like this staring at the sky.

  It was past 12 o'clock, and Yang Mi realized that it was indeed a little late, so she had to go to bed quickly, so she decided to take a bath.

   I said good night to my brother and ended today's sweet exchange.

   While she was taking a shower, Xu Xin, who had been struggling for hours, finally entered Hengdian.

  Su Meng has already contacted Sun Ting and got the address where the crew is staying.

  The driver walked all the way to the newly opened hotel in the conference center.

  12:20, arrived at the conference center, and saw Sun Ting waiting at the entrance of the hotel.

   "Is your sister asleep?"

  Xu Xin's first sentence when he got off the car.

  Sun Ting shook her head slightly and held out her cell phone.

   Above is a message. Sun Ting asked Yang Mi about tomorrow's schedule. Yang Mi replied two minutes ago:

"let's talk tomorrow."

   Seeing this, Xu Xin nodded:


  He was alone, carrying a briefcase, and went upstairs directly accompanied by Sun Ting.

  Su Meng has to hand over the car rental procedures.

  In the elevator, Sun Ting asked curiously:

   "Brother Xu, why did you come here so suddenly?"

   "Your sister said she misses me."

  Xu Xin shrugged and smiled under Sun Ting's strange eyes:

   "I hope she's not sleeping right now, and then I take her out and we go out for supper. I just ate a piece of bread on the plane...I'm so hungry now that my chest sticks to my back."


   Apart from laughing, Sun Ting didn't know what to say.

  These two people...

  It's so sweet.

   But the cost of this sweetness is really high enough.

  Ordinary people really can’t come.

   Soon, reach the floor.

  Under Xu Xin's instruction, Sun Ting dialed Yang Mi's number.

   "...Hello? Tingting?"

  Yang Mi's voice reveals doubts.

   Still a little low.

   He should have fallen asleep.

   "Hey, sister... you open the door, I have something to tell you."

  Standing at the door, Sun Ting suppressed her smile and continued to fool her there.

   "...can't say tomorrow?"

   "Very important."

"All right."

  The phone hung up, and Xu Xin hid directly to the side to prevent her from seeing him suddenly.

  Soon there was the sound of footsteps, and after stopping at the door for a while, there was a sound of "cracking" chains, and Yang Mi opened the door with a blank expression:

   "What's the matter? It's late at night."

   Then I saw Tingting take a step back.

   After making room, a man rushed towards her.


  Yang Mi instinctively felt that something was wrong. The moment the opponent rushed over, she had to use a defensive action of kicking her legs and holding her head.

  As long as the opponent came close, she kicked her legs first, and at the same time protected her head area to prevent her will from being confused after being hit. The knuckle of the **** of her right fist has already protruded.


  Xu Xin intended to scare her, but didn't intend to really attack her.

   But after seeing her skillful starting gesture, her body froze all of a sudden.

  Yang Mi's reaction was faster than him.

  Looking at this person, she looked a little familiar, but she hadn't figured it out yet, and the leg she was about to kick also stayed in mid-air.


   What a golden rooster independently holding its head with both hands.




  Not to mention the couple, Sun Ting was a little dumbfounded.


   After recognizing this face, Yang Mi was annoyed:

"are you crazy!"

  No surprises, no comfort or touch.

   She is really annoyed!

   "What if I hurt you! What if my leg really kicked up!? Are you sick!"

   As she spoke, she carefully recalled the tactile sensation of the soles of her feet in her mind. probably didn't kick out.

   Fortunately, fortunately.


  Xu Xin was a little embarrassed. After hearing this, he thought for a while, and suddenly opened his arms:



   Eyes full of anger and fear, after this sound, turned into a colorful expression of grievance.

  Suddenly, Yang Mi's mentality collapsed.

  How could it be impossible to think why my brother is here?

  But just because she thought about it, she felt aggrieved again.

  It's all... old couples, why are you still doing this?


   And when she smelled the sweat on her lover's body, she was silent for two seconds, then suddenly broke free from her embrace and pulled Xu Xin:

   "Elbow, follow me into the house."

   "Can I have a meal first?"

  Although she knew what she was going to do, Xu Xin still said:

   "I walked in a hurry, I didn't eat a bite of food."

   "...Tingting, you come in too."

  Hearing this, Sun Ting looked a little strange.

  People who don’t know think I’m going to be a bed warmer.

  She quickly followed in.

   After entering the master bedroom, Xu Xin saw two sleeping little guys on the big bed.

   "Go and change your clothes, I'll take a look at the two of them."


  Yang Mi nodded, and went straight to the closet, picked out a set of loose sportswear to put on, and went out.

   Soon, the dazed Yang Dalin walked in with her.

  After seeing Xu Xin, he showed an expression of surprise but not surprise, and nodded:

   "Eat less, it's already this time, if you eat too much, you won't be able to digest it."

   "Well, I see, Uncle..."

   "Both of you, bring the baby over here."


   After being busy for a while, the children were settled, and the three of them walked out of the room.

  Go downstairs and meet with Su Meng, then go straight to the northeast barbecue.

  In the car, Xu Xin yawned.

  Yang Mi, who held her brother's hand from beginning to end, asked:

   "How many days?"

   "Tonight is just for one night. Tomorrow I have to go to Shanghai. Ask Uncle Liu to do things about Director Zhang."

  Hearing this, Yang Mi suddenly let go of his hand again:

   "Didn't you come to find me on purpose?"

   "Are you stupid?"

  Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry:

   "If I didn't come to you on purpose, why did I bother until's already 1 o'clock!"

   "Then you can't stay for two more days?"


   Holding her hand again, Xu Xin, whose stomach was growling, leaned on the chair and said:

   "I'll finish my movie business as soon as possible, and then I'll come back to accompany you."


  Yang Mi didn't say a word anymore, after a soft snort, she leaned back on the seat and yawned big.

   I haven't stayed up late for a long time.

   Not to mention...

   Very fresh.

   And turning all the way to the northeast barbecue road, the two of them stretched their heads and looked over there.

   "It seems to be still open, and the door plate is lit."


   Soon, after the commercial vehicle stopped at the door, Xu Xin looked at the clean-up inside...

"get off work?"

   "Someone is fine, can't you cook instant noodles?"

  Yang Mi said while holding his hand:

   "Let's go, hurry up, I'm a little hungry too."

  Opened the door, she yelled directly:

   "Brother Li, we are here!"

  In the front hall where only the waiters were left, the two cleaning waiters looked at Yang Mi's face blankly.

  Yang...Yang...Yang...Yang Mi! ?

   It was covered, and the curtain leading to the back kitchen was lifted, revealing a face that looked purple from the smoke.

  Brother Li, who pushed a tricycle and sold barbecue back then, and now has a big gold chain around his neck, was stunned... with a joyful look on his face:

   "Oops! Oops oops oops!! Hahahaha!"

  Brother Li looks like he is also cleaning, with plastic gloves on his hands.

   When he walked over quickly, he took off his gloves and said:

   "I still said today! Will you come over! I didn't expect Director Xu to come, I wondered why you had to come to me!...Oh!!"

   Throwing the gloves aside, with the enthusiasm of the Northeast people, he gave the couple a big hug.

   The two waiters who were watching were a little...surprised.

  Although I usually hear from the boss himself or his wife, as long as Director Xu Xin and Yang Mi come to Hengdian, they will definitely come here for dinner...

  The photos on the wall are also evidence.

  But these two children couldn't figure out how to socialize with Yang Mi and Xu Xin.

   But now this attitude...

  Good guy, the boss really didn't lie!

   Did he really know Jay Chou?

   I don’t know if I can ask for an autograph...

   "Brother Li knows we are coming?"

"I know, several customers who often come to the store have said that the crew of "Wulin Biography" has come over these two days. I think you should be coming soon... Hurry up, sit down, I know you two may come over , I have left some chicken racks for you every day for the past two days...Xiao Lin, hurry up, re-burn the carbon. Wait, I will get you two wine..."

   There is no need for couples to order.

  After seeing four people, he took out a brand new box of Zhonghua Cigarettes from behind the counter and slapped it on the table.

   "Wait, I'll get it for you! Hurry up, Zhang~ Hurry up and get the tea, I'll drink that myself. Make the pot!"

  Xu Xin didn't stop him, and sat in the hall smilingly opening the package of the cigarette, took out a cigarette from it and lit it, and asked Yang Mi:

   "Let's have a drink?"

   "You two drink, I won't drink. I didn't let the two children eat tonight. They will be hungry in the middle of the night and have to eat milk."

   "Then I won't drink anymore."

   As he spoke, he saw Yang Mi handing the phone to Sun Ting:

   "Go and take a picture of the door."


  Sun Ting nodded and walked out quickly.

   walked back quickly.

   Then Yang Mi yelled:

   "Brother Li, it's better to look good! I'll send you Weibo to promote it!"

   A voice came from the back kitchen:


   Soon, a plate of peanuts and a plate of shredded cucumber and tiger dish were served.

   "What kind of wine do you drink?"

   "I won't drink tonight, I have to do something tomorrow."

   "Is it okay to come to Erliang?"

   "I don't drink anymore."

  Xu Xin waved his hand:

   "I'm in a hurry to get off the plane, and I just want to have a meal."

  Hearing this, Brother Li nodded:

   "That's fine, I'll bake something for you first, and I'll make it for you if you see what you want to eat later."

   "Just grill instant noodles."

   "It's done."

   Not long after, a large bunch of mutton skewers were brought up first.

   "Come, come, let's eat first. The chicken rack, silkworm chrysalis, and kidneys are all roasting in the back."

  The aroma of barbecue can most arouse people's appetite late at night. Xu Xin, who hadn't eaten, nodded with a smile, and was about to pick it up when she was stopped by Yang Mi.

   "Wait for me to take a picture."

  She plans to help Brother Li promote it.

  Don't care about other people's business, as long as she helps promote it, it will definitely be better.

   After she finished filming, Xu Xin hurriedly picked up a bunch of meat.

   One bite of meat, one bite of cold dish, with tea.

  After tasting the taste of mutton skewers, he gave a satisfied sound of approval:

   "Well, the taste hasn't changed at all."

   "It hasn't changed for the better, which means that the meat has not changed, and the ingredients have not been saved. Brother Li's business is getting more and more prosperous~"

  Picking the cumin on her lips with her tongue, Yang Mi said with a smile.



  A Honda car key appeared on the table.

   "Yeah, did you buy a car?"

  Yang Mi asked in surprise.

  Brother Li smiled and nodded with a cigarette in his mouth:

   "Bought at the end of last year. Accord~"

   This is not showing off.

   Nothing to show off.

  He was simply telling his friends how he was doing.

"In the past two years, there have been a lot of production crews in Hengdian, and the money is easy to earn. Last year alone, we settled the accounts at the end of the year and got about 30. I haven't returned to the Northeast for several years. Originally, the money was said to be repaying the mortgage. Yes... But I gritted my teeth and picked up a car. I regretted it after I bought it... It's better to rent a car and go back."

   "Take your time, it's a matter of time."

  Yang Mi smiled and comforted her, and at the same time edited Weibo.

  “[Late night poisoning], come to Hengdian, it’s still Northeast barbecue, the taste is still so good! Hehe, I’m greedy for you~”

  She didn't deliberately put the address on the bonus.

  Because there is a contact number on the plaque.

  If the address is added, it may not be a good thing for Li Ge.

   And she didn't tell Brother Li.

  It's just a matter of raising your hands.

   "Didn't you consider opening a branch?"

  Xu Xin didn't know that his wife had posted Weibo, so he continued to chat with Brother Li.

   "I thought about it...but then I thought about it. I opened a branch and became the boss. I'm afraid that you old customers will find the taste is wrong when you come back...the money is endless."

  When he said this, the eyes of the middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth revealed a sincerity that sees through the glitz.

   Breathed out a mouthful of smoke, and pointed to the side:

"No, these two children are the seventh and eighth children I brought. They are all here to learn. After learning, it doesn't matter whether they stay in the store or open a store by themselves. It doesn't matter. Our store The old customers are all familiar with the taste, so it is also "Northeast BBQ", in all aspects of taste, you can't embarrass the Northeast, don't you think?"

   "That's good."

  Xu Xin nodded, put down the sign, and took out the phone.

  The focus of this passage is "old customers" and "unchanged taste".

  Although the wording still needs to be pondered, the central idea is there.

  Suitable for "Bite of Tongue".

  At this time, Brother Li's cell phone rang.


   He was a little puzzled and glanced at the phone.

   "Chengdu's number... Hello, how are you? Who is it?"

   After speaking, he listened to the movement on the other side, and was taken aback...

   "Uh... yes, Yang Mi... just left, just left after eating at my place."

  Yang Mi was taken aback for a moment, as if thinking of something, she smiled with narrowed eyes.

   "...Eh, okay, then next time I come, I will tell her for you...Well, okay, thank you for your support...No problem, you are welcome."

   "Um, bye."

  After hanging up the phone, Brother Li looked blank:

   "Call me and ask me if Yang Mi is eating here. She said she likes you very much, and next time she comes to Hengdian, she will definitely eat at my place... What's going on?"

   "Hey hey~"

  Yang Mi smiled even more happily, and after doing some operations on the phone, she handed the phone to him:

   "I posted a microblog for you to promote it. But I didn't get the address, it was too deliberate. Brother Li, you probably have a lot of phone calls these days."

   "Ah this..."

  Looking at this Weibo posted half an hour ago, with more than 2,000 comments at two or three o'clock in the morning, the middle-aged man showed an embarrassed smile:

   "What did I say, they are all your fans."

   "It can't be his anyway."

  Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

   "You only have a lot of fans, okay?"



   After a meal, it's almost 3 o'clock.

  Farewell to the reluctant brother Li, the business car went back to the conference center.

  In the car, Yang Mi rubbed her stomach full of wine and food, thought about it, and said:

   "Let's wait a while and it's almost here. Let's take a walk and go back? Digest. After eating so much, it's not easy to digest when we go back."


  Xu Xin nodded in agreement.

  So, when the business car was about one kilometer away from the conference center, the car stopped.

   The couple got out of the car, and Sun Ting and Su Meng drove back.

  In the car, Su Meng looked back at the couple holding hands and pressing down the road in the middle of the night, and couldn't help asking Sun Ting:

   "Sister Tingting, are we going back like this?"

   "Otherwise? Huh~~~hmm."

  Sun Ting yawned.

   "In case Brother Xu and Sister Mi are in danger..."

   "Sister Mi is the greatest danger."

  She rolled her eyes:

   "One of them can hit you ten."

"…All right."

  Su Meng nodded subconsciously.

   This is indeed true.

on the road.

  Xu Xin lit a cigarette and walked forward unhurriedly.

  While Yang Mi was walking, she was doing movements like raising her legs high.

   When she walked a few steps in front of her husband, she stopped.

  Turn head:

   "Boy, have you ever seen Hengdian at 4 o'clock in the morning?"

   "I don't think I have, honor Bryant Young."

   "Oh yeah? Then you are so lazy. Dear Xu~ I should kick your **** hard!"

   "You can't do this to me, sir."

   "I'll do to you what I want to do with you, run! You stupid groundhog!"


   "Hee hee hee~"

  Bouncing around, like the most beautiful elf in the night wind, she took Xu Xin's hand again:

"I'm so happy!... I wanted to share my feelings with you when I saw that the China World Trade Center had changed so much. But I really didn't want you to come here~ Oh, you are really... old couple , why are you playing so romantically?... Hehehe~"

  She said and smiled, looking very happy.

   "When tomorrow is warm and sunny, I must be very happy to see you! Hehehe~"

  Xu Xin was also laughing.

  Because he feels the same as his wife at this moment.

   "It's like... back to when we first met in Hengdian, do you feel it? At that time, we also... like to press the road like this."

   "No, what we both liked most at that time was hiding in the room and kissing."


   "You stuck out your tongue first."


   "You can't find the switch yet..."


  Xu Xin was speechless:

   "I asked you to block me in the middle of the night?"

   "Hee hee hee~ Then do you want to have a boo?"

  Looking at the eager red lips, Xu Xin resisted:

   "Farewell, I'm afraid I will have nightmares at night."

   "No, no, no~"

   "Master, please respect yourself!"

   "Come on come on!"

   "I'm going to call you when you're like this~"

   "Scream, no one will come to save you even if your throat is broken~ handsome boy~ come here, let auntie taste what's in your mouth..."

   "Bah, the more you play, the more you will be buried!"

   "Hee hee hee~"

   After arguing for a while, the two returned to the appearance of walking hand in hand under the streetlights.

  Because of the angle, the shadows of the two follow the rhythm from back to front, first long, then short and then long.

  The playful Yang Mi stepped on two lampposts in a row, chasing after Xu Xin's shadow, and Xu Xin was unhappy.

  The two began to step on each other.

   "Oh, don't step on me, I shouldn't grow taller!"

   "Hahaha, you stepped on the manhole cover! Hurry up, bah, bah, bah..."

   "One, two, three... yah!"

  Yang Mi, who couldn't afford to play, jumped directly onto Xu Xin's back.

  Hooking her hand around her husband's neck, the two of them seemed to be no longer husbands, fathers, wives, or mothers.

   Instead, he returned to the most innocent look when he first started dating.

  The girl put her chin on the boy's shoulder and asked:

   "Xu Xin."


   "Am I sinking?"


"Do you like me?"

"Like it."

   "Hee hee~"

  The girl who heard this answer unconsciously showed her small white teeth.

   "Xu Xin!"


   "I like you too! Hehe~"

   With the street lights on, the girl made a promise to eachother.

   "I like you! I will never change for the rest of my life!"

  Under the street lamps, the light and shadow flickered.

  The two shadows merge into one, no longer separate from each other.

   It was supposed to be three shifts today, but my fingers couldn’t bear the pressure. I take it easy~



  (end of this chapter)

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