MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 539 537. Pour tea

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  Chapter 539 537. Pour tea

  Yang Mi's own scenes were relatively concentrated, and it can be said that the crew was wandering around her for more than half a month.

  The coffee has a big reputation, a high reputation, and the family still nurses children.

   This care is not excessive.

   Not to mention investors.

   After the filming was over, the crew was still rushing to film other scenes, so the wrap-up banquet was naturally impossible.

  So, after the scene ended, she and her husband got together, and met with the crew.

  Xu Xin had met them before when they were filming the drama version of "Wulin Biography".

   But at that time, he was just an unknown young man, and he was also a casual acquaintance with everyone. Although the current status is not what it used to be, the relationship with these people is still the same as before.

   Not born, but not familiar.

  After exchanging pleasantries for a while, it was agreed that everyone would not be drunk and would not return during the promotional period of the movie. The couple got into the car and planned to leave after the setting sun.

  As soon as she got into the car, Yang Mi said:

   "Tingting, make an appointment with a hair stylist for me. Make an appointment... the day after tomorrow."

   After finishing speaking, she turned to look at Xu Xin:

   "Leave tomorrow?"


   "When does your movie open?"

"It's going to be when it's cold. Didn't Huang Xiaoxian in the book still wear the scarf Lu Ran gave her when she went out, and then she cried like crazy. So the two should break up when it's cold~ During this time, the actors and actresses are dealt with. "

   "Um... hoo."

  Suddenly, she let out a long breath of relief.

   "It's finally over! My work this year has come to an end, and another film must be schizophrenic!"

  She said this with sincerity.

  I still have Gong Er hidden in my heart, and I played Zhu Wushuang again.

   If there is another Zhang San Li Si, she will go crazy.

   But Xu Xin put a thorn in her way:

   "I originally planned to give you a small supporting role in 33 days..."

   "If you don't listen, don't listen! Bastard chant sutras!"


  Seeing the cute appearance of this sister covering her ears and shaking her head, Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

   But I have to say, it's cute.

   It would be even better if it had double ponytails, and it could increase the attack speed.


  Yanjing, Huairou film and television base.

  As the largest film and television base in Yanjing, as well as a digital film technology production center, although there are not as many active crews in Huairou Film and Television Base as in Hengdian, there are still many people.

   Moreover, the division of labor between here and Hengdian is also somewhat different.

  Hengdian is mostly based on real-life buildings, but this side is mostly indoor studios.

  External scenes are not without, but compared to those studios that are like factories, they are still incomparable.

   But the advantage is that although the sparrow is small and complete, although it is not as complete as Hengdian, it is enough for some small crews.

  It is hot today.

  The weather in August is really uncomfortable with a stove on the face.

  In Xingmei Jincheng Film and Television City, Huairou Film and Television Base Division, in front of a tea stand in an old street, a woman wearing a dress that would have looked very fashionable in the Republic of China period and a lace top hat slapped her hand on the table:

   "Can you act!? You blocked my camera, you know?!"


  Nauzha, dressed in plain clothes and with double shofar braids, was stunned for a moment. She subconsciously glanced at the camera on her side and rear, and then looked down at the cross mark drawn by the drama manager at her feet...

   My mind didn't turn around for a while:

"I do not have to die…"

  How could I block your camera?

  The position given by the drama manager is right under my feet, exactly.

  My play is to serve you tea, and then leave after watching you with my eyes.

   Just such a scene... The camera angle itself is directed at your face, my side face, how could I steal your shot?

  Although she thought so, Nazha’s first reaction was to apologize:

   "Yes... I'm sorry, Sister Huang Man, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry."


  Director Li Yunliang saw this, and immediately yelled to stop:

   "Do it all over again."

  But although he stopped shouting, Huang Man, who played the heroine in the play, was still relentless, looking at the girl in front of him who was obviously dressed up enough, but whose beautiful face still made him feel jealous:

   "I'm sorry and it's over? You can't act?! You are so stupid! You don't know how hot it is? Can't serve dim sum? Are you a pig! How can you be so stupid!"


  Nazha is already in a daze.

   "I...not...I didn't..."

  She really didn't understand why this sister did this to herself.

  Obviously she is just a little extra, and she didn't block her camera...why would she say that about herself.

   Director Li Yunliang saw that Huang Man didn't pay attention to him at all, so he didn't say a word, but waved his hand to signal the photographer sitting on the slide rail to return.

   I plan to wait until Huang Man loses his temper before going down the stairs and continue shooting.

  This is the heroine introduced by the producer, he is a young director who can't afford to mess with her.

  If someone has power behind him, he will naturally have privileges.

   Don't talk about scolding a trick, even if you scold yourself, you have to bear it.

   While thinking, his eyes fell on the girl who was full of grievances.

  This girl... is actually a related household.

   It was introduced by Jin Bo, the photographer of "Mirror Sea Wind and Cloud".

  Come to play one of the eyeliners of the underground party on the street, the daughter of Lao Huang, the owner of the tea stall.

   Not many appearances, very few.

   But the advantage is that you can have several shots.

  This kind of shot with a frontal face is a dream for these extras.

   After all, who wants to be someone else’s background all the time?

   When Jin Bo introduced her, Li Yunliang was also a little surprised by the girl's beauty.

   Good guy... This looks is much better than the first female Huang Man and the second female Yang Ruoxi in the crew.

   When she came, she really surprised many people in the crew.

   For this reason, the makeup artist also spent some time to make her "ugly".

   Otherwise, this appearance is too stealthy, taking away the brilliance of the first and second girls.

  Li Yunliang didn't ask about the relationship between the girl and Jin Bo, but he could understand when Huang Man shot the girl like a machine gun.

after all…

  He glanced vaguely to the side.

  One of the producers, Mr. Jin Yang, is beside him.

   This girl is indeed too beautiful. Before the filming started, he saw President Jin chatting with this girl named Nazha for a while.

  Looking at it with a smile, but actually smiling.

   I think Huang Man is "vigilant".


  He sighed inwardly.

   This is normal.

  What happened to the heroine bullying a dragon?

   You play tricks and you deserve it.

   There is no human rights for the extras.

  No matter how beautiful it the end, it is just a plaything.

   Tsk tsk... What a pity.

  Such a pretty face...

  But at this moment, suddenly, Jin Bo, who was sitting on the rail, moved his eyes away from the camera:

   "Actors prepare again. Huang Man, do it again. Nazha, take a half step back in a while."




   As soon as the words came out, Huang Man was taken aback.

  Li Yunliang was taken aback.

  Even the producer Jin Yang was stunned.

  But looking at Jin Bo's fearless face, and seeing that the three of them were looking at him, he turned his head and said to Li Yunliang:

   "Director, there is nothing wrong with the camera position, no need to adjust."


   Li Yunliang had a huge doubt in his heart, he didn't understand why he, the director of photography, suddenly had such a hard waist.

  But with his partial attitude, if he doesn't say anything, he will die.

  So nodded:

   "Then let's do it again, Nazha took half a step back."

   "Okay... okay, director."

  Nozha nodded, turned silently and went back to the tea stand full of teapots and bowls.

   Huang Man, who was still aggressive just now, glanced at Jin Bo, but stopped talking and started to adjust her state again.

   Soon, the camera restarted.

   Nazha, who memorized the director's instructions, responded with her back to the camera after hearing Huang Man's words "Come make tea":


  Picking up the pot and the bowl, she turned around and came to Huang Man's table, stepped on the end of the cross arrow on the soil, half a step behind, and put the tea bowl in front of Huang Man.

  This time, Huang Man didn't say a word.

  Nazha continued to pour her a large bowl of tea with the teapot.

   Keep falling, keep falling.

  Finally, after pouring a bowl of tea to the level of the mouth of the bowl, seeing that neither the director nor she seemed to notice anything, a trace of sarcasm flashed in her eyes.

  An idiot who doesn't understand anything.

  Holding the teapot, he turned and left silently.

   "Okay, pass."

   It was originally an intermission shot.

   After a while, Jiang Yunli, played by Huang Man, will exchange information with the second male lead of the play at the tea stand.

   That part is the serious drama.

  After the director said it, the actor Ye Jing who played the second male role was ready to play.

   But at this moment Jin Bo came over.

   Ignoring Huang Man who was sitting at the table, he approached Nazha very courteously:

   "Is it hot? Thirsty? Here, drink some water."

  Looking at the iced mineral water handed over, Nazha quickly nodded her thanks:

   "Thank you, Director Jin."

"Well, it's okay. The part just now was okay, it was pretty good. After Ye Jing comes on stage, you will still be in the same position as before. After Ye Jing takes her seat, look at my gestures. When I raise my hand, you pour tea for him. Then just leave."

  Jin Bo said with a smile.

   "Okay, I understand!...Sorry, Director Jin, I caused you trouble just now."

   "Haha, it's okay."

  Jin Bo's tone is really like a spring breeze.

   After speaking, he turned around and left, without even paying attention to Huang Man.

   And Nazha didn't say a word, and continued to wait in her place.

   But Huang Man, who was sitting on the chair, followed Jin Bo with her eyes.

  The pergola doesn’t shade the sun, and the dress she’s wearing is very hot, so it’s really hard to film at the moment.

  As for the scene just now, logically speaking, the speed of changing the scene should be very fast.

  But as a photographer, Jin Bo actually went to Li Yunliang with a lens book in his hand after returning home.

on purpose?

  Huang Man's nose began to sweat.

   But at this time, after hearing what Jin Bo said, Li Yunliang suddenly looked at Nazha.

   Staring at Nazha for two or three seconds, he covered his mouth and said something to Jin Bo.

   After Jin Bo nodded, he also nodded in understanding.

   Then he walked over directly.


  Compared to the incident just now, it has nothing to do with him, but now Li Yunliang's face is full of smiles:

   "You have a line in a while, Ye Jing, you come too."

   Hooked his finger at Ye Jing, he pointed at Nazha and said:

"In a while, you go in from the front of the tea stand, Nazha, and you will still be in front of the tea stand in a while, facing the camera, Ye Jing, you go directly to Nazha's side. Walk to her side, look around, and find Huang Man. Nazha At this time, you have to put on a welcoming attitude with a smile on your face: Please come inside, sir. Then when you see Ye Jing and Huang Man sitting together, the camera will follow you and you will serve him tea, understand? "


  Nazha nodded:

   "Thank you director, I will work hard!"

   "Well, relax and behave yourself."

   I don't know what Jin Bo said to him.

  In short, Li Yunliang's performance is really one of heaven and one of earth.

   And this time Huang Man also found that something was wrong.

  The attitude of the director...why has it changed?

  Could it be...what's the background of this girl?

   Even added a scene for her and changed the camera location?

  She was a little uneasy, but at this moment, she found that the producer Jin Yang was standing with the photography director Jin Bo, and they were communicating about something.

  Jin Yang's eyes were full of surprise, and then his face became cautious.

  Even though he was the producer, he nodded to Jin Bo and smiled as if thanking him.

  What...what's the situation?

   Huang Man, who sensed that something was wrong, suddenly became nervous.

  Can't help but look at Nazha.

   Ke Nazha turned her back to her, imitating in her heart what expression and tone she should use for this passage...

   Just like that, along with the re-changing of the crew's camera position, Huang Man, who was already hot and sweaty on the tip of his nose, finally ushered in the start of filming.

  Because she wanted to maintain the calm temperament of the character, she didn't look around.

   Just listening to the conversation of the person next to you:

   "Sir, please~"

   Then, Ye Jing sat directly beside her.

  The two of them didn't speak, they waited until Nazha walked to the table and started pouring tea again.

  Compared to Huang Man's bowl of tea, which was so full that it couldn't be filled, the big bowl of tea she poured for Ye Jing this time was only 70% full.

   Poured 70% full, picked up the pot and left.

   walked out of the camera again.

   In front of the monitor.

  Li Yunliang listened to Huang Man and Ye Jing's lines, and his eyes fell on the big bowl of tea in front of them.

   One bowl is very full, and one bowl is seventy percent full.

  He seemed to see something, and couldn't help showing a smile.

  This girl... has a scheming temper.

   is not a fuel-efficient lamp.


  In the evening, the exterior scenes of "The Wind and Cloud in the Mirror Sea" were still being filmed.

  The actors worked hard all afternoon under the sun.

  At this moment, Sun Ting drove her BMW 3 Series into the parking lot in this area.

  Getting off the car with the Prada sunglasses given by sister Mi, she took out her mobile phone and read the content of the text message...Get off the car in the parking lot and head east...

   After identifying the direction, she walked straight over.

   Soon found the film crew of "Mirror Sea Wind and Cloud".

  Small crew, no security personnel.

   are all in charge of field affairs.

   And several field managers looked at this woman wearing big sunglasses...

  In all honesty, this outfit costing tens of thousands of dollars is really bluffing.

   didn’t dare to drive him away, so he could only politely stepped forward and asked:

   "Hello, this is the crew of "Mirror Sea Wind and Cloud", who are you looking for?"

   "I'm looking for director Jin Bo."

   "Director Jin? ...Okay, wait a moment."

  The scene manager nodded and quickly walked towards the crew.

   It happened to be a gap between scenes, and soon, Jin Bo and Li Yunliang came out together.

   After seeing Sun Ting, Jin Bo greeted him with a smile:

   "Mr. Sun."

   "Director Jin, hello, excuse me."

  Sun Ting stretched out her hand with a smile.

   After Jin Bo shook hands with her, he introduced:

   "Li Yunliang, Director Li."

   "Hi Director Li, it's the first time we meet. I'm Sun Ting."

   "Hello, Mr. Sun."

  Li Yunliang knows this one.

  From outsiders' perspective, she is Yang Mi's assistant.

  Everyone in the industry knows that this is Yang Mi's right-hand man.

  So they shook hands quickly:

   "I'm director Li Yunliang. Nice to meet you~"

   "Excuse me, I'm here to pick up my sister. Director Li, how is she doing?"

   "Very good. The camera looks very good~"

  Li Yunliang smiled and nodded.

   "I also hope Director Li will take care of you."

   "Haha, Mr. Sun's words are too polite..."

   Both sides exchanged pleasantries.

   As for the crew, the director left, so the crew took a break.

  Naza, who has finished filming today, continues to stand in the shade, waiting for the director to say that she will stop work.

  Sister Ting said that an actor must be dedicated, so even if her roles are over, as a newcomer, even if she is a part-timer, she must have a professional attitude here.

  Maybe if you leave late, you can be remembered by the director, or you will be caught as a "strong man" and have two or three shots.

   Just as she was thinking, suddenly, she felt someone approaching.

  Turn around and look...

   It was the **** Huang Man who scolded herself just now.

   "Na... Nazha. Hello."

  Huang Man smiled awkwardly.

   "...Mr. Huang Man, hello."

   Nazha bowed slightly politely:

   "I was inexperienced in acting in the afternoon, so I caused you trouble. I hope you don't mind."

  Sister Tingting said never expose your emotions to the outside world.

   Even if you are very angry, you can't reveal any emotions.

  Because the unknown is the scariest thing.

  So, her standard "the villain sues first" really confused Huang Man.

  But Huang Man's reaction was not slow, she quickly shook her head with a smile:

   "It's okay, it's okay, the weather was too hot for me in the afternoon... I'm sorry, don't mind. I... I apologize to you, I'm sorry."

   "It's okay, Mr. Huang Man, I'm a newcomer, I really don't have much acting experience."

   Speaking of this, the girl paused:

   "I have kept your teachings in mind, and I will never forget them."


  Huang Man's face turned pale...

   While watching her reaction, Nazha bowed politely again:

   "Thank you, I'm going to the bathroom, I'm sorry, excuse me."

   "It's not...Naza...uh..."

  Looking at the girl who left, Huang Man really panicked now.

  You said earlier that you had a relationship with Yang Mi, even if you gave me ten guts, I wouldn't dare to pick on you!

  But... what did you just mean?

   Is forgiveness?



   "Sister Tingting?"

   "Well, come here."

  Sun Ting hooked her hands.

   "You're back!"

  Nazha walked over with a look of joy.

   Then he still didn't forget to say hello to Jin Bo and Li Yunliang.

   And the two of them also nodded and left after greeting each other knowingly.

  Nazha bid farewell to the two of them respectfully. After they walked away, they heard Sun Ting ask:

"How does it feel?"

   "Very good...hehe. With Sister Tingting here, everyone takes good care of me."

"You can't be inflated, you know? The interpersonal relationship in the crew is actually very realistic. In the small crew, I can speak well because of Sister Mi and Brother Xu. So taking care of you belongs to taking care of you, and you have to recognize yourself, You can't develop the habit of being arrogant, understand?"

"I understand…"

  Nazha nodded, and when she saw no one around, she whispered:

   "Sister Tingting, when I was filming in the afternoon, the heroine scolded me..."

  After she said everything, Sun Ting's face was neither sad nor happy, she just asked:

"Then what?"

   "I... filled her with tea. Hehe."

  The girl smiled smugly, but immediately realized what was going on, and tried her best to restrain the expression on her face little by little.

  Sun Ting was a little speechless:

   "Aren't you afraid that people will find out that you are cursing?"

   "She didn't see it... Then maybe she found out that you brought me here, and she asked me to apologize..."

   Said the result again.

   Now, Sun Ting understood:

   "Xiaosi, you understand it. It's just not necessary. Do you know what the relationship behind her is?"

   "I know, that Jin is always the producer of Star International. Everyone in the crew knows it."

   "I mean this is someone you know, what if you don't? How do you deal with that?"


  Looking at the stunned girl, Sun Ting shook her head slightly:

   "You are still too young. Do you know what sister Mi will do?"

"How to do it?"

   "On the first day she joined the group, she would let people know that she also came in with connections and backgrounds.

  So, this kind of trouble won't happen to her at all.

  In this way, some villains can be exempted to the greatest extent. But if someone at the same level troubles her, then everyone will carefully consider the consequences of this matter.


  Don’t pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, because you will disgust yourself before disgusting others.

  If you encounter this kind of thing again in the future, you can expose this relationship when you join the group. Then what? What you need is to maintain a humble attitude. Let people see that although you have a relationship, you are also like everyone else, able to endure hardships and willing to work hard. This is the so-called accumulation of word of mouth.

   Your humility and politeness when you are in a subordinate position will be taken for granted by others. But when you see that you are actually a high-ranking person, you can still maintain this kind of humility and politeness, so that you can transform these politeness and humility into a good impression and leave it in everyone's heart.

  Even if others are jealous of you, they dare not say anything about you blatantly. This is the so-called artist image, not only a rope to restrain yourself, but also a sharp weapon to restrict others, understand? "

   After finishing her words, Nazha fell into deep thought.

   After a while, she nodded:

   "I see! Thank you, Sister Tingting!"

"Well... It's good to understand. In fact, we are just relying on the power of Sister Mi and Brother Xu. Nazha, if you don't want to encounter this kind of thing again in the future, what you need to do is to make yourself stronger quickly When you get to the step of Sister Mi and Brother Xu, you will find that there is no way that there will be people like Huang Man around you. Everyone you meet is a good person. "


   Nazha nodded vigorously:

   "I will work hard, sister Tingting, don't worry, I promise!"


  Sun Ting said with a satisfied smile:

   "Okay, let's go. I'll stay with you until the crew finishes work, and then I'll take you to dinner."


  Naza quickly returned to the team.

   While Sun Ting looked at her leaving back, the satisfied look on her face became more and more intense.

  Although it is only a test product.

  But the girl is surprisingly clever.

  This kind of "revenge never happens overnight" character...although it's a bit superficial.

   But surprisingly sincere.

  Thinking of this, she was really looking forward to it.

  I want to see where this girl can go in the end.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion