MTL - I’m a Straight Man in BL Love-Chapter 13 pick a gift

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Cheng Yichi drove a silver-gray Cadillac, which was not expensive, but it was very comfortable for him to set up inside.

Li Yi sat in the co-pilot, smelled a faint floral fragrance, and asked him, "Do you still wear perfume? Brother."

Cheng Yichi took off the flowers on the back shelf: "No, I just like to put flowers. Speaking of which, it's time to change them today."

"Why put such dried flowers in the car?" Li Yi felt very strange.

"Because people often come and go, the smell in the confined space is not very good, but if you spray perfume, most of the passengers who get motion sickness will feel sad and disgusting, so they put dried flowers. I have done research, and basically no passengers find the smell unpleasant. What do you think?" Cheng Yichi looked at Li Yi and asked him with a smile.

"It smells good."

Li Yi also found that there were some mints, wind oil essence, small oranges, etc. in the storage box in front.

Seeing that he noticed it, Cheng Yichi said as he reversed the car, "Do you want to eat oranges? I just bought them yesterday, and they are very fresh."

After speaking, he looked back and asked the photographers who were sitting behind the camera: "Do you want to have some too?"

In the villa, there are small cameras working around them, and there are basically no staff to disturb them, and the program team will not follow the filming during work, but now this is the first time that the two guests have an event together, which is very exciting. Of course the group has to follow!

The cameraman didn't expect Cheng Yichi to talk to them, so he quickly said, "No, no, you can get along just fine, you can ignore us."

"Okay." Cheng Yichi shrugged, "Let Li Yi eat more."

"it is good."

Li Yi didn't ask why, it must have been prepared for his passengers, so he was a little jealous.

He peeled a piece and put it into his mouth to chew slowly, it was really fresh, the juice splashed and burst into his mouth, fresh and sweet, just like Cheng Yichi, it was also very sweet.

They went to the largest mall in the area, with five floors. Cheng Yichi parked the car and asked Li Yi, "Which floor are you going to?"

They certainly can't pick gifts together.

Li Yi said with deep eyes, "Brother, choose first."

He did come with a little thought, but after he really came, he was afraid that he would be too obvious to scare Cheng Yichi. Forget it, don't be too hasty for now.

One month, take your time.

"Then I'll go to the fifth floor first." Cheng Yichi waved to his cameraman and went upstairs.

He has been thinking about what gift to choose since last night. It was too difficult. He still wanted to choose a gift that would help everyone.

Men, there are only a few gifts that can be used, perfume, suits, and tea.

Cheng Yichi stood on the fifth floor and thought for a while, and chose a set of fascia guns.

The cameraman was about to burst out laughing. He had never seen a guest who would choose this gift. He tried his best to keep his hands from shaking. He smiled and asked Cheng Yichi, "Emperor Cheng, why did you think of giving such a healthy gift?"

"Ah?" Cheng Yichi lifted the whole set of fascia guns on his hand, "This one is very comfortable, and I use it myself. When I get older, I need to maintain it."

After speaking, he also sighed: "I originally wanted to send more health care products, such as ginseng, but it seems too obvious."

The cameraman thought: Do you think this is not obvious?

It was said that they came out together to choose gifts, but in fact, it was only two people who came out together. After choosing the gifts, Li Yi suddenly asked, "Brother, do you have anything else to do?"

"No more." Cheng Yichi carried his box and stared curiously at the bag Li Yi was carrying. His curiosity almost overflowed from his eyes, but in Li Yi's heart it turned into cuteness.

How can someone who is usually so gentle be so cute at this time? He deliberately put the bag to the back, and sure enough he saw Cheng Yichi's eyes chasing after him.

His heart turned into soft water, and his tone unconsciously took on a bit of coaxing: "Can brother have dinner with me today? I'll invite brother."

"Of course!" Cheng Yichi finally took his eyes back, and he rubbed Li Yi's hair, "I'm called brother, why are you so polite, I invite you!"

He still felt a little distressed for Li Yi, and he would definitely not let him pay.

Li Yi didn't speak, just laughed.

The two came to Wangjiang Pavilion on the fifth floor. This restaurant is notoriously expensive, with an average price of 2,000 per person. Li Yi tugged at Cheng Yichi's arm: "Brother, don't eat this restaurant."

Cheng Yichi: "Ah, but I want to eat it."

What could Li Yi do, he couldn't refuse at all.

He could only help Cheng Yichi with fish and meat, and then watched Cheng Yichi eat with satisfaction, with a smile in his eyes.

The fish in Wangjiang Pavilion is very famous, delicate and tender, and very fragrant. Cheng Yichi has developed the habit of chewing slowly and eating quietly, which is very educated.

Li Yi has seen him laughing and talking to others at the dinner table when he is happy, and when he asks his preferences when helping him wash dishes, but he has never seen him so quiet.

Cheng Yichi swallowed another mouthful of fish, only to realize that he seemed to ignore Li Yi, and Li Yi was still helping him to add vegetables, he smiled embarrassedly: "I used to not talk when eating delicious food, you should eat more."

Li Yi said yes, and looked back.

He didn't want Cheng Yichi to feel uncomfortable.

When Cheng Yichi went to pay the bill, someone told him that the order is free today.

"Huh? Free of charge?" Cheng Yichi wore a mask with confusion in his eyes, "Why?"

The service staff of Wangjiang Pavilion are very professional. Even if they recognize Cheng Yichi, they do not come forward to ask, but just smile and say, "Someone has already settled the bill. And you have a camera, you should be recording a show, and you are helping us watch Jiang Pavilion has advertised, Teacher Cheng."

"Ah, I was recognized." Cheng Yichi tore off a bit of his mask and smiled, "Is it the money paid by the show crew?"

The service staff laughed without saying a word.

Really lucky today. Cheng Yichi sighed with emotion when he walked back, and the waiter called him: "Mr. Cheng, I'm sorry, I have an unkind request, can you give me an autograph?"

"Of course," he said when he signed. "Your service is very good, and the boss is also very responsible."

"Thank you." The girl cherished her signature and said, "If our boss knows that you praised him, he will be very happy."

After returning, they first gave the gifts in their hands to the show team. Of course, the program team will take pictures of the gifts and send them to everyone's mobile phones after opening the box. There will be no heart-warming text messages tonight. After the first date tomorrow, there should be new emotional progress.

Director Liu, who was watching the previous video, nodded his head: Some of the guests' emotional lines are quite clear, such as Bai Ruyu and Li Yi, which are quite obvious, but some guests seem to be just here to play, especially It's Wei Wuyan, who flirts with one during the day and texts the other at night, although it fits the character well... But there will be a lot of controversy at that time.

The assistant director watched and suddenly asked Director Liu, "When are we going to broadcast live?"

The show adopts two methods: recording and live broadcasting. After all, love variety shows have the best exposure first, and the audience's reaction during the live broadcast is also very important. They can also initiate a poll online, which is called "Who do you think is liar?" ” to enhance the audience’s experience.

"No hurry." Director Liu held the tea, "Wait for the last two guests to come out. Their gifts have already been sent to the show crew, and then we will see who they are dating."

"I don't know when Mr. Cheng's identity will be discovered. I think he is quite obvious. If it is a new guest and Mr. Cheng's date, will it be seen at a glance..."

"Hahaha." Director Liu laughed a few times, "Cheng Yingdi said it himself, it's all fate! After their first date, the live broadcast will start! Let the audience guess liar with them!"

The author has something to say: you can guess who is so lucky to date Xiaocheng!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-01-0217:17:50~2022-01-0318:09:43~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Huba Jerry, 1 Qingben Jiaren;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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