MTL - I’m a Straight Man in BL Love-Chapter 20 paired wandering

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When the live broadcast started in the afternoon, there were even more people pouring into the live broadcast room than in the morning. Although it was said that Cheng Yichi was only an actor and did not rely on fans to eat, there were still some fans who were sad, disappointed, and lost their fans, but they wrote about the fans on Weibo, When the live broadcast room opened in the afternoon, they poured in again, watching the live broadcast with an indescribable mood: I want to see who took Cheng Yichi in the end.

The mileage of the live broadcast room is not there, and there are a lot of people missing. The rest discussed on the barrage:

[emmm...that's it. how come no one? ]

[Come out, come out! Damn, so handsome! ]

In the kitchen, Li Yi walked in with a bag of food.

Because there were two more guests, Duan Qingsi and Qi Jing couldn't cook, and in the end, Fang Yunshi, Li Yi and Bai Ruyu were the ones to take on the responsibility. Today it was Li Yi's turn again. He chose some home-cooked dishes and bought tofu specially. The day before, he heard from Cheng Yichi that he wanted to eat tofu balls, so he bought some. When he came back, there was no one in the hut. He looked at his watch. It was six o'clock and the live broadcast started.

Li Yi automatically ignored the live broadcast, put the old tofu in a bowl, mashed it with a spoon, and then cut all the side dishes into cubes and arranged them neatly on the plate.

"Okay." Bai Ruyu was the second to return to the hut. After speaking, he said, "Today you want to make tofu balls?"

"Yeah." Li Yi kept moving.

"Then you have to pay attention to the proportion of flour. If you add too little, it will be difficult to form. If you add too much, it will not taste good."

Li Yi nodded and smiled: "Okay."

Bai Ruyu asked, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

[Wife and husband, hehe, hey hey, knock slightly. ]

[Although the atmosphere is still a little off, the two of them look good! Yan is justice, knocking is done! ]

It is true that Bai Ruyu and Li Yi standing together are really pleasing to the eye, but the audience all feel that they are almost struggling, and they don't have that kind of feeling of knocking CP.

Until Cheng Yichi came in—

"You all came back so early." Cheng Yichi put on his apron consciously and turned to look at Li Yi, "What am I doing now." He was totally waiting for Li Yi's arrangement.

Li Yi smiled: "Brother, can you help me tie an apron?"

[…kdl? ]

What is not enough strength? This is really enough!

It's just an apron. Cheng Yichi doesn't take it seriously. Besides, classmate Xiao Li is now trying so hard to squeeze the ball for him, but he can't get his hands up. He took off the apron and raised his head, "Raise your hand."

Li Yi raised his hand obediently.

Cheng Yichi put the apron around his neck. Li Yi was about ten centimeters taller than him. Cheng Yichi tiptoed slightly and looked sideways, feeling like he was throwing his arms around him. The distance between the two was so close that Li Yi could smell the good scent of flowers on Cheng Yichi's body. He lowered his eyes and did not dare to do anything else rashly.

"Okay." Cheng Yichi took a step back and tied a bow on his back, "Perfect."

[To tell the truth, this set of actions by Teacher Cheng really seems to be a little girl who is throwing her arms in her arms! The distance between the two just now felt that Li Yi could kiss Teacher Cheng as soon as he lowered his head! Why didn't this idiot do anything? ! ]

[I also want Teacher Cheng to help me tie an apron prprpr, drooling]

Bai Ruyu watched from the side and coughed twice.

Cheng Yichi looked at him: "Ru Yu, are you hungry?"

"A bit." Bai Ruyu said, "I originally came to see if there was anything to eat in the kitchen."

"Say earlier!" Cheng Yichi brought back the things he brought, chocolates, biscuits, jelly, and a lot of snacks that children like to eat. Bai Ruyu picked it up, took a protein bar and asked Cheng Yichi: "Yichi, why did you suddenly think of buying so many snacks? Your agent will eat them?"

"Bought it for Qi Jing. He asked me to bring him some snacks last night." Cheng Yichi shook the half-opened white lover in his hand and asked Li Yi, "Do you want to eat?"

Qi Jing... Li Yi didn't speak, he lowered his head and took the biscuits from Cheng Yichi's hand: "Thank you."

Cheng Yichi was stunned for a moment, then stared blankly at Li Yi, lowered his head, and took a biscuit from his hand. His hair was fluffy and very well-behaved, like a beast being fed.

This action was too sudden and too ambiguous. Cheng Yichi just wanted Li Yi to take the food himself, but didn't want to feed him, but his actions just now seemed a bit misleading.

[Year ... next year? ]

[Based on my years of experience in watching romance films, this younger brother's eyes are not simple! ]

[Qi Jing! ! Does this show have Qi Jing? ! Damn, that kid doesn't play e-sports so **** hard, how dare he come out and jump at this time? ? ? Game no more? Champion no more? ]

At first glance, it is Qi Jing's career fan.

Qi Jingyan's fans couldn't hold back any longer, and immediately jumped out:

[Originally, it's the off-season, and Qi Jing is free to do whatever he wants. This show will only be broadcast in the morning and evening, and it's not like he doesn't practice anymore. Why do you care so much? ]

There were also several posts in the e-sports forum in an instant, guessing who this guy Qi Jing came for.

The last person set the tone: Grass, whoever he came for, if he loses next season, Qi Jing will just wait to be sprayed!

Bai Ruyu from the kitchen went out with water.

Li Yi sipped the biscuits, but he still looked cold and cold, but his voice changed: "How can brother send snacks to Qi Jing?"

"'s nothing." Cheng Yichi took back his hand and thought for a while, "He's on vacation at the club these days. Yesterday, I heard him play games for a day. Today, he's tired and doesn't want to go out, so he asked me to bring him snacks."

"Then you agreed?" Li Yi stopped what he was doing and looked at him.

"Yeah." Cheng Yichi thought: Is it a strange thing to help people bring snacks? But I don't know why, he was a little guilty when he recounted the good thing he promised last night to Li Yi.

Li Yi nodded: "Then can I trouble you to bring something for me next time?"

Cheng Yichi asked, "Okay, what?"


Cheng Yichi was stunned.

Li Yi smiled and said, "Whatever, when you get off work, if you see a beautiful bouquet of flowers, bring it to me."

"—Just bring the most beautiful bouquet of flowers in your heart."

Cheng Yichi agreed, and then was kicked out of the room by Li Yi. In his words, "I'm going to make croquettes soon, there's a lot of oil smoke, you go out and sit down and you'll be fine later, eh?"

Cheng Yichi thought: Why add um, it's like coaxing a child.

Before yesterday, he still regarded Li Yi as a child. Cheng Yichi began to feel melancholy: it turned out that the child was actually himself.

Jiang Heng and Wei Buyan were sitting in the living room.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Brother Yi Chi, are you coming to our school tomorrow to watch my game?"

"Basketball game?"

"Yeah!" Jiang Heng should have just come back from the shower after playing the ball. His face was red and his body was exuding heat. His hair was soaked with water droplets, and it was wet on his forehead, but he seemed more youthful.

Wei Buyan turned over a page of the magazine and said slowly, "Why, I only invite you, Brother Chi? Don't you invite us?"

Jiang Heng said quickly: "Of course everyone has to go!"

In fact, what he thought in his mind was: Going out with Brother Yichi alone is called a date. You go out to watch me play together, why are you two dating?

Wei Buyan nodded: "Others may not have time, Yichi, are you going?"

With hooks in his eyes, he stared at Cheng Yichi affectionately. Cheng Yichi didn't feel anything, his heart was still like water, and he replied to Jiang Heng's invitation: "Go, cheer for you!"

"Then I'll go too."

Jiang Heng was very happy at first, but when he heard Wei Buyan say that, he was a little angry. He was still too young, and all his thoughts were written on his face, and Wei Buyan could feel his murderous aura when he read the book.

But Wei Buyan thought: Who made you not invite alone and created the alone time with Mr. Cheng, blame me?

When Bai Ruyu came down, Jiang Heng also asked him, expecting him to go, but Bai Ruyu only shook his head: "I'm sorry, Jiang Heng, I have a meeting tomorrow, if I have time, I will definitely come, but..."

With an embarrassed expression on his face, Jiang Heng naturally understood and said with a big smile, "It's alright, Brother Ruyu, go and do your business."

No, Jiang Heng thought: We must find a few more people to separate Brother Yi Chi and Wei Buyan.

But even when Gu Zechen came back, he still couldn't find a single one. Coincidentally, everyone has something to do tomorrow.

Duan Qingsi is back.

Cheng Yichi greeted with a smile, "Brother Qing Si."

[Oh? Open new guests! ]

[So... so handsome, Shashiha...]

[Why is it so expensive for someone to wear glasses? So attractive as a mature man! ]

[Others wear wrenches, me: vulgar. My brother is wearing a wrench, me: brother, stop playing with me! ]

[This session of the guests is absolutely amazing, each style is different, it is absolutely amazing. ]

Duan Qingsi nodded lightly.

[Damn, there are people who don't eat Cheng Yichi hahaha]

The next moment, a clear and noble male voice came: "Xiaochi, I want to ask you, do you have time tomorrow?"

The man rubbed the jade wrench, almost writing on his face that he wanted to date.

Cheng Yichi shook his head apologetically: "I'm sorry, Brother Qing Si, I promised Xiaoheng to watch his basketball game first."

Duan Qingsi was not disappointed either, only said: "There will be an oil painting exhibition opening tomorrow, I thought you would like it."

Cheng Yichi's eyes lit up, he really liked it!

Duan Qingsi continued, "It doesn't matter, you can go the day after tomorrow."

other people:? ? ? How come the appointments for the day after tomorrow are all set?

Although the show team will organize a couple of dates, they are not opposed to the guests dating each other in private. After all, this is essentially a blind date and cannot be restricted too much. If the guests can get together successfully, the reputation of the guests in the later stage of the show is also very good. of.

Jiang Heng said, "So Brother Qing Si, you can't come to my game either."

"Well, Jiang Heng, I'm sorry, I need to attend that exhibition tomorrow, so I may not be able to go."

Cheng Yichi looked at him with puzzled eyes.

He smiled: "That exhibition was organized by me."

Cheng Yichi: ! !

[That seems to be a private exhibition, right? Does the exhibition cost a lot of money? ]

[Wait, the program team has released the information! This is a lawyer...]

[and many more? He runs the Synthetic Law Firm! Wow! ]

So rich. Cheng Yichi, who felt poor, withered again.

"Why are you all in the living room?"

[Ahhh! Mom's Jingjing baby finally fell asleep! It looks better! ]

[yue, it’s disgusting that you can still treat people as sons in e-sports. I want to see if a certain emperor can win the championship this time. ]

"Brother, good morning." Qi Jing slept all day and was full of energy, so he picked up the biscuits from the snacks that Cheng Yichi brought him.

"It's getting late." Cheng Yichi handed him the milk. Qi Jing doesn't drink, he insists on drinking rio.

"Hey." Qi Jing chewed the biscuits and took a sip, "I slept and forgot the time."

If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely go to bed early and get up early to leave a good impression on other people when you go to variety shows, but Qi Jing is different. He is an e-sports player. Knowing that everyone knows his life routine, he does not insist on changing it.

"Brother, you're so kind, you really brought me snacks." Qi Jing rolled the candy on the tip of his tongue and looked at the others defiantly.

Cheng Yichi was helpless. Obviously yesterday, Qi Jing, the kid, had to bring him snacks by himself.

He pushed all the snacks into Qi Jing's hand and said, "I'll go check the kitchen. It's time to eat. Don't eat too many snacks."

"Hmm!" Qi Jing responded obediently. Until Cheng Yichi entered the kitchen and couldn't see him at all, Qi Jing immediately put away the expression on his face and sat on the sofa sullenly chewing gum, his face expressionless and a look of anger.

[Grass, this is my father's dog son. Before this guy acted like a spoiled child, I thought he was taken away! ]

The author has something to say: Audience: We lost. Ah ah ah who and Teacher Cheng have a good fight!