MTL - I’m Against the World-Chapter 102 The son of the mouse doesn't make a hole 16 I annoy this person the most...

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Wei Yifeng's family of three put on a great show, and now it's Qin Yilan's turn to appear as an actor.

She took a serious look at Wei Chengxian, who was secretly looking at her with an uneasy expression, then at Wei Yifeng, who was pale, and at Kuang Zhengmei, who was dying in Wei Yifeng's arms , Finally turned to Lu Jinbao and said solemnly: "Mom, Wei Chengxian is ruthless and ignorant. He is not a good match at all. It's about you and him, forget it."

Female supporting actress Lu Jinbao raised her head and glanced at the male No. 1 Wei Chengxian, holding back the tears in her eyes and nodded: "Okay, Mom will listen to you."

"No! Jinbao, listen to me, I love you, I really love you! I treated them like that to protect you, to vent for you!"

Wei Chengxian was in a hurry, he stretched out his hand to pull Lu Jinbao, Qin Yilan stopped him expressionlessly, Lu Jinbao took the opportunity to go upstairs.

Wei Chengxian didn't care anymore, he grabbed Qin Yilan's arm again: "Marcel, you can't listen to that bastard, it's not good for me to just criticize my behavior like this. To be fair, I treated them like this because I thought they hurt your mother. Are you going to deny me because of my concern for your mother? Have you considered your mother's feelings?"

"I believe you once loved Mrs. Kuang, right?"

Seeing that Wei Chengxian was about to speak, Qin Yilan stretched out a finger and shook it: "Don't rush to deny, Mrs. Kuang is not dead yet, I don't lack witnesses, besides, if you don't guarantee In the future, I will take good care of Mrs. Kuang, how could Kuang Youwei marry his precious daughter to you?"

Wei Chengxian stopped talking.

"Even if you are separated now, after all, you have been in love with each other, and you can be so cruel to your former lover, no matter what it is for, your behavior is disgusting."

The corner of Qin Yilan's mouth showed a look of contempt: "I don't want my mother to end up with Mrs. Kuang, please come back, the Lu house will not welcome you in the future."

Wei Chengxian had nothing to say.

If Lu Jinbao was on the opposite side, he would still be able to coax him with sweet words, but when facing Qin Yilan, he really didn't dare to make a fool of himself. Lu Jinbao had already gone upstairs, Qin Yilan had a clear attitude, and only stayed behind. He would humiliate himself, and even if he was reluctant, Wei Chengxian could only retreat.

The captain who followed the big play for a day also extended his life for Kuang Zhengmei, he glanced at Wei Chengxian's back and smashed his mouth: "This Wei Chengxian's character is not good, let's talk about him I also fell out with you, and it would be too embarrassing to stay with us in the same team in the future, why don't we ask him to find another job."

Qin Yilan nodded with a smile: "The captain can do it."

This means I agree.

The captain felt Qin Yilan's pulse, scratched his head and said sternly: "When we are in the wilderness, we have to fight with heaven, earth, and alien beasts, where can we have energy? Fighting against time and teammates? Teammates must all be brothers who can entrust each other with their backs. I don’t worry about people like Wei Chengxian standing behind me. This kind of person, if I can’t keep up, will shoot cold arrows at teammates, so yeah , we'd better part ways with him early."

"That's the truth," Qin Yilan smiled and nodded again, "The captain is right."

The captain was satisfied, and told Wei Yifeng to quickly find a higher-level wood-type power user to help look at the injuries on their mother and son. Even if there was a glimmer of hope, he could not give up .

Wei Yifeng was moved by the little bit of kindness released by his own father, and he took the captain's hand and thanked him repeatedly. After thanking him, he wanted to come again Shaking Qin Yilan's hand: "Marcel, thank you."

"As I said, they are brothers, so don't be so polite." Qin Yilan avoided his hand without a trace: "Your mother's condition is not very good, hurry back and take care of her."

Wei Yifeng gratefully supported Kuang Zhengmei and left.

Lu Jinbao was very satisfied with the performance of the Wei family, the gloomy color on her face was slightly reduced, revealing a rare liveliness, she trimmed her hair and changed her clothes: "Today In a good mood, go for a walk."

"I'll accompany you." Qin Yilan quickly followed.

This house Qin Yilan bought not long ago. In the wealthy area of ​​Chongjiang City, the second-floor building is very delicate, and the surrounding scenery is also beautiful. Lu Jinbao stopped and went, gossiping with Qin Yilan from time to time Two sentences, with a long-lost relaxed look on his face.

The mother and son wandered on the street, and slowly walked to the bustling business district.

In the past, the mother and son had no money, no time, and no mood, and never had the experience of hanging out on the commercial street together. This trip was very new to Lu Jinbao.

She is very interested, she walks and watches, and occasionally buys a few things she is interested in. Qin Yilan follows her closely, giving advice, paying, carrying bags, just like a twenty-four filial son .

I bought beautiful clothes, exquisite handicrafts, and had a delicious snack. I passed by a flower shop around the corner.

Lu Jinbao has always been interested in flowers and plants. She has learned flower art before, but she can't walk when she sees a flower shop. She swayed her head: "Go, go in and have a look."

Qin Yilan quickly opened the door for her.

The flower shop is very big, with a lot of fresh cut flowers and potted plants. Lu Jinbao was so happy when he saw his heart, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but lift up, and his eyes were shining along the shelves.

The mother and son only took two steps before frowning. The corner of Lu Jinbao's raised mouth also fell, and his face became cold and gloomy again.

"Boss! Do you still do business?" Qin Yilan kicked the flower stand and shook it for a while: "With such a big store opening, there isn't even a clerk to greet customers?"

"Come! Here!" A male voice answered Qin Yilan in the staff lounge in the depths of the flower shop. The door opened before the meeting, but a man with red eyes and a red shirt emerged from inside. young girl.

Not gorgeous, nitpicking, tossing the little girl into a sweat.

The girl has a good temper, and she is not annoyed by Lu Jinbao's nitpicking.

A finger at the door of the store: "If you want to buy it, buy it, if you don't buy it, get out! What a waste of Lao Tzu's..."

Shang immediately showed a coveted look.

At the moment of beauty, he can't care to criticize Lu Jinbao, he flutters his hair and looks graceful: "I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood just now, hello ma'am, I'm from this store Boss, what do you like? Do you need me to introduce you? Our store…”

The young girl secretly glanced at the boss's expression, turned around and eagerly gave Lu Jinbao a wink and interrupted the boss's words: "Guest, the fresh cut flowers in the store today are indeed not complete, Why don't you go back first and come back tomorrow, our store purchases every morning, and the variety is the most complete in the morning. If you come back tomorrow morning, you will definitely be able to buy flowers that suit your heart."

Lu Jinbao ignored her brow and eye lawsuit, frowned and continued to look at the products on the flower stand one by one, the boss pushed the talkative girl into the flower stand next to her. : "Let's go! Will you greet guests!"

The girl stood up straight, clutching her shoulders that hurt, she didn't dare to squeeze in front of the boss to interrupt, she stood silently for a while, walked to Qin Yilan and lightly touched her with her arm .

Qin Yilan raised her eyebrows at her, the girl turned her eyes to the boss's direction and made an extremely vicious expression, then gently shook her head at the store door, signaling Qin Yilan to leave quickly.

Facing the girl with a slight decapitation, Qin Yilan took two steps forward to find Lu Jinbao, and slammed the boss with her shoulder when passing by.

Shoulder bumping is a straightforward provocation among unfamiliar men.

Her expression was so bad, the boss clenched his fists and stared at Qin Yilan badly: "Boy! Are you trying to find fault?"

"You saw that?"

Qin Yilan regrets that the boss doesn't follow the rules. Since she refuses to answer according to the standard answer, she is looking for something, and she can still fight without the standard answer. She lifts her leg and kicks the flower stand beside her Turned over: "I'm just looking for something, what can you do to me?"

The overturned flower stand hit its neighbor, and the neighbor was unsteady. The flower stand in the store fell like a bunch of dominoes, and the flower pots and vases fell all over the floor. An orderly flower shop turned into a messy garbage dump in the blink of an eye.

"Boy, did your father teach you when he let you go out, and then find fault after seeing someone?"

Qin Yilan was so provocative, the boss was naturally unwilling to bear it, he looked at Qin Yilan with ruthless eyes, and a sly smile appeared on his face: "I don't know how high the sky is, hum! I’ve seen a lot, and I don’t know how high the sky is when I’m just starting out. You are the boss of the sky, right? Your father doesn’t teach you, but I have a good heart. I’ll teach you to be a good boy today.

Marcel's body is too confusing, anyone who sees him at first glance will think he is a gentle and sunny boy.

Move, vowing to kill Qin Yilan here in one fell swoop.


The wall was squeezed into a tragic state.

The boss ability is not weak, but it is not enough in Qin Yilan's hands. She just waved her hand and froze the boss in a layer of ice, surrounding her constantly tightening The stone wall was also covered with a thick layer of ice cubes, and then with a "crash" sound, it shattered into **** along with the ice cubes.

"It's disgusting, I annoy this guy the most." Lu Jinbao frowned slightly and ordered his son: "Don't let him die so easily, give him some hardship and try again. kill him."

"Don't worry," Qin Yilan smiled narrowly, and wrapped the ice layer on the man's body thicker with a wave of his hand, "I designated him to regret coming to this world to live."

The mother and son decided the man's fate in a few words. The clerk girl, who was stunned by the unexpected result, saw that the situation was wrong, and finally reacted, and said to Qin Yilan eagerly: "Guest, you should let this person go quickly, he is not easy to mess with."

"How nasty?"

Qin Yilan casually nodded at the face of the ice sculpture, and kindly made a ventilation hole for the boss to prevent him from being suffocated to death: "Didn't I already freeze him here? Is he? He's worse than me?"

"Oops~" The girl was so anxious that she was sweating, "This person is from Team Thunder, and their captain is Longzhen. The people of Team Thunder are the shortest, and Longzhen will definitely trouble you. of."

"Dragon Town?" Qin Yilan and Lu Jinbao looked at each other with a strange look, Lu Jinbao pressed his eyebrows: "It's really a narrow road for enemies."

: "Hurry up and let him go, or it will be too late."

Qin Yilan raised his hand and wrapped the guy with ice several times, froze him into a square ice cube, and smiled brightly at the girl: "It's a coincidence, I think Try the position of the first person in Chongjiang City, if the Thunder Team asks, tell them my name is Marcel, and they know where to find me."

Her self-confidence stunned the girl. At this moment, the girl felt that this beautiful young man was not talking big.

Lu Jinbao's mood swayed to the bottom of the flower shop. She was no longer interested in shopping in any commercial street. After turning around, she headed towards the slum.

The aisles are crowded into narrow alleys.

There is no toilet in every household, and defecation can be seen everywhere in the alley, and if you don't mind, your feet will be covered all over.

Most of the children in the slums are malnourished, all of them have yellow faces, thin faces, thin heads, big bodies, and small bodies. At first glance, they look very strange.

Slipped back into the grotesque houses behind them, staring warily at the approaching person until they were out of sight.

They have to be so vigilant, they are the bottom of the society, anyone can hurt them wantonly, and the bullying they receive often comes from their neighbors.

"I lived here when I was young."

Lu Jinbao pointed to a dilapidated house for Qin Yilan to see: "Did you see that half-burned wooden door? It was made by my father himself."

"The original door of the house was made of cardboard. When a mouse got into the house and bit my foot, he said to replace it with a sturdy door."

Lu Jinbao burst into tears, "In order to make this door, he injured his finger, the wound never healed, and then it started to rot and stink, and he died. "

Qin Yilan put her arms around Lu Jinbao's shoulders and gave her wordless comfort.

"I hated that door, so I lit it, and my mother found it and put out the fire, she said, the door can protect us, that door has been left, and then she died Now, the door has been protecting me, but the window doesn't work, and the man got in through the window..."

Lu Jinbao was shaking all over, Qin Yilan held her tightly in his arms.

Lu Jinbao finally calmed down, Qin Yilan wiped away the tears on her face: "Is he still alive?"

"I saw him!" Lu Jinbao's voice was low and deep: "He is next door, he is old.

"Yes, he is old, and you are not only young but also very powerful." Qin Yilan held Lu Jinbao's shoulder: "I help you? Or do you handle it yourself?"

"I can do it myself."

Lu Jinbao raised his head and exhaled a long breath, full of doubts: "He is so bad, he can live to old age in peace, my father is so good, but he died early, fate , why is it so unfair?"

"Because fate is unfair, so we have to fight even more, we have to work hard to make ourselves live better, and let the torrent of fate also tremble under our feet."

Qin Yilan smiled and said, "This is what makes people conquer the sky."

The sky was dark, Qin Yilan and Lu Jinbao stood on a thin roof, looking at the old man with stripes downstairs through the narrow gap.

She ran around with her, occasionally looking at the iron pot on the fire.

Everything looked so beautiful except the old man's hand under the girl's vest.

"It's disgusting," Lu Jinbao frowned: "Did I tell you? I'm the most annoying person."

Read The Duke's Passion