MTL - I’m Against the World-Chapter 106 The son of the mouse does not make a hole 20 The next world is waiting for you...

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Lu Jinbao also heard about the situation of the students, she called a meeting of the students.

Relying on your parents, the love of your parents will be distributed to your brothers and sisters, while the husband, the lover of color, their love will be more easily distributed to other women, only you are the whole of yourself, the backer It will fall, rely on water to run, relying on yourself is the long-term way.”

"I know that many of my classmates have encountered such troubles recently. I can't help you to judge whether this marriage is worthwhile. When giving birth, you should also practice diligently, you can take shelter from your family for a while, but please never lose the ability to fly independently."

The applause was thunderous. During this period of time, Hao Qiulan was not the only one who was pursued, engaged or even forced to marry. Not all of the students were as determined as Hao Qiulan.

, Affectionately, I really can't hold it for a while, and I can't help but feel the spring.

Lu Jinbao did not stop them from finding their own happiness, but they hesitated. At this time, is it really happiness and not a trap?

The school does not prohibit students from spreading the exercises, this farce soon subsided.

Looking down on the poor in the slums is the deep-rooted concept of the rich class, and it cannot be changed in a short time. Since this problem can be solved with money, why should it be necessary to get married with children?

Higher comprehension practice faster, poorer savvy practice slower, but no matter how fast or slow, as long as you are willing to put in time and energy, your combat effectiveness can always rise.

, with or without ability is the gap between the sky and the earth, which is simply and despairing.

In the era of national cultivation, Qizhi Girls' School has not been forgotten, and she has become a holy place in the minds of all those who practice "Hunyuan Jue".

Lu Jinbao is not stupid, Qin Yilan is more sophisticated. Before the school started, they thought of the inevitable consequences of the practice, so Lu Jinbao divided "Hunyuan Jue" into twelve layers.

Until most of the students have practiced this level to a mellow and comfortable level, she will teach the next level of exercises to the students. In this way, the people outside will always be better than those of Qizhi Girls' School. The students were one level lower, and she also encouraged them to try their own exercises.

In Lu Jinbao's eyes, Kuang Youwei was able to create a practice method (this is a man-made misunderstanding), and there may not be any of her students who are smarter than Kuang Youwei. It doesn't matter if you don't come out, fifty years, one hundred years? As long as this heart is kept, students can brainstorm ideas, and there may not be a day without success.

Because of the strategy of stratifying the exercises, even if the students except the extremely poor students are no longer exempt from tuition, if there are girls in the family, they will still find ways to send their children to study.


The students of the girls' school not only learn martial arts, but also culture and art. After receiving education, they have culture and ability, and they are no worse than children from wealthy areas. They have been in contact with other people for a long time. Who cares about their humble origins? After all, in this powerful society, everyone respects individual ability more.

"Hunyuan Jue" benefited more than 90% of ordinary people in Chongjiang City. Lu Jinbao, the founder of Qizhi Girls' School, has become an existence that everyone admires.

Even if she mentions her past, everyone will no longer react with contempt, such a miraculous practice, if they are replaced by them, at most they will be practiced by themselves or their relatives. Who would be willing to open a school to teach others? What's more, the school is still free in the beginning.

Lu Jinbao's style can be described as noble, no one is embarrassed to use her background to slander her.

Except Kuang Zhengmei and Wei Chengxian.

The two were provoked by Lu Jinbao to form a deadly feud. After Lu Jinbao turned his face and refused to recognize the person, although both sides reacted, the hatred between them could not be eliminated, so they both They hated each other, and they hated the Lu family mother and son together.

They retaliated against each other, and they stumbled upon each other when they got the chance. However, in the face of the Lu family's mother and son, they could only retreat.

Now Lu Jinbao is no longer the helpless little girl, she has a strong ability, a son with outstanding ability, and countless students who regard her as faith and followers.

Everyone who practiced "Hunyuan Jue" owes Lu Jinbao a love, and Lu Jinbao doesn't need to speak at all. Naturally, there are warmhearted people who want to teach her a lesson to these evil people who have persecuted her.

The surging malice.

Kuang Zhengmei's health has been bad all the year round after a lot of sparring. After falling into this situation, she became depressed and felt that life was really worse than death, so she went away early.

When she died, Wei Yifeng also committed suicide.

Wei Yifeng was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. From childhood to adulthood, he was held by the people around him. After more than 20 years of scenery, he suddenly became a mouse crossing the street. , he couldn't bear this situation at all.

He also has a dark wound that will never be healed by Wei Chengxian. He coughs all day long, let alone hunting in the wilderness, his daily life is greatly affected, everyone shouts The days of fighting were a torment for him every day, and when Kuang Zhengmei died, he cut himself off.

The worst is Wei Chengxian.

Because of his bad reputation, the general hunting team did not want him, so he was forced to form helpless wild teams.

Lu Jinbao had left the family behind for a long time, and when she received the news, she just nodded her head. The enemy who once made her shudder when she heard the name, is now Couldn't shake her emotions at all.

The existence of Qizhi Girls' School has changed the social form of Chongjiang City. The most direct manifestation is the closure of the Red Building.

Whether it is a girl in a slum or a woman whose family has undergone great changes, who can support themselves with their own hands, who is willing to sell their bodies?

The frequent robberies and strong-girl crimes have disappeared.

Turn around and everything is there.

Come on, the fierceness is so simple, and it can scare the strong girl offender with her momentum.

The change of Chongjiang City is huge. The trend of national cultivation started from Chongjiang City and gradually spread to the surrounding cities.

After Lu Jinbao passed away, Qin Yilan decided to travel to twelve cities on the mainland, but Longzhen had to go with her.

Qin Yilan was very speechless. She had been rejected by her for so many years. This person never gave up. Longzhen's persistence made her not know how to get along with him.

"You know what?"

That's it."

The smile on Longzhen's face couldn't hold back.

"Why?" Longzhen was extremely uncomfortable, "Why don't you accept me? Am I not good enough, strong enough?"

"No, you are very good, and you are one of the few strong people in this world. It's not that I don't accept you."

Qin Yilan frowned slightly: "I just can't accept intimacy, maybe because of the influence of my growing up environment, I can't accept intimacy, let alone intimate physical contact. So, you give up, Don't make it hard for me, don't torture yourself anymore, and find someone who can respond to your equal feelings."

After so many years of entanglement, Longzhen understands that the person in front of him really has no heart.

"Afterwards," he choked, forcibly suppressed the wetness in his eyes, squeezed out a stiff smile, and stretched out his hand to Qin Yilan, "It's still brothers when we meet."

Qin Yilan gave him a high five: "It's still a brother."

But in a flash, the figure of Qing Jun was gone.

Spreading out his hands, two rings were placed in his palms, his throat was as hard as a stone, and the choking made Longzhen extremely uncomfortable, he stretched his neck, and finally could not help With red eyes, he knew that the two rings represented not love, but gratitude.

I am grateful for his help when he pounced from the stage, and for his deep affection for so many years. Although he is unable to respond, he is still grateful.

When Marcel's body was 150 years old, Qin Yilan waited for the "Dragon" who came to pick her up.

Under the purple sky, "Shenlong" talked to Qin Yilan: "A thousand small thousand worlds are a middle thousand worlds, a thousand medium thousand worlds are a big thousand worlds, each Every big world has a world master, and the world master sits on a whole big world, and his will is 'Dao', which is the rule for the operation of millions of small worlds."

"And this god, ahem, is not a dragon, but a ray of divine consciousness separated from the body hundreds of millions of years ago by the world master, adhering to the world master consciousness, on behalf of the world master Wan Xiaojie."

"Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and I suddenly found that the process of the death of the small world in this realm is getting faster and faster, and the fetters between me and the realm are getting weaker and weaker. I guess the realm should be out of problem, and I'm ready to replace it."

, according to my will, walking a different road from the original owner, leaving my 'dao', which is equivalent to planting a seed with a virus in the will of heaven's automatic operation, you have changed in the small world The more I have, the faster my will will occupy the will of the World Lord."

"The small world accepted my will, and I established a connection with this world. The more creatures in the small world are affected by my 'Dao', the more my spiritual power will be, etc. After all the small thousand worlds and the middle thousand worlds have accepted my will, I can completely replace the world master, and even if the world master returns, I can only hope and sigh."

Qin Yilan was taken aback, she didn't expect that this stupid boss, she was still an ambitious man, and his appetite was so great that he would swallow up millions of worlds, squeeze out the former boss, and take the top position. .

It really works.

"What will happen if it fails?" Qin Yilan considers the most troublesome question first.

"How could it fail?" The boss's eyes widened, and his face was inconceivable: "I am the only distraction, the only one who can do this at present, I There are no competitors."

This is a naive person with bad luck, worthy of being the distraction of the world master, the world master and his old man probably filled his distraction with luck.

Qin Yilan was speechless, she asked again: "According to your words, a thousand small worlds are a medium thousand worlds, and a thousand medium thousand worlds are a large thousand worlds, our big world is full of There are millions of small and medium-sized worlds. Let’s pass the world one by one. Only in the year of the monkey and the horse month can we **** the world up? What if the world lord and his old man come back before that?”

"I thought about it."

Shenlong was very proud, "I haven't been idle during this time, and I have found a few colleagues for you. Together, the speed is much faster. Look, my body is so solid now. ? Now I don't need to consume the energy of the divine body when I go back to the world timeline."

Looks a lot stronger.

Qin Yilan had already promised to continue working for the boss in front of her before she could hear these secrets. Although this silly ambition surprised her, Qin Yilan was not willing to retreat.

She has already obtained the last part of the bodybuilding formula, but when she returns to her original world, will she be able to practice safely until she becomes a **** and a saint?

She helped boss Hanhan to change seven worlds, especially the last two worlds were changed by her transmigration, the mother didn't recognize it, the world lord doesn't come back, she will absolutely run away when she comes back to liquidate her. No.

In this case, it is better to follow the boss Hanhan all the way to the dark. After all, going to a different world to experience a different life is much more interesting than living the same life in the original world. , Qin Yilan will never get tired of living such a life.

"Don't be afraid," Boss Hanhan touched his firm arm with satisfaction and widened Qin Yilan's heart, "This **** is the distraction of the world master, and my divine body is directly from the world master. The energy that is directly stripped from the **** body comes from the world master. I fell into the realm where the **** body is about to die, not because I went back to the time line of the small world, but because I disconnected from the world master, and there is no follow-up energy supply. It would be so miserable."

"I went to change the small world and planted my own "Tao", but also to save the helpless act under the gods, if the world master returns in a prosperous manner, I just need to cry, he said Maybe even praise me for being smart and keeping his distraction."

Boss Hanhan winked at Qin Yilan: "Do you understand?"

Qin Yilan really understands.

She also said that people were stupid, but it turned out that she was stupid.

In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of, Qin Yilan immediately turned on the brainless tout mode: "You really have no last resort, it's amazing! It is estimated that I will use up all my good luck in ten lifetimes When I met you, I was really lucky to be able to do things for you. It is my honor that you can see me and continue to use me. I am willing to serve you all the time, even if I am the enemy of the world master. You also What are you waiting for, hurry up and send me to the next world."

Qin Yilan's confession was very useful to the boss, he laughed happily: "Okay! Let's go now, the next world is waiting for you!"

Read The Duke's Passion