MTL - I’m Against the World-Chapter 111 Kind-hearted fairy 5 little monkey

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The goddess’s face was ugly, and the situation between heaven and earth changed suddenly.

In the early winter season, there was thunder, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and Ma Qiu was fixed on the shameless pillar of the wicked.

Ma Tao did not know that at the foot of the mountain not far away, her biological father Ma Qiu was split into coke by the goddess in front of her. When the goddess asked her if she would like to practice with her, Ma Tao He immediately nodded happily.

At this point, Ma Tao started her own road to immortality.

First, I went to Guyu Mountain with the Holy Mother of God, and spent thirteen years practicing in the mountains. On the birthday of the Holy Mother of God, I brought myself to use the spiritual spring in Guyu Mountain for 13 years. The Ganoderma lucidum wine brewed in the new year goes to Yaotai to celebrate the birthday.

As a result, she won the favor of the Virgin and Emperor, won the title of Xu Ji Chong Yingzhen, officially ranked in the fairy class, and won the Lingshan treasure land of Guyu Mountain.

Ma Tao's road to immortality can go so smoothly, thanks to the old lady in yellow.

The old woman was originally a golden monkey on Mount Li.

The female monkey opened a spiritual aperture by chance, absorbed the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon, and embarked on the path of cultivation.

Thousands of years passed, the female monkey took off the animal body and developed a human body. Although the female monkey has a lot of skills and can live long enough, but because she was born in a beast, she did not recruit the Virgin Mary. There has never been an official title for the emperor's treatment, but it is because he has lived long enough to be called the old mother of Lishan.

Since Lishan opened her spiritual aperture and gained wisdom, she wanted to become an immortal with a formal title. , Not only has she not cultivated a divine body, her mana has gradually declined, and she can no longer maintain her youthful appearance.

And the Holy Mother of God is extremely powerful, like the splendid sun hanging in the Nine Heavens Cloud Palace, it seems that she can live happily for hundreds of millions of years.

After opening her eyes, the old mother Lishan found out that she was pregnant. She was a female monkey. Needless to say, the father of the fetus must be a male monkey.

The old mother Lishan did not want to disturb her cultivation path by giving birth to the little monkey.

This unborn little monkey is the flesh of the old mother's bones. Although the old mother Lishan didn't want to give birth, she couldn't bear to kill it and kill it, so she found a secret method to kill it. This embryo is sealed in the womb for a long time.

Seeing that her lifespan is short, the old mother Lishan remembered the little monkey in her stomach.

The world took a look and died with her like this, which is really a loss.

The old mother couldn't bear to take this little monkey away. She rolled her eyes and had a wonderful idea.

She worked hard for thousands of years but failed to be ranked in the fairy class, so why not pave the way for the little monkey, let the little monkey realize her ideal?

The human race is favored by the Tao of Heaven, and it takes less than all living beings to walk a rough road when cultivating, so the gods and immortals of the human race do not look down on other races.

The Virgin God Emperor is a human race. She has gone through the vicissitudes of life three times, and with boundless mana, she has been firmly seated on the Yaotai of the Nine Heavens Cloud Palace.


Mother Lishan is not an official immortal, even if she gives birth to a little monkey, the little monkey is not the second generation of fairy, at most a smart little monkey.

For the sake of the little monkey, the mother can't let it be born with the body of the monkey.

The longer you live, the more knowledge you have. The old mother Lishan found a human fetus with the same numerology as the little monkey. She used a secret method to hide the sky and cross the sea. .

Therefore, don't look at Ma Tao's appearance as Ma Qiu's daughter, to be serious, she is not Ma Qiu's daughter, but Li Shan's mother's little monkey.

Mother Lishan tried her best to let the little monkey come to this world, just to let the little monkey fulfill her long-cherished wish, so she used the method of Xianjia to plant a seed in Ma Tao's mind A solid heart.

Although Ma Tao can't say it or understand why, she will do it instinctively, and everything she does is to pave the way for a successful immortal in the future.

After Matao was taken to Guyu Mountain by the Virgin and the Emperor, the old mother of Lishan once quietly went to see her daughter. The old mother thought about two reincarnations for the immortal She failed to officially become a member of Immortal Realm, but she also had some experience on how to become immortal.

Under the guidance of Lishan's mother, Ma Tao often went down the mountain and appeared in the world, helping the poor and the poor, doing good deeds, and helping all those she could help.

But after 13 years, she was officially ranked in the fairy class, and after the time of Lishan's mother's two reincarnations, she could not come to the end.

The little monkey became an immortal in the heaven and the earth, and the old mother Lishan realized her lifelong long-cherished wish on the little monkey, only the poor original Ma Qiu father and daughter, this little monkey became an immortal Just a little stepping stone on the road.

Ma Tao is still pestering Qin Yilan to ask for rice.

Qin Yilan just wanted to meet this golden old female monkey for a while. When she saw the time to get off work, she took Ma Tao directly home.

Mother Lishan is sitting on the stone bench in the yard waiting.

Qin Yilan was afraid that she would see the flaws, so she imitated Ma Qiu, and said to the old mother Lishan in a gloomy and somewhat impatient tone: "I am a groom, and there is no rice in the house. No money, no soup or porridge, but I can give you half a bowl of wheat rice.”

The old mother of Lishan is not for eating, Ma Tao is old, she came here to take Ma Tao on the path of cultivation, and give Ma Tao a chance.

The Virgin Mary can look down on the old mother of Lishan, and the old mother of Lishan naturally looks down on the mortal Ma Qiu.

The old mother Lishan refused to be angry with a groom. After hearing Qin Yilan's words, she smiled and stood up: "I'm too old to have bad teeth, and I can't eat wheat rice. Since the government can't give up a bowl of soup and porridge, then the old lady should retire."

You boil a bowl of soup and porridge to drink."

Qin Yilan refused to come forward to borrow food, and Ma Tao went to the left and right neighbors. The neighbors only had beans and grains of wheat. came back.

She was ashamed that she couldn't borrow rice, and worried that the amiable old woman was going to leave, so she bit her lip and wanted to cry.

Mother Lishan felt distressed, she took a towel from her cuff and came out to wipe the sweat on Ma Tao.

Ma Tao received this gentle comfort, and was not in a hurry, leaned meekly in the arms of Lishan's old mother, and whispered to her. It is a good pair of grandchildren and happy pictures.

"Old man, where is your family from?" Qin Yilan asked with a sullen face, just like the little official who checked the spies at the city gate.

How has the old mother Lishan ever been treated in such a rude way? She was so angry when she was asked by Qin Yilan that she stood up and left.

As soon as Ma Tao saw her action, her eyes were red.

"Alas, wait, old man."

Qin Yilan calmed down and began to speak to the old mother Lishan: "Look at the old man, my daughter has a lot of affinity with you, our family is just our father and daughter, I am willing to serve in the army, I am also worried that the child is alone at home with no one to take care of, the old man has no family and there is nowhere to go. It is better for us to live together as a family. I respect you as a mother, and you help me take care of the child. ,what do you think?"

Qin Yilan's proposal is not uncommon in this era. Because of the frequent wars, the people who have been left behind by the war have made do with reorganizing their families in various forms in order to survive.

Don't say that you recognize a mother for someone to take care of the child, it's not too common.

As soon as Qin Yilan's proposal came out, Ma Tao's happiness broke.

This old woman is simply the person she has ever seen in her life, and the person she wants to get close to the most. As soon as she sees this old woman, she becomes attached to her heart and wants to lie in her arms and act like a spoiled child.

Ma Tao, who always felt that her father was unpleasant and arrogant, felt her father's goodness for the first time. She hugged Lishan's mother's arm and shook it. , I was so happy that I could not wait to jump up: "Mother-in-law, we are going to be a family!"

Mother Lishan is not happy.

The little monkey wants to become an immortal in the future, and it is necessary to ask the Virgin God to seal it. She has little communication with the little monkey, and she can hide it with a little trick.

If she answered Ma Qiu's invitation and openly lived with the little monkey for a long time, with the mana of the Virgin God Emperor, the relationship between her and the little monkey would never be able to hide the perception of the God Emperor.

So instead of agreeing to the invitation, she had to leave quickly.

Mother Lishan rejected Qin Yilan's proposal, only gave Ma Tao a peach core, and left in a hurry without even a sentence.

"The old woman doesn't know what to do."

Qin Yilan complained loudly with a dark face: "You can take care of yourself, I just see her as an orphan and pitiful, and you like her, so I thought of leaving her for her. It's better to be a companion for you, who knows that she still doesn't want to."

Ma Tao, who was weeping silently, paused and stopped her tears.

Qin Yilan sneered: "There are wars everywhere now, she is an old orphan, she doesn't cherish having a stable home, she insists on running around, hum, she will know when she encounters chaos. incredible."

Ma Tao stopped crying, Qin Yilan snatched the peach core from her hand and threw it into the fire under the pot: "The old lady doesn't know what's good or bad, Bai Xia, you like her so much, You can still eat a fresh peach, but what's the use of giving a rotten peach pit, and burn it clean!"

"Ah! Daddy~"

Maybe it was because Qin Yilan blatantly provoked the maggots, which caused Ma Tao to be in a bad mood, or maybe it was because the mother Lishan was in a wrong posture when she gave Ma Tao the peach core.

Ma Tao didn't pay much attention to this peach pit. After Qin Yilan threw the peach pit into the fire, she just screamed.

The space in the sleeve is gone.

Not only did she not burn the peach pit, but she would plant it out to eat enough of the peach in the future.

After Ma Tao planted the peach core, Ma Qiu went to serve in the army, but because she cared about her daughter, Ma Qiu would go home every time she saw an opportunity to see what the maids were serving Do your best to see if the guards can do their best.

Ma Qiu cared about her daughter, but Ma Tao didn't know how to love her father.

This peach tree has fruited nine times in Ma Tao's hands, ninety-nine peaches each time, and Ma Qiu has not eaten a single one in nine years.

Qin Yilan really felt bad for him.