MTL - I’m Against the World-Chapter 121 Kind-hearted little fairy 15 Jiuyou element girl

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Because of the semi-public occupation of Mrs. Yuan and the daughter-in-law of the brothel she taught Ma Tao, the neighbors did not think highly of this pair of foster mother and daughter, and everyone mentioned Ma Tao When the title of "Fairy Down to Earth" will be meaningful, they will look at each other and smile, and the meaning inside is not self-evident.

Ma Tao acts strangely, and her mind is too eccentric. She stayed in Yecheng for two or three years, helping people a lot, and often giving money to people, but she still has a friend Didn't deliver.

Be positive, now that she is in trouble, these people don't say help her, they can't even give her a reliable idea.

Of course, with Ma Tao's thinking mode, even if someone is willing to give her an idea, she probably won't listen.

A pair of ginseng soup costs nearly 1,000 green money.

The amount of money for medicine is so big that she can't even understand it, she is now serious and poor, and she has no idea how to earn enough money for medicine, but even if she has no money, she can She wanted to save Mrs. Yuan, but she was really eager. When Wang Yapo said there was a way, she was overjoyed: "Please ask my mother-in-law to teach me!"

Ma Tao's eager heart was provoked, but Mrs. Wang was entangled, her mouth opened and closed, she hesitated for a long time before she said with an embarrassed face: "Hey! You are a little girl. Home, if you really take the road I said, won’t the rest of your life be ruined? Forget it, everyone has their own lives, Lady Yuan is destined to have this number of lifespans, Tao’er, are you still alive? Listen to your wife's words, don't fret, and when she closes her eyes, you can live your life well."

If there is nothing she can do, Ma Tao can only cry while guarding Mrs. Yuan. Now that she has a solution, how could she give up?

Ma Tao hugged Wang Yapo's arm and didn't let go: "Mother-in-law, please teach me what to do, the lady is not terminally ill, as long as she has money, she can be well, I am sure To save her, please help me!"

"You child, look at you child, hi..."

Wang Yapo slapped her palms and stomped her feet again, and sighed for a long time before she said to Ma Tao with a heavy face: "The road I'm pointing you to, although it doesn't sound good, it can actually earn money. When it comes to big money, as long as you can give it up..."

In order to keep a pheasant alive, Ma Tao can use her chest to block arrows, not to mention for a living person like Yuan Niangzi? There's nothing she can't give up.

Three days later, Ma Tao and Yuan Niangzi's concubine achieved a good thing.

Enjoying a night of warm and fragrant nephrite jade, it is not uncommon for Guan'er to wake up in the morning refreshed, and it is rare that Ma Tao, who has just suffered from breaking the melon, is also full of joy.

As soon as the official went out, she couldn't wait to run to report to Yuan Niangzi: "Niangzi Niangzi! Lang Jun said that he will send your medicine in the future, and we don't have to worry about you anymore. I can't afford the medicine!"

Tears filled her eyelashes, Lady Yuan who was ready to hug her and cry: "..."


Ms. Yuan thought too much, but Ma Tao didn't feel bitter: "Miss, don't cry, you don't have to worry about money for medicines in the future, Langjun is considerate, and I'm happy."

Yuan Niangzi: "..."

Wang Yapo, hired by Yuan Niangzi to help as a lobbyist: "..."

The official didn't have any strange hobbies on the bed, and he coveted Ma Tao for a long time, and now Ma Tao took the initiative to sit on his couch and let him play with it. Of course he couldn't put it down, and he also loved Ma Tao in every possible way. So Ma Tao really doesn't feel bitter.

She has a self-disciplined temperament, she said that she is happy, she is really happy, Wang Yapo smacked her lips sour after hearing her words, and sighed that Lady Yuan was so **** good, how could she meet her? How about a pretty idiot like Ma Tao?

Come on! It seemed that she didn't need to emphasize the importance of "willingness" to Ma Tao.

Ma Tao did not lie, she was really happy to serve that official, because when the official had fun with her last night, he not only promised Yuan Niangzi's "medicine" "It was all covered by him, and he promised to bring her food and cloth every time he came to see her.

Now is in troubled times, and the streets of the city are full of poor people who lack food and clothing. Although Mrs. Yuan also agrees with Ma Tao to help others, Mrs. Yuan "has become ill from overwork and is not in good health." "I can't help people with Ma Tao's work, not to mention that I have to take medicine and supplement food frequently. The family often "eats the last meal but not the next", and it is rare to give her a few money.

Ma Tao saw that the street was full of suffering people, but she was helpless but could not do anything, let alone the uncomfortable feeling in her heart, now the official said that she wanted to give her food and cloth, can Ma Tao not are you happy? With these things, she no longer has to watch people suffer.

With such a carrot hanging on it, Ma Tao not only didn't feel that sleeping with a half-old man who was older than Ma Qiu was a sad thing, she actually hoped that there would be more officials Come to see her a few times.

Yuan Niangzi is so happy that Ma Tao is so active, in order to better mobilize her initiative, when the official arrives in a hurry and forgets to bring something, she will bring additional things to Ma Tao Make up, coax Ma Tao so that she is willing to fight with that official.

Yuan Niangzi also pointed to Ma Tao to make money for her. Since Ma Tao has opened her face, she naturally will not let Ma Tao accompany the official alone. Peach has a new guest.

The new guest was brought by the official for Ma Tao.

Yuan Niangzi regarded herself as a bustard girl with a peach, and whenever she got the chance, she would ask the official for money and things, and it would be too much trouble to get the official.

Seeing that the official's face turned dark again, Mrs. Yuan smiled and said to him: "Don't be surprised, my daughter's family has been good for the past few years, if you don't take advantage of the color When the time is good, I earn pension money, and when the girl reaches my age, does it mean that I will end up in a bleak end?"

So this official was the host and invited a group of colleagues to go to the peak in the small courtyard of the Yuan lady, and recommended this ecstasy cave, and the Yuan lady arranged for Ma Tao that night new guests.

There is no need to bother to find the reason, just tell the Ma Taojie people to make trouble outside the city again, and the price of food and cloth in the city has risen again.

As soon as Ma Tao heard this, she became anxious. Several families depended on her alms to make a living. In the future, if Langjun did not send her food and cloth, what would she take to help those poor people? people?

Yuan Niangzi relieved Ma Tao's urgent needs: "The newly arrived Langjun surnamed Zhao has a lot of wealth, if you can treat him like Langjun, he will also be willing to give you food and cloth. "

Ma Tao was overjoyed when she heard this: "Really?"

"If you are embarrassed, I will speak for you."

Yuan lady Shi Shiran went to make a toast, accepted Zhao Langjun's five cakes and gold, and returned to rush Ma Tao with a smile like a flower: "Zhao Langjun agrees, and the things will be delivered tomorrow. , you have to take good care of you, the more satisfied Langjun is, the more things he will give you."

In order to satisfy Zhao Langjun, Ma Tao sold a lot of energy, first playing the flute and then playing the flute, both up and down, and served Langjun Zhao until her bones were tender, rubbing her The slippery Pizi said in surprise, "I didn't expect you to look so stern and solemn, and you have such a glamorous style when you arrive on the couch. It's really unbelievable."

Lang Jun surnamed Zhao was extremely satisfied, praised the lady of Yuan for her ability to tune | teach people, and was caught by the lady of Yuan and picked up two gem hairpins.

The lady Yuan, who had made money, was happy, and she quickly prepared food and cloth for Ma Tao, which was a lot more than the amount that the official sent each time.

Ma Taoshe was happy with everything, and did not feel reluctant to serve different men. , opened the door, and started a business with a half-closed door.

Originally, everyone only said that Ma Tao was kind and benevolent, and was a "fairy descended to the world". As for the specific fairy, no one really bothered.

Now, as soon as Ma Tao picks up customers and sells money to give money to the poor, everyone agrees that Ma Tao is the reincarnation of "Jiuyou Su Nu", so they gave her the nickname "Jade House Empress" .

Yuan Niangzi was very pleased with the opinions of the people. Jiuyou Su Nu was a fairy who served and taught the first sage emperor. If these stinky men could be served by Ma Tao, wouldn’t they be comparable to the first sage?

In order to make Ma Tao more suitable for this "prime lady", so as to raise her value, Yuan lady deliberately asked Ma Tao to abandon the lyre and play the twenty-five-stringed se.

Ma Tao doesn't care about the nicknames people give her, she is satisfied as long as she can "pity the poor and the weak, and help the orphans and widows".

The guests were very satisfied with the name of Ma Tao, and used the money from selling themselves to help the poor. Isn't this strange behavior just a side proof that Ma Tao is not an ordinary person? Judging from her cold temperament that does not touch the mortal world and her demeanor that treats wealth like dung, it is impossible to say that she is really the reincarnation of a plain girl, who used her flesh to transform these ordinary people.

Regardless of "Su Nujing" or "Yufang Guiyao", they are all about the harmony of yin and yang. This topic is too taboo and too exciting, so the general public mentions the name of Ma Tao. Everyone's eyes lit up with thought.

The only one who is uncomfortable is the old mother Lishan.

But the old mother Lishan didn't feel uncomfortable because of Ma Tao selling herself.

Although this golden snub-nosed female monkey has already cultivated her body, she has never regarded herself as a human being. She was a monkey before she was wise, and naturally she would not have **** with other male monkeys. Pay attention to what etiquette and law, completely follow her heart, as long as she likes it, she is willing to give birth to a monkey for the other party.

After she opened Lingzhi, she felt that she was half a fairy, and looked down on mortals and the world, so she never learned human etiquette.

Therefore, whether Ma Tao has **** with a lot of men, whether it is to get money for selling herself, Lishan mother doesn't think there is any problem, the only thing that makes her feel a problem is Ma Tao The name of the reincarnation of the "Nine Serenity Girl".

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