MTL - I’m Against the World-Chapter 55 6 reasons why I am loyal to my emperor

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Didn't Tongbao leave Beijing and return home with officials from the Ministry of Households? Why would you run back to ask her for help? Qin Yilan was startled, and Tongbao shivered to understand the whole story.

They were all recruited by the Ministry of Household from Laishui near the capital. After serving this corvée, they should have returned to their hometown under the arrangement of the Ministry of Household, but something happened when they left the capital. .

& nbsp; live.

All of them obediently followed this official.

This group of 100 people who were singled out followed the official around the capital and went east from the north of the city. After walking for a day, the official handed them over to a group of men in short beats and waist knives people.

"I don't ask where we are going to work, and I don't say what work." Tongbao swallowed hard: "Boss Wang from Qiaotou Village came out to serve with his son. He picked someone to pick him, but he didn't pick his son, his son was only sixteen and he was worried, so he begged the guards to let him go back, and those people just hacked him to death..."

Something was wrong, and that night we discussed to escape."

Tongbao shivered: "The guards found out, they chased us on horseback, they didn't let go at all, they just killed people when they caught up. We were killed a lot, and everyone scattered to take advantage of the chaos. Now, I didn't dare to look for those fellow villagers who came out to serve together, and I didn't dare to go back to Laishui directly, thinking of my old parents, so I went to the capital instead."

Their family was ruined.

Faced with this catastrophic disaster, he didn't know how to resist, and immediately thought of Qin Yilan.

Qin Yilan really did not expect the officials of the Ministry of Household to be so bold. In the memory of the original owner, I have also heard rumors that some officials let corvés do private work for them, but according to Tongbao's account , This is obviously not as simple as letting the servants do some private work.

Qin Yilan followed Tongbao to Wulipo outside the city. There were also two servants with knife wounds hidden in the miscellaneous woods next to the official road.

"What kind of official uniform does the official you picked out wear? What are the features of his face? How do the officials in the Ministry of Household address him? Where did he lead you to those people? Yes? Can you still find that place now?"

Qin Yilan took out the wound medicine and asked Tongbao to wrap them up: "Tell me what you have seen and heard in the past few days, the more detailed the better."

A person wearing official clothes can take the servant from the post station from the officials of the Ministry of Household, and it must have a close relationship with the Ministry of Household. More than 100 people are not a small number, so much less People, the local officials of Laishui will definitely ask questions, and the Ministry of Household will definitely give Laishui a decent explanation.

Being able to lead people away and smooth the official documents, if you want to do these things in the Ministry of Household, it is absolutely impossible for a small official, there must be someone behind him, and this person The status is not low. After all, from the official documents to the **** of the servants, there must be a lot of people involved. If the status is low, it will definitely not be able to suppress so many insiders.

They detained 100 people for one inland river dredging. Will other projects also be detained? Where are the detained servants sent to? what to do? How many people are involved in the department? Does Gao Shigong know?

Qin Yilan's face was gloomy and dripping.

"Old parents, isn't this particularly difficult to handle?" Tong Bao looked at Qin Yilan's extremely ugly face, and said uneasily: "I shouldn't have come to cause you trouble, leave us alone, We'll hide here for two days, and when the two of them get better, we'll go back to Laishui."

"No, you are right to come to me." Qin Yilan said with a bit of happiness: "Fortunately, you didn't go back the same way, otherwise they should have caught up."

The behavior of these servants to find Qin Yilan should be beyond the guard's expectations, so they did not chase the capital, otherwise, with two wounded, how could they outrun the guards on horseback ?

Tongbao took Qin Yilan to the place where the servants began to flee. Qin Yilan felt that he should know where these servants were going, and half a day ahead, it was Yingshou Yingzi .

Yingshouyingzi was discovered to have gold and silver veins during the Chengdi period. This vein contains too little gold, "only twenty-five taels of gold", which is of no value at all. Give up after a while.

Yingshouyingzi does not have much gold, but there is a lot of limestone. Many civilian mines mine limestone and burn lime in Yingshouyingzi. Are these laborers sold into the civilian mines to work as coolies?

In order to confirm her judgment, Qin Yilan hid Tongbao and went to Yingshouyingzi to investigate.

She pretended to be a herb collector and carried a broken bamboo basket into the mountain.

Limestone is an open pit mine, the ore is excavated from the top, and the mined limestone is crushed and calcined directly at the foot of the mountain. , and no other guards.

The mine owner is obviously not worried about being absent from work and getting away. Qin Yilan turned around twice and found nothing unusual. Could it be that her judgment was wrong, and those servants were not sent here?

"Come and collect the medicine." Qin Yilan squinted at him, pulled up the scarf around his neck, and covered his nose and mouth.

Qin Yilan was stunned, she never expected that her disguise would be seen through at a glance, relying on the agility that she had developed through body training, she twisted the man's arm with her right hand and pulled him into his arms Inside, he put a sharp dagger against his waist with his left hand: "Don't move!"

"Fuck you! Come on! Come on!" The man didn't believe in evil, so he opened his mouth and shouted.

"Shut up!" Qin Yilan used a dagger in his hand to pierce his clothes and pierce his flesh: "If you shout again, I will stab your intestines out."

"What's the matter, bro?" Another overseer stepped on the jumbled stones and came here.

"If you don't want to die, tell him that you're okay to go out." Qin Yilan continued to send the dagger in to let the person know that what she said was true.

"It's alright," the boss of the foreman began to tremble with pain: "Your sister-in-law sent a letter to her, and she's not well again, I'll go back and see her."

"Then go ahead," the third child probably didn't expect someone to kidnap his elder brother, and waved at the two of them: "I'm watching here, you can go back."

Seeing that there was no one around, Qin Yilan pushed him aside into the woods, pulled out the knife and pressed it on his neck: "If you don't want to die, answer my question obediently."

"Which mine are the people sent from out of town arranged in?" Qin Yilan carefully observed the man's micro-expression.

"The people sent from other places? Oh, where are the people? The people who work in the mines are all villagers hired from the villages at the bottom of the mountain." The muscles at the end of the man's eyes were out of control The ground shook for a while, and after his eyes swept across Qin Yilan, he involuntarily turned to the lower right.

Repeat the question, turn her eyes to the right, a typical lie, Qin Yilan pressed the dagger down and cut the skin on his neck: "Tell the truth."

The wound on the waist was still bleeding, and there was a new wound on the neck. Qin Yilan's determined tone made him panic. The boss of the foreman had no doubt that Qin Yilan would kill him, and he couldn't stand it any longer: "Minfu They were all sent to the copper mine behind."

There are copper mines here!

Obtaining the supervisor's statement, Qin Yilan gagged him and tied him up, followed the route he explained, and went north from the lime mine, and turned over a mountain ridge, and found a column in the distance. Black smoke rose straight into the air.

She went around to the side and observed that it was different from the loosely managed lime mines outside. There were thugs with knives around their waists everywhere, and the guard was very strict.

Qin Yilan sighed, she thought she was just a servant of the household officials, but she didn't expect these people to be daring and even dare to mine copper coins without permission.

The Ministry of Household does not know how many people are involved, does Gao Shigong know?

Whether Gao Shigong knew it or not, as soon as this matter broke out, as the official of the Ministry of Household, he would not be able to escape his responsibility.

Qin Yilan sighed, emotionally speaking, she was really unwilling to help Xinchen Group to suppress old ministers, but when this happened, she was destined to rely on Xinchen Group to bring down the Ministry of Household The worms of these countries are turned out.

The overseer and Tongbao were brought back to the capital for proper resettlement, Qin Yilan went to ask Wang Zhi, the Minister of Industry who took her place.

The king of Qin has been in power for a while, but he has not been able to fully control the power in the court.

The first emperor was obsessed with cultivating immortals, and his power fell by the side.

The **** in charge of the Silijian is the emperor's slave after all. The emperor will live if he wants to live, or die if he wants to die. , while the previous one was different.

It left a legacy of infamy throughout the ages.

As a confidant of the King of Qin, Wang Zhi fought with the old officials of the previous dynasty. .

Now "Xie Zhiyong", one of the three cabinet ministers of the previous emperor, has given him such a big handle. Even the Ministry of Officials and Chen Ruwei will be swept down by him, how can Wang Zhi not be excited?

Read The Duke's Passion