MTL - I’m Against the World-Chapter 67 Perseverance is a family 10 What are you afraid of...

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"Hand me!"

As soon as Qin Yilan stretched out her hand, Linlin lifted Guoguo up, Qin Yilan held Guoguo with her left hand and tugged Linlin with her right hand, pulling both mother and daughter to the wall with a single effort.

Lin Lin was unable to stand on the narrow wall and sat directly on it, Qin Yilan shoved Guoguo into her arms and shouted sharply at Kang Muyu who was still pounding the door Said: "Come here! Give me your hand!"

The zombies have poured into the alley, and it is only a short distance away from Kang Muyu, Kang Muyu was so frightened that she screamed, and even cried and shouted and ran over from the gate, jumped her feet and stretched out to Qin Yilan hands up.

"Curl up your legs!" Qin Yilan grabbed both of his hands and lifted him up suddenly.

Qin Yilan carried Kang Muyu and turned him around and put him in the yard, Linlin also quickly retracted her legs hanging on the wall.

The zombies in the alley could not reach the people on the wall, and began to try to climb on the motorcycle parked by the wall.

She stood on the top of the wall and observed it for a while, feeling that it was impossible for the zombies to break through the defense line of the courtyard wall, and then she supported the courtyard wall and jumped down lightly with a steel rod.

" What are you doing in the house! Why didn't you open the door after calling you for a long time! Right in front of our house, the zombies almost ate me! You almost killed me!"

The son came back alive, Kang Guanghui was very happy, he didn't mind Kang Muyu's small temper, he explained to his son in a good voice, the reason for the slow opening of the door was to prevent zombies from breaking into the door, he usually The door was firmly blocked from the inside.

Kang Guanghui hurriedly found shoes and let Kang Muyu put them on, but Kang Muyu refused to give up and didn't bother to wear shoes, only repeatedly asked Kang Guanghui why he didn't save according to the previously agreed plan pick them up in the city.

Why not? And why, because it's too dangerous.

Kang Guanghui was on duty at the thermal power plant when the cataclysm occurred. The leaders of the power plant were worried that the employees who had the flu would fall asleep after taking the cold medicine, and it would be bad if they had any production accidents, so they did not dare to Put sick workers on duty, and arrange them all to rest in dormitories.

Thanks to the leadership's proactive decision, the lucky people in the thermal power plant have enough time to react and preserve their vitality.

One of the survivors was an employee who had been a conscript for two years. Under his leadership, Kang Guanghui and others learned to find weapons, protect themselves, and kill zombies.

After more than two days of tossing, Kang Guanghui and his colleagues managed to get out of the closed thermal power plant.

There is an expressway in front of the thermal power plant. To the southeast, you can take the expressway to the provincial capital, and to the northwest to Yixian County.

Kang Guanghui's parents are very old, and they were recruited when the flu first started to spread. Those who got the flu turned into zombies. In this case, his parents couldn't even think about it. If they survived the disaster, they must have already been corpse.

My wife and son are still healthy, and they were fine when they called two days ago. Even so, Kang Guanghui chose to return to Yi County without hesitation.

It's not that Kang Guanghui doesn't love his son, it's just that he has his own judgment.

In a thermal power plant with only a few dozen employees, so many people have become zombies, not to mention the provincial capital with a population of tens of millions more than 800 kilometers away.

What if he went to the provincial capital? The communities they live in are all high-rise buildings, and the house becomes an island as soon as the water and electricity stop, and the expendable living materials have to be searched at the risk of their lives.

In this case, even if the family of three is reunited, how long can they survive?

Yi County is different. The old house is a self-built residence. There is a well in the yard that was built by his grandfather. , After boiling, the choking alkali smell has been kept in the deep well.

In addition, there are a lot of supplies at home. His parents are sick with the flu. In order to make the two old people rest at home and not run around, Kang Guanghui made a big purchase when he returned to Yi County from work last time. Once, I bought everything for food and drink.

Based on these considerations, Kang Guanghui went straight to Yixian County without any hesitation after he left the thermal power plant.

He didn't want to risk his life to go to the provincial capital to meet his wife and son. He didn't abide by the agreement, but his wife and son came back from the provincial capital to find him. Let the son lose his temper.

I was tired and hungry after a day of running around, Kang Guanghui’s supplies were quite rich, Qin Yilan went to the kitchen to have dinner, Linlin brought Guoguo to fight for her, Kang Muyu finally lost her temper , After calming down, he hurriedly pulled Kang Guanghui to whisper.

"My mother is so scary, she is not human!" As soon as Kang Muyu opened her mouth, tears began to fall again.

Yan Jing and Kang Guanghui both regard Kang Muyu's only son as a treasure in the palm of their eyes. It's like what they love. No matter when the couple is, the first thing they consider is Kang Muyu's feelings and needs.

Although the Kang family is an ordinary family, Kang Muyu has raised a young master's temperament since he was a child. When Qin Yilan came, Kang Muyu's young master's treatment was gone. When it came to the zombies, Qin Yilan forced him to rush forward.

When did Young Master Kang Muyu be so neglected by his mother?

Just when he entered the yard just now, in such a dangerous situation, Qin Yilan didn't care about him first, but Kang Muyu who saved Linlin's mother and daughter on the wall.

The young master was afraid and wronged, and he had accumulated a lot of anger. After catching his untrustworthy father and having a meal, thinking of Qin Yilan's actions, he was too wronged and anxious. Complain to Kang Guanghui three times.

"She forced me to fight zombies, and she killed people!"

Speaking of Qin Yilan's murder, Kang Muyu shivered, grabbed Kang Guanghui's hand and began to tremble: "Dad, you don't know how terrible my mother is, she kills without blinking, she is the least Kill ten people!"

"Can I tell the difference between the living and the zombies?"

Kang Muyu was a little disintegrated by his father's suspicion, he couldn't help raising his voice and began to shout: "A living person! It is a living person, they also invited us to have a meal, when the zombies came, they They also beat zombies to protect us. Before the zombies were finished, my mother and Linlin killed them all while they were resting! A dozen people were all stabbed to death by the two of them!"

Kang Muyu said she had nose and eyes, Kang Guanghui believed it, but she was still a little puzzled: "Why did she kill those people?"

"She said those people killed people, they deserve to die."

For the sake of Linlin and Guoguo, Qin Yilan did not tell Kang Muyu the evil deeds of Zhang Wu's group, but only told him in general that Zhang Wu and the others were bad people, and it was not a pity to die.

Kang Muyu was only fifteen years old after all. Although he didn't understand Qin Yilan's behavior very well, he didn't think too far. Kang Guanghui thought too much.

He caught Kang Muyu and repeatedly asked about various details. With speculation in his heart, his face began to look ugly.

Kang Guanghui is a man, and he naturally knows the inferiority of men. In this world where there is no tomorrow, and there is a possibility of death at any time, more than a dozen men lived with a woman for more than 20 days , those men who don't move that woman is a ghost.

Lin Lin must be unclean, what about her wife Yan Jing? There must be something wrong, otherwise why would she kill those people?

Thinking of the dozen or so men who didn't know how to play with their wives, Kang Guanghui's stomach twitched like he had eaten maggots, and his face was very ugly.

Qin Yilan prepared the meal and brought it to the table, Kang Guanghui was disgusted and couldn't eat it.

Qin Yilan would not care if he eats or not, and greeted Linlin after dinner, she directly proposed her own plan to Kang Guanghui: "The Lancheng Military Region has established a settlement area, I am going there Long stay, what are you going to do?"

Kang Guanghui can no longer accept the "wife who has been defiled by more than a dozen men", he just wants to vomit when he thinks of this.

Qin Yilan was going to leave, which was exactly what he wanted, and he said happily: "If you want to go, I won't go anyway, this is the ancestral home of our old Kang family, and I will die here if I die. "

"What about you?" Qin Yilan turned to ask Kang Muyu.

"He and me!" Kang Guanghui made a firm decision for Kang Muyu: "Son and father, daughter and mother, the court decides divorce lawsuits basically like this, Yuyu is of course with me, Son, don't you think so?"

Kang Muyu avoided Qin Yilan's gaze, nodded without thinking, and echoed Kang Guanghui's words.

Fucking is like a different person. When his attitude changed greatly, he forced him to rush forward when fighting zombies. When his father met, he diligently found him socks and shoes. He is the same as before.

In this case, he will of course choose the father who is closer to him.

Qin Yilan was not surprised by Kang Muyu's choice, and she was quite at ease with Kang Guanghui's words that he wanted to "divorce" for cutting, she nodded and said, "That's okay, I'll stay for one more night. , leaving tomorrow."

Leave early, good morning, and eat less of his food. Kang Guanghui is very satisfied with Qin Yilan's decision.

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Yilan moved a ladder and hid behind the fence to observe the situation in the alley. The scattered three or two are still persistently wandering in the alley.

Qin Yilan jumped to the outside of the courtyard wall and quickly killed a few zombies. Linlin, who jumped down behind her, had already picked up the motorcycle and pushed her head off.

Yan Jing's parents disappeared as early as the day of the cataclysm, Qin Yilan was interested in taking a look at Yan Jing's sister who could drop her one arm and her natal brother who ran with Kang Guanghui None, she just assumed that this person did not exist, and rode the car with Linlin mother and daughter to the highway.

Motorcycles whizzed past, throwing the zombies behind them far away, Qin Yilan took Linlin to get the RV, and got on the highway smoothly.

The motorcycle Qin Yilan rides is an imported off-road motorcycle that can be used for rally races. It has a stable frame and sufficient horsepower, and can handle most complex road conditions. She was reluctant to throw it away and decided to drive the car to Lanzhou City to go.

The two moved forward while clearing the road. They also encountered two relatively large accident sites on the road, which delayed a lot of work. Stay impatient.

Yan Jing often runs the expressway from Yixian to the provincial capital. Through her memory, Qin Yilan is also familiar with this distance.

Although the road from Yixian to Lancheng is not far, it crosses the province. Yan Jing has walked here once in more than ten years, and there is no impression left in her mind at all , causing Qin Yilan to be very unfamiliar with this section of the road.

Not far from the boundary of Yixian County, a provincial road began to run parallel to the expressway. Coal is produced here. There are many coal trucks running on the provincial road. In order to serve the coal trucks, the road There are also restaurants and repair shops on both sides.

At this time, no one was transporting coal anymore. Not only were there many coal transport trucks stagnant on the provincial road, but from time to time you could see coal transport trucks that overturned on the road and coal piles that blocked the road. , and the dark shadows walking between the vehicles and coal piles, needless to say, must be zombies.

In this case, Qin Yilan and the others don't say parking overnight. When the road is blocked again, as long as they move a little slower, the zombies on the provincial road can run over and besiege them.

The siege of seven or eight zombies is not a problem for Qin Yilan. If there is enough space for her to wander in the fight, she can also cope with seventeen or eighteen. A large group of people gathered around, and Ren Qin Yilan's three heads and six arms probably had to be explained here.

The more you are afraid of what you will encounter.

There are still more than 80 kilometers from Lancheng, and the road ahead is completely broken.

A heavy truck carrying a refrigerator squeezed a passenger car into the middle of the road.

Refrigerators thrown out of the carriages were scattered all over the floor, blocking the four-lane expressway with the long carriages, and some refrigerators even jumped over the guardrail and fell under the roadbed .

Forget about RVs, even motorcycles.

If there is enough time, Qin Yilan can push all the refrigerators scattered on the driveway to the base of the road, and the space freed up is enough for their cars to pass, but it is not as expected.

As soon as Qin Yilan stopped the car, a large group of zombies suddenly appeared from the isolation belt in the middle of the road and surrounded her.

She glanced at the bus that was squeezed onto the isolation belt by the heavy truck, and her heart suddenly became cold.

Of course Qin Yilan can jump on the motorcycle and turn around to escape, but it is not so easy for Linlin's RV to turn around. Qin Yilan can't leave their mother and daughter behind.

Holding a steel rod, she went up to the zombie group and shouted to Linlin, who was holding a machete and wanted to get out of the car to help: "Turn around and drive back!"

There are at least forty or fifty zombies in this group. Although Qin Yilan is very good at it, she can't handle it.

Qin Yilan couldn't bear to leave Linlin's mother and daughter, how could Linlin leave her sister Yan, she closed the knife with red eyes, drove the car with a kick of the accelerator and ran over the zombies .

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