MTL - I’m Against the World-Chapter 75 Persistence is the medicine of the 18th man of the family

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According to Liu Wei's account, all women who are kidnapped and abducted by the Tiger and Leopard Group will be sent to Taoyuan.

"Taoyuan" is far away from residential areas, the roads are smooth and easy to travel, and there are no zombies around. They can do evil here without worrying about being discovered.

A total of sixteen young women, curled up naked in the wet and dirty quilts, their feet were shackled and chained to the steel frame in the cold storage.

There was no effect of keeping warm. All of these people were frozen with blue lips and white lips. One of them had even been dead for a long time, and the body was stiff.

Brother Leopard came here yesterday and left in the afternoon. It has been one night. The only food they eat is water with a thin layer of ice in the plastic bucket in the middle of the open space.


The outcome is predictable.

Wei said, the longest did not live more than a month.

Gao Yuan's little sister, like other women who died here in vain, desperately exhausted her vitality in this dark cold storage.

The tragic scene at the scene stimulated Gao Yuan, thinking of the opportunity to rescue the little sister that she had unknowingly missed, and the despair and suffering of the sister when she was trapped here, Gao Yuan was in pain.

The pain made Gao Yuan angry, and she needed to vent her anger.

Liu Wei, a member of the Tiger and Leopard Group, became Gao Yuan's venting barrel. She inserted a screwdriver into Liu Wei's ear and got the shackle key that they hid outside the cold storage.

This cold storage was originally used for storing fruits and vegetables. This is the place where the people from the Tiger and Leopard Regiment came over and tried their best.

Because the people of the Tiger and Leopard Regiment often come here to "entertainment", the guard room stores a lot of materials for their own use, there is no shortage of food and water, and there is a tin stove for burning coal.

Qin Yilan raised the stove to boil hot water for the girls to drink, Gao Yuan found a lot of clothes in the corner of the barn.

Every now and then, a woman was **** and sent over. She was forcibly stripped of her clothes in this warehouse and locked in a cold storage room. No woman has ever left this warehouse alive. , this pile of clothes is really not small.

Gao Yuan rummaged through the pile of clothes expressionlessly, and finally found an avocado-colored jacket, she hugged it and burst into tears: "This dress , I have an identical one, which we found in an outdoor equipment store when we escaped from Lancheng, and there were five zombies in that store, and we almost died there."

Qin Yilan hugged her shoulders tightly.

Gao Yuan gritted her teeth: "Tiger and Leopard Group, one of them counts as one, I want them to die!"

Qin Yilan understands Gao Yuan's mood in particular. Although she knew that there was an inside story about the death of the little sister, this "inside story" was an abstract concept in her mind until she came to this cold storage, I saw with my own eyes the girls imprisoned by the Tiger and Leopard regiments.

The tragic situation of the girls at the scene was directly placed on the gentle and lovely little sister who lived with her in her memory. This "inside story" has a real, detailed and cruel appearance.

The flame of hatred can only be extinguished by revenge, Qin Yilan simply concluded: "Okay, kill them, these people don't deserve to live."

Gao Yuan dragged Liu Wei to the open space in the center of the warehouse: "You have seen my methods, plus they..."

She pointed to the girls who were dressed and said to Liu Wei, "Do you think you have a chance to live?"

Liu Wei was injured by Qin Yilan and then repeatedly tortured by Gao Yuan. He was dying after being rectified. He wanted to shiver when he saw Qin Yilan and Gao Yuan. The woman who had passed by, Liu Wei trembled even more, and didn't even dare to say anything to beg for mercy.

Liu Wei knew that these women would not let him go.

No, under Gao Yuan's questioning, the situation of the Tiger and Leopard Regiment was wiped clean.

Qin Yilan sits in the cold storage to prevent the members of the Tiger and Leopard Group from suddenly appearing and running to "Taoyuan" to have fun. Gao Yuan took two girls who can drive and escorted Liu Wei to the residential area to communicate on the walkie-talkie location, and then forced Liu Wei to contact Brother Leopard on the walkie-talkie.

Liu Wei, who was covered in injuries, told Brother Leopard according to the small script Qin Yilan had prepared for him in advance, that he not only got Gao Yuan this time, but also got two fresh goods in Hujia Temple: "When will you come over, big brother? I'll keep the most beautiful one for you."

Now, I'm so tired, I have to rest for two days to slow down, you can have fun, just remember to keep the most beautiful ones for me."

Brother Leopard didn't come out, Gao Yuan was angry, released the call button of the walkie-talkie, picked up the screwdriver, and slammed it on Liu Weiwei's leg, Liu Wei screamed with snot, tears and cold sweat. .

"If he doesn't come out, you can call someone else and think about what to say." Gao Yuan gave him another sign with the screwdriver viciously.

"I know! I know! I know what to say, let me say it!" Liu Wei was frightened, and even cried and shouted to ensure that he would communicate honestly and earnestly, and strive to make all his colleagues Tricked out to be beaten with him.

Gao Yuan nodded with satisfaction, pointed the screwdriver at Liu Wei's intact eye, and squeezed the call button on the walkie-talkie.

"Brother, don't worry, I have designated no one to touch it, and I will keep the most beautiful girl, girl, for you."

It looked weird on the walkie-talkie.

"What's wrong with you, Liu?" Brother Leopard on the other end of the walkie-talkie asked suspiciously.

Liu Wei looked complicated. He just opened his mouth, but the girl sitting on the other side of him covered his mouth. Quickly release the call button on the walkie-talkie.


Mobile phone, or I can watch your live version, hahahaha…”

"Continue to call people!" Gao Yuan compared the screwdriver to Liu Wei's eyes again, and said threateningly, "After thinking about it, talk."

Gao Yuan pressed the call button, Liu Wei forced a hoarse laugh: "Isn't this, can't help it, brother, you won't come, other brothers, can you come? Come? Just me and the others, there are too few people to play, no, it's enough fun!"

"Damn, you are the only one who has many tricks," Brother Leopard scolded with a laugh, and shouted: "Hey, brothers, your big brother Liu has made two new products, calling you to go to Taoyuan Hey, whoever wants to go, just get out of here."

"Thank you, Brother Liu!"

"I'm going! I'm going!"

"Going in a minute!"

The other end of the walkie-talkie became a mess.

The goal was achieved, Gao Yuan flew to the Hu family temple, Chen Qianwen was lucky not to be found by the zombies, Gao Yuan picked her up and left, and stepped on the accelerator to the cold storage.

Qin Yilan, who was in the cold storage, rudely requisitioned the materials left by the Tiger and Leopard Group, and she cooked a large pot of ham sausage noodles.

The cauldron sitting on the stove was brought down, Qin Yilan greeted the group of girls around her to eat quickly: "The noodles under the ham sausage, you eat quickly, when you are finished, I will Prepare the materials for the people in the Dragon Tiger regiment."

For them, it is indeed a supreme delicacy, with green eyes shining in their eyes, and they are sweating profusely.

The girls here are eating, and Qin Yilan over there starts to collect ingredients and prepares a Hongmen banquet for the people of the Tiger and Leopard Group.

Just threw it outside the warehouse.

The girls came to help her after eating. They couldn't understand Qin Yilan's behavior and asked curiously, "Sister, what do you want these molds for?"

Qin Yilan carefully scraped a hairy fresh corn cobs, sighed and said sadly: "Dalang should take medicine, this is not mold, this is Dalang's medicine!"

The girl who asked the question was stunned, and her eyes suddenly lit up: "Sister, is this Aspergillus flavus?"


Qin Yilan snapped her fingers and nodded her head, putting on a reserved expression: "Sister, I am a civilized person, and it's not me who is like Gao Yuan's act of poking a blood hole. style, I like to bring down the enemy cleanly."

Gao Yuan came back after completing the task, she carried Liu Wei out of the car, listened to Qin Yilan's words, and threw Qin Yilan a big white eye: "Go down with a stick and take a human leg. It's not you who discounted it? You are a civilized hammer!"

Yes, find me a rope and let me tie him firmly."

A girl found a rope for Qin Yilan and wiped the blood on the ground. Qin Yilan tied Liu Wei and sealed his mouth to stop the bleeding from the wound on his thigh, and then directly put him stuffed into the pile of rotten fruit and vegetables.

Hide Liu Wei, she explained to Gao Yuan: "You take the people to the town of Honggeta, find a safe place to settle them down, hide the car and don't drive back, there are Chen Qianwen and I are enough."

"I'll hide them and come back to help you," Gao Yuan frowned: "You're too dangerous alone."

Qin Yilan excitedly showed off her new "weapon" to Gao Yuan: "I have Dalang's medicine, don't worry, I promise to put them all down in one bowl."

"Even if this thing is useful, how can you let them eat it?" Gao Yuan pinched Qin Yilan's plastic bag containing mold in a puzzled way.

"If you serve it to them, they won't eat it."

Qin Yilan smiled and stuffed the plastic bag into her pocket, stroked her hair confidently: "I'm different, my sister's acting skills are top-notch, like you, chasing dramas for two thousand Ji still doesn't know what acting is Hanhan, I only deserve to look up to my sister."

Qin Yilan's stinky fart looks very demanding to be beaten, Gao Yuan grinds her teeth at her, but still feels very at ease, she frowned and reminded Qin Yilan: "Queen, you can take it easy, don't be old horse. If you lose your forefoot, you'll have fun."

"Stop talking nonsense, and take the girls with you. You'll have to grumble for a while, and the offal from the Tiger and Leopard Regiment should be here."

Qin Yilan dragged Chen Qianwen out of the car and waved at Gao Yuan to let her go quickly. The time was urgent and Gao Yuan didn't say much, so she led the girls away.

Qin Yilan pulled Chen Qianwen over and squeezed her jaw out of place. After taking out the light bulb in her mouth, she raised her hand and put her chin back on Chen Qianwen. .

Poor Chen Qianwen, she was stuffed by such a big light bulb in her mouth for a long time, and the huge light bulb made all the muscles in her mouth unable to move, and she could not even swallow a mouthful of water and moisten her voice , She was forced to open her mouth for a long time, and her lower half of her face, including her throat, was severely swollen.

The light bulb was finally taken out, but she suffered from repeated jaw dislocations one after another. Chen Qianwen opened her mouth and found that she couldn't even speak.

Qin Yilan untied the rope tied to Chen Qianwen and put her on the chair in the guard room: "You also saw Liu Wei's end, do you want to be like him?"

Being tightly bound for so long, Chen Qianwen's arms and legs were numb, swollen and painful. She couldn't stand up and couldn't speak, so she could only shake her head in tears at Qin Yilan.

"Good girl, the person who knows the current affairs is a hero," Qin Yilan nodded: "Your task is to accompany me, and then nod, you know?"

Chen Qianwen nodded again, Qin Yilan smiled at her: "That's it, it's right."

Abandoning Chen Qianwen, Qin Yilan pulled a chain with a lock to lock the door of the cold storage, and then started to sit on the stove and cook vermicelli.

When the noodles were cooked, there was also the sound of a car outside. Qin Yilan calmly took out the plastic bag containing the mold from his pocket, turned the bag over, rinsed it in the noodle pot, and then took it out. After stirring with a spoon, the yellow-yellow-green mold spread out in the noodle soup and could no longer be seen.

Qin Yilan lifted Chen Qianwen up and walked out the door with her arms on her shoulders. She looked up, my good guy, Liu Wei's appeal is really strong, he got off a minibus Twenty people.

Qin Yilan carried Chen Qianwen on his shoulders and greeted the people who came down with a smile: "Oh, brothers, it's unfortunate for you to come here. Brother Liu still hasn't gone out ten minutes earlier."


"Brother Liu promised to keep the most beautiful girl for the boss. He was afraid that you would take care of the girl again. When he couldn't explain it to the boss, he would simply put it in the cold storage. The door was locked and the key was taken away."

Qin Yilan explained softly.

After the crisis of confidence, he immediately began to complain again and again with dissatisfaction:

"Damn, Brother Liu, doesn't he trust us?"

"It's too late, he called us over, and he left?"

"Why did Brother Liu go? When will you come back?"

"What does he mean? Are we having fun?"

"Aiyo brothers, you can't misunderstand Brother Liu like this. Brother Liu remembered that you didn't eat at noon when you came out, and asked me to cook some noodles for you."

Qin Yilan smiled at this group of people with diligence: "Brother Liu said, you can't get up without good wine and good food, no, he took Daniel Ertong and the others to Hu's house I went to the temple to catch the chicken, and it didn’t take long before I left, but I came back in two or three hours. When the time comes, the eldest sister will cook chicken for you, and the eldest sister’s skill in making chicken is very good.”

As soon as Qin Yilan said these words, someone gave her a lewd | Laughing: "Eldest sister, how good are you at making chickens? How long have you been cooking chickens before you have developed a good craftsmanship? what?"

"Stinky boy, make fun of the old lady," Qin Yilan patted him on the shoulder angrily: "You can taste the noodles made by the eldest sister to know how the eldest sister's cooking skills are."

Qin Yilan greeted her with a smile all the time, but these people are not good at attacking her. They can't play with women for a while and a half. chopsticks, and began to eat the boiled noodles carefully cooked by Qin Yilan.

Someone who pity and cherish jade handed Chen Qianwen a bowl: "Qianqian why don't you eat? Why don't you talk? Are you in a bad mood?"

Chen Qianwen bit her lip, glanced at Qin Yilan, and quietly leaned towards the man.

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