MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 115 Ghosts do the fake Major General 4

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Fang Kai swallowed, "You..."

Sang Jiuchi squinted lightly at the end of his eyes, and picked up the soft pudding in his voice, "Huh?"

Fang Kai was slightly stunned, his cheeks flushed uncontrollably, and he quickly turned to look at his desk, "It's nothing, hurry up and review."

Damn, what happened to Sang Jiuchi today!

Too, it's so pretty, isn't it? !

Fang Kai secretly looked at Sang Jiuchi out of the corner of his eye, and saw that Sang Jiuchi had lowered his head and opened the book.

He turned the book quickly, holding the handle in one hand, turning over the pages in the other, flipping the book quickly and putting it aside.

Then he opened the second book.

Fang Kai sighed, Sang Jiuchi was a transfer student, these books were already very difficult for him, and it was understandable that he didn't like to learn.

He shares a dormitory with Sang Jiuchi, and he can usually see Sang Jiuchi's efforts.

For Sang Jiuchi, who had just been differentiated into a guide, everything he learned was different and unfamiliar.

For this, what others spend 1 hour learning, he often spends 2 hours or more.

But he never heard a complaint from Sang Jiuchi. He accepted his identity change with all his might, and even Song Miao resigned himself to the repeated suppression of him.

No one in the whole school knew that Song Miao liked Yin Li. Shaoxiang attended the school for a total of four years. Song Miao was now in the third grade, the same level as Yin Li.

He is the best guide in Sentinel School. Song Miao has actually matched a sentinel with 90% mental power, and that sentinel is also very good, with S-level ability.

But Song Miao gave up directly.

He has spoken out in private since the first grade, Yin Li is his official match, and all guides are forbidden to hook up with Yin Li. His group of younger brothers are strictly guarded and stare at all guides.

In fact, it was absolutely unnecessary for Song Miao to do this. Yin Li would never give any guide a look. And Yin Li spends half of the year away from school, and most of the time he goes to the battlefield.

At the age of 20, others are just soldiers, he has already become a major general.

Fang Kai secretly glanced at Sang Jiuchi's dejected flipping through the book, and felt distressed in his heart.

Sang Jiuchi has only D rank, and he will eventually become the victim of this combination.

It is a once-in-a-century phenomenon that the matching of mental power fluctuations can reach 100%. The empire once ordered that once it is detected that the matching of mental power fluctuations reaches 100%, they must be combined and cannot be separated unless one party dies.

The moment Sang Jiuchi entered the school, everyone knew that he was a combination of Yin Li.

But at the same time, they also know that this combination will not last long.

Don't say that the Yin family is unwilling, Song Miao alone will not be able to pass this level.

Song Miao asked Sang Jiuchi to break off the marriage, but Sang Jiuchi didn't know that the fate of violating the empire's orders was to accept the empire's trial.

For hundreds of years, people who survived trials can be counted on ten fingers, and they all have serious sequelae.

Song Miao's bullying of Sang Jiuchi is not once or twice. Although Sang Jiuchi is Yin Li's nominal bonder, no one has really locked him with Yin Li.

This school has a chain of contempt, and every level is not a level.

Even if Sang Jiuchi can really combine with Yin Li, he won't live long.

The guide is not a vase kept in a boudoir. He not only has to appease the restless mental power of the sentinel, but also endure the indiscriminate attack of the sentinel's mental power.

How can a D-level wizard be able to withstand a 3S-level mental attack?

Combining with such a guide, is it intended to make Yin Li's hands stick to unnecessary blood?

The combination of these two is not good for either of them. Therefore, the attitude of the Indian family towards this legal union person was nothing at all from the beginning. Everything will be postponed until Sang Jiuchi graduates. At present, it can be delayed for a day.

All in all, Sang Jiuchi's appearance did not get anyone's blessing.

Thinking of this, Fang Kai felt a deep sense of grief and anger in his heart.

Everyone dislikes the existence of Sang Jiuchi, but have they thought about whether Sang Jiuchi is willing or not?

In their opinion, the identity of the top sentinel combiner is just a duck to the shelves for Sang Jiuchi.

Sang Jiuchi had told himself before that he just wanted to attend the most ordinary university and be an ordinary person after graduation. Who would have thought that Pingfanfan, who has spent 18 years, will usher in such a turning point in his 19th year?

What's the matter? !

Look what Sang Jiuchi has been forced into!

Fang Kai murmured inwardly, and even forgot the run on the playground in the morning.

Sang Jiuchi could feel Fang Kai's unease, but he pretended not to see it. He is looking down at the book, and the content of what Whistle is learning is completely different from what ordinary people learn.

Ordinary people only need to learn how to manage their lives, but what Shaoxiang learns is how to fight.

The original owner was divided into a D-level guide in four months. After that, after two months of preparation, he was only transferred to the first-year D-level class of the guide at Sentinel two months ago.

At this time, the D-class class had started for most of the semester, and the original owner tried hard to make himself learn these things that he had never seen before, but with little success.

These Sang Jiuchi can be obtained from the original owner's memory. In the original owner's memory, the original owner didn't even have a framework for the basic learning content of the guide.

Sang Jiuchi glanced at the original owner's textbook.

It is densely marked, and there are a lot of knowledge points copied, but they have not entered my mind.

The guide has to learn a lot of content, most of which are for mental power training. The flower arrangement in the first section of the exam is the training for mental power control.

This is not a flower arrangement in the traditional sense, it is more like a blind box if you have to.

The official name of this test is "Combined Spirit Wavelength Test", because the props inside are shaped like flowers, and the feeling of placement is similar to that of flower arrangements, so it was named so.

The test time is half an hour. In front of each candidate, there is a material box. In the box, there are a total of 100 different wavelengths of mental power mimicry substitutes - metal flowers.

At the beginning of the exam, candidates need to select a combination to form a finished product on the instrument that is closest to their own mental wavelength.

Some candidates are lucky, and there are metal flowers that are similar to their own mental fluctuations, and it may be over with just one flower.

Some candidates are unlucky and may need dozens of flowers.

But both of these situations are rare and almost impossible to happen.

The content of this test is mainly to train the spiritual perception of the guide.

Not only do you have your own sentinels on the battlefield, but there are also countless other sentinels. You can find your own sentinel among the many sentinels and stably output mental power. This is the most basic skill of every guide.

Early self-study is free study time. In order to cope with the monthly exam, many students have begun to practice mental perception again.

Fang Kai turned his head to look over, Sang Jiuchi was still flipping through the book boredly, giving up and struggling with no desire to win or lose.

"Sang Jiuchi," Fang Kai subconsciously pushed the perception practice model he bought in front of Sang Jiuchi, "Do you want to practice again?"

Sang Jiuchi didn't know what was going on, his perception of mental power was almost 0, and the random test was a countdown every time.

Seeing that he is so Buddhist, even Fang Kai can't stand it anymore, "I'm sharpening my gun before the battle, it's not too bad, do you want to try again?"

Sang Jiuchi glanced at the model Fang Kai pushed over, "Okay."

This perception training model is a little expensive, and not everyone can afford it. And even if you can afford it, generally no one will go out of your way to buy it.

This thing has no practical use, the only use is to cope with student exam practice.

Sang Jiuchi knew that Fang Kai's family was fairly wealthy, but he would not spend money on this flashy thing.

Seeing to see Sang Jiuchi's doubts, Fang Kai blushed and whispered in a low voice, "This was lent to me by someone else, and I will return it when I use it up."

Fang Kai said that his cheeks still blushed, Sang Jiuchi raised his eyebrows, and did not continue to ask, "Okay, thank you."

This perception model is almost the same as the one used in the exam. It is also 100 metal flowers, but the wavelength of the metal flowers will be different from the one used in the exam.

Fang Kai whispered to Sang Jiuchi about the exam skills, "When you take the exam, don't take it out in a hurry. Put your hand on it first and perceive the one with the closest wavelength to your mental wavelength."

Fang Kai said while showing Sang Jiuchi a demonstration.

He put his hand in the box and felt it, and after a while he pulled out a flower from it, "Put the flower on the base, and then started to use this flower as the center, and started to use other flowers to adjust the spiritual wavelength back and forth, so that it Reach a state that matches your own mental wavelength."

Fang Kai has contacted with this set of instruments many times, very skillfully took out a few flowers from the inside and inserted them on it, then pressed the OK button under the base, and pointed his index finger in the direction.

After a while, the display on the base flashed a row of values: the mental wavelength match reached 98%.

Seeing this result, Fang Kai relaxed his slightly tense body, "Look, it's not difficult. There is half an hour, and you have enough time to adjust."

"Fang Kai, stop showing off." A boy in front suddenly turned his head and squinted at Fang Kai, "It's because he hooked up with the nouveau riche sentinel of the Li family, and that fool would buy this for you. Model. You are too shameless, you and Sang Jiuchi are really together..."

The boy's voice was a bit sharp, which was particularly abrupt in this classroom where there was only the sound of reading aloud.

In the classroom, the sound of reading all quieted down, and some of the eyes cast here were curious and malicious.

Fang Kai's face suddenly turned red, he hurriedly stepped his head into the book, and his movements were very embarrassing, obviously being stabbed in a sore spot.

Sang Jiuchi glanced at the boy and asked, "What is it?"

The boy didn't expect Sang Jiuchi, who is usually submissive, to speak, but he was surprised for a while and then continued: "It's really shameless, and only **** the blood of the sentinel."

Sang Jiuchi glanced at Fang Kai, and saw Fang Kai shaking his head at him under the book, with unwilling water glittering in his eyes.

Sang Jiuchi sneered, "Farting and tearing your mouth again, do you think you can get a perfect score in this exam? Why don't you hurry up and review if you have this spare time to spread rumors?"

The boy's face turned red.

Not only was he scolded by Sang Jiuchi today, but he was also asked to review?

A crane tail for him to review? It's hilarious to say that.

The boy stared at him with a red neck, "It's not your turn to ask me to review, and you don't look at your bad grades."

Sang Jiuchi's eyes were indifferent: "What's wrong with my grades? I'm a latecomer. I used to be too lazy to answer questions. What's the first thing I should do when I get serious?"

This time, not only the boy, but several other people also laughed.

Sang Jiuchi looked around in his memory, but still couldn't find the boy's name. In the original owner's memory, Fang Kai was the name of one of the few classmates.

Fang Kai secretly tugged at Sang Jiuchi's sleeve, winked at him and whispered, "He's the number one in our class."

Sang Jiuchi: "…"

First? That's it?

The boy laughed as if he had heard a joke, "You are the first, the first in the last count."

Sang Jiuchi's eyes were aggressive: "No, it's counting. I heard that you are the number one in our class? Let me tell you, starting today, not only the number one in the class, but also the number one in the school will change hands. You—"

Sang Jiuchi paused awkwardly, "What's your name?"

The boy's face has changed from red to black, Fang Kai is pulling Sang Jiuchi's sleeve next to him, and before Fang Kai can tell Sang Jiuchi's name, No. 1 speaks first, "Very good, Sang Jiuchi. , you successfully caught my attention. My name is Zhou Tian, ​​do you remember?"

Sang Jiuchi: "…"

What kind of local taste tyrant speaks, good second.

Seeing that Sang Jiuchi didn't speak, Zhou Tian thought that the other party was afraid, and continued to say, "Let's not talk about the school, just our class, Sang Jiuchi, didn't you say you want to be the first? Then let's make a bet, also You don't need to be as high as the first, it depends on whether you can pass the test for me, how about it?"

Sang Jiuchi: "What's the bet?"

Zhou Tian's eyes flickered: "If I win, you and Yin Li will break off the engagement. If I lose—"

Sang Jiuchi: "If you lose, kneel down and apologize to Fang Kai."

Fang Kai's face that was hidden behind the book was stunned, and he looked at Sang Jiuchi in amazement.

Zhou Tian didn't believe he would lose at all, so he agreed: "Okay!"

After a brief confrontation, the classroom resumed its usual busyness. The other students, after watching the play, start reviewing again, and they don't have much time to entertain themselves.

Sang Jiuchi turned to look at Fang Kai who was hiding behind the book, and saw Fang Kai was looking at him with tears in his eyes: "Sang Jiuchi, you are for me. How can you be so stupid, if you break off your marriage with Yin Li, you will die."

Sang Jiuchi coughed lightly and tilted his head.

I really don't see it.

Fang Kai was already anxious, "What should I do? Let's go to the teacher. Gambling is not allowed in the school, so this bet doesn't exist."

Sang Jiuchi was buzzing with the noise from Fang Kai. He patted Fang Kai on the shoulder and pointed to the model in front of him, "Don't be noisy, just watch."

Fang Kai's crying stopped abruptly, and he looked at Sang Jiuchi's movements with hazy eyes.

Sang Jiuchi put his hand on the metal flower for a while, and directly took out a few flowers and inserted them on the chassis.

Quickly put his index finger on the sensor, and a line of numbers quickly appeared on the display: [Mental fluctuation matching 100%. 】

He moved quickly, and it only took ten seconds before and after.

Fang Kai stopped crying, he burped, his eyes full of surprises.

Just as he was about to shout, he remembered that Zhou Tian was in front of him, and immediately blocked one of his mouths with his hand, looked at Sang Jiuchi excitedly, and raised his thumb at him.

Sang Jiuchi couldn't help laughing when he saw Fang Kai's appearance, he smiled: "How is it, do you believe me now?"

Fang Kai nodded quickly, his head tapping as fast as a sieve.

When Fang Kai calmed down from the shock, he lowered his voice and asked, "Are you really pretending to be stupid before?"

Sang Jiuchi: "Of course, you forgot to be in the playground this morning?"

Fang Kai suddenly remembered Sang Jiuchi's feat on the playground, and again showed his thumb at Sang Jiuchi, "But why?"

Sang Jiuchi: "I don't have a lot of heart to win or lose. I used to think that if I didn't fight against others, others would not target me. But I found that I thought too much, and the more forbearance I was, the more oppression I would get from others. If there has to be an oppression in this environment, I'd rather I oppress them."

Sang Jiuchi paused, "The strong have the right to speak."

Fang Kai had already been infected by Sang Jiuchi and tears filled his eyes again.

Seeing that the little angel Fang Kai was about to cry again, Sang Jiuchi quickly asked, "What happened to you and that sentry that Zhou Tian said just now?"

Fang Kai stopped his tears, his handsome cheeks flushed slightly, and he whispered: "He is my neighbor's brother, and we had an appointment to become a sentinel together. Later, he first became a B-level sentinel, and I later became a D-level sentinel. Level guide. He is several years older than me, because he has never been able to join the team and cannot fight the enemy. After graduating from school, he went to the general's mansion to guard. He took care of me since I was a child, and he treated me more than his own brother. What good is it Everything will be given to me as soon as possible, and he lent me that simulator."

Sang Jiuchi observed Fang Kai's expression: "Do you like him?"

Fang Kai's cheeks flushed, and then his eyes dimmed: "He just takes me as his younger brother. Although I have become a guide, in his eyes, he is still the sentinel younger brother who promised to fight together to kill the enemy."

Sang Jiuchi was noncommittal, "Did he tell you?"

Fang Kai hesitated and nodded, "Almost, if he was really interested in me, he would have said it when I was divided into a guide, but I have been divided for two years, and he has not spoken, he must just take me as a guide. younger brother."

"You like him," Sang Jiuchi, "why don't you try to confess to him?"

Fang Kai was a little embarrassed, "No. In case he doesn't like me, the two of us won't even have to be brothers in the future."

Sang Jiuchi laughed, "Then you are willing to be like this? You two still have a chance now, but it won't be certain in the future. I won't say anything else, think about it for yourself when you are quiet, Study now."

When the two were talking, Zhou Tian secretly glanced back, and out of the corner of his eye, he just swept to the "100%" display on the model tray.

He was stunned for a second, then quickly withdrew his gaze, his eyes shining with disbelief.

In the first exam, Zhou Tian, ​​the monitor, called several students to help the teacher move the exam equipment.

The desks have been pulled into a spaced pattern for one person per person. Zhou Tian glanced at Sang Jiuchi deliberately when he sent the instrument, and then left quickly.

A few minutes later, while the students were waiting anxiously, the teacher arrived late with this thermos cup filled with wolfberry.

The teacher took a sip of wolfberry water at will, and when the time was up, he casually said: "The exam begins."

This test is scored on the spot, and within 30 minutes, whoever finishes first and raises his hand to report, the invigilator will come and score on the spot.

Exam results will be announced after the exam is completed.

There is no cheating in this exam. The mental fluctuations of each guide are different, and there is no way to cheat if you want to.

The teacher sat on the lecture table and sometimes looked at the splendid cherry blossoms outside, and sometimes took a sip of wolfberry water, which was very comfortable.

When the exam started, Sang Jiuchi put his hand on the metal flower.

After a while, he frowned slightly.

Zhou Tian glanced back while finishing the flower arrangement in front of him, and saw Sang Jiuchi's expression and couldn't help laughing complacently.

Who made him offend Song Miao.

He had a half-hour break after the early self-study, and he went to see Song Miao. Zhou Tian is a die-hard fan of Song Miao. Seeing that his idol has been harmed by Sang Jiuchi, he is not angry.

After Song Miao heard about the bet between the two, he simply put Sang Jiuchi's test props in the bag for insurance.

The metal flowers in other people's hands have wavelengths of different frequencies, but in Sang Jiuchi's hand, the frequency and wavelength are only within a small range, which is just outside the wavelength threshold of Sang Jiuchi.

As for how they knew Sang Jiuchi's mental wavelength threshold, it was very simple. Sang Jiuchi's spiritual wavelength completely matches Yin Li's. Song Miao doesn't know Sang Jiuchi's spiritual wavelength, but he knows the difference between himself and Yin Li.

As long as you find an area in the difference, it is the spiritual wavelength area that Sang Jiuchi cannot touch.

Zhou Tian's eyes already showed the look of impending success. When this exam is over, everything will be settled.

Sang Jiuchi will leave the school, and Yin Li still belongs to Senior Song.

Zhou Tian was in a happy mood, and even the movements in his hands were much lighter.

Suddenly, he felt a chill spread up from the soles of his feet.

Zhou Tian shivered subconsciously, rubbing his arms back and forth with both hands, trying to shake the goose bumps on his body.

However, the cold did not disappear, but became more intense.

Zhou Tian exhaled, and he could even see the white breath coming out of his mouth. He stared blankly out of the window. The sun was shining outside, and the greenery of summer was warm.

He looked around again. All the students were conscientiously completing their homework and looked normal.

Are you sick?

Zhou Tian touched his forehead subconsciously. Where his fingers touched, he could only feel a hint of coolness, but he couldn't even feel the temperature.

He wanted to report to the infirmary, and just raised his hand, he thought of the bet with Sang Jiuchi.

Leaving now, isn't it a clear admission of defeat?

Zhou Tian gritted his teeth, as long as he bite the bullet and continue the exam.

Because his cold and trembling hand was placed on the metal flower, Zhou Tian quickly released his mental power to perceive the wavelength in the metal flower. 100 metal flowers passed quickly in his hands, and he quickly showed a surprised look.

The metal flower in his hand seemed to be malfunctioning.

The wavelength of each metal flower is beating rapidly, and it cannot be stabilized at all. How can it be possible to find the mission flower?

Could it be that Sang Jiuchi was harming him? !

Zhou Tian looked back at Sang Jiuchi and found that Sang Jiuchi carefully took the flowers into his hands and observed them one by one, and then inserted them into the tray.

But in just a few minutes, the base of Sang Jiuchi was already full of flowers.

Zhou Tian saw the pile of metal flowers, "puchi", and couldn't help laughing.

The teacher who had been fishing for fish heard Zhou Tian's voice and gave him a warning look. Zhou Tian's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly raised his hand to report, "Teacher."

The invigilator put down the wolfberry thermos cup and walked over quickly. Zhou Tian is a child he is very optimistic about. He originally thought he said he had completed the exam, but when he walked over, he found that the tray in front of him was still empty.

The invigilator looked unhappy, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Tian: "Teacher, the wavelength of my metal flowers doesn't seem right, can you take a look?"

The invigilator suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Zhou Tian, ​​who had always been a good boy, had not yet started the exam. It turned out that there was a problem with the metal flower.

In the past years, there have been problems with the metal flower. In order not to delay Zhou Tian's exam, the invigilator quickly put his hand on it to feel it.

But soon, his brows furrowed tightly, "There is no problem."

Zhou Tian was a little surprised: "How is this possible?"

As soon as these words came out, they were completely questioning the ability of the invigilator, and the invigilator was not happy on the spot, "I have already tested it, and I said no problem, no problem? Why, do you want me to hold precise instruments one by one? Test it for you?"

Zhou Tian knew that he had offended the teacher, so he quickly lowered his head: "No, no, no."

The cold still did not dissipate, Zhou Tian shivered and asked subconsciously, "Teacher, do you think I am cold here?"

The invigilator raised his eyebrows and smiled, with disdain flashing in his eyes, "Heh, Zhou Tian. Why, are you still holding me? Ask me if I'm cold, are you still planning to attack me with mental power?"

Zhou Tian was shocked. Could it be that what he felt was a mental attack?

He came to the school to study not long after the differentiation. He had never seen what a mental attack looked like before. Hearing what the teacher said, even if the teacher misunderstood Zhou Tian, ​​he continued: "Teacher, this is not the case. I may have suffered from mental attacks. Power attack, I've been feeling very cold since just now."

The invigilator looked suspiciously around Zhou Tian and released his mental power on Zhou Tian.

The next second, the invigilator lost all patience, "Zhou Tian, ​​I have always regarded you as the best student, stop playing tricks, you are very good, and the equipment is fine, hurry up and do the question."

Saying that, the invigilator stopped paying attention to Zhou Tian and returned to the podium.

After the invigilator left, the cold air lingered around him all the time. Zhou Tian was dumb to eat Coptis chinensis.

The fingers were compared on the instrument, and there was only a 60% match rate.

unprecedentedly low.

This time without the cold, Zhou Tian was already in a cold sweat.

He hurriedly looked back at Sang Jiuchi and found that Sang Jiuchi had put all the flowers on the tray.

Some candidates around also noticed Sang Jiuchi's actions, and the playfulness of watching the play flashed in their eyes. Even the teacher on the podium was dumbfounded, looking at this messed up Sang Jiuchi in shock, wondering what he was going to do.

Zhou Tian's heart slowly swallowed into his throat.

What about 60%?

As long as it is higher than Sang Jiuchi.

Fang Kai was already stupid, he couldn't care about the flower arrangement in front of him, and kept winking at Sang Jiuchi.

Sang Jiuchi saw him, but just gave him a reassuring smile and continued the movements in his hands.

Finally, the last flower finally found a space and inserted it. Sang Jiuchi looked at the hedgehog-like masterpiece in front of him and smiled with satisfaction.

Under the gaze of several people around, he slowly pressed his index finger.

Raise your hand, report, in one go.

Confident to explode.

Fang Kai covered his face, now he can't wait to give the flower arrangement in his hand to Sang Jiuchi.

It's over, Sang Jiuchi is going to lose, he is about to break off the marriage with Yin Li, and he killed Sang Jiuchi himself.

Zhou Tian saw Sang Jiuchi raise his hand and quickly raised his hand.

Although I still don't know why I encountered such a strange situation, it doesn't matter, a loach is a loach, even if you give him a sea, he will not become a dragon.

The teacher was close to Zhou Tian, ​​so he stopped in front of Zhou Tian first, seeing his 60% match, disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he quickly recorded his grades.

The invigilator who recorded Zhou Tian came to Sang Jiuchi.

Seeing this slow-moving hedgehog, the well-informed invigilator lost his jaw.

So far, the most inserted flowers he has seen are only 48, which is a record for Sang Jiuchi.

The invigilator looked at the tray with no beauty at all, and then at the empty metal flower tray, and wrote down a number in the record book: Sang Jiuchi, 100 flowers.

After recording the number of flowers, the invigilator looked at the numbers on the tray hidden under the flowers.

The whole person is stupid.

100%? ? !

What, this special shape, 100%? !

Zhou Tian's metal flower is fine, but Sang Jiuchi's is the problem, right? !

The invigilator recorded a 100% with trembling hands, and looked at Sang Jiuchi with big doubts in his small eyes.

He asked, "How did you do it?"

The surrounding classmates couldn't see Sang Jiuchi's grades, but they could see the behemoth in front of Sang Jiuchi. Hearing the invigilator's question, he put down the flowers in his hands one by one, pricked up his ears and listened with interest.

Sang Jiuchi pointed at a flower, "It's nothing, just changed the wavelength of the metal flower."

Everyone: "???"

What? What is Sang Jiuchi talking about? Change the wavelength of a metallic flower?

Is he crazy? !

Surprise flashed in the invigilator's eyes. He pulled all the metal flowers from the tray and inserted only one of them: "You can test again."

Sang Jiuchi stretched out a finger.


The invigilator inserted the second flower, "Try again."

Sang Jiuchi stretched out his hand, still 100%.

The invigilator's hand had already begun to tremble slightly, and he inserted one again.

This time, without waiting for the invigilator to speak, Sang Jiuchi has already extended his hand, still 100%.

Aware of the gazes around, the invigilator shouted, "You all finished the exam?! Don't hurry up and do your exam questions! Those who fail the exam this time will go to the playground for me to run laps!"

The invigilator said a word, which scared a few students to lower their heads to do the task, but their ears still stood up.

When the invigilator looked at Sang Jiuchi, there was shock in his eyes again, "These are all the same wavelengths?"

Sang Jiuchi nodded and said in a low voice, "I just sent out the exam questions, and I found that the wavelengths of these metal flowers are all outside my wavelength threshold. With these metal flowers, I can't combine the answers that match my mental wavelength."

"I thought, this may be another test question given to me by the teacher. Since the teacher has asked this question, there must be an answer. Then I thought of a sentence in the textbook, attacking with mental power can change the wavelength. So I tried After a while, I didn't expect it to work."

The invigilator's face showed a subtle expression of disbelief, "You mean this is your first attempt to attack with mental power?"

Sang Jiuchi nodded: "But I don't know if it's the right one, teacher, am I doing it right?"

Zhou Tian never left after handing in the papers. He couldn't see Sang Jiuchi's results from him, but he could hear the conversation between the two.

Hearing that Sang Jiuchi used his mental power to attack, Zhou Tian immediately shouted, "Teacher, it must be Sang Jiuchi! I felt cold all over from just now, it must be Sang Jiuchi who attacked me with mental power. ."

The invigilator glared at Zhou Tian in disgust: "It's exam time, get out of here!"

Zhou Tian was aggrieved.

The invigilator's face was getting darker and darker. Under the invigilator's watch, Zhou Tian had to bite the bullet and leave.

After sending away the troublesome Zhou Tian, ​​the invigilator gave Sang Jiuchi a deep look, "Come to my office after class, you should go out first."

Sang Jiuchi also left. The invigilator looked at the pile of metal flowers on his desk, his face changed and changed, but in the end, his good professionalism made him suppress the urge to shout, and calmly walked to the desk Sit down before.

The guide's next course does have a mental attack, which is another main direction of their study.

However, this ability is difficult to control, and the spiritual power of the guide is mostly gentle.

It takes a long time to break in to turn water into an ice blade for attack. You's guide spent his entire life unable to learn to attack with mental power, and could only use mental power to appease the sentinel.

Not to mention the use of psychic attacks to change the wavelengths in the metal flowers.

Still a hundred, a full hundred.

The invigilator looked at the time, and it was only ten minutes before the exam started.

The invigilator's face was sinking like water at this moment, but his heart was growling like a dog.

Does Sang Jiuchi know what he did calmly just now? ! This level is only D-level? how is this possible?

This is the first time he used a mental attack. If his level is only D-level, then I am afraid that no one in this world dares to call himself a C-level, right?

Could it be that Sang Jiuchi's mental power test went wrong at that time?

Time passed by minute by minute, and in just half an hour, the invigilator was restless.

He can't wait to rush out now and take Sang Jiuchi to do another mental power test!

Sang Jiuchi, who was remembered by him at the moment, was sitting calmly on the toilet seat at the moment, letting the ghost of his lover wrap him, and said with a smile, "You did Zhou Tian's mental attack?"

The little finger swayed up and down.

A smile flashed in Sang Jiuchi's eyes, "Good job."

The fingers were pulled by a force, and Sang Jiuchi spread out his fingers, feeling what was written in the palm of his hand.

Sang Jiuchi recognized it and laughed, "Want a reward? What reward?"

In the air, pink particles began to spread from all around.

Sang Jiuchi shook his head, "Not now, I have to see the teacher later."

The pink particles stagnated abruptly, turning into a melancholy blue in an instant.

Sang Jiuchi continued: "But at night, in the dormitory."

The blue suddenly bloomed with gorgeous red flowers, scattered in the air.