MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 136 Pope 9

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Sang Jiuchi came out of the temple and went to the slum to treat the disease. He stayed for four days. If it wasn't for the Pope's recall, Sang Jiuchi might have stayed until all the patients recovered.

With the help of Sang Jiuchi, they fished out the rotting animal carcasses from the water and carried out a centralized fire treatment.

After the water was dug out, the repair work of the well was done by themselves, and the seriously ill patients also got better and no longer needed the assistance of ventilators.

These things don't belong to this world. After the ventilator and other medical equipment were used up, they were sent back by Sang Jiuchi.

The blocked entrance was also opened.

As for why it was opened, it was because of the miracle of Sang Jiuchi that day.

Sang Jiuchi, a master of art, was bold and not only broadcast the picture in the Holy See, but also placed it in the sky above the entire imperial capital.

Now, not only the emperor, but even the commoners in the imperial capital knew about the existence of the God of Light, and even more about the competition for the throne of the God of Light.

Not only did they know about this, but they also knew about the blockade and abandonment of the slums.

Originally, only a small number of people close to the slum knew about the large number of patients in the slum. They were notified to stay away from the slums as much as possible.

Now that this matter is wrapped up, the whole city is in an uproar and panic. People have also questioned the rule of the court.

So many patients with multiple illnesses should have long thought that it was a plague, not only did not actively respond, but also all personnel were taken out of the cold treatment.

Is this a plan to wait for the plague to brew, and pull all the people of the imperial capital to sink together after a complete outbreak?

If Archbishop Sang Jiuchi did not appear here, if the God of Light did not perform miracles, what would this matter look like in the future.

The plague that spread across the country more than 20 years ago is still entrenched in the minds of many people and cannot be dissipated. Now that only more than 20 years have passed, have those high-ranking people forgotten the pain caused by this incident to the people?

The rule of the empire was seriously questioned and criticized this time. The king was furious and immediately flogged Prince Ino who was in charge of the matter, which calmed the public anger.

It has been several days, and by this time, most of the patients in the slum have recovered from their illness.

Sang Jiuchi uses special medicines brought from the future of science and technology. The rapid development of science and technology in the future will not only reduce the side effects of medicines, but also greatly improve the efficacy of medicines. In just three days, the patient recovered completely.

It was not until the fifth day that Sang diagnosed the last patient nine times and determined that he had also fully recovered.

On that day, the God of Light, wrapped in colorful rays of light, once again borrowed Sang Jiuchi's body to appear over the imperial capital, the Holy See, and the palace.

He announced to the world the news that all the plagues of the slums had been removed with his sound-like Sanskrit voice, and once again changed the message that he was about to fall and let the four candidates enter the competition state as soon as possible.

In just five days, the God of Light has appeared twice.

In the past long years, the God of Light has never appeared. But now it has appeared twice in just a few days, and both times, the news that he is going to fall is communicated to the outside world.

It can be seen that this matter is imminent, and they didn't know that the God of Light actually existed until the God of Light was about to die.

After the God of Light sent out the news that the slums were fully recovered, everyone finally waited for the news that the slums were unblocked.

That day, countless people gathered in front of the entrance of the slum.

On the day the lockdown was lifted, Prince Ino stood at the entrance of the slum under pressure.

Although everyone is quite dissatisfied with the royal family's actions this time, but the other party is the royal family.

Prince Ino stood at the door, looking at the time on his pocket watch.

He sat on the horse confidently, thinking about the situation of lifting the ban several times in his mind.

After being closed for so long, the people in the slums will definitely run out after the unblocking, leave their dirty places, and come out to kiss this beautiful land.

When the time came, Prince Ino raised his noble chin and said loudly, "Release the ban."

After saying this, he took the reins and looked arrogantly at the entrance of the slum.

The reins were held for fear that the horse would be frightened by this savage crowd.

However, he did not wait for the embarrassment of those poor and humble people. No one even left for five minutes after he announced the lifting of the ban.

No one came out of it until five minutes later.

He didn't cry with joy as he imagined, and the man wasn't messy, his hair was neatly combed, and although his clothes were worn, they were worn neatly.

After the man went out, he strolled outside for a while, and then stopped in one place.

It was followed by a second person, a third person, and more and more people came out of the slums.

They were quickly lined up in two very orderly rows on either side of the entrance, as if they were welcoming someone.

Prince Ino sneered.

Considering that these people have some discernment, he didn't want to go in and see the situation inside, even in the past 100 years, he didn't want to go in a place like the slum.

However, since these people have already made a gesture of welcoming, he reluctantly enters.

It just so happened that he also took a look at Sang Jiuchi's treatment results.

I heard that Sang Jiuchi came early in the morning every day for the past five days and left at night, spending all day in such a messy place, and I don't know how he endured it.

Prince Ino arrogantly got off his horse and walked to the front of the two rows with his head held high.

Just as he was about to walk forward, a tall, middle-aged man with a good appearance suddenly said, "Prince Ino, please move to the side, you are in the way."

The man was neither humble nor arrogant, as if he didn't care about his status as a prince at all.

Prince Ino seems to have eaten a piece of shit. These despicable and lowly people deserve to call him by his name and let him go.


Prince Ino wanted to get angry, but he couldn't.

The fact that the plague was not controlled in the first place has already dissatisfied the emperor and his subjects. If he openly flogs these newly recovered patients now, he will definitely lose his popularity.

Moreover, unlike the two brutal brothers, he has always taken the line of being close to the people. This character is very useful, not only let him win the royal knight he loves, but also give him a lot of supporters.

No matter how disgusted he was in his heart, Eno still had a noble and elegant smile on his face, "Okay."

Grinning his teeth secretly, Prince Ino walked to the side unwillingly.

Is it something that is not ready yet? What other surprises are they planning to prepare for themselves?

Just when Prince Ino was curious, someone shouted, "Congratulations to His Royal Highness the Archbishop of Jiuchi in red!"

Ino's face changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, these people in the slum seemed to have rehearsed, and their voices were unusually uniform.

A loud and high-pitched voice shouted out from the two rows of queues beside him, "Congratulations to His Royal Highness the Archbishop of Jiuchi in red!"

Surrounded by people, a slender and graceful man in a red robe slowly walked out of the slum.

There was a faint smile in his eyes, and his expression was gentle and refined.

With a beautiful face and long black hair hanging lazily behind him, who is it if it's not Sang Jiuchi?

In the distance, several carriages had already driven over and stopped not far from Prince Ino.

Prince Ino looked sideways again, his pupils suddenly shrunk.

Behind Sang Jiuchi, he saw the royal knight he admired the most. However, his own royal knight took off his armor and sword, and put on a gray priest's robe so ugly and tasteless.

Hull was pursing his mouth tightly, and his eyes were fierce.

Ino sighed, his royal knight must be bored in the Holy See, with these gods, his royal knight is too pitiful. Hull, hold on a little longer, there are only two days left, and I will definitely rescue you from Sang Jiuchi.

In the crowd, Prince Ino threw a "hold on, wait for me" look at Hel.

I don't know if Hull understood it or not, but he just glanced at him lightly, and his expression didn't change at all.

Prince Ino sighed secretly, his royal knight was still so cold.

Sang Jiuchi walked out of the door and turned around to say goodbye to Tolman and the others.

Before leaving, Herman said again, "Sir Sang Jiuchi, thank you very much for your treatment, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be where we are today, no matter what the outcome of your final contest for the throne of the God of Light is, you are always in our hearts. The only **** of light."

Sang Jiuchi, who was about to walk towards the carriage, paused, his warm eyes fixed on Tolman, and he said word by word, "Tolman, I just provide you with an opportunity to live, and truly save your life. , it's yourselves."

"It was your will to survive that made you persist until the arrival of the medicine, and it was also your expectation of life that allowed them to recover quickly. I have seen too many touching things in this battle against the disease. In order not to let the family Worrying, there are heroes who have already reached the point of anorexia but still try their best to swallow food. There are heroes who give their medicines and food to other people who need them more. There are heroes who are still sick but still prepare food for everyone hero."

"I just said a few, but beyond that, there are many, many more than I can count. I can't remember all of your names, but everything you do is worth it.' The word "hero"."

"This disease is not your fault in the first place, you are the biggest victims of this disaster."

"In the face of the painful disease, in the face of the royal family's abandonment, you never thought of rushing out and spreading the disease to other innocent people. Although they abandoned you, you never thought of hurting them. What you did It's really great that each of you is the greatest hero."

"So Tolman, don't make me your god, each of you is your own god."

Sang Jiuchi's voice was not loud, but it was very penetrating, and every word he said fell into the ears of everyone present.

The people in the slum all blushed. There were grievances, relief, gratitude, and admiration. The moment Sang Jiuchi said these words, many people suddenly couldn't control their emotions, and hugged each other and cried bitterly.

They were too wronged and too self-blame.

They don't know where they got the disease, and they don't want to get sick. But when they ask for help, the eyes others look at them are now looking at a source of infection, the dirtiest thing in the world. But they obviously didn't do anything. They are also victims, the most direct and most painful victims of this disaster.

They also blamed themselves too much, fearing that the contagion would spread endlessly throughout the imperial capital through them. So when Prince Ino ordered the ghetto to be sealed off, they chose to compromise.

Along the way, they have been criticized, rejected, and questioned. They not only want to live, but also want to hear someone say to them, "You have worked hard" and "Come on, you are the best."

Unexpectedly, today, they heard these words from the people they most admired.

At that moment, all the grievances disappeared.

They are understood, and they are still the person they like the most.

The man even used the highest praise for them, saying that each of them was a hero, and each of them was his own god.

Such a man deserves to be liked, deserves to be believed, and deserves to be the supreme **** of light.

The surrounding people who were originally watching the show lowered their heads in unison, and Sang Jiuchi's remarks were like slaps one after another, and they slapped them in the face again and again.

Indeed, as Sang Jiuchi said, when the incident broke out, although they severely criticized the royal family for their actions, they were all for the safety of their own lives.

They blamed them for fear that the plague would endanger their lives if it went unchecked.

They never thought that these patients in the deep plague center are the most painful.

All the people were running for their lives, only they chose to give up running and compromise.

Are they really inseparable from the slums?

No, there are only a few guards at the gate, but there are nearly a thousand people in the slum. If they swarmed, even a well-trained squad might not be able to stop them.

But they did not leave. From the beginning of the blockade to the final unblocking, they all relied on their own will and consciousness.

Everyone bowed their heads in shame, their faces burning hot. They boasted that their status was higher than the people in the slums, and they never looked down on these poor people. But when the disaster strikes, they realize how selfish they are and how noble these people in the slums are.

When people blamed themselves, a light voice suddenly sounded, "Your Excellency the Cardinal, you don't have to wear such high hats for them. If it wasn't for their lack of hygiene, how could these diseases find them? You said They are heroes, and there is no hero who can’t even take care of their own food and clothing. Isn’t it because of laziness? If lazy people can become heroes, there is no one in the world who is not a hero.”

The one who said this was a chief of staff next to Prince Ino. When he said this, Prince Ino was looking at him, and there seemed to be something in his eyes.

After listening to the chief of staff, Prince Ino nodded with a slight satisfaction.

These words were actually what Ino wanted to say, but because he wanted to maintain his image, he had to wink and let the chief of staff wink, and let the chief of staff help him to say what he wanted to say.

Hale's brows furrowed tightly.

Sang Jiuchi looked over, but instead of looking at the chief of staff, he looked at Prince Ino who was standing in front of him.

"Prince Ino, do you know the source of this plague?"

Prince Ino has been studying the battle with enemy countries these days. These poor people don't even want to hear about them, so how can they know the source.

He shook his head, "I don't know."

Sang Jiuchi: "Our upstream is the Alpha Empire. When you were fighting them desperately in front, they wanted to kill people in a corner and stabbed straight into the rear of the Siman Empire. They threw diseased cattle and sheep animals upstream. , This plague is not a natural disaster, but they deliberately did it. The reason is that after the plague runs out, the Siman Empire will have no time to take care of itself and disrupt the front line."

"Imagine, if they didn't choose to stay here quietly, but rushed out, did they just fall into the arms of the Alpha Empire? Have you counted how many people will die in our empire? So why can't they be called the Alpha Empire? hero?"

"As for you saying that they are lazy, I want to ask Prince Ino another question. Why do people in all the imperial capitals not pay for water, and only people in the slums need to pay for water?"

Prince Ino's eyes were cold and contemptuous, "What else is there, because they can't pay the taxes. Everyone in the imperial capital can pay the taxes, but the people in the slums can't. We can only collect them in other ways. Their taxes. Since they live on this land, they must abide by the laws of this empire. Otherwise, everyone will learn from them, and the huge empire will be in chaos.”

Sang Jiuchi sneered, "Is it because I can't pay the tax that I can't pay the water fee, or is it because I can't pay the water fee that I can't pay the tax?"

"How can people leave the water? Drink water, make soup, cook and stir-fry vegetables, we just talk about drinking water, which of these are not used. In order to buy clean drinking water, they can only make money desperately. They live in slums and have no Those who are highly educated are also the cheapest jobs available.”

"After a day's work, the wages will buy a family's drinking water. In the long run, all the money is used to buy water, how can they pay the tax, the water bill alone has overwhelmed them."

"Prince Ino, these people are also your people. You are the leader of this country, you should think more about your people, not just what to **** from them."

"You are the royal family of this country, and you should take the responsibility of the royal family. You should be the protector of the people, not the exploiter. They deserve to be treated preferentially just because they have become the last line of defense to protect the heart of the empire."

"And what they want is not preferential treatment, but equal treatment."

Prince Ino was said to have no boundaries. He glared at Sang Jiuchi and pointed to the chief of staff behind him, his voice gnashing his teeth, "His Excellency Archbishop, it is my chief of staff who asked this question, not me!"

In front of so many people, scolding the royal family as exploiters, only the cardinal and the pope will not be beheaded.

Sang Jiuchi is playing tricks with him on the basis of his own identity!

"What you said is very reasonable. I didn't think about it before. Regarding the issue of buying water, I will have a meeting with the cabinet after I go back. Although I am a prince, I have the heart to help them, but I am not alone in these matters. of."

Fuck help, the ghosts will listen to you.

When I go back, I will keep my promise to hold a meeting, but it is not necessarily the case after a few meetings.

After opening it so many times, the final result may not be that the well is free for them, and they have the ability to dig a well in the slum by themselves.

If you can't dig, just pay me honestly!

Sang Jiuchi, if you saved them for a while, can you save them for the rest of their lives? After you left, they still fell into my hands.

Nothing has changed in their lives, and the events of these days are just a small episode.

They will again become water slaves who run around to work in order to drink life-sustaining water, and will be naked, unable to buy anything, and become water slaves.

When they fall into despair again, he will stand in front of them and tell them aloofly that this is all thanks to you, Sang Jiuchi.

Imperial power is supreme, even if his decision is wrong, he must make it wrong. No one can change his decision, not even the red-clothed archbishop.

Sang Jiuchi is just a red-clothed archbishop now. If he really becomes the **** of light, then why not?

Ino could see that Sang Jiuchi would never compromise for royal power. If there was a conflict between royal power and civil rights, he would definitely stand on the side of civil rights.

Maybe it's time for him to consider working with Justin again.

Prince Ino glanced at Hull behind Sang Jiuchi. Now Hull has the best chance to get close to Sang Jiuchi, or let Hull kill Sang Jiuchi directly?

This idea only passed through Prince Ino's mind for a moment, and he quickly denied it.

Hel is so dumb than Sang Jiuchi, and he can't do such things like stealing chickens and trolling dogs and playing tricks behind their backs.

Then we can only find someone to assassinate Sang Jiuchi.

A murderous look flashed in Ino's eyes.

Hull suddenly raised his head and looked at Prince Ino warily. In the eyes of Prince Ino, Hull's eyes were telling himself to save him from the Holy See.

Ino moved slightly in his heart and gave Hull a wink.

Hale hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

Just now, he clearly felt a killing intent from Ino, and the target of this killing intent was none other than Sang Jiuchi.

Ino still wants to kill Sang Jiuchi? Because of my sister?

He has determined that Sang Jiuchi did not do this. Although he knew it, Ino didn't know. He should tell Prince Ino his previous investigation results, lest he find the wrong target for revenge.

Taking a wary look at Tolman, Hull said something to Sang Jiuchi in a low voice.

Sang Jiuchi raised his eyelids lazily after hearing this, "Go back quickly, I'll wait for you in the carriage."

Hull nodded, and then walked towards Prince Ino.

Prince Ino took Hull to a place where no one was around. He looked up and down at his knight and said with emotion, "You have suffered and lost weight during this time. You must be very tired recently."

Hull's cheeks were slightly red, but he was not too thin, but he did exercise too much on occasional days recently. After all, he wanted to prove that he was the one and only horse that could travel thousands of miles a day.

Seeing the red light on Hel's cheeks, Prince Ino sighed secretly again.

Seeing my own knight being wronged, I blushed with anger.

But that's fine, you can control your own actions.

Prince Ino said, "Don't worry, if you persist for two days, you can come back."

go back?

Hull suddenly felt a little lost.

Sorry, he didn't want to go back at all, he just wanted to stay by Sang Jiuchi's side.

Seeing that Hale didn't speak, Prince Ino didn't feel bored either.

Hull was quiet, as always. It would be strange if he suddenly became a talker.

Prince Ino said slowly, "I want to talk to Sang Jiu about something alone. You can find a way to invite him to the woods next to the Holy See tomorrow."

Hale frowned.

Of course he didn't believe Prince Ino's words. If Prince Ino didn't have murderous intent when he said this, and his expression was more sincere, he might really believe it.

It is estimated that Prince Ino has not given up killing Sang Jiuchi to avenge Susan, so he wants to use his own Sang Jiu to cheat out and kill him.

Hurry up and tell Prince Ino the truth, otherwise, the misunderstanding will only get bigger and bigger.

"Prince Ino," Hale sorted out the words, thinking about where to start telling Ino the truth, "that..."

Suddenly, his eyes slammed, and he looked at the brooch of Prince Ino.

On the brooch, there are two letters, YS.

And in the vague clue that Susan had left for herself at the bottom of the well, there were these two letters.

Is it a coincidence?


Hull's breath suddenly stagnated, he changed his words and pointed to Ino's brooch: "Prince Ino, your brooch..."

Later, he did not continue talking, but he stopped talking, giving Prince Ino room to imagine.

Prince Ino immediately said "O", "This is given to me by Susan. Y and S are the abbreviations of our two names."

Hale was stunned for a moment, his voice a little hurried, "Is this given to you by my sister? Can you show it to me?"

Prince Ino smiled.

This is what he wants.

Susan is Hull's only relative and her most beloved sister.

He is Susan's favorite lover. When Susan died, the two of them naturally formed a very subtle but strong enough kinship relationship through the common deceased Susan.

Prince Ino knew that he might see Hel today, so he deliberately wore this brooch. In order to let Hull not forget Susan's death, and then think of this kinship relationship between himself and him.

Only relying on the shackles of the master and the knight did not trust Hull enough, and with this relationship, it was solid enough.

Hull wanted to see it, and of course he would give it to Hull. Don't say that Hull takes the initiative to ask for it now, even if Hull doesn't want it, he will also take the initiative to send it to Hull.

He took off the brooch, and Eno showed a very sad expression, "This is the only gift Susan gave me, I think of her every day, and miss her all the time, and I can only see it by looking at the brooch she gave me. Things think people."

"I hate the murderer who killed Susan. Even if he escapes the law and is at large, I won't let him go easily! One day he will suffer the consequences and get the retribution he deserves!"

Hull's hand holding the brooch trembled a little. He carefully placed the brooch in his hand and looked at it, then looked at Prince Ino, "Prince Ino, can you lend me this brooch for a few days?"

Ino doesn't care about this brooch, he only cares about Hull's loyalty to him.

He first showed a hesitant expression, and finally frowned and gritted his teeth, "Okay, but you must take good care of it, and you must return it to me in a few days, there can be no mistakes."

Hull held the brooch tightly in his hand, "Okay."

Ino was still thinking about his own business, "I told you to ask someone out, do you remember?"

Hull rejected Ino directly, "No, Prince Ino, you can't kill him."

Ino's face changed slightly, "I just talked to him, I didn't want to kill him."

Hull's falcon-like eyes looked at Ino. Under such eyes, Ino always felt that all his conspiracies were invisible.

Hull said: "Prince Ino, you don't have to lie to me, I know you want to kill him. But you can't kill him. He is not the real murderer who killed my sister, the murderer is someone else."

Ino groaned in his heart, "Are you sure? Has the murderer been found?"

Hull's eyes stared straight at Ino, not letting go of any changes on his face, "No, but I can be sure that Sang Jiuchi is not the murderer."

A trace of panic flashed in Ino's eyes, "Why are you so sure, do you have any doubts?"

Hull hesitated for two seconds, then nodded, "Yes."

Ino's Adam's apple rolled twice, and he forced himself to calm down, "Who is it?"

Hull's eyes became sharper, "Archbishop Justin."

The nerves that had been tense were all relaxed. Ino looked up at Hull and was startled by the other's sharp eyes, "Why do you suspect him, is there any evidence?"

Hull: "His guard lied. Even if he wasn't the murderer, he must have known the murderer. I investigated this clue on the first day. I wanted to investigate Justin the next day, but Sang Jiu was caught I brought Chi here. After I go back this time, I want to continue the previous investigation, and I will notify you when the final result is obtained."

"I just want to tell you this. Sang Jiuchi is not a murderer. Don't shoot at him. Susan is in the spirit of heaven. If you know that we have killed innocent people by mistake for him, you will be very sad."

I don't care if she is sad or not.

Prince Ino immediately complained in his heart.

"Okay, you're right, we can't make Susan sad."

Five minutes later, Prince Ino rode back to the palace on horseback. Hull also took heavy steps back to Sang Jiuchi's carriage.

Sang Jiuchi was closing his eyes and resting, looked up at Hull's expression, and sighed, "Finally found it?"

Hull raised his head suddenly, "What did you say?"

Sang Jiuchi: "Didn't you find out that Ino was the murderer of your sister?"

Hull's pupils shrank, "You already knew? How did you know?"

Sang Jiuchi: "Didn't I tell you that I can see Susan's soul, but you don't believe it."

Hull: "Since you know who killed my sister, why didn't you tell me?"

Sang Jiuchi glanced at him lightly, "If I tell you, will you believe it? You believe too much in what you see in your eyes. If you didn't find the problem today, when I told you that the murderer was Ino , you must deny it at the first time."

Hull's face was so hot that he lowered his head and said dejectedly, "You're right, I'm just an idiot with only eyes. So does my sister's soul really exist?"

Sang Jiuchi, "Well, yes."

Hull: "Did she see me? Was she disappointed and sad that I didn't believe you at the time?"

Sang Jiuchi thought for a while, "That's not true, but I can tell you where she once appeared."

Hull raised his head suddenly, with earnestness in his eyes.

Sang Jiuchi pointed to the seat next to Hull, "Do you remember the time when I was talking to Susan in the carriage, and then you shrank there embarrassedly. After a while, Susan used the exact same thing as you. squatted beside you."

Hull recalled for a moment, and quickly remembered which time it was.

At that time, he thought that Sang Jiuchi was in a stand-up comedy, and he couldn't even hold back a sentence. Imagining her younger sister sitting beside him with her head down, Hull's eyes suddenly became wet.

If his sister was still alive, how could he not see her.

Hull asked sadly, "Is my sister still alive?"

Sang Jiuchi shook his head, "I'm not here now."

Not anymore, have you gone to heaven?

Her sister talked about Ino every day, who knew that it was Prince Ino who killed her in the end.

Hull's eyes were a little sour. He looked at Sang Jiuchi and asked seriously, "What did my sister tell you, can you tell me what happened at that time?"

Sang Jiuchi's long and narrow phoenix eyes looked at Hull, "Do you believe that I can see your sister's soul? If you don't believe it's just seeking solace, I might as well not say it."

Hull nodded vigorously and said in the most sincere voice, "I really believe it this time!"

He believed, how could he not believe.

From the beginning of knowing Sang Jiuchi, Sang Jiuchi has never lied to himself. No matter how absurd what he said at the time, it was later confirmed.

He once said that the God of Light really exists, and he mocked Sang Jiuchi at that time for just bewitching all beings.

He is the idiot!

Just when he thought that Sang Jiuchi was just a magician, the God of Light really appeared.

Therefore, there are really two gods in this world, not only the **** of light who blesses all living beings, but also the **** of power who tries to destroy the world.

The sudden fall of the God of Light has something to do with the God of Power? Could it be that the whole body already has the upper hand in the world? If Sang Jiuchi inherits the position of the God of Light, will he also be attacked by the God of Power?

Now he can protect Sang Jiuchi behind him, but at that time Sang Jiuchi has become an unattainable god, how can he protect him and protect him?

Seeing that Hull really believed it, Sang Jiuchi told Hull everything Susan told him.

Anger, hatred, shock, many expressions appeared on his face.

Hull tightly clutched the brooch in his hand, and his eyes were red with murderous light, "These two beasts, I will definitely avenge my sister! There is also the murderer behind them, and I will find him too. !"

Sang Jiuchi reassured: "Perhaps your sister wants to take revenge herself."

Hull raised his head suddenly, "Didn't you say my sister is gone?"

Sang Jiuchi laughed, "It's not here anymore, but I didn't say it's not anywhere else. She is now working hard to improve her strength, and hopes that one day, she will be able to avenge herself. If she can succeed, you and I think you can see the truth again. She really is."

Hale's eyes lit up.

Sang Jiuchi: "By the way, your sister has something for me to bring to you."

Hull: "What?"

Sang Jiuchi: "There are only three words: I'm sorry."

Hull's body froze slightly, and in the next second, he smiled bitterly and sighed: "Silly sister."

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