MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 141 Pope 14

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Before Sang Jiuchi left the imperial capital, he asked his cronies to go to the slum to find Tolman, and asked him to bring the kerosene to the front line.

Unlike Sang Jiuchi, who had to hurry up, Tolman not only had to avoid interrogations and bandits on the road, but also had to transport heavy kerosene, which took seven or eight days to arrive at the barracks.

Obviously, this delay is not a delay, because Sang Jiuchi has already counted the date.

These seven or eight consecutive days of cavalry harassment were passed on by Sang Jiuchi through Colin's mouth.

From the initial questioning to the acquiescence at the end, Colin completely became a captive of Sang Jiuchi, and it only took seven days.

Sang Jiuchi made plans, trained by Hull, dispatched cavalry every night to familiarize themselves with the terrain and confuse the enemy, transmit signals with the rhythm of beating with iron, and finally issue a final attack in the hidden mist.

Finally, Shaman pretended to be an enemy soldier to lock the leader of the other side, and Hull took his life.

From start to finish, in one go.

Colin never imagined that the difficult enemy that had made him devastated for nearly a month was easily resolved by Sang Jiuchi.

It was midnight, and most of the soldiers had rested, but some of them were awake all night.

After struggling in the abyss of despair for a long time, once they saw the hope of surviving, everyone wanted to climb up one after another, even if there was only a faint hope.

There is still a tough battle to be fought tomorrow, and no matter how excited everyone is, before there is an absolute victory, everyone must hold back their excitement.

At the moment of the war, it is even more necessary to take advantage of it.

Sang Jiuchi naturally took over control of the army. After he verbally praised everyone's performance, he dismissed everyone.

When everyone left, only Sang Jiuchi, Hull, Colin and Tolman remained in the huge tent.

Sang Jiuchi looked at Tolman: "Tolman, I still have something for you to do, although the matter of transporting kerosene is very hidden this time, only those cavalry are in contact with kerosene. But after this time There is no guarantee that the news of the war will not leak to the imperial capital. If it reaches the ears of Ino and the king, they will definitely investigate the matter of kerosene, and the matter of kerosene in the slums cannot be hidden."

"You take my token now and immediately rush back without stopping, take everyone in the slum to the Holy See, and settle them down in the slum."

Tolman took the token handed over by Sang Jiuchi with a tangled face: "Where will we live in the future?"

Sang Jiuchi: "We will live under this sun in the future, trust me, it will not be too late."

Tolman was stunned for a while, and his gaze towards Sang Jiuchi went from doubt at the beginning to awakening and then surprise at the end.

He looked at Hull and Colin, hesitating to speak.

Sang Jiuchi seemed to see through his thoughts and nodded, "You are right, I plan to turn against the empire. And not only this empire, but also the Alpha Empire and the North Tower Empire, the three major empires will eventually be completed. system."

Colin gasped, thinking that Tolman had already guessed it, and he couldn't help being stunned.

He always thought that Sang Jiuchi just wanted to turn against the Siman Empire, but he didn't expect him to be so ambitious that he didn't even let the other two empires go.

Only Hull stood calmly beside Sang Jiuchi, as if he had expected it.

"But it's not me who will be the king," Sang Jiuchi looked at Hale, "Hell, do you want to be the king?"

Hull chuckled and replied, "Yes."

Honestly made Colin and Tolman drop their jaws.

Hull looked at Sang Jiuchi firmly: "Even if you don't say it, I plan to rebel and become a king. You are destined to become a god, I can still stay by your side now, but if I keep walking in place , the distance between you and you will only get farther and farther."

"And I am confident that this country can be managed better than the current royal family. Hierarchy, the people are divided, and the officials are corrupt. Instead of letting them harm the people, it is better to change the owner. If you have to change, I can't trust anyone else, only me. , let this country be in my hands, so that I can seize the absolute right to speak and complete the country in my mind."

Tolman's eyes changed when he looked at Hull. He looked at Hull: "What does your country look like?"

"The change of dynasties since ancient times is nothing more than a failed dynasty, which caused the people to stand up and resist. But throughout history, all the changes of paper towels since ancient times were mostly caused by competition for a piece of land. After changing the ruler, it will change at the beginning. It was a little better, but in the end it was the same thing, it was just a new landlord.”

"If I become a king, the first thing to do is to change the landlord system, so that the rights will gradually be in the hands of the people, so that all the people have the right to receive education equally. But this is a long task, and it can only be difficult to complete in the short term. In the future, there will no longer be nobles in this world, and there will be no so-called inferior poor or lowly slaves. All people can live on this land equally, enjoy the same rights, and also bear the corresponding responsibilities. obligation."

Tolman and Colin looked at each other, and both saw shock in each other's eyes.

Tolman seemed to know the tall man in front of him for the first time, "I didn't expect this to come out of your mouth. You were once even the most loyal knight by Prince Ino."

Hull: "It's because I used to be his knight that I realized that everything I want to do depends on myself, not on others."

"This is just my vision for the world. I once thought that Prince Ino could realize it. I saw him caring about the poor old people and giving money to the chronically ill. I thought at that time, if there was an emperor who could turn the world toward me In my mind, it must be Prince Ino. In order to protect the ideal world in my mind, I chose to be his knight and assist him in protecting him, just to bless him successfully ascending the throne and make the world become what I imagined."

"Later I discovered the true face of Prince Ino, and I also fully recognized my desires, and I must not rely on others to achieve them."

Tolman was a little surprised, "You became Prince Ino's knight just to realize your ideal world?"

Hull nodded, "That's right."

Tolman: "…"

Why did I suddenly feel that Prince Ino was a little pitiful?

He always thought that a knight who was loyal to himself, but he actually only regarded himself as a tool for realizing his ideals.

Tolman scrutinized Hull again, "Will the world you speak of really come true?"

Hull: "It will definitely, I never break my promise. This process may take ten, twenty or even fifty years, but it will definitely come true."

Tolman glanced at Sang Jiuchi again, and Sang Jiuchi's eyes were indifferent, as if he had expected everything Hull said.

These two people are really interesting. Hull seems to know everything about Sang Jiuchi, and Sang Jiuchi seems to know everything about Hull.

They just got together.

One is king, the other becomes a god, and the powerful join forces.

It's not that he doesn't yearn for the future that Hull said, but his master is Sang Jiuchi. If Sang Jiuchi doesn't speak, he can only stare blankly.

About half a minute later, Sang Jiuchi looked at Hull who was very nervous, "If you want to, then do it."

Hull let out a long sigh of relief, and Tolman also relaxed his shoulders.

If he doesn't understand what Sang Jiuchi means by now, then he is an idiot.

Looking at the performances of Sang Jiuchi and Hull, even if they failed before, they would have already thought about going together.

They came to participate in this battle this time, not because of the order of the empire at all, but for themselves.

They intend to use this as a starting point to do something big and deviant.

No, maybe this is not the starting point, the earlier slums are their starting point.

Tolman looked at Sang Jiuchi: "Since we are going to rebel against the empire, why should we leave the slums to the empire? Isn't this giving them resources in disguise? So much kerosene!"

Sang Jiuchi: "Too much kerosene may not be a good thing."

If someone asked Tolman like that, Tolman would definitely call him a fool. But this person was Sang Jiuchi, Tolman just hesitated for a moment, and immediately agreed, "Okay, I'll go back right now, if I work hard day and night, I can go back to the slums in three days. I will take everyone to the Holy See. , Master, rest assured."

Tolman said without hesitation, turned around and led a spare horse, and the two horses took turns to support him.

After watching Tolman leave, Sang Jiuchi looked at Colin who had not spoken, "What do you want to say?"

Colin smiled bitterly: "Have you been eyeing here from the beginning?"

Sang Jiuchi: "We need an army, and you want to survive. Why did the empire send me here, I think you should also understand in your heart. An empire that can easily give up hundreds of thousands of troops, do you think it is necessary to exist? Yes? Whether you plan to stand on my side or continue to stand on the empire's side, you choose."

Colin opened his mouth and closed it slowly. He lowered his head and whispered, "I still have a choice."

Sang Jiuchi is now the marshal of the army, and he is only the second-in-command at best. And there's Hull, who probably isn't even second-in-command.

Besides, Sang Jiuchi said it in front of his own face, and he would either become his comrade-in-arms, or he would become a dead person who would not tell the secret.


There was wind and rain in Colin's lowered eyes. For some reason, he was a little excited when he thought of going against the empire.

When the Empire abandoned him, he also had this idea, but in the end he was defeated by the so-called loyalty.

But now, he looked at the two men standing in front of him.

If your faith has been shaken, why not trade your loyalty for someone else?

Sang Jiuchi didn't have any impatience, and was quietly waiting for his reply, but Hull's eyes were already a little impatient, and he even looked at the saber hanging on his waist several times.

It seems that once he says "no", Sen Han's long sword will pierce his throat in the next second, just like piercing the throat of an imperial general.

Colin swallowed and quickly knelt down on one knee, "From now on, my loyalty will be dedicated to..."

to whom?

What about two people.

But it seemed that Hull also listened to Sang Jiuchi.

After a two-second pause, Colin continued: "Dedicated to Lord Sang Jiuchi, the 200,000 troops under my command will also obey your dispatch. From now on, we have only one master, and that is you."

After getting the answer he wanted, Sang Jiuchi finally kindly let Colin go back.

Finally, only Sang Jiuchi and Hel were left in the military tent.

Sang Jiuchi looked around in the tent, and finally fixed his eyes on an open space and focused, "First meeting, I'm sorry to see you in this form, I am the marshal Sang Jiuchi of this battle."

Sang Jiuchi held a few flowers in midair with one hand, performing a perfect noble etiquette.

The ghost of the marshal of the Alpha Empire was stunned for a moment. He pointed to himself, "Can you see me?"

Sang Jiuchi nodded: "Yes, I can see you."

The ghost of the marshal was only surprised for a moment, then thought of the identity of the other party, and suddenly laughed, "Yes, yes. I thought I was going to die with regret, but I didn't expect to be able to talk to the enemy marshal, and I didn't expect you to be so ambitious. The future generations are terrifying, the latter generations are terrifying."

He glanced sharply at Sang Jiuchi, "I would like to admit defeat, but the Alpha Empire will never lose! Don't think that we can win this war if we defeat us, I'm just one of the several generals in the Alpha Empire. One, we have three times as many soldiers as you. Not only do you want to take down the Sman Empire, but you also want to take down the Alpha Empire and the North Tower Empire together, which is just wishful thinking."

Sang Jiuchi smiled, "So in order to let you rest your eyes, I invite you to visit this century war as a soul."

As he said that, he nodded between the eyebrows of the Marshal's soul, and the other party's body that had been fluttering about to fly into the sky immediately felt a sense of weight, and it actually sank to the ground.

He was shocked: "What's going on?"

Sang Jiuchi: "It just increases the lifespan of your soul in the world. Others still can't see you. During this time, please take a good look at the demise of the Alpha Empire as a soul."

The marshal's soul frowned, "You fart, the Alpha Empire will become the only empire in the world, and it will never be destroyed!"

The only answer to the marshal's soul is the howling wind in the middle of the night.

Sang Jiuchi had long since returned to the tent with the help of Hull. The marshal's soul wanted to rush into the tent, but was blocked by an invisible force. He took a closer look and found a strange yellow paper pasted on the tent. Some patterns were drawn with cinnabar on the yellow paper. He couldn't understand what it was, but he knew that it was this thing that prevented him from entering the tent. .

Time flies by.

No matter how much you don't want to, the next day still comes.

The marshal had been floating above his barracks for most of the night. He watched the death of himself and his three generals, and the army immediately lost its backbone, and the entire barracks was a mess.

Some have already packed up and fled, while others are still fighting the fire in a panic.

It was not until the sun was about to rise that the fire was put out, not so much that it was put out, it was more accurate to say that it burned out naturally. Food and grass were burned to ashes, and all the tents were burned.

A huge army is like a huge ant colony. Once the leader of the ants is killed, the remaining ants will become a mess.

Of the 400,000 army, there are more than 300,000 who don't know what to do.

They stood there blankly like stakes, like unwinding robots.

In this state, how can they fight against Sang Jiuchi's team?

The Marshal's soul roared and growled in the air, and he commanded in his usual tone, but no one could hear him again.

Under pressure, the major general under the general was pushed out.

Their army has a marshal and three generals, and under each general there are three major generals.

Nine major generals, look at me, I look at you, but none of them dare to take on this heavy burden.

Only then did the marshal understand how valuable Colin was as an enemy.

In the battle with the enemy, the marshal of the Siman Empire died in battle, and Colin took the responsibility of the commander decisively and under pressure.

But what about them now?

These are nine major generals, and no one dares to say a word like "let me come".

None of them dared to take the responsibility for failure, but have they ever thought that there may be a chance to stand up, but if no one stands up, they will lose!

In the end, in their tangle, along with the rising sun, the Siman Empire sounded the horn of attack.

One side is arrogant, and the other side is panic-stricken.

The marshal witnessed a battle without suspense with his own eyes. The 400,000 troops were all destroyed in this desolate desert!

The Marshal's eyes turned red, but there was nothing he could do except accept the fact with dejection.

His own army was completely annihilated, but the Sman Empire only lost tens of thousands of people. There were 200,000 troops, and there were 150,000 left after the battle.

The marshal floated in the air with a grim face. Is Sang Jiuchi planning to rely on the three major empires of 150,000 troops?

How dare he think? !

This time, he was lucky to win the battle with fog and kerosene. After that, he had no kerosene, what else could he do?

The 150,000 army and the three major empires, like the mayfly and the big tree, are incomparable!

However, what happened next was beyond the marshal's expectations.

Hull took a break after winning, and turned his head directly towards his empire.

While he was attacking, he recovered, and by the time he reached the foot of the imperial capital, the number of troops behind him had risen from 150,000 to 400,000.

The Alpha Empire lost 500,000 troops going south and several outstanding generals. It originally wanted to go dormant for a while, but suddenly saw the civil strife in the Siman Empire.

Immediately afterwards, they heard the news that the Siman Empire had a large amount of precious kerosene resources.

Seeing the loopholes and huge benefits that could be exploited, the Alpha Empire sent troops again in the name of Qing Jun.

But this time, there is also the North Tower Empire.

With external and internal troubles, the Simandi Empire seems to have fallen into an abyss and desperate situation that cannot be turned over in an instant.

Read The Duke's Passion