MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 5 Framed Tech Genius 5

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Zhou Lichuan stared at Sang Jiuchi in front of him with an uncontrollable expression.

He and Sang Jiuchi were together for four years. In his memory, Sang Jiuchi wore shirts washed to white and worn denim every day, soaking himself in the laboratory all day.

Stupid and uninteresting, he has no advantage in his body other than hurting him and being rich.

But Sang Jiuchi in front of him was so bright that he couldn't open his eyes at all.

The face is still the same, but the young man in front of him is completely different.

Now Sang Jiuchi is like a sun, roasting everything around him wildly and fiery, as if it can burn everything up.

Zhou Lichuan turned his head and glanced at Song Qing, and suddenly felt a "squeak" in his heart.

Song Qing's eyes were crazy and persistent like he had never seen before. He had been taken away by Sang Jiuchi, and he was greedily licking Sang Jiuchi's whole body with his eyes.

Zhou Lichuan's face was cold, and he swept across Sang Jiuchi, and saw another person suddenly beside him.

Only then did he realize that there was another man in the room, and that man was Song Qing's nemesis, Dai Luolin.

Dai Luo Linhan stood in front of Sang Jiuchi with a face, and firmly guarded the other party behind him with a protective attitude. He stared at the two of them with a sullen expression, "This is not a place for you to be wild, get out."

Just being glanced at by Dai Luolin's sinister gaze, Zhou Lichuan and Song Qing immediately felt a sense of terror like falling into an ice cave.

Song Qing's originally excited face became a little ugly after seeing Dai Luolin, he turned back and forth between Sang Jiuchi and Dai Luolin's faces, and finally put on a smile, "I'm sorry Mr. Dai, it's abrupt. Suddenly I saw The old friend is a little excited, isn't it, Sang Jiuchi?"

Sang Jiuchi: "It is indeed an old friend of 'life and death'."

Sang Jiuchi bit the words "life and death" heavily, and his eyes flicked to Zhou Lichuan.

He looked up and down on Zhou Lichuan, and finally locked his eyes on his neck.

Zhou Lichuan felt uncomfortable at the sight of Sang Jiuchi, grabbed the silk scarf around his neck and tightened it again, and subconsciously pulled Song Qing's sleeve, "Song Qing, let's go."

I don't know why, but the current Sang Jiuchi always gives him a terrible feeling.

Those extra bright eyes seemed to be able to rip his clothes clean and see all his secrets inside and out.

Song Qing glanced at Sang Jiuchi again before leaving, and was reluctant to leave.

The atmosphere of this rare dinner was spoiled by two uninvited guests. Fortunately, both of them had almost eaten, so the dinner was over quickly.

The two agreed to cooperate and immediately entered the state.

Dai Luolin is very efficient. His company already has equipment, and he just needs to assemble it according to Sang Jiuchi's requirements.

It took only one day for Dai Luolin to build a computer laboratory according to Sang Jiuchi's request.

Sang Jiuchi entered the working mode soon after walking into the laboratory. He first turned on the real-time monitoring of the "Macrophage Spider Web Firewall", and then began to write code on other computers.

Sang Jiuchi glanced at Dai Luolin while he was busy, and found that Dai Luolin had been standing beside him quietly watching him.

Dai Luolin's broad body is like a lofty peak, as if protecting him under the mountains.

Sang Jiuchi was slightly stunned. That night, Dai Luolin also stood in front of him as a protector.

He is now like a loyal knight, dutifully protecting his king.

Sang Jiuchi's long eyelashes trembled twice, and took out a USB flash drive from the bag and handed it to Dai Luolin, "The source code and writing logic of the four-dimensional code are all inside, take a look, and please help me by the way. apply for intellectual property rights.”

The young man's snow-white cheeks were full of seriousness, and he didn't mean to joke at all.

Dai Luolin took the USB flash drive and carefully placed it in his innermost pocket, "Okay, I'll do it right away."

Dai Luolin was about to turn around, but Sang Jiuchi grabbed his sleeve, "Wait, come and see this first."

He entered a series of four-dimensional codes on the computer, "This is a compressed dynamic code that I just developed. With this code, the data space can be effectively compressed. The data in G can be instantly compressed into several K size, without damaging the original content. .It can also simplify the calculation loop when compressing. The calculation that used to take 1000 steps now only needs one step, which greatly reduces the power consumption and enables the device to achieve a greater degree of battery life.”

Then he kicked his foot on the ground, and the sliding chair under his **** slid in front of another computer, "And this, I call it the supercomputer cloud, it can coordinate and control all programs. With it, The dense array of chips on the motherboard will be completely eliminated. And…”

Dai Luolin listened silently to Sang Jiuchi's introduction one by one, and interrupted him aloud: "You are planning to..."

The introductions of Sang Jiuchi are sorted in an orderly and progressive order, and it seems that they are being combined into a kind of equipment.

Sang Jiuchi: "In a month's time, I plan to design a brand-new mobile phone for you. Its battery only needs the size of a button to complete seven days or even longer battery life. It will be thinner and avant-garde, but the cost is high. Very low. Then there will be computers, medical equipment, etc.”

Sang Jiuchi paused, "Of course, the premise is that you believe and are willing to support me."

Dai Luolin held his forehead and smiled dumbly, "You gave me the opportunity to touch the high-dimensional space and let me see what the future planet will look like in a thousand years in my lifetime. Why don't I believe you."

Dai Luolin pointed to the programs running on the desktop: "Do I need to apply for intellectual property rights for these?"

Sang Jiuchi's two slender legs swayed on the sliding chair, "Don't use it for now. These programs were made by me just last night. They haven't been debugged or tested yet. How is the safety here?"

Dai Luolin collapsed his back slightly, "There are high-end shielding devices on all sides, macrophage spider webs for firewalls. The outside is the experimental production bench, and the inside is the central area that only you and I can enter."

Sang Jiuchi: "Then give me a few more days to debug, and it will be too late to apply after the debug is complete."

Dai Luo Lin just made a "hmm" when he saw Sang Jiuchi swinging his sliding chair like a swing and came to him, and hooked his index finger towards him with a posture of looking up.

The fingers like suet and white jade are as slender as green onions, and when looking up, a pair of mysterious eyes like the sea of ​​​​stars are even brighter. Under the illumination of the light, Sang Jiuchi's face was as delicate as fat.

Dai Luolin stayed for a second, then he blushed and half squatted down with his knees on his hands.

Sang Jiuchi: "Go and come back. We're going to that Chinese restaurant tonight. I'm hungry."

Dai Luolin's invisible big tail swayed violently, and the eyes that usually look sullen on everyone's face are now as soft as a domestic Samoyed, "Okay, I'll be right back!"

After sending Dai Luolin away, Sang Jiuchi quickly tapped on the computer while asking the F001 in his mind: [F001, help me check if Song Qing has a murder case. 】

[Okay, Master Host. 】F001's voice didn't sound for a long time, just when Sang Jiuchi thought if F001 was dead, he hesitantly replied: [Ding! Search done! Master host, Song Qing really has a murder case, and he has two lives in his hands! How did you know? 】

Hearing F001's answer, Sang Jiuchi didn't seem too surprised, [When we met that day, I smelled killing on him. Who did he kill? 】

[The first one is that when he was seven years old, he tortured and killed his neighbor's five-year-old brother. Because of the Juvenile Protection Act, no sentence was imposed. The second is...] F001 paused for a moment before continuing: [It was when he was fifteen years old that he forced his mother to death. He mentally tortured his mother and forced her to commit suicide by jumping off a building. Later, Song Qing was taken back to the Song family by his father, and he has not killed anyone since then. 】

Sang Jiuchi pursed his lips: [It's not that I haven't killed anyone, it's that I don't do anything anymore. The original owner of this body is not the first victim, nor will it be the last to be humiliated to death by Song Qing. He is very smart, has a strong learning ability, and is a criminal with a high IQ. He enjoys the pained expression on his prey's tormented expression, his blood is stained with demonic factors, and he is a complete pervert. 】

Sang Jiuchi was silent for a while, then suddenly laughed, [This turned out to be the lover of the son of the plane, and he will succeed in the future and become an overseas-renowned entrepreneur. Do you think how many ghosts are hidden behind this successful entrepreneur? Scary to think about. When Zhou Lichuan was with this kind of person, it was like dancing with wolves. 】

F001 hesitated for a while, but decided to tell Sang Jiuchi the truth: [Actually, there is a little problem with this plane. At the beginning of the birth of the universe, there were tens of thousands of planes, large and small, each governed by twelve main gods. But 100 million years ago, there was a battle of the twelve main gods, and the eleven main gods united to kill my master, the **** of war. That war was called Ragnarok, and eight main gods, including my master, fell, so now there are only four main gods left in charge of all planes. 】

F001 said with a cry: [This plane is the plane that my master used to be. If my master is still there, the son of the plane can never be someone like Zhou Lichuan. 】

Sang Jiuchi stared at the table in a trance, wondering if he was thinking or in a daze. After a while, Sang Jiuchi asked: [Since your master is dead, what is the purpose of your task? 】

F001: [As long as I collect the luck that was taken away by the son of the plane, I may wake up the master. Master, he is the immortal **** of war, he is definitely not dead, just sleeping somewhere. 】

Sang Jiuchi's voice unconsciously softened a lot: [So stopping Zhou Lichuan can get the power that should belong to your master? 】

F001: [Hmm, yes. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [Have you collected power before? 】

F001 is a little guilty: [No. Host, in fact, you are the first tasker I bound to, and I lied to you before. 】

Contrary to F001's expectation, Sang Jiuchi was not angry because of his deception, but remained silent for a long time.

After a while, he laughed.

God of War, he seems to have heard this name somewhere.

But it was too long, so long that he had forgotten.

Read The Duke's Passion