MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 68 Campus Heartthrob Crematorium 25

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The number of reminders to add friends continues to grow, and Lin Fu has dropped one after another. You can turn off one, and there will be two added.

Lin Fu was short of breath, first with his fingers, then with his legs, and finally his whole body couldn't stop shaking.

He frowned, and finally got on the trumpet and opened the trumpet resource cloud.

His sixth sense told him that the problem lay in it.

The network disk link has not been harmonized yet. He can see the number of downloads through the background. The number of hundreds of thousands of downloads shows how popular this resource is.

Lin Fu clicked into his resource library and saw the shared resources in the folder.

At the top is a video, and there is a compressed folder below.

The name of the video was marked as "WeChat Contact 134...", because the title was too long, and the characters after 134 were not displayed.

And the video of "WeChat Contact 134..." just happened to lie in here, and it seems that there is no problem, so the problem lies in the following folder.

I'm v. clicked to download.

The file is not big, only 1M large, and it can be downloaded in seconds.

After skillfully decompressing, the compressed package becomes a folder with more than a dozen photos in it.

Lin Fu clicked on the photo and frowned when he saw the content inside.

It's just an essay here. He remembered that this trumpet was the one he applied for after graduating from high school. In order to get academic credits, he wrote a dissertation as soon as he was a freshman.

It was just that it was not used later, so he threw the paper into this trumpet and ignored it.

This paper is to be sent to the teacher. In order to allow the teacher to contact him as soon as possible, he remembered to add the name of the department at the end of the paper.

Lin Fu's fingers quickly slid across the screen, and quickly turned to the end of the paper.

Sure enough, his name and department are in it.

Lin Fu froze all over, and the blood all over his body was about to coagulate.

Originally the video should be anonymous, but because of this paper, who doesn't know that the video was sent by him?

Isn't this self-inflicted? No wonder Zhao Song and Li Lian decoded so quickly that the trumpet was themselves.

Lin Fu's eyes darkened, he wanted to stab in the back, but he jumped into a prophet. Up to now, either pretend to be framed by others, or simply don't respond.

Anyway, he and Sang Jiuchi have been torn apart for a long time. He has nothing now. He is not afraid of wearing shoes. What else should he be afraid of?

Lin Fu closed the file and began to quietly clean up the bedding.

As he cleaned up, a trace of doubt flashed in his mind.

Always feel something is not right.

The act of cleaning up stopped, and Lin Fu quickly took out his mobile phone again.

He finally knew what was wrong! Although the paper has its own name and department, it does not have its own contact information at all! How did those people find themselves!

Because of the panic, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his fingers, and the unlocking was hindered.

Lin Fu finally opened the phone with the passcode.

He reopened the resource cloud and clicked on the details of the video.

Contact +134XXXXXXXX.

When he saw the contact information clearly, Lin Fu's eyes were completely opened.

Eyes full of horror.

This is his WeChat ID!

No, no, it's impossible.

He was certain that the contact information he entered was Sang Jiuchi's.

He definitely didn't change it to his own, but why did the contact information of this video become his own?

who did it? Who can have such a surreptitious means?

Is that Zhao Song? not him. If it was him, he would never come to him in a rage. It won't be Li Lian either, Li Lian is a cannon king, nothing else.

Did Chi Ye find someone to do it?

The title has changed, what about the content inside? !

Lin Fu bit his lip with his teeth, and summoned the courage to click on the video.

A sticky voice came from the phone without warning, and Lin Fu quickly turned down the volume.

The voice is very familiar, familiar enough to accompany him every day.


Lin Fu looked down at the video on the phone, his pupils contracted suddenly.

Really myself.

It should have been Sang Jiuchi's face instead of himself, but the men who had played mosaics had faces instead.

Zhou Ruoqing, Li Lian, Zhao Song, Wang Bo.

None of the four fell, and all had faces.

They bark like wild beasts, leaving ethics and reason behind.

Lin Fu's heart was beating fast.

This is not the video at all. Although the video is more realistic after the AI ​​face change, as long as you have the intention to identify it, you can easily see that it is synthetic.

But in this video, he could not see the slightest sign of fraud.

As if it were real.

Like a thunderclap in his head, Lin Fu slumped down on the bed, staring at his phone blankly.

Hundreds of thousands of downloads, those people on the Internet are downloading their own videos?

At this moment, only three words flashed in Lin Fu's mind: he is finished.

The Internet has a memory, and this video may be circulated on the Internet in the next few years, decades or even nearly a hundred years, and it will never disappear.

He was just a freshman, and after being silent for so long, he finally got the admission letter from Art University.

When he showed the admission letter, how beautiful was it?

In less than half a year now, he has become famous in this way, not only can he not look up in school, but even his reputation in his hometown has been completely ruined.

Even if he performs well in the future, the school will never recommend him to play.

If he hadn't thought about releasing the video before, why did he think about it and insist on releasing this video?

Lin Fu bit his lip with his teeth, and the fishy and sweet taste stained his mouth without noticing it.

Just when he regretted it, the phone suddenly rang.

Lin Fu was taken aback by the sudden ringing, and when he saw the caller ID clearly, Lin Fu gritted his teeth and connected the call.

As soon as the call was connected, he scolded his head and face for a while: "Lin Fu, you are really kind. I didn't expect you to secretly record a video, and I will take out all your recordings now!"

Lin Fu was wronged to death, he didn't have that IQ video at all, okay?

"Zhao Song, it's not me. It's really not me."

"You said it wasn't you, there are all your papers in this trumpet, are you crazy? You want to die and you want to hold us back? Who among the four of us is sorry for you?"

Lin Fu was aggrieved again, "I really didn't record the video, I just wanted to send the video of Sang Jiuchi that you synthesized, but after I sent it I didn't know why I changed it to this one. And if you look at the background carefully, We didn't do it in this place at all, this video is fake! Someone is hurting us!"

Zhao Song was still panting heavily on the other end of the phone, but his voice had quieted down.

Now the five of them are grasshoppers tied to a rope. As long as it is proved that the video is fake and that someone is harming them, they can clean it up.

Zhao Song began to take the video to see the background behind him.

The background appears to be in a hotel.

But the four of them were very careful, and they would never go to the hotel together.

It seems that the video is indeed fake, but it is made so realistic

Zhao Song was a scholar after all, so he quickly calmed down, "Do you know who did it?"

Lin Fu gritted his teeth, "Sang Jiuchi!"

The cold boy appeared in Zhao Song's mind, he laughed and shook his head, "Impossible."

Lin Fu frowned: "Why is it impossible?"

Zhao Song: "With his connections, it's impossible to know such a powerful video production master. Although it can't be Sang Jiuchi, that person must have something to do with Sang Jiuchi. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to share Sang Jiuchi's video. If it's yours, I'll find someone to prove that the video is fake, please be honest with me during this time, and stop making trouble, you know?!"

Lin Fu pursed his lips.

The purpose of his original video was to pull the four of them into the water.

Doesn't it suit him now? But why are you so embarrassed?

Oh, he got it. Because Sang Jiuchi and Chi Ye were fine, only the five of them had problems.

The involution is great.

The person he really wanted to harm was not harmed at all, and he even poured dirty water on himself.

Self-inflicted sin.

Lin Fu almost cried himself stupidly.

Zhao Song hung up the phone and did two things. One was to find a video editing expert to decode the video and find evidence of its editing. The second thing is to look for the hotel structure in the background, to investigate the check-in records.

There is time in the bottom right corner of the video, which was taken a month ago.

As long as you check along this time, you can prove your innocence.

His parents have not rested for a day because of his affairs. In fact, since Lin Fu told Chiye that he helped him edit the video, his situation has not been very good.

Some of the things the parents did by taking advantage of their positions were uncovered and are now being jointly investigated by the Education Bureau and the Supervision Bureau.

What they have done is irresistible, and conviction is only a matter of time.

Some people in the school have a keen sense of smell, and have long sensed that his parents are dying.

Although the people who used to take good care of him have not completely turned their faces, they are different from before.

The national scholarship he applied for was also called back, and even the postgraduate quota was rejected.

Although he is younger than Zhou Ruoqing and Li Lian, he is already a senior this year due to skipping grades, and it will be the graduation season soon.

The only thing he still has some confidence in now is an olive branch from a foreign company. The foreign company has already accepted his offer and will only wait for the internship period to start working in their company two months later.

If you can't prove your innocence, the job will also be lost.

He is now exhausted, and the confidence and pretentiousness he once had is long gone.

After going through everything in front of him, he regretted that he had provoked Sang Jiuchi and Chiye in the first place. If he could maintain his morality and not be deceived by Lin Fu, would things be different?

He is also a child who is regarded by countless people in the eyes of others. He has a family of virtue and art that is envied by others, and he has a bright road that has been arranged for a long time.

He just needs to lie down and win.

If he didn't provoke them, he wouldn't be worrying about his future like an ordinary college student now.

Lin Fu hung up the phone, and after listening to what Zhao Song said just now, his mood actually calmed down a bit.

He buried himself in the quilt, staring at the wall in a trance.

Where is the problem?

He has a new life, and it stands to reason that he has both predictive memory and system plug-ins, so he shouldn't lose.

If you can defeat the plug-in, what else can there be besides the plug-in?

This video, in particular, has silently replaced his own video, even changing the title. The video is so real that it is terrifying. Your own system can't do this. Can humans really do this?

Suddenly a bold idea came to mind.

Is the Sang Jiuchi in the previous life like this now?

In the previous life, Sang Jiuchi avoided touching others like a snake or scorpion, and he saw it when he was sick. It looked like a mangy dog.

He was so serious when he was sick, how could he suddenly dance a duet with others?

Skin thirst is a mental illness, but it's impossible to get better so quickly. He has been in close contact with Chi Ye again and again, and he is not sick at all.

Is he already sick? And Sang Jiuchi was vaguely hostile to himself.

Lin Fu's eyes flashed unpleasantly.

Rather than being hostile, it would be more appropriate to use light abuse.

In his previous life, he just regarded himself as air, but in this life, he did so.

Could it be.

A thought suddenly flashed by.

You can be reborn, why can't Sang Jiuchi?

Could it be that Sang Jiuchi was also reborn? Why does he hate himself? Could it be that on the normal timeline, he succeeded, so he was the future Sang Jiuchi and was reborn to his own timeline.

What he saw was the future of the previous life, while what Sang Jiuchi saw was the future of this life.

Only in this way can Sang Jiuchi's strange actions be explained!

Sang Jiuchi is back for revenge!

That's why he loses, not because of his ability, but because of the future.

Chi Ye must have been used by him, Chi Ye was his tool for revenge.

Lin Fu "rubbed" and sat up from the bed.

Chiye and Sang Jiuchi had a relationship as early as half a month ago, but it has not been made public for so long.

It can be seen that Sang Jiuchi doesn't want to make it public at all.

He can see that Chiye loves Sang Jiuchi very much, but what about Sang Jiuchi to Chiye? Sang Jiuchi used skin hunger to seduce Chiye, and after taking him down, he just used him.

What's the difference between this and yourself? !

Chi Ye was the worst tool man of the year. Not only was his body used, his abilities were used, and even his background was used completely.

Hope reappeared in Lin Fu's eyes. What would happen to Chiye if he knew the true face of Sang Jiuchi?

If a heart is deceived and trampled, he will definitely be disappointed!

Maybe he can still take advantage of the emptiness when Chi Ye is angry.

Lin Fu's small eyes had already begun to have the illusion of victory. He walked to the wall, put his ear to the foot of the wall, and listened carefully to the sound of the next room.

Next door, there was a rustling conversation between two boys.

Lin Fu's eyes lit up, he strode out of the door, walked to the door of Sang Jiuchi's room, and knocked hard a few times.

The door was quickly opened, and what caught Lin Fu's eyes was Chi Ye's impatient eyes, "It's you? What are you doing here?"

Chi Ye's chest heaved up and down, and his usually slightly deep lips were flushed red, revealing the breath of a beast all over his body.

You can tell what they were doing just now.

Lin Fu froze, but quickly calmed down, "I'm looking for Sang Jiuchi."

Chi Ye sneered, his eyes as if looking at a dead man, "You are so young, you are arrogant. Is Sang Jiuchi your name?"

Lin said at a loss for words, and changed his words: "I'm looking for Senior Sang, I have something, a very important thing."

"Let him come in." Inside, Sang Jiuchi's soft voice sounded.

As soon as he heard this voice, Chi Ye's expression changed visibly. He reluctantly took two steps back, making way for Lin Fu.

Lin Fu walked into the dormitory, and Sang Jiuchi was sitting on a chair.

The sweater on his body is a little slanted, and the pink traces on his neck can be vaguely seen.

A light pale pink, it looks like it has just been left.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes were cold and his tone was very alienated, "Is something wrong?"

Seeing Sang Jiuchi's indifferent appearance, Lin Fu was not angry. However, when he thought that Chi Ye would see his true face clearly, Lin Fu felt a little better.

He tried his best to raise the corners of his lips and wanted to smile, but in the end he pulled a hideous smile that was uglier than crying, and said straight to the point: "Senior Sang, is the video I posted your hands and feet?"

Sang Jiuchi propped his elbow on the table and pressed his fist against his temple, his voice was light and casual, "Yeah."

Lin Fu's breathing stagnated.

He didn't expect Sang Jiuchi to be so shameless, so he agreed.

He looked up and down Sang Jiuchi, and found that the Sang Jiuchi in front of him was indeed different from the Sang Jiuchi in his memory. It is also aloof, but the Sang Jiuchi in front of him is arrogant, and he is born with indifference.

But the high coldness of Sang Jiuchi was just a disguise of fear, without confidence in his eyes, but with caution.

It's totally two people.

Or it can be said that this is the current Sang Jiuchi after the rebirth of the future Sang Jiuchi.

Sang Jiuchi can have such a big change now, does that mean that if he follows the correct timeline, he will completely defeat Sang Jiuchi in the future. Otherwise, how could Sang Jiuchi come to seek revenge?

When he thought that the original future Sang Jiuchi had lost to him, Lin Fu was inexplicably excited.

Chiye walked in front of Sang Jiuchi, gently picked up Sang Jiuchi with his broad arms, sat on the chair himself, and let Sang Jiuchi sit on his lap.

Immediately afterwards, Chiye put his hands around Sang Jiuchi's stomach from behind along his waist. Sang Jiuchi's eyes were filled with a smile, and his thin and long fingers covered Chiye's hands.

Chi Ye grabbed Sang Jiuchi's hand with his backhand and played with it.

The two of them played with themselves, as if Lin Fu didn't exist at all.

Lin Fu was furious, he pointed at Sang Jiuchi's face, "Chi Ye, do you know that Sang Jiuchi has been using you from the very beginning!"

Chi Ye grabbed Sang Jiuchi's hand and paused, looking away from Sang Jiuchi's neck and placed it on Lin Fu's face.

In his eyes, he still had that icy look, but there was a little more exploration in it.

There is a play!

Lin Fu was overjoyed, and hurriedly continued: "Do you know that Sang Jiuchi deliberately approached you for revenge on me. His skin hunger and thirst have long since recovered, and that illness is just an excuse for him to approach you. He is trying to seduce you and use you to do things for him, and he doesn't even want to disclose it to you."

"You are sincere to him, but he just uses you. I'm not worth it for you, Chiye."

Lin Fu's voice was full of emotion, he knew it with love, and he moved with reason. He originally thought that it would bring Chi Ye's shock and disappointment.

He didn't shake out the fact that Sang Jiuchi might be reborn. After all, if he said that Sang Jiuchi was reborn, how could he explain that he knew about rebirth.

But he was disappointed.

Chiye just raised his eyebrows and looked down at Sang Jiuchi in his arms in surprise, "Is what he said true?"

Chi Ye was very close to De Sang Jiuchi, his warm breath blew into his neck, and the alternating sense of hot and cold made Sang Jiuchi shiver.

He pinched Chiye's shriveled belly of fingers, his eyes were light, and he said casually, "Half and half."

Lin told Yixi.

He was afraid that Sang Jiuchi would not admit it, but he didn't expect that this guy Sang Jiuchi was so impersonal that he admitted it on the spot.

This is too self-confidence, or too despise Chi Ye.

Chi Ye frowned and bit Sang Jiuchi's neck, "Which are real and which are fake?"

Sang Jiuchi felt a little uncomfortable, his fingertips held Chiye's hand tightly, and his voice became a little hurried, "It's true that the skin hunger is cured, and it's true to seduce you deliberately under the guise of illness. The rest are false."

Sang Jiuchi's voice already had a soft and sweet taste. His voice was very soft, but every voice seemed to have a small hook, bit by bit hooking Chi Ye's heart.

The fingers seemed to be rubbing his fingertips unintentionally, but they seemed to be intentional, and each stroke stimulated him fiercely.

This little goblin.

Chi Ye cowardly cowarded in a small way, and Sang Jiuchi laughed even happier.

Chi Ye looked at Sang Jiuchi's eyes that were gradually dyed red in his arms, and panted slightly to look at Lin Fu, "I see, you go out."

Lin told people to be stupid.

These two **** actually regarded him as transparent, like no one else!

No, it's not.

Chino's reaction is wrong.

Shouldn't he have questioned Sang Jiuchi well, then scolded him for being ambitious, and finally left with his own anger?

What's going on with Chino? !

Sang Jiuchi said that he was lying to you, but you still post it backwards, are you being cheap!

Lin Fu hates that iron is not steel, but his eyes are fixed on the pair of dog boys and boys, and he can't take his eyes away.

He looked at Sang Jiuchi's gradually softening body and soft facial features, and his face turned red.

No wonder the four animals had been infatuated with Sang Jiuchi in their previous lives. It was indeed beautiful to look at in this way.

Chi Ye glanced over and saw Lin Fu's eyes.

The originally unpredictable black eyes were stained with anger, and Chi Ye swept over coldly, with a sense of coercion in his voice: "Get out!"

With that voice and that look in his eyes, it was like a demon that had come out of **** and could tear him to shreds in the next second.

Lin Fu got goosebumps all over, and subconsciously took two steps back, and when he got back to the door, he was about to go out.

"Close the door." The cold voice came again.

Lin Fu stiffened his body, glanced one after another, and found that Chi Ye had bowed his head and kissed Sang Jiuchi.

Chi Ye held Sang Jiuchi's hand with one hand and pinched the back of his neck with the other.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes were blurred, and his neck was raised, like a dying black swan, elegant, charming and beautiful.

Lin Fu's breathing became a little heavier.

He suddenly had a thought, if he took a photo of the two of them now and posted it on the Internet, it would definitely cause an uproar.

After a while, Chi Ye released Sang Jiuchi and locked him tightly in his arms, looking at Lin Fu with a threat and warning in his eyes, "Lin Fu, don't do unnecessary things."

In a word, all Lin Fu's careful thoughts were dispelled.

Lin Fu hurriedly closed the door and left with his tail between his fingers.

After sending Lin Fu away, Chi Ye bit Sang Jiuchi's neck again.

Sang Jiuchi's neck was fair and delicate, and the tiny blue blood vessels could be clearly seen.

Chi Ye used his teeth to carefully grind Sang Jiuchi's neck, and the sound from his throat was a little vague because of the teeth, "So from the beginning, you didn't have any skin thirst?"

Sang Jiuchi felt itchy neck and other unbearable feelings.

It was as if several ants were crawling around in my heart, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

It's too light, I want to be stronger.

Sang Jiuchi swallowed, "Well, yes."

Something wet crossed his neck, Sang Jiuchi trembled for a moment, and then heard Chi Ye grit his teeth: "Then you were so excited that day, why?"

Sang Jiuchi raised his head and let Chiye bite his neck.

Both arms went up and hugged Chi Ye's neck, "Of course it's because of you."

Chi Ye froze suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly picked up Sang Jiuchi with force, walked to the door and closed the latch, and threw Sang Jiuchi heavily on the bed.

"You had an idea for me from the beginning?!"

Sang Jiuchi: "Well."

Chi Ye couldn't believe it, his eyes widened: "You said that the training to liberate the robot shell was also your intention? You just wanted to take advantage of me?"

Sang Jiuchi chuckled, "How can anyone practice dancing like that, you can believe what I say. Have you practiced like that since you were a child?"

I am not! But I believed in you at the time!

Senior Sang, who was as white as the moonlight in his heart, turned out to be that kind of Senior Sang!

Chi Ye looked at Sang Jiuchi's sly smile and wished to eat him in one bite.

Chiye held Sang Jiuchi's wrist with one hand and pressed his two arms on top of his head: "Senior Sang, you pervert. You have already studied for the second year, but you secretly coveted the freshman of the fifth grade, and wanted to do everything possible. How to seduce freshmen. You still call yourself a teacher, where is the fun?"

Sang Jiuchi twisted his body, "Stop talking."

Chino: ! !

Are you talking more and more? !

Senior Sang is really a pervert.

Chi Ye sneered and touched Sang Jiuchi's waist with his other hand, "Teacher, what are we learning today?"

Hearing the title of "teacher", Sang Jiuchi trembled again.

He licked his red and warm lips, and the breath he exhaled was pink, "What do you want to learn?"

Chiye looked at Sang Jiuchi, and the darkness in his eyes was even deeper: "I used to learn from the teacher from the island country through the screen, but today I want to learn from the teacher on the spot."

After he finished speaking, he didn't forget to add, "Okay, teacher?"

Sang Jiuchi nodded slightly.

Sang Jiuchi cried.

Tears streamed down from the corners of his eyes like threads and slid down his neck.

Chiye kissed Sang Jiuchi's tears emotionally, and gently licked the slightly salty tears into his mouth, his voice hoarse and dry, like a long-thirsty traveler in the desert, "Teacher, have I studied well? "

Sang Jiuchi didn't want to talk, he just wanted to cry now.

I don't know how long it took, but it was already dark outside.

Chiye hugged the soft Sang Jiuchi from behind, "Teacher, I seem to have skin thirst too. I'm sick now, can you help me?"

When Sang Jiuchi heard this, his face suddenly turned red into an apple.

Not good, not good at all, he will die!

How did the puppy become a wolf pup?

He didn't even notice it!

The matter of Yan Video continued to ferment, and Zhou Ruoqing stepped down as the student union president the next day.

Li Lian was also brought back home. Don't look at Li Lian playing crazy outside. He has a fiancée at home, and his fiancée is a stronger family than them.

Because of this scandal, the other party has proposed to dissolve the engagement.

The other party was ashamed because of Li Lian's affairs, and threatened to make the Li family look good. It didn't take long for the Li family's family property to plummet. He was tired of dealing with the revenge of his ex-fiancee's family, and could no longer practice his beloved dance. In the end, he lost his wife and lost his army.

As for Zhao Song, he found a few experts to verify the authenticity of the video, but the answer he could get was that the video was seamless, there were no loopholes at all, it was absolutely true.

He went to the hotel to get the surveillance again, but in the surveillance, he was horrified to find that they, who had never been here, actually appeared on the camera.

And at the end of the surveillance screen, "he" himself suddenly raised his head and glanced at the surveillance camera, showing a weird smile at the surveillance camera.

Zhao Song was almost scared to pee. He felt that "self" didn't suddenly smile at the monitor at all, but that he had long been sure that he would come to check the monitor, leaving it across time and space. This is the person's provocation and mockery of himself.

He thought that that person had already arrived, and he couldn't play against each other at all.

He once gave Lin an idea and framed Sang Jiuchi by making up rumors, but now he got backlash. He knew that he was framed, but to no avail, he could only eat Huanglian dumbly.

This is the punishment that the mysterious man has punished himself.

Because of the continuous fermentation of the video, Zhao Song's honors were cancelled because of his indiscretion in life. Not only did he lose his respect and research, he also went to the last job in a foreign company.

His parents were also caught taking bribes and could soon face jail time. Like all ordinary students, he will embark on the hard road of finding a job after graduation.

No, he was tougher than the average college student. Because of the criminal record of his parents, he could not pass the political trial, and he could not even think about the stable iron jobs of civil servants and career editors, and it was even difficult to become a teacher.

Zhao Song covered his face, tears flowing from his fingers.

He is now full of confusion about his future, and he is no longer that proud man.

Wang Bo explained everything, but because he made a report, he was given a lighter punishment. In the end, the police brought a public prosecution to the court for the crime of harming others.

As for Lin Fu, once the video incident broke out, many rumors sprang up like mushrooms after a rain.

For example, when you have something in class, the paper is bought by someone else, and so on.

He was no longer a good student in the teacher's mind, and all the students and teachers avoided him like a scorpion, for fear that if they approached him, they would provoke some rumors.

A few days later, the police took Lin Fu on suspicion of intentional wounding.

After that, Lin Fu never came back.

Only then did everyone know that Lin Fu was the mastermind who hurt Sang Jiuchi.

He is not only arrogant, but also bad. He will do anything to achieve results, but also hurt everyone's Bai Yueguang. It's bad!

Sang Jiuchi is already in full swing because of the pas de deux dance competition, and things involving him are even more popular.

The matter that Lin Fu and Wang Bo deliberately hurt Sang Jiuchi quickly fermented and attracted attention from all walks of life.

The school's public relations were in place, and the two were expelled within a few days. Lin Fu and Wang Bo not only face jail time, but also fail to complete their studies.

Art University, stepping into this school means stepping into the head of the country.

They would have a bright future, they should have contributed to the country by their own strength, but they were blinded by their desires, resulting in such consequences.

Zhou Ruoqing, Li Lian, Zhao Song, Wang Bo, and Lin Fu all regretted what they had done.

But regret is of no avail. Things have already happened, and the damage has already been done. All they can do is to bear their own fate.

Don't do good for small things, and don't do bad things for small things.

The National College Dance Competition is held around March, about the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Time passed quickly. During this period, several variety shows invited the two to participate, but they were both rejected.

Their goal is to be at the top of the dance pyramid, not an entertainer in the entertainment world.

They always feel that although they appear in front of the media, they are still different from the entertainment industry. They appear in front of the media to make dance shine, not to make money.

All in all, both of them felt very noble.

In the final exam, Chi Ye undoubtedly got the first place.

He has always been excellent, entered the Art University with the first grade, and completed the first semester of his freshman year with the first grade. He was also the first student to participate in the National Collegiate Dance Competition in his freshman year.

In the future, he will have countless number one places, but what makes him most proud is that he is the number one in Sang Jiuchi.

He is Sang Jiuchi's first kiss object, Sang Jiuchi's first duet partner, and Sang Jiuchi's first man...

With Sang Jiuchi, he has become too many No. 1s, and every No. 1 makes him happy.

Of course, the "first" he prefers is also the "last".

No, not hope, but must be.

The final exam is over, and the rest is the long-lost winter vacation.

At this time in the past, Sang Jiuchi had been in school by himself. Winter vacation is the hardest time for Sang Jiuchi every year.

Not only students, but also teachers, sanitation and even canteens are on vacation.

Water is even cut off on the coldest days in order to prevent the pipes from freezing. The canteen does not provide meals, and there is no cooking in the dormitory. Sang Jiuchi can only go out to eat in the severe cold or simply stock up on instant noodles to cope with it.

Yang Hui felt sorry for her students, and would let Sang Jiuchi come to her house for the New Year in the coldest winter, but Sang Jiuchi would occasionally refuse.

This year is coming to winter vacation again, Chiye packed his things as soon as possible, dragged his suitcases and went to the staff dormitory.

Seeing Chi Ye hurriedly leaving, the roommates couldn't help whistling.

The love affair between Sang Jiuchi and Chiye was naturally publicized, and the two of them didn't avoid suspicion at all, holding hands when they walked. Whoever saw it would never know they were a couple.

If Sang Jiuchi falls in love with someone else, there will be some students who will be dissatisfied.

It's the same when Chi Ye falls in love with others, but when these two are together, they have become the most enviable couple in Yida.

When Chiye found Sang Jiuchi, Sang Jiuchi was wiping the trophy with a towel.

Sang Jiuchi wore a close-fitting knitted sweater inside and a light brown cardigan mink fur coat over it.

The wide coat is fluffy, lining Sang Jiuchi especially slender and docile.

Chi Ye immediately hugged Sang Jiuchi from behind, rubbed his chin against his forehead, and the tip of his nose lightly smelled the refreshing smell of mint grass, "Teacher, you smell so good."

Hearing this title, Sang Jiuchi's face turned red, and he glanced at Chi Ye's suitcase, "Are you going home today?"

Chiye's warm lips sipped Sang Jiuchi's cheek, "Senior, come home with me for the New Year this year? The ugly daughter-in-law wants to see her in-laws."

Sang Jiuchi raised his eyebrows: Ugly? I? are you blind?

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