MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 70 Over-the-top red superstar 1 (1)

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【Ding! The memory is successfully read, and the memory transmission is started below. 】

The abrupt sound of the system sounded, and F001 wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, [Sir, please call me a rescuer. 】

Sang Jiuchi: […I thank you. 】

As the system sound fell, two memories appeared in my mind.

One is the memory of the world, and the other is the memory of the original owner.

Unsurprisingly, the original owner is still called Sang Jiuchi, and his appearance is still the same, that is, he is younger, more handsome, and more beautiful.

The original owner is 21 years old this year, and the 12-year-old child star group debuted. The mother's fans are all over the country and it is very popular.

When he was the most popular at the age of 19, he made an official announcement with his boyfriend Yun Yi without hesitation.

Because of the official announcement of the relationship, there has been a large number of powder removals. When the original owner was red, it suddenly stopped being red, and gradually faded out of the public eye.

On the contrary, the boyfriend quickly became popular through the fame of the original owner, and his popularity even surpassed that of the original owner when he was the most popular.

A few weeks ago, my boyfriend, Ah Bu, should be called an ex-boyfriend now. The ex-boyfriend of the original owner was suddenly photographed dating a rich girl.

There are people who are fighting for themselves on the Internet, but more of them are celebrating the ex-boyfriend who finally got rid of him.

A traffic abandoned by the times, and a lady with rich capital in the upper class, even a fool knows how to choose.

Subsequently, the family background of the ex-boyfriend, the second young master of the wealthy Yun family, was exposed on the Internet.

A talented woman, a perfect match, a peerless match.

For a time, the Internet supported Yun Yi one-sidedly, and Yun Yi also quickly posted on Weibo that he broke up peacefully with the original owner as early as half a year ago.

And the lover in front of him is Yun Yan, the eldest young master of the Yun family.

Yun Yan and Yun Yi are half-brothers, Yun Yan is 27 years old and Yun Yi is 22 years old.

Yun Yi didn't announce his identity a few years ago, it's not that he was low-key, but that he was just recognized back.

The Yun family was able to become a wealthy family thanks to the support of Yun Yan's mother's family. However, Yunyan's mother's family gradually declined. Five years ago, after the family business of Yunyan's mother's family closed down, the whole family moved abroad.

About a year ago, a car accident happened suddenly.

Yun Yan's mother was killed in the car accident, and Yun Yan suffered from paralysis of his lower limbs.

Half a year ago, Father Yun took Yun Yi and his mother into the house, got a license to get married, and became a real member of the family.

Only then did Yun Yan know that his father had betrayed his mother more than 20 years ago and had always had a home outside.

This wasn't over yet. On the grounds that Yun Yan was disabled and could not inherit the family business, Father Yun dismissed him with a small company, leaving the future of the entire family business to Yun Yi.

Without the protection of my mother's family, it is not good to do anything.

The eagle soaring in the sky had its wings broken and fell into the abyss, and was actually bullied by Zhongshan Wolf.

In the world plot, Yun Yan proposed a marriage agreement, but was rejected by the original owner. Later, the original owner made a statement on the Internet to clarify that they did not break up, but Yun Yi was charged with extortion and sent to prison, and the star was completely destroyed.

After reading the memory, Sang Jiuchi took a deep breath.


That's impossible.

Sang Jiuchi looked at the back of the wheelchair, "Can I ask why you need to get married?"

The wheelchair boss was silent for a moment, and said coldly, "You don't need to know this."

Gee, don't know if you don't know, don't tell me later.

On the other side that Sang Jiuchi couldn't see, Yun Yan's lips pursed slightly, and his face was blank for a moment.

Why get married? He also wanted to know.

Originally, he was just curious about Yun Yi's hapless ex-boyfriend, but the moment he saw the photo of him, he had this idea.

He is 27 years old this year. Father Yun and the woman repeatedly pushed women in front of him on the grounds of caring.

If he had to get married, he would rather choose this clean and beautiful out-of-date star in front of him.

Outside the window, the sun slanted westward.

Thick blood red stained the horizon.

Yun Yan slowly turned his wheelchair. Against a blood-red background, his facial features were handsome and firm, and his angular face was half-bright and half-dark in the blush, with the oppression of death, like a demon crawling out of the abyss. , Bewitching Sang Jiuchi step by step.

Yun Yan said in a low voice, "I've seen your profile, and it was once very popular. You really want to be popular, right? I can help you."

He didn't want to say these things. Whether the other party agreed to marry him or not had little effect on him.

But seeing the clear eyes and clean and beautiful face of the gentle young man, he began to persuade for the first time.

Sure enough, when the young man opposite heard this sentence, it was like a hungry wolf seeing meat, and his eyes began to glow green.

Yun Yan knew that the other party was tempted.

Sang Jiuchi put his hand behind him and clenched his fist with five fingers.

He stared obsessively at the figure of his lover embedded in the twilight, the temptation of dying and abstinence, the seductive little goblin.

And the indifferent and arrogant eyes of his lover, oppressing him like a lion on the grassland, it is very exciting.

Sure enough, no matter who the lover is, he likes it.

F001 seemed to have heard Sang Jiuchi's heartfelt voice and complained: [Master host, it's the opposite. Shouldn't it be that everyone you like has him? 】

Sang Jiuchi coughed lightly, and stared at Yun Yan greedily. He didn't hear what Yun Yan was saying at all, and even couldn't help sticking out his red tongue to lick the corner of his mouth.

Yun Yan: "…"

How do you feel that the young man on the opposite side is not quite right?

Is he too sensitive? How did he feel that Sang Jiuchi's eyes were full of color?

Yun Yan was startled by his own thoughts, his expression became more and more stiff, but his eyes secretly looked at the young man in front of him.

Very beautiful and clean little boy, better looking than all the boys he has ever seen, but too utilitarian. Probably because he has been immersed in the entertainment industry for too long, when he heard that he could help him become popular, he couldn't hide his desires, and even fantasized on the spot.

Yun Yan frowned.

In the entertainment industry, even his own heart can't be hidden, even if Sang Jiuchi becomes popular, it won't be popular for long.

Yun Yan coughed lightly, suggesting that Sang Jiuchi should return to his senses.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes returned to clarity, "I'm going back now to get the household registration book?"

Yun Yan: "…"

I was still hesitating just now, so you agreed?

Oh, entertainment dog man.

Yun Yan: "At this point, the Civil Affairs Bureau is off work."

Sang Jiuchi suddenly realized, "Yes, then tomorrow? The Civil Affairs Bureau goes to work at 9 in the morning? What about after getting the certificate? Do you need to be more realistic in acting?"

They've been married four times, and he counts them a lot.

Sang Jiuchi is very familiar, "Wedding rings, wedding photos, weddings, since we are married, do we still want to live together? Should I move in tonight, or will I move after I get the certificate tomorrow? If it is moving today, it would be too hasty. Toiletries and changing clothes are not ready yet, or tomorrow, I will go back and clean up today..."

Yun Yan was dumbfounded and interrupted Sang Jiuchi, "You seem to be very experienced?"

No, it's been four times.

Sang Jiuchi looked at Yunyan with bright eyes, like a little fox begging for food.

There are no lights in the office. Under the light of the red twilight, Sang Jiuchi's face was dyed with a bright red color, and his eyebrows were raised gently, but he did not give off a treacherous feeling, but had a cute little cunning.

Even though there was a distance, Yun Yan could clearly see Sang Jiuchi's thick eyelashes.

Crow-feather-like eyelashes trembled in the red glow, dyed with a soft golden light.

Not only that, but he also seemed to see the white fluffy ears protruding from the top of Sang Jiuchi's head.

Yes, it's cute.

Think rua.

Yun Yan lowered his head and glanced to the side in embarrassment, "You can figure it out. These days are the peak period for getting the certificate. Tomorrow I will make an appointment first, and I will send someone to pick you up when we get there. As for cohabitation..."

Yun Yan originally wanted to say that it was just an agreement to marry, a name.

But when the words came to his mouth, he suddenly made up the appearance of the little fox in front of him walking around in front of him wearing his shirt.

The refusal came to an abrupt end.

Yun Yan cleared his throat and tried to calm down his voice, "You pack up, don't worry, I will send someone to pick you up when the time comes."

Sang Jiuchi nodded vigorously, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Well-behaved and cute.

Yun Yanjue's own frozen heart was about to melt.

Yun Yan lowered his head and looked at his hand. His hand was firmly grasping the armrest of the wheelchair, and his well-jointed fingertips were digging into the leather sleeve.

With these hands, I really wanted to touch the boy's head.

Yun Yan took a deep breath and kept his voice as restrained as possible, appearing indifferent and alienated, "If you have nothing else, go back first, and I will send someone to see you back."

Sang Jiuchi stood up, but didn't mean to leave, but took out his mobile phone and stared straight at Yun Yan's eyes.

Those bright eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts through them. Yun Yan was staring at him a little hairy, "What's wrong?"

Sang Jiuchi shook his phone, "I don't have my husband's phone number or WeChat yet. It's unreasonable."


Yun Yan wanted to cover his face.

Yun Yan lowered his head, feeling his cheeks and earlobes burning hot. Fortunately, it was evening, and Hongxia, who was behind her, helped her to block the change in her expression.

Otherwise he must be a capital embarrassment.

Yun Yan's hand holding the armrest of the wheelchair trembled slightly. He quickly reported a series of numbers, and then thoughtfully asked, "Did you write it down?"

Sang Jiuchi wrote down the mobile phone number and asked, "Is this also the WeChat account?"

Yun Yan: "Yeah."

Sang Jiuchi didn't speak any more, he lowered his head and fiddled with his mobile phone.

From the corner of Yun Yan's eyes, he observed Sang Jiuchi's movements, and after a while, the sudden ringing of his mobile phone rang in the office.

Under the expectant gaze of Sang Jiuchi, Yun Yan took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

Above is a string of unfamiliar calls with no one shown.

Yun Yan looked at Sang Jiuchi, "Is this your phone number?"

Sang Jiuchi nodded as if pecking at the rice, "Well, remember to add a note. I named you 'husband', you have to call me 'madam'."

Yun Yan's hand, which was originally saving his mobile phone number, paused.

He glanced at Sang Jiuchi and found that Sang Jiuchi raised his mobile phone towards him, and the person displayed on the mobile phone was "husband".

Yun Yan frowned, his expression tangled.

The finger typed the word "Mrs." quickly and honestly.

Since it is a play, it must be realistic.

Note "Madam", there is nothing wrong with it.

When Yun Yan was typing in the remarks, Sang Jiuchi deliberately stood beside him and saw that he had entered his contact name as "Mrs.", so he continued to poke with his phone.

Yun Yan's private WeChat rang, the timing was just right, and he knew it was from Sang Jiuchi without thinking.

Before Sang Jiuchi could say anything, he had already opened WeChat and clicked on the friend application.

There is only one applicant in the friend application, and the profile picture is Sang Jiuchi's personal photo. In the photo, the young man smiled with his head half lowered, his eyes slightly closed, and his long eyelashes cast a shadow under the light, covering most of his eyes.

Yun Yan could only vaguely see the young man's eyes through the small gap below. It was clear and unsullied, but it seemed to be different from the young man in front of him.

Probably because of the discrepancy between the photo and the real person, Yun Yan didn't think much about it, his eyes moved from the avatar to the request box for adding a friend.

There are only two words in the box: Husband~


With a cold face, Yun Yan agreed, and skillfully typed on the note: Madam.

After everything was done, Yun Yan was stunned.

What did he just do?

Love has always been a sacred thing in his mind, and he actually remarked "Mrs." to the marriage partner who had only met once?

It's so out of his style.

Just when he bowed his head in doubt, a pair of bright eyes slammed into his sight without warning.

Following his gaze, Yun Yan realized that Sang Jiuchi was squatting in front of him.

Sang Jiuchi put his hands on his unconscious legs, put his head on it, and looked up at himself, "Then I'll go back first, remember to pick me up early tomorrow."

Yun Yan gave a nod in a weird way, and replied in a hoarse voice: "Well, good."

When he finished speaking, he was stunned again.

It was obvious that he hated being approached by others, and even more hated others touching his legs.

But Sang Jiuchi was leaning on his lap, but he didn't feel disgusted.

Sang Jiuchi's bright and beautiful face was all in his mind. Even in the darkening room, he couldn't stop that face from showing its original charm.

Yun Yan frowned slightly as he watched Sang Jiuchi leave.

When Sang Jiuchi first came, was it so amazing?

This company is the zombie company that Yun's father threw to Yun Yan. The company that was on the verge of bankruptcy half a year ago has been brought back to life after Yun Yan's management.

Although it is a zombie company, the pomp of the building is not weak at all.

After all, what Father Yun did was inauthentic, and he couldn't clearly give Yun Yan a company that seemed to be going bankrupt.

After choosing from left to right, I finally chose this zombie company that looks good on the surface, but in fact has been in deficit for several years.

As the eldest young master of the Yun family, Yun Yan has the right to refuse to accept this company.

But he didn't.

Sang Jiuchi remembered that this company seemed to be a company owned by Yun Yan's mother. When Yunyan's mother's family was on the verge of bankruptcy, Yun's father took the opportunity to buy the company, not to help Yunyan's mother's family, but to show off.

After Father Yun bought it, he threw the company away and let it lose money, and then from time to time he brought it out and said "losing money" in front of his mother, which made Yun Yan's mother extremely uncomfortable.

The elevator slowly stopped to the first floor, and the moment the elevator opened, he saw the assistant waiting beside him.

The assistant was standing upright, but his mouth was a little panting.

He was packing his things just now when he received a call from President Yun.

President Yun asked him to send people off without saying a word, and asked him to be in the hall within two minutes.

Isn't that hard? !

The assistant almost thought that the company was going to get cold soon. President Yun deliberately made things difficult for him and told him to retreat.

Want to force me to quit? There are no doors.

Seeing Sang Jiuchi coming out of the elevator, the assistant wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Mr. Sang, I'll take you home."

The black Bentley was parked at the door, and Sang Jiuchi sat in the back seat.

The assistant sat in the co-pilot and looked back at Sang Jiuchi with a smile, "Mr. Sang, where are you going?"

After Sang Jiuchi reported the name of the community, he closed his eyes and rested.

He had just arrived at this plane, and when he opened his eyes, he saw his lover at first sight. Now that he was sitting in the car, he felt that his body was a little tired.

F001 said thoughtfully: [Master host, this body has not slept for three days and three nights. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [Being angered by Yun Yi? 】

F001: [There are reasons for Yunyi, and there are reasons for Internet trolls. There are a lot of trolls on the Internet who scold the original owner, but there are a lot of navy inside. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [Was it bought to scold the original owner? who bought it? 】

F001: [Yunyi's agent. 】

Sang Jiuchi couldn't open his eyes a little, he yawned, leaned his head slightly on the comfortable leather chair, and fell asleep unconsciously.

The assistant saw from the rearview mirror and silently turned off the music in the car.

The phone vibrated suddenly, and it was a WeChat message from President Yun, "Did you deliver it?"


It's just gone! It's only ten minutes from the company, how could it be delivered!

Hurry up and deliver it!

The assistant's heart was barking like a dog, but his face was expressionless.

He silently entered a sentence: "Not yet, Mr. Sang fell asleep."

Dad Yan: "You fell asleep as soon as you got in the car?"

The assistant's hand trembled slightly while holding the phone.

So you know you just got in the car?

Assistant: "Maybe it's too stressful these days, so don't rest."

Dad Yan: "Turn down the air conditioner and turn it on to sleep mode. Don't wake him up first, send me a WeChat message."

The assistant adjusted the air conditioner, "Okay, Mr. Yun."

After more than ten seconds, President Yun slowly sent a WeChat message.

Dad Yan: "Take a picture for me to see."

assistant:? ? ?


Ah, this is so embarrassing.

The assistant shyly turned on the glamorous camera, took a selfie, and sent Yun Yan a message.

Dad Yan: "! I want a photo of Sang Jiuchi! I don't need to beautify my face, just take it."

Assistant: Grief.jpg.

The assistant pursed his lips and turned back. The sky outside was already dark and white, and because of the privacy black film, the light behind was very poor.

Afraid of waking up Sang Jiuchi, the assistant didn't dare to turn on the flash, so he secretly took a picture with his face in the dark, and then sent it to the past.

In the office of the president of the company, Yun Yan took a breath and exhaled a puff of smoke from his nose and mouth. From his gloomy expression, it could be seen that he was very irritable now.

The room didn't turn on the lights after Sang Jiuchi left.

In the dimly lit room, a faint blue light from the phone screen made his gloomy and handsome face even darker.

"Ding!" WeChat on the phone rang.

Yun Yan quickly turned on his phone and saw a photo sent by his assistant.

The background of the photo is very dark, but the outline of the youth can still be clearly identified.

The young man leaned back softly on the back of the chair, his pink mouth opened slightly, his eyes were lightly closed, and his thick eyelashes covered his eyes, looking like he was sleeping soundly.

It was summer now, and when Sang Jiuchi came, he only wore a T-shirt with a slightly larger neckline. Now because of the reclining, the neckline of the T-shirt is a little crooked, and it hangs slantingly over the shoulders, revealing the delicate collarbone.

Although it was dark all around, Yunyan could still distinguish Sang Jiuchi's skin as white as suet white jade.

The moment he saw the photo, Yun Yan's restless heart suddenly calmed down.

He silently clicked save, then opened the phone contacts.

Found "Mrs." effortlessly and added the photo to "Mrs."'s avatar.

After doing this, Yun Yan silently opened the photo album again, smoking a cigarette with relish while looking at this pitiful photo.

The filthy air was exhaled along with the cloud and mist, and Yun Yan only felt a burst of relief in his chest.

This Sang Jiuchi looks strangely beautiful.

His stupid younger brother, He De He Neng, was able to chase Sang Jiuchi back then.

Don't keep such a good treasure, go marry the daughter of the Huo family, a fool.

There was a cruel smile on Yun Yan's lips.

Yun Yi, you will regret it.

The moment you voluntarily give up Sang Jiuchi, he no longer belongs to you.

Yun Yan greedily licked Sang Jiuchi's sleeping face with his eyes, and after a long while, he uploaded the photo to the computer with no end in sight.

Putting his phone aside, he turned on his computer and sent an email to a foreign e-mail: "I'm getting married."

There were only five words, and a photo of Sang Jiuchi was added as an attachment.

After doing this, Yun Yan logged out of the mailbox and turned off the computer.

Since he lost the ability to control his legs, in order to facilitate his movement, all floors are flat roads.

Yunyan's wheelchair is the top wheelchair in the world. Not only can it walk freely on flat ground, but it can also be transformed into the mode of going down the stairs when it touches the stair wheels.

After a year of adjustment, he also realized the reality that he could no longer walk.

Even if he was unwilling, he could only accept it silently.

Yun Yan walked to the foot of the wall and turned on the light, and the room was suddenly bright.

The dazzling white light forced Di Yunyan to frown, and when he got used to the brightness, he slowly opened his eyes.

Yun Yan looked up at the light as bright as day, and smiled bitterly.

Look, that's it.

Even if you don't get used to it at first, as long as you force yourself to accept it, you can get used to it.

Yun Yan controlled the wheelchair back to the computer desk and started the daily workaholic mode.

All success is not accidental and overnight. The reason why this company can come back to life is not because he is the chosen son or because he is so lucky, but because he is still working hard.

During this year, unless necessary, he was in the company 24 hours a day. There is an ensuite bedroom in the president's office, which is fully equipped with all the necessities and equipment.

Sang Jiuchi's face suddenly appeared in his mind.

He said that when he got married, he wanted to live together.

Shouldn't it be time for you to go home?

I don't know why, but Yun Yan's heart, which has always been as quiet as stagnant water, has a wave of waves.

The warm wind blew the smoke that hung over the sea.

The waves were rippling, and there were layers of ripples.


The mobile phone WeChat beep sounded again.

Yun Yan picked up the phone and saw the message from the assistant: "Boss, we're home, Mr. Sang hasn't woken up yet."

Dad Yan: "How is he now? Take a picture and let me see."


Dad Yan: "Let's make a video."

I suspect that you are just peeking at other pretty boys under the guise of asking!

The assistant still made a video for his own job.

In the video, Sang Jiuchi has changed from leaning on the back to half lying on the chair.

The assistant only photographed half of his face. Sang Jiuchi's chest rose and fell rhythmically, and his soft lips were half-open and half-closed, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

How tiring is this? I can fall asleep as soon as I get in the car, and I sleep all the way without waking up.

The assistant sent another WeChat message: "What should I do, boss?"

Although Yun Yan wanted Sang Jiuchi to sleep longer, sleeping in the car was not as comfortable as sleeping in the bed.

Dad Yan: "Wake him up, take him up, and leave when you see him entering the house."

The assistant did.

After Yun Yan sent WeChat, he quit WeChat and turned to open the Weibo APP.

He never cares about the bad things Yun Yi did, and he doesn't care. But since Sang Jiuchi was his man, he had to see how Yun Yi abused his man.

Yun Yi has been very popular on the Internet recently, and there is no need to search for it deliberately. When he opens Weibo, the first entry on the homepage is about his Weibo.

Yun Yi, who has 50 million fans, just clarified his relationship with Sang Jiuchi the day before yesterday.

[Sangjiuchi and I have broken up peacefully half a year ago, and the love affair with Huo [email protected] Ling has only recently started, everything is going with the flow, there is no mistress, no cheating, thank you for your concern. 】

Really righteous words.

Yun Yan sneered and clicked on the 300,000+ comment area.

The control evaluation is very beautiful, all blessings.

He followed this Weibo to open Sang Jiuchi's Weibo. Sang Jiuchi's last Weibo was two months ago.

He was still celebrating Yun Yi's birthday.

[Wish [email protected] happy birthday~[laughs][laughs][flowers]. 】

It was a normal celebration, but now the comment area is occupied by negative comments.

[No wonder Yun Yi didn't reply to your blessing, so he broke up half a year ago. 】

[After breaking up and still sticking to Yun Yi, how cheap are you? Want to be red and crazy? 】

【Anyway, you are also the top class in the past, so inauthentic. After breaking up, don't stick to others anymore, we Yun Yi are also very distressed. 】

[You have a face that can't be red, stay away from our Yun Yi, thank you. 】

Yun Yan's slender fingers with distinct joints slowly slid down, and as the fingers slid down, the smile on the corner of his mouth became wider and wider.

The madness and darkness in his eyes seemed to pop out the next moment, and with that enlarged smile, he seemed to be a ghost in hell.

His people are also the ones you can spoil?

not red?

Show it to you!

Sang Jiuchi closed the door under the assistant's concerned gaze. The moment the door was closed, Sang Jiuchi, who had been staring, was completely awake.

Turning on the light, he rubbed his hazy eyes and stretched, [Did something happen when I fell asleep just now? 】

F001: [Yes, that assistant secretly photographed you twice just now, once with a photo and once with a video. 】

Sang Jiuchi's hand stretched out in the air with a strange expression, "I'm so attractive? Assistants are obsessed with me? 】

F001 gritted his teeth in his voice: [It's what Yun Yan wants! 】

Sang Jiuchi chuckled lightly, and walked into the living room rubbing his shoulders after changing his slippers at the entrance.

Sang Jiuchi looked at the original owner's room. The room was clean, with no extra furnishings, not even green plants.

The shoes in the shoe cabinet are neatly arranged according to a horizontal line, and the things on the coffee table are also sorted and placed in a corner.

Sang Jiuchi: [Does the original owner have obsessive-compulsive disorder? 】

F001: [Not only obsessive-compulsive disorder, but also cleanliness. They have been dating Yun Yi for two years, but they have never held hands because they disliked the dirty, and it has always been a spiritual love. 】

Ah, this.

Completely opposite to the previous one.

The previous plane was an accident when it was touched, and this plane was disgusting when it was touched.

F001: [Don't think it's miserable for Yun Yi to be a monk for two years, but he's been stealing food from the original owner. He also really liked the original owner at the time. Now that he has become famous through the fame of the original owner, his eyes have long been different from what he was then. Although he still thinks you look good, what he wants has become fame and power. 】

Sang Jiuchi continued, "The original owner has long been unable to satisfy Yun Yi's violently inflated desire, and the original owner has long been out of breath, so in Yun Yi's opinion, he is not worthy of him at all. Properly cross the river and demolish the bridge. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [The son is Zhongshan Wolf, and he will be mad if he is successful. 】

F001: [Master host, I want to release a mission? 】

Sang Jiuchi frowned and pondered for a moment, 【Have an uncontrollable desire for fame and power, is this the plane of the **** of power? 】

F001 paused for two seconds and replied: [Yes, Lord Host. 】

Sang Jiuchi pouted, [I still prefer the God of Love and Desire. 】

The corners of F001's mouth twitched.

What he likes in the end, we dare not say, we dare not ask.

Sang Jiuchi: [Publish the task. 】

F001: [Ding! The plane task is released below, and the host is invited to become a top-notch superstar. After the mission is completed, you can get 3 million plane points, and the plane can be reset if the mission fails. 】

Sang Jiuchi was stunned when he heard this mission, [This mission is me? And can the plane be reset? And 3 million face points? 】

F001: [Hmmmm. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [This task does not seem to be difficult. 】

The water was released into the sea.

F001: [Ah, there is a force involved in the plane task, making the plane task the most beneficial to the host. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [A force? Is it God of War? 】

F001's voice trembled: [Hmm! Just when I lost my memory just now, although it was only for a moment, I did feel the power of the God of War! 】

Sang Jiuchi's eyes brightened, [The task is so simple, so I can rest assured that I can abuse the scumbag and fall in love? 】

This is the first time that F001 is so generous: [Master host, do whatever you want, you can reset it if you fail, what are you afraid of. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [Good. 】

After he finished speaking, he turned on the phone.

F001 stopped talking and silently watched Sang Jiuchi's operations.

Sang Jiuchi's thin and long fingers quickly tapped on the phone, walking to the sofa and sitting down.

The two legs overlapped naturally, and after one operation, Sang Jiuchi finally opened a website.

The mobile page changed suddenly, and the screen was full of ambiguous atmosphere.

This is a very hidden shopping site, with roses and pink as the background, and items are displayed frame by frame on the page.

F001 was dumbfounded, his teeth chattering: [Su, Master Host, what are you doing? ! 】

Sang Jiuchi looked at the interface seriously, and said casually: [Shopping. 】

F001: [You, you, what do you want to buy? ! 】

Sang Jiuchi finally stopped his hand on a jade object that seemed to have a good texture. He held his hand and measured it, [I measured it secretly when I was lying on his lap just now. There are 23. 】

F001: […]

It really doesn't want to get involved in this topic.

F001: [And then what? 】

Sang Jiuchi: [This plane is different from before. This time, I should do it myself. In order to leave a good impression on my lover, I have to learn to grow by myself. 】

Sang Jiuchi watched for a while, and finally chose a set from 12 to 23.

When entering the delivery address, Sang Jiuchi's fingers stopped.

Tomorrow I will move to live with Yun Yan, and things will definitely be sent to his house.

Sang Jiuchi retreated the interface to the background, opened WeChat, and clicked Yunyan's WeChat chat window from the top of the sticker.

Sang Jiuchi: "Are you there, husband?"

Yun Yan was studying the stock market, and he couldn't read it when the phone rang.

But today he picked up his phone, clicked it, and saw Sang Jiuchi's words.

Madam: "Are you there, husband?"

Yun Yan's cold heart suddenly softened. He looked at the time and silently counted twenty numbers before entering on the chat interface, "Well, yes."

Madam: "What's your address, send it to me quickly."

It was only words, but Yun Yan seemed to hear a soft voice ringing in his ears.

His icy expression involuntarily softened, and he didn't even notice it himself, "It's at No. 1003, 32nd Road, Bay Area."

Madam: "Received~ is my husband going home now?"

Yun Yan, "No, still in the company."

Madam: "Go back and have a rest. We have to take wedding photos tomorrow. The photos taken by lack of sleep are very ugly."

Yun Yan was stunned for a moment.

By the way, Mintian also went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to take a wedding photo.

Moved the wheelchair to the suite connected to the office, moved to the bathroom, and slammed his face directly into the mirror.

After taking a serious look from beginning to end, Yun Yan frowned.

Staying up late these past few nights, the complexion does not seem to be very good.

That little thing was already pretty, so when I took a picture with him, would the contrast be too bad?

Suddenly an invisible pressure rose from the bottom of my heart, Yun Yan sent a WeChat message to Sang Jiuchi: "Okay, I'll go back right away."

Madam: "See you tomorrow, remember to send me a WeChat message when you get home."

Yun Yan: "What?"

Madam: "Anything, just let me know you're home safely~"

Seeing this sentence, Yun Yan's heart suddenly trembled twice.

Just want to be sure of your own safety?

The shallow laughter poured out from the corner of his mouth, how much surprise can this little guy like a treasure give himself?

The marriage agreement at the beginning was just a whim. Now it seems that he is not disgusted, but rather enjoys it.

Yun Yan: "Okay."

Since Yunyan agreed to Sang Jiuchi, he didn't study the stock market anymore.

He hung up the computer and called the driver and told him to wait for him in the garage.

Half an hour later, Yun Yan returned to his long-lost villa.

The first thing I did when I got back to the villa was to open WeChat on my mobile phone and send a message to Sang Jiuchi: "I'm home."

They didn't speak for a long time, and just when Yun Yan thought the other party was asleep, the phone made a "ding!" sound.

Madam: "Um, sorry, I was taking a shower just now, and I just saw the phone message. Are you asleep?"

Are you taking a shower?

For some reason, the figure of Sang Jiuchi under the dense fog suddenly appeared in Yun Yan's mind uncontrollably.

His body must be slender and fair, and the heat and mist in the bathroom are so heavy that it will definitely make his fragile skin Cui Hong.

After taking a shower, he should have flushed cheeks, mist in his eyes, and pinkish hair on his shoulders and knees.

Thinking about it, Yun Yan lowered his head in shock.

He is stubborn.

Ah, this.

Is he perverted?

Yun Yan shook off the figure of Sang Jiuchi in his mind, and replied lightly, "I haven't slept yet."

Madam: "Did you take a bath?"

Yun Yan: "Just got home and haven't washed yet."

Madam: "How do you usually take a shower?"

If someone else asked this, Yun Yan would definitely turn his face, thinking that the other party was trying to mock him in a different way.

The person to ask was replaced by Sang Jiuchi, but he didn't think so.

Yun Yan typed the text seriously, "In the bathroom, a wooden stool at the same height as the wheelchair is specially installed, with a grunt and a brake, I can sit on the stool to wash, and then wipe it clean and then go out in the wheelchair. "

He didn't go into the specific details, but just talked about it in general, and he believed that Sang Jiuchi could understand it.

Madam: "Is the wheelchair waterproof?"

Yun Yan: "It's waterproof, but I don't usually drive a wheelchair in. I use wooden

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
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