MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 72 Over-the-top Red Top Stream Fest 3

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Yun Yi picked up the phone and sent a WeChat message to Sang Jiuchi: "Sang Jiuchi, who is that wild man?!"

A line of small white characters appeared in the chat window: "The message has been sent, but the other party refused to accept it."

Yun Yi: ? ?

Block him?

Yun Yi didn't give up, took out his mobile phone and called Sang Jiuchi.

Phone busy.

Call again, and the line is still busy.

After more than a dozen calls in a row, Yun Yi was sure that Sang Jiuchi had also blocked him.

Yun Yi frowned, a flame gushing out of his chest.

Can't get in touch with this, can't get in touch with that either.

Fuck, I want to go to his house to block him.

In the distance, the director shouted: "Yun Yi, the next game will start in five minutes, ready."

Yun Yi hid his hand in his trouser pocket and clenched it tightly into a fist, "Okay, here we go."

After the filming of this scene, he went to Sang Jiuchi's house to find him!

He wanted to ask, when was he the wild man who hooked up with him behind his back!

It was eight o'clock in the evening after a scene was filmed.

In this scene, Yun Yi has been absent-minded, NG many times, until he was scolded by the director pointing his nose once, and then gradually entered the state.

As soon as the director said "OK", Yun Yi immediately dropped his assistant and drove away.

He first went to the hotel to change his clothes, wrapped his whole body tightly, and changed to a new one that he had never driven before, and then he came to Sang Jiuchi's apartment.

Sang Jiuchi's door knocked for a long time, but no one came to open the door.

It wasn't until he knocked on the door again that the neighbor next door couldn't listen anymore, opened the door and roared impatiently, "Don't knock, no one is here, no matter what time you knock, don't look at what time it is now. Now, let's not let people sleep?"

Yun Yi really obediently looked at the time.

Ten p.m.

Yun Yi turned around, and the neighbors saw Yun Yi's face clearly.

Big black sunglasses with a mask and hat. If the neighbors didn't know that Sang Jiuchi was a star, he would have thought that it was a murder.

The neighbor is also a melon eater. He looked up and down the figure of the person in front of him, and suddenly there was a light in his eyes, "Are you Yun Yi?"

Yun Yi: ? !

Did my disguise feed the dog?

The neighbor laughed twice, "Come to Sang Jiuchi? Want to make him change his mind? It's too late, everyone is married. We will move to his husband this afternoon."

Yun Yi's eyes lit up under the sunglasses, "Did you see him moving?"

The neighbor nodded, "Yes, I also saw him attacking."

Oh, there is nowhere to look when you step through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

Yun Yi: "What does his husband look like?"

I don't believe that Sang Jiuchi's husband can be as good as him!

The neighbor tried his best to recall, his eyes looked and looked at Yun Yi's fully armed face, "My daughter likes you very much, can I take a picture with you and have your autograph by the way?"

Yun Yi glared at the neighbor through his sunglasses, "Why didn't I know you were so utilitarian before."

The neighbor sneered, "I used to be neighbors with Sang Jiuchi, and you were his boyfriend, so I'm embarrassed. Now he's gone, and you have broken up with him. Now it seems that I don't know Sang Jiuchi's mysterious husband on the Internet. Who, I secretly took their photos just now."

This is simply the coercion of Chi Guoguo.

Yun Yi took a deep breath, slowly took off his mask and sunglasses, and said with a smile during business hours, "Take my picture better."

A few minutes later, the neighbors happily closed their mouths with Yun Yi's photo and autograph.

Yun Yi put on his mask and sunglasses again, and his eyes became cold again after hiding his expression, "Can you show me the photo now?"

"Okay," the neighbor took out his phone and opened the photo album.

Yun Yi tilted his head and held his breath.

When I saw the photos of my neighbors, I was slightly taken aback, "What can I see?"

The background of the photo was taken, but it was still blurry and could no longer be blurred. I could only vaguely see two distorted and blurred backs in front of the opposite door.

The neighbor pointed at the photo and said, "People are moving things, so I can't take pictures with a sullen face. That's all, I took pictures with my phone against the cat's eye several times, and I managed to get it. This is Sang Jiuchi, this is It's his marriage partner."

Yun Yi took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and frowned at the photo.

Although the character is deformed, from the back, that person should be half a head shorter than Sang Jiuchi.

Sang Jiuchi was only 1.78 meters tall because of his early debut.

That person's words are only one meter seven at most.

A one-meter-seven wild man? It's completely incomparable with himself, he really doesn't pick.

Yun Yi's unexplainable depression at first dissipated a lot, "Have you seen what he looks like?"

Neighbors got the benefit and spoke faster, "I see, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and looking like Zhou Zheng. Wearing a black suit, he looks like a company manager. He is quite old-fashioned. Twenty-seven or eighteen years old, he is half a head shorter than Sang Jiuchi, and it is estimated that he is only 1.7 meters."

The more Yun Yi listened, the more comfortable he became.

Knowing that his ex-boyfriend was not as good as him, he was relieved.

Isn't it just married, who hasn't gotten married yet.

Yun Yi didn't want to look for Sang Jiuchi anymore, he said thank you to the neighbors, and turned away without any hesitation.

Not long after Yun Yi left, a girl in a school uniform knocked on the door with a schoolbag on her back.

Ten minutes later, a group on the Internet called [Melon Eater Mobilization] exploded.

Little girl who eats melons: [There are melons, big melons, do you want to eat them? ! 】

【Eat, eat, eat! Small melons are also eaten. 】

[I'm about to go to bed, can I choose a time in the sun to put melons in the future? 】

[Go, go, if you don't listen to us, little sister speak quickly. 】

[The front row sells sunflower seeds, soft drinks, ragdoll cats...]

Little girl eating melon: [Cough, the over-the-top husband who was officially announced to marry today has come to help him move. 】

【! Is that the one? Three words, the one with numbers? 】

[Who else is officially announced today besides him, it must be him. 】

[I'm suddenly not sleepy anymore, I like to work and rest in the underworld. 】

【Almonds, biscuits, blue and white cats…】

The little girl who eats melon: [My relative is near his house and just happened to take a photo. [photo]】

【Fuck. I can't see anything clearly, who are you fooling? 】

[Little sister, shouldn't this be a green post? 】

[Is there any other evidence, I haven't slept. 】

【Coke, ice cream, Siamese cat...】

Little girl eating melon: [Hmph, I know you don't believe it. As soon as the three-character crossed the gas top stream and moved away, the two-character ex-boyfriend came. [photo]】

[Shit, the uppercase shit, it's really a two-word top-notch. 】

[The background is the same, this shot is so close, I'm afraid it wasn't shot with a face, how can I make the two characters? ! 】

[Little sister goes on to talk, my work and rest in the underworld is better! 】

【Sprite, milk tea, Garfield...】

Little girl eating melon: [I don't know what happened to Erzi and Sanzi. It was clearly announced that the official broke up, and Erzi saw the news of Sanzi's marriage immediately. He also looked anxious, as if the original match was catching the mistress. This photo was exchanged with the information of the three-character husband. A person who cherishes the feathers of the two-character is forced to open the business in order to set the information of the three-character husband. 】

【If this is not love! So, the two-character love for the three-character is over? 】

[Come on, when there are so many lace news in two words and three words, the humanoid Teddy is talking about him. Although the crisis public relations, but who does not know? Is this still a thing of the past? 】

[Where did the three-character husband come from? What does his husband look like, little sister. 】

【Not for sale anymore...】

The little girl who eats melon: [You are asking about something. [The taller one on the left is Sanzi, and the one on the right is his husband. My relatives said that his husband is average-looking and an ordinary person. [photo]】

The little sister reposted the photo she posted at the beginning.

[This husband, is it too bad, only 1.7 meters? It's not as good as two words at all, what is a three-character picture? 】

[Pictured he is rich? But when I saw the handshake photo posted by the three-character post, his husband's hand was quite big, not like only 1.7 meters. 】

[That's not necessarily, some 1.9-meter stars still have chubby hands. Sister, is your news reliable? ! 】

[Small beep, as far as I know, his husband seems to be in a wheelchair. 】

Little girl eating melon: [! ! In a wheelchair? How did you know? 】

The photographer wanted to bite off his tongue.

She is a professional photographer for public meals, she can't say that she took their wedding photos for them, right? ! This kind of thing, even if you suffocate to death, you can only rot into your stomach.

[Just... I heard that they went to the Civil Affairs Bureau before, and a friend saw it and told me. 】

Little girl eating melon: [That may be right, my relatives also said that his husband seems to have trouble walking and walking. 】

[To sum up, the image of the three-character husband is probably a foot of a **** with a general appearance of 1.7 meters. 】

[Capital shock, a flower is inserted in cow dung, how rich is this person, three characters are willing to marry him? 】

Photographer: […]

Suffocated to death.

I want to tell them the truth.

God, what did I do wrong in my last life, you want me to know to keep this secret alone?

Although Sang Jiuchi's husband is disabled, it is not a loss for Sang Jiuchi to marry him. The eldest young master of the Yun family, handsome and unrestrained, Yun Yi would call his sister-in-law when he saw him.

Just thinking about it is exciting, sisters.

I don't know who posted the chat records in this group on the Internet, and soon there was an uproar on the Internet again.

At this moment, Sang Jiuchi, who provided traffic for the network, was standing in front of the bathroom door, looking at Yun Yan with a smile.

He held a white bath towel on his arm and pushed a wooden wheelchair with both hands.

Yun Yan's hands on the wheelchair handle were shaking slightly.

The fool also knows what Sang Jiuchi is doing.

- "I'll help you wash it, make sure there's no place to hide dirt."

Inadvertently, the WeChat sentence Sang Jiuchi sent yesterday reappeared in his mind.


Yun Yan's face was stern, forcing himself to look away from Sang Jiuchi's beautiful face, "Have you packed everything?"

Sang Jiuchi nodded with a smile.

The lover is about to let himself do whatever he wants.


"Assistant Zhou accompany me to get my luggage. He fell while walking up the stairs. It's very pitiful." Sang Jiuchi replied, pushing the wooden chair towards Yunyan.

Looking at Sang Jiuchi approaching step by step, Yun Yan's eyes dodged.

Let him not come?

It's too embarrassing to say that to make yourself feel like being molested.

A few seconds later, Yun Yan suddenly raised his head and said calmly with a blank face: "Go to sleep first, I still have work to do."

Sang Jiuchi: "I'll take a shower for you first, and it's not too late for you to work."

Yun Yan: "I don't like other people helping me take a bath, so you don't need to do it. We are in a contractual relationship. You are not a servant I hired, so you don't need to serve me like this."

A trace of regret flashed on Sang Jiuchi's face, "Okay, then I'll go take a shower first."

Saying that, Sang Jiuchi pushed the wooden chair back to the bathroom door, and pushed the wooden chair into the bathroom.

Yun Yan stretched out his hand, but didn't have time to stop Sang Jiuchi.

Because his legs and feet are inconvenient, he deliberately bought this large flat.

This bathroom, which he remodeled from a bedroom, is big enough for wheels to move in it, and all the bathing equipment is half as short.

Sang Jiuchi is a normal person, and it is not convenient to wash with this.

Sang Jiuchi did not live in a bedroom with him, he lived in a guest room. There is a separate bathroom in the room.

The bathroom door closed suddenly.

Yun Yan made a sound.

Forget it, anyway, when he finds something wrong after going in, he will come out immediately.

But then, he heard the sound of "rushing" water.

Yun Yan's brain paused for a second.

Start washing?

How does he wash?

Yun Yan suddenly remembered.

Sang Jiuchi seemed to push his wooden chair in just now.

Could it be that he is now sitting in the chair he usually sits on to take a bath?


In his mind, a picture appeared uncontrollably, with his slender arms raised high and concave tight curves.

The warm water slid down the curve, and finally flowed into the invisible chair.

The mist rose, hiding the goblin in the haze.

Yun Yan suddenly felt a heat flow from his nose, his eyes were shocked, and he quickly took a piece of paper from his hand to cover his nose.

In an instant, the bright red dyed through the paper towel.

Seeing his nosebleed, red suddenly rushed up his entire face from bottom to top.

Afraid that Sang Jiuchi would find out about his abnormality, Yun Yan quickly threw the tissue into the trash can, and controlled the wheelchair to hide in his room.

The door was tightly closed by Yun Yan, Yun Yan held another tissue to block his nose, and put his ear against the door to listen to the movement outside.

After a while, the sound of running water stopped.

The door slammed, and then there was the sound of a hair dryer.

The hair dryer stopped, and then Sang Jiuchi shouted, "I've finished washing, then I'll rest first, you should rest early, don't be too tired."

Across the door, Yun Yan responded loudly, "Okay."

The footsteps of "tap and tap" went from far to near, then from near to far, and finally disappeared in the sound of the door closing.

The room was finally completely quiet.

There was only Yun Yan's embarrassed but manic heartbeat in the entire space.

Yun Yan took a long breath.

Half an hour later, after confirming that Sang Jiuchi was asleep, Yun Yan opened the door and went to the bathroom.

The wooden wheelchair has been pushed out by Sang Jiuchi, and there are some small water droplets on the chair.

Yun Yan took off his clothes and threw them into the basket, swallowed, and propped the wheelchair handle to the wooden chair.

The icy water droplets hit it suddenly.

Wet his skin.

Yun Yan thought of Sang Jiuchi's slender and slightly cool fingers.

Blushing, Yun Yan pushed the chair into the bathroom.

The air in the bathroom was still damp, with hot flashes that had not yet dissipated.

He picked up the shower and turned on the switch.

The temperature was set at 35 degrees, and the slightly cooler water was poured down from the head, and soon invaded every pore of the body.

I always felt that the bath today was extraordinarily hot, and the water flowed like a restless little ant, licking his skin involuntarily.

It was clearly clean bath water, but it made him itchy and uncomfortable.

This is the shower head Sang Jiuchi just used.

Just half an hour ago, the chair that he was sitting on under his **** was carrying the clean Sang Jiuchi.

Obviously he didn't see anything in Sang Jiuchi, and he didn't appear in the bathroom at the same time as him.

But through a chair, he seemed to have completed zero-distance contact with Sang Jiuchi.

Looking at the eager waist, Yun Yan took a long breath and spit it out.

The water temperature was adjusted to 25 degrees, and in the icy cold water, he took an extremely long and sticky shower.

Half an hour later, Yun Yan left the bathroom with a gloomy face.

Uncomfortable, unhappy.

He is the one who pays the money, and he is the leader.

But now he is being led by Sang Jiuchi by the nose. Sang Jiuchi has nothing to do with it. He has done it three times in the past two days.

It's time for a dog.

The lights in the hall were off. Yun Yan controlled the electric wheelchair back to the bedroom and found a missed call on his mobile phone.

Seeing the phone number, Yun Yan dialed back, "Hey, what's going on?"

"It's all done. The company is registered today, and the review can be done tomorrow. You registered a film and television economic company, are you planning to reach out to the entertainment industry? Who are you planning to sign?"

Yun Yan: "I won't show up. The company's registration information is very easy to check on the Internet. You come to be the boss, and I'm behind the scenes. I'm not interested in the entertainment industry, and this company only signs one person."

The person on the other end of the phone was even more curious, "Come on, who is it that took away the soul of our boss Yan?!"

Yun Yan blushed, "Don't talk nonsense, it's just a transaction."

"Who is it? I will register the company tomorrow and sign it immediately. I am more familiar with the entertainment industry than you."

Yun Yan coughed lightly, "Sang Jiuchi, did you know?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for more than ten seconds, "Sang Jiuchi, isn't that Yun Yi's ex-boyfriend? Oh, I see, you're trying to make him popular to get revenge on Yun Yi, right? He's been making trouble in the gossip news recently. It's amazing, and it was topped on the hot search just now."

Hearing that Sang Jiuchi was on the hot search again, Yun Yan asked indifferently, "Oh, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Didn't Sang Jiuchi get married today? Someone photographed him moving, and the identity of his outsider boyfriend was revealed in less than a day."

Got ripped out?

Yun Yan didn't even have the slightest disgust.

Because of his leg injury, he didn't like to be the center of attention. Even if he married Sang Jiuchi, he only planned to bring it in front of the Yun family and Yun Yi, so that he could see that he couldn't eat.

But now that I heard that I was picked up, it seems nothing.

It's no shame to be Sang Jiuchi's legal husband.

Yun Yan sighed softly, "Hey, I didn't expect it to be so sudden."

"Yeah, it's too sudden. Why did Sang Jiuchi put a flower on the cow dung?"

Yun·Cow Dung·Yan: "???"

"One meter seven, **** foot, average appearance, average family background." The man on the opposite side beat his chest and stomped his feet, "Fuck, Sang Jiuchi couldn't be puaed by that person, right?"

Yun Yan: "Who picked this up?"

Which dog man robbed him of the title of "husband"?

"It should be Sang Jiuchi's neighbor. Although he said 'my relatives', the photo was taken through the cat's eye, and it was distorted. If you want to see it, go directly to Weibo, and it will be a mess. By the way, I haven't finished the business yet, when will I sign Sang Jiuchi? Sang Jiuchi has moved to his husband's house now, I don't know where he is now, where can I find him to sign?"

Yun Yan was silent for two seconds, and his voice was cold: "He is at my house now."

"Oh, it's easy to handle, with you..." The voice on the other side stopped abruptly, followed by a loud shout, "At your house?! Yun Yan, stop it! Although Sang Jiuchi looks good, he just Get married, if you are like this, if his husband becomes angry, it will ruin Sang Jiuchi."

Yun Yan pursed his lips, and his voice became even colder, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm that lump of cow dung."

"..." Xu Shi hadn't realized what Yun Yan meant for a long time. After about half a minute, the person on the other side asked carefully, "Sang Jiuchi's marriage partner, is that you?"

Yun Yan: "Well..."

There was a long sigh on the opposite side, "As expected of Mr. Yan, play, or you can play, sister-in-law literature, wonderful. When did you meet him?"

Yun Yan: "I met for the first time yesterday, got my license today, agreed to get married, and divorced in two years. I promised to make him popular, and he would help me get revenge on Yun Yi. It's that simple."

The man on the opposite side asked, "You don't have any feelings at all?"

Yun Yan wanted to say no, but the words rolled around in his throat and swallowed again.

After a few seconds, he finally said, "No."

The man opposite: "Understood, don't worry, I am very familiar with star making. Your hatred is my hatred, your friends are my friends, your people are mine, Sang Jiuchi, I will help you covered."

Yun Yan frowned, angered.

God special your people.

I spent two hundred million to buy a contract wife, how can one sentence become yours?

Hanging up the phone, Yun Yan opened Weibo on his mobile phone.

Saw the top trending search list.

#sangjiuchi's mysterious husband turned out to be! #

Full of gimmicks.

After clicking on this hot search and watching it for a while, Yun Yan's lungs almost exploded.

First, a chat record in the gossip group, followed by a blurry photo and a clear photo of Yun Yi's face.

The focus of this Weibo hot search is divided into two, one is ridiculing Sang Jiuchi's criteria for choosing her husband, and the other is the shocking Yun Yi's visit.

The comment area is smoky, and everything is said.

The person they picked up was not himself at all, but his assistant.

Without evidence, speculation is made, as if it were a fact.

He looked at this Weibo and frowned.

Sensibility told him that it was time to clarify for Sang Jiuchi. Reasonable told him that his clarification would only push Sang Jiuchi to another cusp.

Yun Yi was entangled, and Sang Jiuchi married Yun Yi's brother again.

Just based on an unverified photo, these group of visionaries on the Internet can make up a novel. If they know that the person Sang Jiuchi is marrying is himself, it will definitely be a series.

He can think of the content of the script.

Family ethics drama, love drama after marriage, revenge abuse drama, broken mirror drama...

And he was paralyzed, and now he is no better than Yun Yi.

The competition between disabled and normal people has never been equal. If Yun Yi is the cloud in the sky, he is the grass on the ground.

In the eyes of the public, he is not as good as Yun Yi.

Sang Jiuchi won't have any help in face because she is married to him.

Yun Yan felt irritated in his heart.

Mingming has long been used to this disabled body, but at this moment, he is looking forward to being able to stand up.

Standing up, he can block the slender and soft young man behind him, and he can use his broad body to help him defend against outside attacks and shred those rumors.

His eyes swept dejectedly in the comment area.

Suddenly, he saw the latest comment: [Go to @sangjiuchi's Weibo, he replied. 】

Yun Yan was slightly stunned, his fingers clicked on the link before his brain, and he entered Sang Jiuchi's Weibo interface.

At the top is the news just released by Sang Jiuchi.

1. Thank you for your blessings;

2. No PUA, no coercion, no unspoken rules, only love. Everything is a love that goes with the flow, and the marriage has been carefully considered. My husband is very good, and I am very happy now;

3. It is not my intention to take up too much public resources. My husband is an outsider, he is very shy, and he is not used to excessive discussions. Please don't pay too much attention to us, thank you.

4. I will permanently retain my legal pursuit rights, please stop malicious slander against my lover immediately!

One by one, the thanks and requests are listed in an orderly and well-mannered manner.

Sang Jiuchi is defending himself.

There is only this thought in Yun Yan's mind right now.

Every word Sang Jiuchi sent was like raindrops one by one, dripping on his dry and cracked heart. He is the gold lord, and he was supposed to protect Sang Jiuchi.

But now it was Sang Jiuchi who blocked his face with his slender body.

The rain soon moistened the long-drought land, and on the barren land where no grass grew, something seemed to break out of the ground and grow wildly.

Yun Yan opened WeChat and sent a WeChat message, "It's time to witness your strength. Sang Jiuchi posted a clarification on Weibo to help me turn the wind in his favor and wash Sang Jiuchi completely."

The opposite is almost a second: "Yes! Do it now."

Yun Yan has been staring at Sang Jiuchi's comment area.

【Outsiders? This is an indirect acknowledgment. 】

[So Sang Jiuchi's husband is really so what? Does Sang Jiuchi suffer from ugliness? 】

[The two of them are really a good match, one has bad eyes and the other has bad legs. 】

[Enough is enough, are some brain-damaged fans not graduating from elementary school? Sang Jiuchi has half retired from the circle, and to marry someone outside the circle, there is no need to say it so badly. 】

[Supporting Sang Jiuchi, most of those who scold him are Yun Yi's brainless fans, Yun Yi hurriedly went to find Sang Jiuchi, can those brainless fans bear it? 】

[Fuck, Chi Chi is so pitiful. He didn't post to anyone, and it was because of Yun Yi's love that he was pulled out from the beginning. Now because Yun Yi went to his house, he was scolded on the hot search again. Yun Yi is so disgusting, can you stop posting Sang Jiuchi again. Sang Jiuchi was blinded by blood mold for eight lifetimes to find your blood-sucking ex-boyfriend. Are you bullying the small number of Chichi fans in our family? ! Although we have a small number of people, our combat effectiveness is not low at all! 】

[Pure passerby, this time I also stand in Sang Jiuchi. Now that they broke up, they each lived their own lives. What kind of operation did Yun Yi do? It was disgusting. On the contrary, it was Sang Jiuchi, who gave Yun Yi enough face from the beginning. How many times did Yun Yi cheat during their relationship? Did Sang Jiuchi say something ugly? Even if he was scolded after breaking up, he just blessed each other. What kind of peerless predecessor is Sang Jiuchi? 】

[Just talking about Yun Yi's lace news, if Sang Jiuchi had been holding on to it at that time, Yun Yi would not be where he is today. Yun Yi, the white-eyed wolf, should he kneel down now to thank Sang Jiuchi for not killing him back then. 】

This wind direction is really changing too fast, right?

The phone's WeChat bell rang, and a sentence popped up from it.

"I've seen my business ability, I've never lost in a mouth gun. Yun Yi's manager wants to fight with me? I'm his grandfather, and I'm the originator of playing the navy."

Sure enough he did.

A smile flashed in Yun Yan's eyes, and he switched the interface to WeChat: "You did a good job this time, and the efficiency is quite high."

"That is, our people, can't suffer."

Yun Yan looked at the words "our", and the good mood just now disappeared again.

Yun Zhengxin switched the interface back to Weibo, but within ten minutes, the trend on the Internet completely changed.

The previous scolding fans had no power to fight back, and were stunned for a while.

He looked at it for a while, and after confirming that the wind direction of Weibo had stabilized, he put the mobile phone on the bedside table and turned off the lights to sleep.

In the dark, the phone made a "ding!" sound.

Yun Yan's heart moved, and he quickly took the phone and opened it.

Madam: "Husband, good night."

Yun Yan deliberately waited for half a minute.

He looked at the time on his phone, counting the seconds as he walked. Half a minute that used to feel fast, but now it feels like a long railway.

Finally, after the last second, Yun Yan immediately replied, "Good night."

Put the phone on the bed, next door is Sang Jiuchi's room.

That night, Yun Yan slept very deeply.

When he woke up, it was already seven o'clock the next day. Yun Yan was stunned for a few seconds when he saw the sunlight coming in from the curtains. How long has it been since he slept so comfortably?

Was it because Sang Jiuchi was right next to him that he could sleep peacefully?

Yun Yan chuckled lightly.

I thought I had saved Sang Jiuchi, but I didn't expect that Sang Jiuchi had been helping him in the past few days.

He has already benefited too much from Sang Jiuchi.

He should repay Sang Jiuchi with Mutao and Qiong Yao in return.

Yun Yan opened WeChat and sent a message: "I will bring Sang Jiuchi to sign a contract with you. You can help him find suitable resources as soon as possible. If you want the best resources, you will get them no matter what the cost. Variety shows, movies, TV series, Ask him what he wants first, and give him whatever he wants. Within half a year, I will make him No. 1 in the country."

A few minutes later, there was a reply: "So good to him? I have already drafted the economic appointment yesterday. Look, I will change it if it is not suitable."

A word document was sent over.

Yun Yan adjusted the font to suit the mobile phone mode and began to read it seriously.

He read the document very quickly, and finished the document with a dozen pages in no time. After circled and marked in several places, Yun Zhengxin sent the file back.

Yun Yan: "The liquidated damages are too high, from 50 million yuan to 1 million yuan. The economic contract time is too long, from five-year one-sign to one-year one-signature. There is also the acceptance of resources here, changed to 'Based on the idea of ​​Party B' as the first selection criterion'."

Half a minute later, a message came from the other side: "Brother, are you doing charity?! 50 million is already half of the market, right?! And that economic contract is signed every ten years elsewhere. , I have changed it to five years, and you still want to drop? You open this brokerage company, are you really planning to lose money and bring out a rich red flower? "

Yun Yan: "It can't be compensated."

Being able to help him sleep is already earned by him, no amount of money can be spent on him.

After that, he believed that with Sang Jiuchi's conditions, he would definitely be able to soar into the sky.

"Okay, you are the gold owner, you have the final say. I don't care if you lose money or not, just don't forget to pay my salary."

Yun Yan: "Don't worry, there is nothing missing from you."

After Yun Yan finished chatting with that person, it was already 7:30.

At this point in the past, he had already sat at his desk and turned on the desperate Saburo mode. But now he stretches comfortably, sitting in a wheelchair enjoying the sunshine by the window.

The underworld time and rest began to change to the sun world.

After washing in the bedroom, Yun Yan basked in the sun for a while before steering the wheelchair out.

In the hall, there is already a strong smell of food.

"You're awake, I was just about to call you." A voice sounded from the side, Yun Yan looked sideways, and saw Sang Jiuchi walking over with wet hair.

The pure white towel was halfway over his head, hanging down by the side of his face.

The young man seemed to be bathed in the dense mist, like a mountain elf, wrapped in a layer of water vapor and hit his eyes without warning.

The corners of Sang Jiuchi's eyes were dyed a touch of pink, and the delicate nose was also glowing with water.

Pure white, clean, clear, with an attractive beauty and sweetness.

Yun Yan stayed for two seconds before touching his nose embarrassedly, and said in a low voice, "Well, just got up, did you cook?"

Sang Jiuchi: "Yes, I cooked preserved egg and lean meat porridge, baked bread, and fried eggs. I was going to call you, but you came out just right."

Sang Jiuchi walked behind Yun Yan naturally and pushed Yun Yan's wheelchair forward.

Since Yun Yan became disabled, he has never been pushed by anyone.

But now, he just put his hand on the armrest quietly and let Sang Jiuchi move.

After walking for a while, they came to the table.

The fragrant milk fragrance wrapped in the aroma of meat floated into the nose, stimulating Yunyan's taste buds and arousing his appetite.

Sang Jiuchi pushed Yunyan to the table and sat down, filled him a bowl of porridge, and looked at him eagerly: "Try it, how does it taste?"

The porridge seems to have been boiled for a long time, and the white soup has a thick and silky texture that is crystal clear. Under this beautiful viscosity, there are several plump meat particles clearly visible.

There was also white steam wafting from the top of the bowl.

Under the expectant gaze of Sang Jiuchi, Yun Yan picked up the spoon and took a sip.

Silky wrapped around the entire mouth, the fragrant meaty taste exploded like blisters in the mouth, and instantly captured his taste buds.

Yun Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and his always cold face softened.

After holding the porridge in his mouth for a while, he swallowed it reluctantly.

The warm feeling slipped all the way down the esophagus and flowed into the stomach, instantly warming his empty stomach.

After one bite, Yun Yan took another bite.

After two mouthfuls, he remembered that Sang Jiuchi was still waiting for his response.

An embarrassing red glow appeared on his cheeks, Yun Yan glanced at Sang Jiuchi, and saw that Sang Jiuchi was holding his cheeks and smiling at him, the tenderness in his eyes was like water in a spring, instantly moistening his whole body.

What a nice view.

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy